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View Full Version : In game weapon switch?

01-16-2011, 05:58 PM
How about making it so that your character has a button for an alternate weapon switch? Obviously the motion has to last 1 sec or so, but it would be faster than clicking on the menu and choosing the item. Also, you get to see what's happening around you as you swap.

I feel that this would bring a lot more strategy into pvp, and also make pve much more interesting. Perhaps the builds would have to be rebalanced a little, but it's the general concept of an alternate weapon that I find interesting....

01-16-2011, 06:13 PM
ive been imagining this for a very very very long time

i feel it will make pl much more challenging and fun

it will need a combat triangle like: mage>range>str>mage
for example-----

i go into pve and i see a lorekeeper, using mage

i know that mage is beats str so i switch to dex by hitting the "bow and arrow" icon near the top of the screen

the entire gear switch would be instant, your skills stay the same though

youre in pve and you come across a lorekeeper..

01-16-2011, 06:28 PM
Well I wouldn't go with an entire gear switch....that just promotes dual builds way too much. Plus I can't imagine a character taking off armor and putting a different set back on without any time lapse and still be fair. I was willing to compromise on just alternate weapon switch lol. Like, I shoot some one with bow, but when they get kinda close, I take a sec and pull out my short daggers...

01-16-2011, 06:37 PM
if they put the gear loadouts outside for general use anytime, a time thing is ok. imagine a bird charging a mage who is just standing there... time you switch, and bam sudden pally!

i support

01-16-2011, 06:38 PM
Bammmm I like this idea...

01-16-2011, 06:40 PM
arterra, send this thread to a dev when they're online

01-16-2011, 06:47 PM
lol they check, dont worry. ive seen suggestions happen.

01-16-2011, 07:48 PM
ive been imagining this for a very very very long time

i feel it will make pl much more challenging and fun

it will need a combat triangle like: mage>range>str>mage
for example-----

i go into pve and i see a lorekeeper, using mage

i know that mage is beats str so i switch to dex by hitting the "bow and arrow" icon near the top of the screen

the entire gear switch would be instant, your skills stay the same though

youre in pve and you come across a lorekeeper..

I know what you're getting at. Runescape hybrids, or in a PL a ability to switch to another weapon for a finishing blow even though most fights in pvp ends in an instant.

01-16-2011, 08:50 PM
I know what you're getting at. Runescape hybrids, or in a PL a ability to switch to another weapon for a finishing blow even though most fights in pvp ends in an instant.

not in low levels. i liked how lv10 pvp could last enough for a couple of other people to join in and add to the brawl. imagine: dexbear finds a dexbird. the bird knows it is outmatched so it starts the switch to str. while the bear gets in close to stomp. so you turn str in time! str bird takes the stomp in stride, roots target and proceeds to resist the puny talons. suddenly bear goes str! but the bird predicted it and is at same time turned back to dex, and kiting!


01-16-2011, 08:55 PM
I know what you're getting at. Runescape hybrids, or in a PL a ability to switch to another weapon for a finishing blow even though most fights in pvp ends in an instant.
triple hp and allow 25 free pots at respawn or kill

01-16-2011, 09:28 PM
I'm glad people like this idea! :)

01-16-2011, 09:33 PM
Some ppl like poop so they will love everything thats little
kids by the way
Arterra can you send my dungeon idea to devs i sent them since 2-4 days ago nothing (the beach/ocean one) plz arterra

01-17-2011, 12:28 PM
Yes this would be ideal indeed. Adds a whole new dimension for PVP. Changing weapons/shield giving us 4 options for that would be ideal. Armor can be left alone though.

09-24-2011, 09:03 AM
I know this is an old thread but I was thinking this today, searched and just thought I'd agree.

I would love to be able to at least switch between my high damage crossbow and my high dps bow during play. I'd even pay platinum for a "weapon switch slot" or something.

btw Only level 47 bird (and first forum post).