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01-18-2011, 05:39 AM
Leveling my old lvl 35 twink "tpaxx" to level 50. Currently lvl 37. I'm gonna rename him to either "PyroStorm" or "Mysticaldream" (and rename myst to something. Maybe pyrostorm, plz give your opinion on that) then I'll prolly be giving the name to Parthn (rangepwnsmeel) since he said he wants it:p Just wanted to tell everyone so that they didn't get mixed up thanks:)

01-18-2011, 06:06 AM

01-18-2011, 10:51 AM
Idk how you could do this a fourth time. I'd hang myself by then

01-18-2011, 10:55 AM
Idk how you could do this a fourth time. I'd hang myself by then

Lolol. Fifth;)

01-18-2011, 10:56 AM
cool... but why? one level 50 elf is the same as another, isn't it? what am i missing?

Tree Dude
01-18-2011, 10:57 AM
It's 50p to rename. How could that possibly be worth it?

01-18-2011, 12:12 PM
cool... but why? one level 50 elf is the same as another, isn't it? what am i missing?

Ehh. Since he has an intence ratio and everything already I wanted a pally and a pure into Mage so it will work out for me.

@treedude. Like 7 bucks. Wouldn't hurt to do it once.

01-18-2011, 12:44 PM
Ah... I see: one full int mage and one full pally, not just a dual-spec pally/pure. Will you start another swamp character?

01-18-2011, 12:50 PM
Lolol. Fifth;)

Cocked shotgun for me at that point

01-18-2011, 01:29 PM
Make another swamp character!!!!!!

01-18-2011, 05:22 PM
@Snake, he'll prolly have a nice amount of int, but I don't get the same feel for mage on the int side as dual int/str. I cant feel the nuke you get out of a pure int mage! So I wanna make myst a pure int dude. And him a pally (so he doesn't die and ruin his sexy ratio;))

As for the swamp character, idk, I kept 1 35 just so I could join my friends on pvp, although he is naked :rolleyes: so I haven't decided yet.

He's currently lvl 44.5, about 9.4K kills and no deaths (yet;)) will prolly be 50 by this weekend since Brooke was gracious enough to lend me 200K for pots. So I now can buy damage, tank, and power levelers pot every round I play. So I am leveling quickly, and am geared (got an apep of Thoth thanks to Taylor, and Isis cloth, Thoth helm, lvl 41 Thoth wand, and an isis eye, and Thoth dark matter, need to get rift set though. Trading void mb set for rift!;))