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View Full Version : This idea = sts makes $$$ + makes customers happy

08-15-2014, 06:28 PM
I currently do not have an android device that is compatible with arcane legends, but I do know many people that have tried the test server and heard their feedback. Some say the 2k plat is great, others told me how they got the chance to use exclusive or hard to get pets such as nightshade and nekro. You get the drift, people have a good time playing on this test server.

So my proposal here is to make more of these to happen. If you take a look at the play store (android app store) facts, there are currently 10,000,000 - 50,000,000 people that downloaded arcane legends, and that's a lot of people (not including apple store). It doesn't have to be often, maybe a weekend or perhaps a week, but sts should open up one of these servers once in a while, maybe once a year or so. Where low leveled, capped, non-geared players, or even full time twinks can all experience what it'd be like to be fully geared. During this one week (or however long the server will run), elites will be flooded with people, every pvp room would be full, just imagine what can happen. Magical.

For sts to make money off this (since it takes time and effort), here is your part of the deal. You can charge anyone who goes on the new server. I'm not sure how this can work, but you guys can find a way. Imagine this: let's just say 1/10 of the arcane legends playerbase wants to try this out. That's ~1 million people right there. You can charge people $0.99 (for instance) to go on the server for a week. That BAM BOOM 1 million dollars right there for your god forsaken company. Imagine, if you charged $4.99 to each person. And let's say 1/20 people (out of the 10 mil) wanted to try this out. 10 mil (people)/20 (1/20 people) = 500,000 (people that try this server) * ~$5 = BAM BOOM $2,500,000. Catch the drift?

I've talked to a group of friends, each of them wouldn't mind putting 5 dollars in the table to have some FUN. Maybe this isn't the best idea in the world, but I won't die posting this thread. How do you guys feel?

08-15-2014, 06:40 PM
I think it would be awesome to have a server where we can have access to the best items in the game and test/see how they perform. However, in my perspective I think this would just be another test server that people pay to access for each " test event " which happens at various time frames.

I am not quite sure what the drive would be for Elites though.

08-15-2014, 06:48 PM
Here's a better idea IMO.... Add to the game a mechanism by which players can rent their gear for a certain length of time. Let's call this the "rental shop".

Players could purchase rental shop slots for plat or story tokens, same as with the consignment shop. One slot would allow you to rent one item at a time. If you want to rent more, you need more slots (same as the auction).

It could be the same time intervals as the consignment shop uses (12 hours, 24 hours, 3 days). You can list your item for rent at whatever price, and then the item automatically returns to the rental shop at the end of the rental period so that the owner can go pick it up, just like you would pick up an item from the consignment shop after the listing expires.

The rented item will appear the same in the renter's inventory, except it will have the words "(rental)" after its name, and will not be tradable.

This would allow players to rent items to try them out before purchasing, and will also allow players to have more fun on occasion by being fully geared. You could even extend these rentals to eggs and allow a rental egg to be hatched by the renter, but then it returns to its egg when it goes back to the original user.

08-15-2014, 07:11 PM
Here's a better idea IMO.... Add to the game a mechanism by which players can rent their gear for a certain length of time. Let's call this the "rental shop".

Players could purchase rental shop slots for plat or story tokens, same as with the consignment shop. One slot would allow you to rent one item at a time. If you want to rent more, you need more slots (same as the auction).

It could be the same time intervals as the consignment shop uses (12 hours, 24 hours, 3 days). You can list your item for rent at whatever price, and then the item automatically returns to the rental shop at the end of the rental period so that the owner can go pick it up, just like you would pick up an item from the consignment shop after the listing expires.

The rented item will appear the same in the renter's inventory, except it will have the words "(rental)" after its name, and will not be tradable.

This would allow players to rent items to try them out before purchasing, and will also allow players to have more fun on occasion by being fully geared. You could even extend these rentals to eggs and allow a rental egg to be hatched by the renter, but then it returns to its egg when it goes back to the original user.

Good idea, but how would sts benefit? I don't think it'll be worth it enough for sts to implement.

08-15-2014, 07:44 PM
I like this a lot

08-15-2014, 07:49 PM
The numbers you used are slightly skewed. I can assure you there are not 1m active players in arcane legends. I would be surprised if there were many more than 10k.

Still though, comparatively speaking, it's probably decent amount of income.

