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View Full Version : Further guild implementation pt.2

01-18-2011, 01:11 AM
After discussions in game about what we players need (devs please check my chat log for full thought process, might miss something here) I have made a few additions to what can constitute as the guild system PL deserves, and desperately needs.

1) membership
Guilds are very fragile creatures. The slightest displeasure and you have a ragequit. One person rageguits and you get. His friends, maybe reluctantly, also leaving. Before you know it you are sucking up to all demands in order to survive. That is not a guild.
We have all been waiting for the one user, all names on list kind of friend finding, where you add an accounts master name and you friend all of that persons characters, and know who they belong to. While we still need this master-username to identify people, such as for scams and for just playing with friends, guilds are not the best way to add them in.
Every individual character should be able to join any guild.
Keep the multipass username adding for the friends list, here is why:
The ultimate goal in joining a guild is so you can advance in the game, become someone. Unfortunately, not everyone can be a co-president or recruitment officer. So, if they are not satisfied with their status, they leave. This is common action to take, even for some who may be otherwise honorable, as they feel they are not being utilized to their full potential. So, since they can only be in one guild for their account they are forced to either make a tiny fail guild or get bribed in from another rival guild.
If we can add character1 to say guildX and character2 to guildY then we can satisfy our needs easier. If one guild desperately want you in it, give them one character. If you really want to be part of another one though keep on in there. You can even make a specialty guild if you feel up to it with a third character.
The only issue arises with inter-guild actions, like pvp. The player will have to decide what guild to truly represent. It seems that the cost of keeping people happy and guilds stable is a loss of war ability. A reasonable trade off actually, as you should take into account if two guilds you are joining are rivals, and premake your choice accordingly. You do not necessarily need to be part of the pvp team in both.
think that ^ is pretty much what we have now. Yay!

Guild funding:
Guilds could use funds to buy items off cs for general usage. But if players don't donate, it is simply impossible to get these funds (not counting super rich and savvy owners willing to out everything into guild). A method of making the gold needed between donations could be a automatic deduction as a percentage from gold dropped by monsters. If you get 30g ordinarily, the guild takes out 15g. While this is relatively puny for you, if a big guild keeps a strong pve presence it can add up to become enough for a few items. A percentage off items sold in cs, like the fee, might be part of it too, though you will need to take that into account when you sign up!
edit: this could help make pve part of the end game again... as far as i can tell, pve really is only a doorway to pvp right now, the way I hear it.

Composed on itouch, forgive possible mistakes.
Remember STS... This is a big feature that you simple cannot get wrong.

01-18-2011, 01:25 AM
I hope my thread didn't have any influence on this ;).

Guilds could use funds to buy items off cs for general usage. But if players don't donate, it is simply impossible to get these funds

How would this funtion work though? The only way to prevent scandals is to basically lock the vault and have very small limitted usage of the money. But then that ruins the purpose of having it. What system would be used to successfully eliminate scandals and allow easy usage of the vault?

01-18-2011, 01:30 AM
Answering phar...
Lol ask mystical, I suggested it on my own. Didn't see your post anywhere, sorry. Great minds and all, eh?
As for system, notice this is just part 2. Part one has an item regulatory idea based around slots for storage and sharing and recall ability. Suppose not being able to sell it is obvious.
The gold itself, basically add it in as a guild rank needed to play with it. Investors can buy items with it, or banker can buy needed Rift helms.

Might update part 1 ranking system for better explanation...

01-18-2011, 01:44 AM
Answering phar...
Lol ask mystical, I suggested it on my own. Didn't see your post anywhere, sorry. Great minds and all, eh?
As for system, notice this is just part 2. Part one has an item regulatory idea based around slots for storage and sharing and recall ability. Suppose not being able to sell it is obvious.
The gold itself, basically add it in as a guild rank needed to play with it. Investors can buy items with it, or banker can buy needed Rift helms.

Might update part 1 ranking system for better explanation...

Soo higher rank = access to vault? Whats stopping someone from going undercover in a guild, getting top rank and draining the piggy bank then going back to their last guild? Or do you have some sort of system to recall any lost gold if someone goes crazy and withdraws 10m or something.

Also it was my Convince me thread :P.

01-18-2011, 02:13 PM
Soo higher rank = access to vault? Whats stopping someone from going undercover in a guild, getting top rank and draining the piggy bank then going back to their last guild? Or do you have some sort of system to recall any lost gold if someone goes crazy and withdraws 10m or something.

Also it was my Convince me thread :P.

what can i say? what stops a person in real life that works in a bank from getting briber to turn off the motion sensors at night?
what is this to you exactly? the bank of Zurich?? area 51! if you make a guild and put some random guy on top brass position, you had better expect retribution. The system is not what breaks, its the people.

your concerns are on par with paranoia, and can be averted through general intelligent leadership.
as for how to solve this, well grats i dont have an answer. i do offer retribution however: tie our characters to a master-username once and for all! if you see someone do something highly unethical, then put their username on your ignore list, name them on forums and spread the word that we have a thief.
the anonymous aspect is harder when you are tied to a single name.

edit: im predicting arguments:
-they make another account so another username!!
=someone willing to dish out the money to get the needed maps to look legit and like a true player, get enough lv50's to be considered a good player, and set up a semi real/fake reputation for a couple of million gold is kind of desperate. might as well buy with plat that gold.

03-17-2011, 08:04 PM
all-too-epic guild system bump

03-17-2011, 08:53 PM
Am liking the guild ideas on both threads..... any ideas when/if its coming?

03-17-2011, 09:01 PM
lol it has been "coming" for like 4 client updates. one day, one day...

03-20-2011, 03:42 PM
Have devs made any announcements or gave any hints yet wen guilds are coming?