View Full Version : good elite tank build

08-08-2014, 02:53 PM
Looking for a good pve/elite tank build. If u have one comment below. Thank u

08-08-2014, 03:05 PM
5/5 HoR
5/5 VB
5/5 Jugg
4/5 WM, no cripple
4/5 Axe, no stun
3/5 CS, no decimate or push back

5/5 Str
5/5 Armor
4/5 Dex

08-09-2014, 04:44 PM
Thank u!

08-09-2014, 04:46 PM
What order do i use these skills

08-10-2014, 02:10 AM
5/5 HoR
5/5 VB
5/5 Jugg
4/5 WM, no cripple
4/5 Axe, no stun
3/5 CS, no decimate or push back

5/5 Str
5/5 Armor
4/5 Dex

yeah what's ur rotation for bosses and for mobs?

08-10-2014, 02:23 AM
yeah what's ur rotation for bosses and for mobs?

At bosses use axe( Switch wimdill to axe), in mobs use windmill chestsplitter juggernaut and horn( This is for Elite map)

08-10-2014, 07:08 AM
I would advise Ss instead of Axe though.. Because if u are a non-plat user and u die at the boss in a map like jagged or caves u will be doomed lol.. Otherwise too Ss is better for pve since it damages about 3-4 mobs at the same time..
For mobs i t would be cs wm jugg hor and for bosses it should be cs Ss vb hor ..
U can switch vb with jugg in elites lower than nordr

08-10-2014, 10:49 AM
5/5 HoR
5/5 VB
5/5 Jugg
4/5 WM, no cripple
4/5 Axe, no stun
3/5 CS, no decimate or push back

5/5 Str
5/5 Armor
4/5 Dex
Instead of making a new thread,I will post some questions here(I'm new)
Hope you don't mind it ninjafish:)
1.Can i get 4/5 on int instead of dex for more mana?
2.Why do pro warriors don't use rally cry? It gives different buffs to ally.
3.I heard Jugg is nerfed?really?
4.Can i use the same build for pvp?

Ish or Crowsfoot ,please answer before free respec ends.

08-10-2014, 12:29 PM
Instead of making a new thread,I will post some questions here(I'm new)
Hope you don't mind it ninjafish:)
1.Can i get 4/5 on int instead of dex for more mana?
Int gets you same amout of HP as Dex, however Dex gets small amout of dmg and dodge. Basicaly dex is better than int, but if you have really low mana pool, use int (I dont like less than 800-900 mana)
2.Why do pro warriors don't use rally cry? It gives different buffs to ally.
Jugg and VB help you keep aggro, so in ideal case your allies donīt need buffs from RC (seriously, you donīt need speed buff in elite Nordr, Shuyal,Tindrin. dodge is good maybe for rogue, who can obtain 70+ dodge change, but mage with 5% basis change is still below usefull line and 5% dmg reduction...hit for 4000 means instant kill for mages or rogues, 3800 hit is instant kills too)
3.I heard Jugg is nerfed?really?
I dont think so, as I try, it works still same as before
4.Can i use the same build for pvp?
You can, but you kill nothing

Ish or Crowsfoot ,please answer before free respec ends.
I will be glad to see your opinions

I hope it helps a bit

08-10-2014, 02:43 PM
5/5 HoR
5/5 VB
5/5 Jugg
4/5 WM, no cripple
4/5 Axe, no stun
3/5 CS, no decimate or push back

5/5 Str
5/5 Armor
4/5 Dex

yeah what's ur rotation for bosses and for mobs?
HoR, Jugg, WM, CS for mobs. HoR, VB, Axe, CS for boss fights. However, use WM instead of Axe on bosses that spawn mobs (like spiders in arena); and use HoR, Jugg, VB, WM in elite Shuyal.

At bosses use axe( Switch wimdill to axe), in mobs use windmill chestsplitter juggernaut and horn( This is for Elite map)
You forgot using VB in boss fights and the several exceptions.

08-10-2014, 02:49 PM
Instead of making a new thread,I will post some questions here(I'm new)
Hope you don't mind it ninjafish:)
1.Can i get 4/5 on int instead of dex for more mana?
You can, but I never worry about mana. They are the cheapest potions
2.Why do pro warriors don't use rally cry? It gives different buffs to ally.
Rally cry is nice on paper and terrible in practice. This game doesn't account for dodge chance well and +5% armor does nothing if you have passive armor unlocked. The only real benefit of RC is the movement speed, and that shouldn't be a priority.
3.I heard Jugg is nerfed?really?
The self heal seems to be working improperly (proc rate is strangely low). It is still a crucial skill.
4.Can i use the same build for pvp?
I have used it for 1v1, however I would recommend using SS if you seriously want to do PvP. Hybrid specs always have weaknesses in both PvP and PvE. It is better to have 2 sperate specs IMO.

Ish or Crowsfoot ,please answer before free respec ends.
Response in bold.

08-10-2014, 02:53 PM
I would advise Ss instead of Axe though.. Because if u are a non-plat user and u die at the boss in a map like jagged or caves u will be doomed lol.. Otherwise too Ss is better for pve since it damages about 3-4 mobs at the same time..
For mobs i t would be cs wm jugg hor and for bosses it should be cs Ss vb hor ..
U can switch vb with jugg in elites lower than nordr
You suggest I drop a skill that applies feeble (bosses can't crit), has the strongest single target taunt in game, and reduces the boss' armor for a skill that helps me run back when I die? The nice thing about axe it helps me NOT die, making me run back less anyway.

When the tank dies, everyone dies. You don't need SS just jog with the rest of your party.

08-10-2014, 11:20 PM
I dont mind at all and thank u guys!!