What they should do is host pvp tournaments on these servers. So everyone can max out their gear and use whatever spec they like.

Obviously some tweaking might need to be done. But I think sts could easily add in support for tracking tournaments.

Imagine the possibilities

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

08-15-2014, 08:03 PM
Good Idea eniger

08-15-2014, 08:06 PM
Just to be clear i accidentally liked instanthumour's post it meant to be enigerzerics post i like ;)

08-15-2014, 08:38 PM
Good idea, but how would sts benefit? I don't think it'll be worth it enough for sts to implement.

It's like those people that hand free out samples in the supermarket. People would open more crates and play more if they got a chance to try out the gear that comes in those crates. It would also serve as another gold sink as there would be a listing fee.

08-15-2014, 09:00 PM
Here's a better idea IMO.... Add to the game a mechanism by which players can rent their gear for a certain length of time. Let's call this the "rental shop".

Players could purchase rental shop slots for plat or story tokens, same as with the consignment shop. One slot would allow you to rent one item at a time. If you want to rent more, you need more slots (same as the auction).

It could be the same time intervals as the consignment shop uses (12 hours, 24 hours, 3 days). You can list your item for rent at whatever price, and then the item automatically returns to the rental shop at the end of the rental period so that the owner can go pick it up, just like you would pick up an item from the consignment shop after the listing expires.

The rented item will appear the same in the renter's inventory, except it will have the words "(rental)" after its name, and will not be tradable.

This would allow players to rent items to try them out before purchasing, and will also allow players to have more fun on occasion by being fully geared. You could even extend these rentals to eggs and allow a rental egg to be hatched by the renter, but then it returns to its egg when it goes back to the original user.

Good idea but it could be easily abused so STS won't implement :/

08-15-2014, 09:05 PM
How could it be abused?

08-15-2014, 09:20 PM
But the rental stuff should LOOK different, to distinguish it from the owned stuff, like have a different special color (neon green e.g.)

08-15-2014, 09:25 PM
For sts to make money off this (since it takes time and effort), here is your part of the deal. You can charge anyone who goes on the new server. I'm not sure how this can work, but you guys can find a way. Imagine this: let's just say 1/10 of the arcane legends playerbase wants to try this out. That's ~1 million people right there. You can charge people $0.99 (for instance) to go on the server for a week. That BAM BOOM 1 million dollars right there for your god forsaken company. Imagine, if you charged $4.99 to each person. And let's say 1/20 people (out of the 10 mil) wanted to try this out. 10 mil (people)/20 (1/20 people) = 500,000 (people that try this server) * ~$5 = BAM BOOM $2,500,000. Catch the drift?

I've talked to a group of friends, each of them wouldn't mind putting 5 dollars in the table to have some FUN. Maybe this isn't the best idea in the world, but I won't die posting this thread. How do you guys feel?

There is one dent in your equation. You think that 10,000,000 download is the actual playerbase. Its not. Its ALL game downloads since gamestart. At least 9/10 of those are zombies. I know from a developer (dont have a quote, this was ages ago) that at an average day there are 5,000 to 10,000 players active (24 h all over the world).

Prep it up to 20,000 or even 50,000 and you have your main playerbase

08-15-2014, 09:47 PM
It's not like everyone is gonna stay active lol, or even try it out

08-15-2014, 10:33 PM
Think about this.... Other games also offer those free plat offers, and did you ever wonder how many people downloaded Arcane Legends for a free offer from another game?

08-15-2014, 11:46 PM
Here's a better idea IMO.... Add to the game a mechanism by which players can rent their gear for a certain length of time. Let's call this the "rental shop".

Players could purchase rental shop slots for plat or story tokens, same as with the consignment shop. One slot would allow you to rent one item at a time. If you want to rent more, you need more slots (same as the auction).

It could be the same time intervals as the consignment shop uses (12 hours, 24 hours, 3 days). You can list your item for rent at whatever price, and then the item automatically returns to the rental shop at the end of the rental period so that the owner can go pick it up, just like you would pick up an item from the consignment shop after the listing expires.

The rented item will appear the same in the renter's inventory, except it will have the words "(rental)" after its name, and will not be tradable.

This would allow players to rent items to try them out before purchasing, and will also allow players to have more fun on occasion by being fully geared. You could even extend these rentals to eggs and allow a rental egg to be hatched by the renter, but then it returns to its egg when it goes back to the original user.As much as i love the sound of getting to test pilot an arcane ring.
I can only think of a few items people would want to rent. I dont see this being useful enough to be implemented.

