View Full Version : PVP level restrictions (set by host)

01-16-2011, 11:33 PM
So I started my first PVP twink..level 15. And I do alright against characters my own level, but then level 20s start showing up and I'm toast. I know there is a range of levels allowed, and a 50 can't just pop in...but still it is not very balanced.

I've heard 1.7 will allow hosts to set minimum level requirements, at least in PVE, so can you extend this to PVP too? It would be cool if you could set the minimum and maximum, like I could have 15-15 so only 15s could join, or 14-16..let us set specific levels within the current allowed range.

01-17-2011, 12:25 PM
I agree, I like to use my level 20 twink but when a lvl 25 mage comes in he can pretty much 1 shot everyone with ease.

Likewise, I can knock off any lvl 17 or lower in nearly one shot with my mage so being able to set a level limit would rock.

On the flipside, as I'm working my char up to lvl 35 (30 atm) I am able to win a good bit against the lvl 35 chars b/c frost gear is pretty much the best stuff from lvl 30-35 so it can't be an accross the board fix - just a good option.

My lvl 47 char only finds lvl 50's pvping and saidly, my dexbear can be one shotted by a lvl 50 bird. If I level him up to 50, hopefully I can live past the first round of combos to fight (as long as I have top gear I guess).

01-17-2011, 02:26 PM
Would make me play pvp more

01-17-2011, 02:57 PM
Yeah Twinks only work good on lower levels. My green ice twinkie pwns, but then a lvl 35 in purple croc gear stomps me.. Wtf?