View Full Version : Forum/in-game name and its meaning to you?

05-11-2010, 10:04 PM
Well, as you can tell, my name is Rebel. I used to be the kind of guy who kind of veered off from the flow of things. Not so much now, but the name kind of stuck with me. Plus its pretty catchy :p

Well, post your forum/in-game name and tell us what you were thinking when you came up with it...

Get to typing!

05-11-2010, 10:08 PM
Always been a fan of Player vs Player. Its funny because the initials of it are PvP. Oh wait..same as my name. Yeah I know, I'd want to slap me too right about now. Anyway, my in-game name is Dictator, and I had that name on another game. In no way do I plan on obtaining power and abusing it :p. Can't wait for PvP to come out though.

05-11-2010, 10:08 PM
Forum name:
Well it's a name i have used for over 12 years online, it all started on PSO on the Dreamcast.
I kept it, even though there's bad blood attached to it (....) because you should never forget where you came from.

I decided to not go with KongsNutz for the game.. instead make up something new.
Swoopasaurus is what happened in my head! I like it! I'll keep it!

05-11-2010, 10:36 PM
TheBaconKing has been my Xbox Live gamer tag since 2005 and my playstation Network ID since December of 2008. I honestly do not remember how I came up with it, I just know I was a Junior in high school back then. I played football for the high school and was ALWAYS eating.

In game, my main name in Pocket Legends is Poohpoo. I was looking for Poohbear, then Poohpooh, but both were taken which lead me to Poohpoo.. Extremely different from Poohbear, but I sort of like it. When someone comes into a room with the name Poohpoo you expect them to suck. Then if I do suck I could be like hey man my name is Poohpoo what did you expect.

05-11-2010, 10:42 PM
My ingame name..... Uh-oh I forgot who I am ingame.
Ah well.

05-11-2010, 10:49 PM
Ahh yes BUG! My friends have called my Bug sine pre-k ( yes i have friends from pre-k) i guess im just a bug eyed guy-i dont know, it just stuck-plus it makes a dang awesome gamertag when you add mage..

05-11-2010, 11:49 PM
RedRyder is part of my xbox live gamer tag

05-12-2010, 12:44 AM
Splurd is a nick I radomly thought of a long time ago, even I dont recall why I thought of it. I vaguely recall trying to think of a onomatopoeia of the sound when a sack of potatoes falls from a high height.

In game names have no base whatsoever, just randomly thought what sounded cool.

05-12-2010, 12:49 AM
Vigor just because it's the most legit adjective ever (translation: dunno xD)

LordRaid because that's well..... the word Lord was somewhat of an obsession for me when I was making igns for MMOs when I was younger. Raid added sounds cool to me :P

05-12-2010, 02:11 AM
Falseprophet after a card in the Magic the Gathering collectable card game, using it since the card came out ages ago.

05-12-2010, 06:09 AM
Splurd is a nick I radomly thought of a long time ago, even I dont recall why I thought of it. I vaguely recall trying to think of a onomatopoeia of the sound when a sack of potatoes falls from a high height.

In game names have no base whatsoever, just randomly thought what sounded cool.

That probably has to be one of the strangest ways of getting your name. It is a cool name though... It kind of rolls off of the tongue. (i think that the sack of potatoes would sound something like Kabloop!)

05-12-2010, 06:37 AM
well ive been into metal music ever since i was in high school and 3 or 4 years ago i decided to make an xbox live account but couldn't think of a cool name so i just went through all the songs on my ipod and found a song called 'violent saint' by a latin metal band called ill nino, so i used that but the name was already taken so i named myself v10l3nt sa1nt, been my online name ever since.

went strait for that name when pocket legends came out, also if your into metal its a pretty cool song, kinda my theme song aswell

small part of lyrics from violent saint by ill nino

"Untie the reasons
That keep me restrained.
This is the season,
The season of hate.

I fear in no-one,
Nothing can touch me"

its a pretty cocky song that pumps me up when im gaming =D

05-12-2010, 06:45 AM
You ever listen to BFMV or All That Remains? That's what I listen to while gaming.

(when you can, listen to "tattered on my sleeve". Song by all that remains)

05-12-2010, 06:59 AM
You ever listen to BFMV or All That Remains? That's what I listen to while gaming.

(when you can, listen to "tattered on my sleeve". Song by all that remains)

yer i got 2 BFMV albums on my ipod, there first album is way better, tears dont fall FTW!

havnt listened to all that remains, but ive seen a few people walkin round with tshirts, might check it out.

you should totaly look up parkway drive, there one of the best metal bands in australia, i stagedived at one of there concerts.

best live band ive ever seen was trivum few months back, i almost died in moshpit, the deathpit was so big the singer was like "HOLY ****!!!"

05-12-2010, 06:59 AM
It's my middle name. Sorry, kind of boring...

05-12-2010, 09:19 AM
SlipperyJim is a reference to the Stainless Steel Rat (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stainless_Steel_Rat), the main character in a series of science-fiction action-comedy novels. I have used it as my nickname for online gaming for many years now.