08-16-2014, 01:53 AM
How could it be abused?

1 example:

I could make an alt and buy a Samael egg then rent it to my main every 3 days until I decide to sell it without using any gold. So it's like a free arcane pet.

Also with renting items it would actually lower the amount if crates being opened because friends can share their arcanes without worrying about getting scammed. (Which is a good thing, but there would be no point in spending gold on arcanes when you can just share them with a friend)

08-16-2014, 03:19 AM
1 example:

I could make an alt and buy a Samael egg then rent it to my main every 3 days until I decide to sell it without using any gold. So it's like a free arcane pet.

Also with renting items it would actually lower the amount if crates being opened because friends can share their arcanes without worrying about getting scammed. (Which is a good thing, but there would be no point in spending gold on arcanes when you can just share them with a friend)

A good point.

08-16-2014, 03:29 AM
How about this one:
Nobody would want to go online on a server Where nothing they do counts in the actual game.
Atleast not if it Costs something...
Also, you forget that a major part of the playerbase is kids.

08-16-2014, 03:58 AM
How about this one:
Nobody would want to go online on a server Where nothing they do counts in the actual game.

Yes they would, it's called having fun.

Also, you forget that a major part of the playerbase is kids.

Is this in your opinion? Because I haven't seen anything that says the majority of AL playbase are kids.

08-16-2014, 04:26 AM
How about this one:
Nobody would want to go online on a server Where nothing they do counts in the actual game.
Atleast not if it Costs something...
Also, you forget that a major part of the playerbase is kids.

I'm enjoying the test server for the exact reason you said nobody would go on it. The auction is screwed up, arcane rings are 15m, and where I have 1m gold in the real game, I made 200m in about 15 min.

It was awesome. Having more fun doing random runs and doing the new arena than I've ever had. Just because I could sell all my secondary gear, all my collectible vanities, and suit myself up in an arcane/mythic equip. None of the decisions I made with my money mattered, I gave 50m to random players begging for some because everything is temporary.

The sense of being able to do anything and not feel the consequences in the long run is at the heart of what makes the "test" server fun.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

08-16-2014, 04:28 AM
Jina has a point, regarding charging for the test server but for those who wish to pay to use it for a few days, sure why not

Renting items would be cool (need to clarify your views about pets cause thats more abuseable than items) but is it good for STS? will people open less crates cause they can rent?

Or will they open more crates cause they rented, saw how awesome arcane ring is and now must have it, only by trial you can know this, impossible to tell the future.

08-16-2014, 06:06 AM
Yes they would, it's called having fun.

Is this in your opinion? Because I haven't seen anything that says the majority of AL playbase are kids.
Maybe not the majority, but a big part, and there is also another big part that don't want to pay for a game...
Also, I dont quite see the fun in getting Items for free just to test.
Maybe it is just me, but the joy you feel after upgrading your mythic helm, wich took you hours, is not quite compareable to getting free stuff and running around with stuff you have not really deserved by farming.
If people want this server, fine, but i really think it removes the fun a bit...

08-16-2014, 07:24 AM
How about this one:
Nobody would want to go online on a server Where nothing they do counts in the actual game.
Atleast not if it Costs something...
Also, you forget that a major part of the playerbase is kids.

Most of the base is adults, trust me XD

08-16-2014, 08:28 AM
I'm enjoying the test server for the exact reason you said nobody would go on it. The auction is screwed up, arcane rings are 15m, and where I have 1m gold in the real game, I made 200m in about 15 min.

It was awesome. Having more fun doing random runs and doing the new arena than I've ever had. Just because I could sell all my secondary gear, all my collectible vanities, and suit myself up in an arcane/mythic equip. None of the decisions I made with my money mattered, I gave 50m to random players begging for some because everything is temporary.

The sense of being able to do anything and not feel the consequences in the long run is at the heart of what makes the "test" server fun.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

What you are describing is vacation. The main game requires work to get what you want but here you get all the fun without any of the stress. But it is only rewarding because it is temporary. Everyone wants to spend a week in Hawaii but luckily not everyone wants to live there.

08-16-2014, 11:18 AM
It's not a bad idea.

