View Full Version : [SUGGESTION] Permanent Ban command.

08-17-2014, 10:50 AM
Hey mates!

This idea is called ban or "blacklist". Let's call it Blacklist

Many guild masters and officers often have to unafortunately experiment bad things with Scammers/Beggars/Guild hoppers/etc... that CONSTANTLY join their guilds for small periods and disturb everybody that is online at the certain moment. I thinked in something few days ago that could finish this problem and restore peace in guilds for once. I know many people says that there have been many posts about this but I never saw them and if so, there we're very bad explained and not very good formulated. I hope you will like it!

In what consists the "blacklist"?

Blacklist is a simple method with can be done a permanent ban to a player of Arcane Legends from a guild. Anytime Master/officer wishes to ban somebody that used inappropriate behavior in guild like scam/beg/insults/leave guildies in maps/etc.. using the "blacklist" they will be able to prevent the re-join of that player just adding his name to that list. Simple, clean and useful

What characteristics do blacklist have?

Blacklist should be a new button in the social page of guild accessible only by officers/master of course that when used, should open a list with booted players. In that list there should be 2 new buttons: "Add name" and "Remove name"

- "Add name": using this option officer/ master would add a name to the list and when that player would try to join again the guild he will have Permission Denied to accept the invitation.

-"Remove Name": using this option officer/master would remove a name from the list and that player will be able to accept the invitations to the guild again.

What are advantages of Blacklist?

1. Guild hoppers will never be able to rejoin that guild only for trivials with gold prizes or for the pots discount.

2. Scammers will be permanently booted and all players would be safe and secured that he will never re-join.

3. Some members doesn't understand they are kicked and if they have a good friend as recruiter in guild they keep rejoining just for disturbing that community. This won't happen with "blacklist" because officers/master will permanently ban him and he won't be able to accept invitations from that guild.

4. Guilds will be more peaceful because members will know that bad habits will result in ban so they won't have inappropriate behaviour. Some of them don't care about kicks because they can re-join when master is offline.

5. Ping will be reduced considerably to all members of the guild because every new join use FPS and if somebody starts to constantly re-join the guild for disturbing everybody connected will have "massive lag". This won't happen with the "blacklist" because officers can prevent him from re-joining.

6. Guilds that have some types of "alliance" can help each others sharing the booted players and so prevent their guilds from scammers before they even join! Never masters/officer will forget the name of a scammer with blacklist and other guilds can anticipate him from joining.

Extra information about "Blacklist"

Many people will say that some officers will abuse of this privilege but I personally don't think so. Officers are tested in trust and skill by master. If an officer will abuse of this it's masters fault for promoting the wrong person. Anyway in most guilds is very hard to get promoted to officer and nobody will stay 1 month in a guild hard working just to laugh 5 minutes. Most masters never accept gold at the exchange of being promoted to officer so that's not a possibility.

So that's it. I hope you liked it and you will leave a reply and maybe a like to the thread! Also I'll try (I hope you can see it) to post a link of a thread of somebody called "fiftyonecents" that manifests the problem of guild hoppers who only join other guilds for pots discounts. Here it is:


I am a human person and I can do mistakes in words spelling, ideas and other things so if you see something strange reply it. Please only reply helpful constructive messages. Insults or trolls will be ignored happly ;) I hope STS will take in serious this idea.

thank you for the time spent in reading this and I wait for replys!!

08-17-2014, 10:51 AM
Guild banning would be nice..

08-17-2014, 02:04 PM
Should ask this to be moved to suggestions and feed back, great idea, I know many GM's including myself would love this option.

ill move it u can comment

Sent from my broken phone using Tapatalk

08-18-2014, 07:43 AM
Some just joins guild then wait for a freebies then leave. Wtf!!!

Yes this sounds brilliant.

08-22-2014, 08:09 AM
Oh I was about to write the similar thread. You stole this idea from my head! xD
Anyway, this is a serious problem, and something like guild blacklist or guild ban must be introduced.

08-23-2014, 04:57 AM
I agree, love this idea and definitely think it would be helpful for GMs to be able to permaban someone from re-joining, even more so if it meant that people couldn't just rename their characters and rejoin again as a "new" person (yes pathetic I know...but it happens lol!)

08-23-2014, 05:13 PM
Ty for replys everybody. I hope STS will think about this.

Sent from my old broken ugly phone using tapatalk 2 ^.^

08-25-2014, 03:33 PM
I think it's a great idea as long as when they change name it switches in ban list like it does in friend and ignore list.