View Full Version : Pally Help

01-18-2011, 12:27 PM
I'm new to the forums, so go easy on me.
I started out my enchantress as a pure Mage, but from what I've read, paladin seems fun. So basically, I'm looking for a good guide/help to become a pally. I'm currently level 22. Thanks! :)

01-18-2011, 12:47 PM
There is a great how-to guide here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?13772-Dual-Spec-Guide.&highlight=paladin+build

It is geared towards building a lvl 50 Paladin, but the same principles/how-to would apply at any level.

01-18-2011, 01:31 PM
Thanks, that helped a lot! My only question is about gear I should be using every few levels. Maybe I would switch it out every 5 levels? Also, i'm not quite sure what to do skill wise.

01-18-2011, 02:43 PM
Oh and also, should I start this at my level, or wait?

01-21-2011, 12:32 PM
as far as gear goes use what helps to keep u alive most at the moment even once lvled when the gear is starting to let u down a little sell it and buy new
u dont always have to buy rarest there is something cheap can be almost as good serve its purpose and save u money youll need for lvl 50 gear

its best to start following guide as early as possible so you can make up your mind on your build before you have to spend 2 plat or one respec changing your build

skill wise theres many different ways to use your skills, you can have them set to keep you and your group alive most but kill slowly, you can have them setup to where you kill enemies as fast *** possible but cant withstand long battles, and theres tons of midway points that combine a little of both it all depends on your playing style and how well u play it

01-21-2011, 12:34 PM
lol typo

as fast *as* possible

01-21-2011, 11:06 PM
With gear, if its your first character, I'd suggest just holding up until 45 or 43ish to bother buying gear. Like coltong said, you don't always need to buy the rare or newest gear every level. If you need some 45 gear, there should be some cheap ones in the CS, or I can hook you up if you send me a PM here.

Starting a pally straight off has its pros and cons. Pros, its really good especially since pallys are really good PvE. You can solo easy. Cons, with the lower level gear, you don't really get as much HS/MS regen, so you'd be a big time pot chugger.

I suggest a pure int til 50, then respec, but if you think you can manage your pots well and such, by all means go pally. :)