08-16-2014, 12:19 PM
Just to clarify, the downloads records record how many times the game was downloaded, and the counter doesn't diminish as users uninstall the app. In actuality, i would generously say there are ~500,000-1,500,000 active players around today

08-16-2014, 12:21 PM
1 example:

I could make an alt and buy a Samael egg then rent it to my main every 3 days until I decide to sell it without using any gold. So it's like a free arcane pet.

Also with renting items it would actually lower the amount if crates being opened because friends can share their arcanes without worrying about getting scammed. (Which is a good thing, but there would be no point in spending gold on arcanes when you can just share them with a friend)

This is an old argument that has been used over and over for many years, and has been proven wrong. If you study advertising and marketing, you learn how wrong this assumption is.

A few examples:

When television was invented, movie producers objected to movies being shown on television since they assumed nobody would ever go to the movies if they could just sit home and watch movies. Instead, the opposite happened and movie attendance increased.

When baseball games started being broadcast on the radio (and later on television), many team owners assumed nobody would come to games anymore. Instead attendance went way up as the broadcasts exposed many more people to baseball and served to increase the fan base.

Music sales have only increased since music has been available to stream for free on the internet.

You could argue that by giving out free samples of food at the supermarket, nobody needs to actually buy the product as they could just keep coming back for free samples. But people like convenience, and the free sample just works as an advertisement for buying the actual product.

First of all, there will be a fee for renting which would serve as a gold sink. I think we all agree that nobody is going to rent cheap gear. So let's make the minimum listing fee for renting an item 10k + 30% of the fee being charged. Let's make this a good gold sink.

Also, let's make it so that you must rent from the rental shop. You cannot do a private trade and avoid the listing fee like you can when you sell gear to someone.

So if you want to rent that arcane egg to your alt, you are going to have to list it in the rental shop and you are going to have to pay at least 10k listing fee each time. Also remember that each time you hatch it on your alt, it is going to begin back at level 1, so you will have to level the pet up again and again. I think over time you will learn it is not so convenient, but only a good way to test it out.

08-16-2014, 12:22 PM
Just to clarify, the downloads records record how many times the game was downloaded, and the counter doesn't diminish as users uninstall the app. In actuality, i would generously say there are ~500,000-1,500,000 active players around today
Lol no way! There's definately under 100k people that actually play.

08-16-2014, 12:38 PM
Lol no way! There's definately under 100k people that actually play.

Just to clarify, the downloads records record how many times the game was downloaded, and the counter doesn't diminish as users uninstall the app. In actuality, i would generously say there are ~500,000-1,500,000 active players around today


08-16-2014, 12:40 PM
This is an old argument that has been used over and over for many years, and has been proven wrong. If you study advertising and marketing, you learn how wrong this assumption is.

A few examples:

When television was invented, movie producers objected to movies being shown on television since they assumed nobody would ever go to the movies if they could just sit home and watch movies. Instead, the opposite happened and movie attendance increased.

When baseball games started being broadcast on the radio (and later on television), many team owners assumed nobody would come to games anymore. Instead attendance went way up as the broadcasts exposed many more people to baseball and served to increase the fan base.

Music sales have only increased since music has been available to stream for free on the internet.

You could argue that by giving out free samples of food at the supermarket, nobody needs to actually buy the product as they could just keep coming back for free samples. But people like convenience, and the free sample just works as an advertisement for buying the actual product.

First of all, there will be a fee for renting which would serve as a gold sink. I think we all agree that nobody is going to rent cheap gear. So let's make the minimum listing fee for renting an item 10k + 30% of the fee being charged. Let's make this a good gold sink.

Also, let's make it so that you must rent from the rental shop. You cannot do a private trade and avoid the listing fee like you can when you sell gear to someone.

So if you want to rent that arcane egg to your alt, you are going to have to list it in the rental shop and you are going to have to pay at least 10k listing fee each time. Also remember that each time you hatch it on your alt, it is going to begin back at level 1, so you will have to level the pet up again and again. I think over time you will learn it is not so convenient, but only a good way to test it out.

Lol. Why would someone buy a lvl 1 pet to test for 12 hours-3 day. You can't actually test it until it's at least lvl 40 (To see passive, aa, etc).

With renting items, do you really think 10k means anything to rich players? We already know about people abusing damage elixr in PvP which cost 10k everytime you die.

I'll explain it again, here's a scenerio.

