View Full Version : New SL Class!

08-18-2014, 05:56 PM
Hey y'all! I come with a idea from my Vault of Thoughts(a.k.a my brain)! I usually add stuff for Pocket Legends, but this time I got a sweet idea for Star Legends! What about a new class the focuses on melee? I call it: The Cyborg! And 2 new kinds of weapons: the phaseblade and arm cannon! The Cyborg is efficent with dealing great damage quickly and disabling crowds of enemies. The phaseblade is a melee weapon, which means you can only attack if you are close to a target. But it has high damage and attack rate. Also, the phaseblade increases travel speed by 25%. This will let you get close without sustaining heavy damage. The arm cannon is similar to the ARC cannon, but uses only one hand and damages in a straight line. It is verrryyy slow, and can reduce your travel speed by 25%. The Operative can use the phaseblade and the Commando can use the arm cannon. The Cyborg can also equip both. The Cyborg will have a mechanical eye that glows red on the right eye. The Cyborg cannot equip helms, as the eye will malfuntion without light. The Cyborh's source of armor, HP, and MP comes from your artifical body, which you can purchase from a new NPC in Blackstar: Designer Keith. Here are the list of bodies you can buy from him:

PlastiSteel Plate 10 Credits
Lvl 1, Cyborg
10 Armor, 250 Hp, 250 Mp

Titanium Plate Suit 50 Credits
Lvl 10, Cyborg
100 Armor, 300 Hp, 300 Mp

Experimental Golden Plate 500 Credits
Lvl 12, Cyborg
80 Armor, 500 Hp, 200 Mp
Very shiny and a polished brass color

Electro Scale Mail 200 Credits
Lvl 12, Cyborg
120 Armor, 200 Hp, 500 Mp
Looks like fish scales and has a electric shine.

Onyx Plate Suit 1500 Credits
Lvl 20, Cyborg
200 Armor, 400 Hp, 400 Hp
Really black color with a dark aura and raven's wings.

Angelic Plate Suit 1500 Credits
Lvl 20, Cyborg
200 Armor, 400 Hp, 400 Mp
Really bright white plate armor with a halo and fluffy wings.

Medieval Knight's Suit 3000 Credits
Lvl 30, Cyborg
500 Armor, 800 Hp, 700 Mp
Look like a knight from the olden days! Female version has a metal headdress and and a short metal skirt.

Grizzly Bear Costume 4000 Credits
Lvl 33, Cyborg
800 Armor, 1400 Hp, 800 Mp
Scary and Hairy!

Garbage Bag 4500 Credits
Lvl 40, Cyborg
500 Armor, 2000 Hp, 1000 Mp
Comes with a banana peel on the head!

Formal Battle Wear 5000 credits
Lvl 45, Cyborg
1200 Armor, 1500 Hp, 1200 Mp
It is basically a tuxedo. Female Version: A beautiful dress with a rose on the head.

Iron Man's Suit
Lvl 50, Cyborg
1400 Armor, 2000 Hp, 1500 Mp
Become Marvel's Iron Man for only 10 plat!

Now i wanna add the option to upgrade your owned bodies and add special stats. To upgrade, you need a certain amount of Tech Points(TP). To get tech points, you can give your useless items to Keith. He will give you a certain amount of TP depending on the rarity.
Trash-2 TP
Common-10 TP
Uncommon-50 TP
Rare-120 TP
Epic-250 TP
Legendary- 1000 TP

Here are the required TP to upgrade different stats:
10 Armor-50 TP Max: 9999
10 HP-30 TP Max:9999
10 MP-30 TP Max: 9999
1 Str-40 TP Max: 99
1 Dex-40 TP Max: 99
1 Int-40 TP Max: 99
1 Mana regen-100 TP Max: 99
1 HP regen-100 TP Max: 99
1 Crit Rate-100 TP Max: 50
1 Dodge-100 TP Max: 50
1 Hit rate-10 TP Max: 99

Next: The skills! i decided to do 4 skills that require a phaseblade.

Precise Shot: 20 Mp 100% normal damage Lvl 1
100% chance of critical amd never misses. Skill damage is increased by 10% each level.

Linear Cut: 35 Mp 70% normal Damage Lvl 3
Extends phaseblade to 4m and damages the enemies in a line. Range increased by 1m and damage by 5% each level.

Armor Buster: 25 Mp 120% normal damage Lvl 8
A strong shot that puluverizes the target's armor. 40- Armor Debuff. Defense debuff increased by 10 each level.

Armor Lock: 18 Mp self buff lvl 11
Locks armor into one piece to protect self. 50+ armor buff. Armor buff increased by 20 each level. Is immobolized until 20 sec.

Clean Sweep: 30 Mp 60% normal Damage lvl 14
Extends phaseblade to 3m and slashes low in a wave motion. Trips the enemies for 1 sec. Damage increased by 10% and trip duration by 1 sec per level.

Self Destruct: All Max Hp and Mp lvl 15
Detonates yourself and damages all enemies within 10m and a 3 sec knockdown and 2m knockback. Damage equals 70% of your maxinuim Hp and Mp. Counts as death. Damage is increased by 2% each level.

Eagle Eye: 20 Mp self buff lvl 18
Improves vision to make attacks fatal. Self Crit and Hit Rate increased by 20. Effect increased by 5 each level. Lasts for 10 sec.

Rapid Fire: 18 Mp 150% damage x5 lvl 20
Fires 5 shots in rapid sucession to one target. Damage increased by 5% each level.

Assaisinate 35 Mp 300% damage lvl 25
Warps behind the target and slashes the target on the weak point. Damage increased by 10% each level. Must be 2m close to attempt.

Bloody Cresent 50 Mp 120% damage lvl 27
Your phaseblade creates a bloodred energy wave. 30% chance to cause 50 DOT(Damage over time). Damage increased by 5% and DOT chance by 10% each level.

Defy Time 100 Mp self Buff lvl 30
Your abilities go crazy, doubling run speed and increasing dodge by 10 for 5 sec. Duration increased by 2 sec amd dodge by 4 per level.

Big Bang Half of your total Mp 300% normal damage lvl 34
You use a bomb that devastates enemies 7m away. Removes buffs and stuns for 5 sec. Level increases dmg by 20%.

Whew! That took a while. Hope you enjoyed! :)

08-18-2014, 08:38 PM
Good idea

CAK Vader
08-19-2014, 10:33 AM
Samhayne you better be watchin this nub >:0 (nub is an affectionate term in my family...lol...)

08-19-2014, 05:03 PM
They wouldn't bother doing 2 snaps for sl -_- it's because of pl and al lol

08-19-2014, 06:37 PM
not even pl mostly Al lol, but we been wanting a close range Melee class, asking for one for a good amount of time, not a single mention about it from devs, but hopefully they see this :)

08-20-2014, 06:55 AM
Btw where r the clowns I miss them

CAK Vader
08-21-2014, 10:59 AM
Silly navyclown this clown is still here you honker! Oh and about the clowns...

Btw this is me101458

08-21-2014, 05:19 PM
I really miss em lol they made pvp interesting and best part about me is they don't complain or fight back lol they was a fun group

CAK Vader
08-22-2014, 04:13 PM
.-. I have a character (or 3) in their guild >_>

08-22-2014, 07:09 PM
U two are kinda going off-topic...

CAK Vader
08-24-2014, 12:53 PM
._. Sorry

08-24-2014, 04:29 PM
xD lmfao, hope the mods and devs read this and consider it