Character names:
Epimetheus is one of the Titans from Greek mythology. His brother Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind, for which Prometheus was punished rather savagely. Epimetheus didn't do anything nearly that cool. ;) His name means "afterthought," which seemed appropriate for an Ursan warrior who charges into battle, screams, knocks around a bunch of mobs, and dies a lot.
Atropos is one of the three Fates, also from Greek mythology. She is the oldest of the Fates, and she is responsible for ending mortals' lives by cutting their threads.
Aereus doesn't have any particular meaning. :p I was trying to think of another good name from Greek mythology, preferably related to archery or birds, but they were all taken. I even tried a few names from Norse mythology, but no dice. So I made up something that looked good to me.

05-12-2010, 09:39 AM
My forum name comes from the TV show Chuck. The main character works at a Best Buy imitation called "Buy More" and they have the "Nerd Herd" instead of the Geek Squad. My wife's family likes the show (as do I) and since I'm always helping them out with computer stuff they started to jokingly refer to me as their own personal Nerd Herd. Anyway, I thought it was funny and started using it on forums. My in-game names don't have stories, and either consist of me mashing letters until I see something that looks like a name, or trying to find names from Greek or Roman mythology.

05-12-2010, 09:44 AM
Forum name:
Well, I was having a hard time picking a nickname and sticking with it. So as me and a few friends were discussing my WoW Character nickname, one of them said "You know, you have a very distinct taste", and then Distinct was born.

Character names:
Distincthood = Distinct + Robin Hood
Magica = Evil witch character from Donald Duck the comic
Dodgethis = Favorite quote from the first Matrix movie

05-19-2010, 09:40 PM
Avadonna- I needed a name for the game and made it up. Ava from avian and Donna to fem it up a bit. Though if you ask Ava you'll probably get a different reply.*chirp*

05-19-2010, 09:44 PM
my forum name would have been Khaki but someone stole it haha, i use this name for any MMO i play but i just used Sayishere, this name i use for everything else outside of MMOs

my nickname is Say

say always tends to be taken by forums alot (NO IDEA WHY) i just added the ishere at the end one time and it stuck with me

so yea

05-19-2010, 10:05 PM
I got my name because it's what girls call me.

05-19-2010, 10:08 PM
Lmao...to be honest, I got my name from a random ODB (Old Dirty B**tard) song my friends had mangled to the point we were in tears laughing. It went something like "Esus, I'm rolin with you".

05-19-2010, 10:38 PM
real life nick since i was a kid. my in game are meaningless... names in iphone games i always try and keep short - nobody likes typing out long names on a virtual keyboard. most names get reduced to 1-2 syllables by almost all players in all games, anyways.

05-20-2010, 11:56 AM
My name originated from a discussion at work. A friend and I were talking about how many hispanic people in movies and tv always have a cousin or cousins who are infinitely badass, and are always there to back them up. We then decided that the perfect names for these cousins would be Omar and Hector Cruz.

"Don't mess with him man, do you know who his cousins are?"
"No who?"
"Omar and Hector Cruz, man."

The next day I was watching Breaking Bad on AMC, and there are two badass cousins in it who never say a word and don't have names. So I started calling them Omar and Hector Cruz. I used to have a bear named OmarCruz in Fnord, but Fnord is a ghost town.

05-20-2010, 12:21 PM
I have two names in PL one is Warchanter the other is Arrowwind. Both originating from Battle For middle earth the first RTS game from way back in 2001. That was the first game I ever played co-op and I was hooked. Warchant was a skilled used by Isenguard which was my favorite army to play. Thats how Warchanter came about I carried the name over to Guild Wars which i played for roughly 5 years on and off. Still waiting for Guild wars 2 to come out which looks amazing. Btw people call me War ....easy to type as Diz said.. hit me up online

05-20-2010, 01:54 PM
bodhii is from when I was at school its the name of a char from the film point break got called it coz I was the only one crazy enough to olli off the roof of a house the char in film is a surfer/sky diver someone called me it and it stuck

05-20-2010, 04:31 PM
Mybowjerks started from xbox live halo 2, some kid had MyBrJerks, and ive had these kinds of names ever since, and i love when i see humorous names like this when i see it anyways.

05-20-2010, 05:09 PM
First game since EQ i have not gone with Gareldar. Used the name Leach so he wouldn't get booted, for leaching XP. Just an obvious pun. As for the other ones they mean nothing.

05-20-2010, 05:27 PM
i dont know what to say

04-01-2011, 02:02 PM
SlipperyJim is a reference to the Stainless Steel Rat (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stainless_Steel_Rat), the main character in a series of science-fiction action-comedy novels. I have used it as my nickname for online gaming for many years now.

Absolutely loved that series :)

Mine came from IT back in the SWG days. Many folks call me "G". IT was setting up my account and asked what I wanted to be called. I said: Just "G". So that's what they did.