I have an arcane ring. One of my friends pms me " can I rent your arcane ring for 12 hours?" I reply, "sure just pay me for the listing fee and go into auction". We trade, he gives me the listing fee cost and I put it in auction for 1k. Posting it this low the cost is what, 100g? So whenever my friend wants to use my arcane ring he pays me 1.1k (so I don't have to use gold xD )and gets it without worrying about any scam. Why would he open crates when he can use my ring while I'm offline? Who would pay 100m+ for the ring when they can rent for 1.1k or less from a friend?

Same thing with the arcane egg I could post for 1k on alt and since I'm the only one that knows when it's being posted I can buy it faster than anyone else.

08-16-2014, 12:41 PM


08-16-2014, 12:53 PM
What you are describing is vacation. The main game requires work to get what you want but here you get all the fun without any of the stress. But it is only rewarding because it is temporary. Everyone wants to spend a week in Hawaii but luckily not everyone wants to live there.

Exactly. I was responding to a statement which referenced that nobody would want to go on this test server, when the initial idea was that the test server be online once a year or so.
In your analogy, they were saying they wouldn't even want to take a vacation. I was saying I'm enjoying the vacation because it is temporary. Not that I want the normal servers to be like this all the time, I'm enjoying the change of pace. And let's face it, everyone loves a vacation.
I appreciate you clarifying my point.

08-16-2014, 01:14 PM
Why everyone is talking about lending out pets, that's useless since u can't open the egg because u have to return it. This is for lending out cool weapons or other gear.

08-16-2014, 01:18 PM
Exactly. I was responding to a statement which referenced that nobody would want to go on this test server, when the initial idea was that the test server be online once a year or so.
In your analogy, they were saying they wouldn't even want to take a vacation. I was saying I'm enjoying the vacation because it is temporary. Not that I want the normal servers to be like this all the time, I'm enjoying the change of pace. And let's face it, everyone loves a vacation.
I appreciate you clarifying my point.

Not to try and drive this further, but do you understand what i mean when i say that i dont see the point in getting something free instead of working for it, since the happiness you get by getting a item that you have put time into is Worth more for you?
I love vacations, but the entire AL is a "vacation" from the real world, and why on earth would someone that is on vacation think the vacation is to stressy and go On a double vacation? See my point?

08-16-2014, 01:25 PM
Lol. Why would someone buy a lvl 1 pet to test for 12 hours-3 day. You can't actually test it until it's at least lvl 40 (To see passive, aa, etc).

With renting items, do you really think 10k means anything to rich players? We already know about people abusing damage elixr in PvP which cost 10k everytime you die.

I'll explain it again, here's a scenerio.

I have an arcane ring. One of my friends pms me " can I rent your arcane ring for 12 hours?" I reply, "sure just pay me for the listing fee and go into auction". We trade, he gives me the listing fee cost and I put it in auction for 1k. Posting it this low the cost is what, 100g? So whenever my friend wants to use my arcane ring he pays me 1.1k (so I don't have to use gold xD )and gets it without worrying about any scam. Why would he open crates when he can use my ring while I'm offline? Who would pay 100m+ for the ring when they can rent for 1.1k or less from a friend?

Same thing with the arcane egg I could post for 1k on alt and since I'm the only one that knows when it's being posted I can buy it faster than anyone else.

Then maybe there should not be a 12 hours or 24 hours option. How about just having a standard 3 day rental period. That would discourage players from renting/lending their items back and forth. Remember that the rented item becomes untradable, so if the original owner asks for it back early, you could not return it to him even if you wanted to.

As for eggs, the purpose or renting a pet would be to try it out, not to actually get good use from it. And yes, I would love to rent a samael egg to try him out. I would spend the first day or two leveling him up to 40, and then I would try him out in PvP. And then if I really liked him, maybe I would be persuaded to actually buy a Samael Egg and hatch it. And that would indeed encourage more crate opening even if I was not the one opening the crates. Remember that the less arcane eggs there are in circulation, the more prices on eggs will go up and the more people will want to open crates to loot them. So anyone who hatches an arcane egg is helping encourage more locked crates to be opened.

08-16-2014, 01:45 PM
I'm pretty sure that STS made some money from this test server (indirectly of course). Many players, including myself, have never had access to 2k plat. However, some of the players who haven't bought any yet may have decided to buy some after trying out 2k plat and really enjoying the experience of having so much.

08-16-2014, 03:00 PM
Then maybe there should not be a 12 hours or 24 hours option. How about just having a standard 3 day rental period. That would discourage players from renting/lending their items back and forth. Remember that the rented item becomes untradable, so if the original owner asks for it back early, you could not return it to him even if you wanted to.

As for eggs, the purpose or renting a pet would be to try it out, not to actually get good use from it. And yes, I would love to rent a samael egg to try him out. I would spend the first day or two leveling him up to 40, and then I would try him out in PvP. And then if I really liked him, maybe I would be persuaded to actually buy a Samael Egg and hatch it. And that would indeed encourage more crate opening even if I was not the one opening the crates. Remember that the less arcane eggs there are in circulation, the more prices on eggs will go up and the more people will want to open crates to loot them. So anyone who hatches an arcane egg is helping encourage more locked crates to be opened.

Ok nvm you don't understand my point :)

08-16-2014, 03:16 PM
About rentals...

This will not work for eggs. And maybe the rental fee should be based on rarity for gear.

However, I wouldn't want to see this for player to player anyway. Sts to player may be ok.

Anyway, back on topic.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

08-16-2014, 03:41 PM
Not to try and drive this further, but do you understand what i mean when i say that i dont see the point in getting something free instead of working for it, since the happiness you get by getting a item that you have put time into is Worth more for you?
I love vacations, but the entire AL is a "vacation" from the real world, and why on earth would someone that is on vacation think the vacation is to stressy and go On a double vacation? See my point?

This server thing isn't going to be on 24/7, 7 days a week. It'll be a sort of an exclusive event, happening maybe once a year or so. And sorry, I don't see your point.

08-16-2014, 04:06 PM
Ok nvm you don't understand my point :)

I do understand your point, but you didn't read my post. I said to have a minimum listing fee of 10k. Not a minimum price, but a minimum listing fee. The listing fee, the part that gets paid to the shop that you don't get back. Have that fee be 10k minimum.

This idea would be to encourage people to rent items that they want to try out, not to rent them as an ongoing thing to use on a regular basis. The way you do that is to make it expensive enough so that it would not be worthwhile to keep doing it, but only to do it to try it out once or twice. Just like how you rent a car. Renting a car is cheap, but not cheap enough to make it worthwhile over purchasing a car. Same thing should apply here.

And with eggs, you said "Why would someone buy a lvl 1 pet to test for 12 hours-3 day?", and I gave you a reason why. If I'm considering dropping 30m (most of my gold) on a very pricey pet, I would be willing to pay a nice amount to try it out so as to help me make my decision if I really want to buy it. Maybe I have trouble making up my mind whether I want to purchase Singe or Samael, so now I can rent both of them and try them out and it would be helpful. Again, this would be a one time thing. I'm not suggesting that people should be renting pets every day to use. If you want the pet to use on a permanent basis, then purchase him.

This would add a nice aspect to the game and allow people to try out gear without making a huge purchase first. It would allow players who are not rich to try out premium mythic or arcane gear for a few days at an affordable price to them. And it would allow merchants to rent gear instead of selling it if they so choose. It's a win-win for everyone.

I can think of so many reasons why someone would want to rent gear:

1) there's a pvp tournament and you need a better weapon to compete.

2) you want to try to make the timed runs leaderboard, but need gear, so you rent instead of buying.

3) you want to try out both the kershal and elondrian rifle before deciding which one you are going to purchase.

4) you looted a glacian egg, but would like to try him out before deciding whether or not to sell it or hatch it. So you rent one first.

08-16-2014, 04:45 PM
This renting idea is fascinating and could be quite fun!
It would of course change the entire economy of Arcane Legends due to extreme uncertainty in item values. Personally, I would rent everything I would want to use so I would not have to deal with devaluation. But perhaps the the cost of renting in the long term would out weigh the cost of buying. Then the profit of renting would out weigh the profit of selling so I would just rent out my drops instead of selling them. Hmm. Then with less for sale and more for rental, perhaps the profit from sales would now be better then renting. So, back to the cost of renting being less then buying. Cycle, rinse, repeat until it stabilizes once all the players have left and there is no one to rent from and no one to rent too.
Like I said, fun. Would get to use some great items and maybe even make some profit before the economy completely collapses.

08-16-2014, 05:41 PM
But perhaps the the cost of renting in the long term would out weigh the cost of buying. Then the profit of renting would out weigh the profit of selling so I would just rent out my drops instead of selling them. Hmm. Then with less for sale and more for rental, perhaps the profit from sales would now be better then renting.

That is how economics works. :)

Just like how when new gear comes out. It always starts off way expensive, then comes down in price a lot, and then usually rebounds a bit before it levels off. I'd expect the same to happen here. Eventually it would level off to a happy medium. I'd expect you would be better off selling your items if you need the gold to purchase something else. But for players who are sitting on a lot of gold, renting would be a way to earn some interest on that gold instead of having it sit idle.

Also, for rare items like Arcane, there is no guarantee there will always be one available to rent when you need one. So buying is probably better for the long term, while renting is good if you just need the item for a day or two or want to try it out.

08-16-2014, 05:54 PM
This server thing isn't going to be on 24/7, 7 days a week. It'll be a sort of an exclusive event, happening maybe once a year or so. And sorry, I don't see your point.

Well, there is nothing more i can do then ^.^

08-16-2014, 10:52 PM
I just wonder how that would go along with the achievments (arcane, mythic etc). Many people buy this stuff just to get the achievments. I would never rent sam. I got my arcane pet just for the achievment, and thats enough.

08-16-2014, 11:01 PM
I just wonder how that would go along with the achievments (arcane, mythic etc). Many people buy this stuff just to get the achievments. I would never rent sam. I got my arcane pet just for the achievment, and thats enough.

That wouldn't be fair to the rest, so probably won't be like that.

08-17-2014, 01:32 AM
Here's a better idea IMO.... Add to the game a mechanism by which players can rent their gear for a certain length of time. Let's call this the "rental shop".

Players could purchase rental shop slots for plat or story tokens, same as with the consignment shop. One slot would allow you to rent one item at a time. If you want to rent more, you need more slots (same as the auction).

It could be the same time intervals as the consignment shop uses (12 hours, 24 hours, 3 days). You can list your item for rent at whatever price, and then the item automatically returns to the rental shop at the end of the rental period so that the owner can go pick it up, just like you would pick up an item from the consignment shop after the listing expires.

The rented item will appear the same in the renter's inventory, except it will have the words "(rental)" after its name, and will not be tradable.

This would allow players to rent items to try them out before purchasing, and will also allow players to have more fun on occasion by being fully geared. You could even extend these rentals to eggs and allow a rental egg to be hatched by the renter, but then it returns to its egg when it goes back to the original user.


08-17-2014, 01:58 AM
I just wonder how that would go along with the achievments (arcane, mythic etc). Many people buy this stuff just to get the achievments. I would never rent sam. I got my arcane pet just for the achievment, and thats enough.

Yeah, I suppose hatching a rented egg would NOT count towards mythic or arcane achievements.

08-17-2014, 03:15 AM
I'm going to cry. I don't have an android to test the server, gg guys

08-17-2014, 11:20 AM
Yeah, I suppose hatching a rented egg would NOT count towards mythic or arcane achievements.

How much would you pay to rent Samael for a day?

08-17-2014, 02:12 PM
How much would you pay to rent Samael for a day?

Good question. I'm sure I'd look for whatever the best deal is. But all things considered, it would be worth it even to pay 1m to rent him and try him out, considering I would be spending 30m for him if I purchase him. And maybe I would rent both Singe and Sam, and then see if I preferred Sam enough to warrant the extra 15m he costs to purchase.

Often times we know which item is better, but we don't know if it is worth the extra cost. A good way to decide that would be to be able to try it out before purchasing. This would give players a chance to do that.

08-17-2014, 02:40 PM
Good question. I'm sure I'd look for whatever the best deal is. But all things considered, it would be worth it even to pay 1m to rent him and try him out, considering I would be spending 30m for him if I purchase him. And maybe I would rent both Singe and Sam, and then see if I preferred Sam enough to warrant the extra 15m he costs to purchase.

Often times we know which item is better, but we don't know if it is worth the extra cost. A good way to decide that would be to be able to try it out before purchasing. This would give players a chance to do that.

I can guarantee most people know what Samael does already so why pay gold to try it yourself? I don't have singe but I already know his aa and passive so why rent it when I know Samael is better already?

I like the idea of gear being rented but pets... Nah