View Full Version : Does chugging a lucky potion help when farming bosses for pinks?

01-19-2011, 09:33 AM
Do you have a better chance at getting a pink drop from a boss after chugging a lucky potion.


01-19-2011, 09:34 AM
Nope you will end up wasting more gold than what you would win for it. I have tried luck pots and its not worth it IMO.

01-19-2011, 02:24 PM
Technically the answer is yes. Whether or not the increased chance is worth it to you for the price is a matter if opinion and I tend to agree, they are not worth it in most cases, but the fact remains that they do increase your chances. Basically, you get a chance to roll twice for a drop and keep the more rare result of the two rolls.

01-19-2011, 02:32 PM
I would reserve lucky potions for cave farming or if you have the money, specific bosses that drop an item you really want. ie the fridge

01-21-2011, 12:25 PM
even when farming some of the better drops and using pots the chances of getting a rare are pretty remote
its all due to chance most pinks only drop at set points such as once every 200 drops... i wouldnt waste money
from farming mynas mostly ive found certain spawns have best chance for drops with mynas its the longer the spawn takes the better your chances, third and fourth spawns also have higher reliability to getting rares, and (on most bosses) person who gets final hit gets rare before others, lower lvls in a higher lvl zone almost doubles lower lvls chances for rare

Note: these are just chances not promises these are what i have learned from farming for weeks on end and studding the drop rates and people who received them

01-21-2011, 12:30 PM
There is no evidence that drops are anything but random. Many people have proposed stuff like that but no one has ever provided any hard evidence that drops are anything but totally random. I've been playing close to a year, and they seem nothing but random to me.

01-21-2011, 12:36 PM
ok i take that in interest but like i said these are just chances not promises
these are just the things that yield highest chances of getting a pink they are not definite and only a theory not a fact

01-21-2011, 12:47 PM
All I'm saying is all evidence points to drops being totally random and that none of that stuff will actually alter your chances at all. If someone really wants to test scientifically by killing a boss thousands of times, recording all drops, and analyzing them statistically, go ahead, but I think it would be a waste of time ;)

01-21-2011, 12:47 PM
They are completly random, the first mynas spawn will have the same drop rate as the thousandth. Just because it happened once to you or your friend doesn't make it a rule.

01-21-2011, 12:51 PM
once again i said these are just a THEORY AND NOT FACT
and i have made this conclusion from hundreds of drops happening in such a way not just one

01-21-2011, 12:53 PM
So you've killed mynas 6000 times? Assuming a 1:200 drop rate...hundreds of drops....calling bs on that statement

Edit:actually 10k+ kills. If you've seen him drop better on the third or fourth spawn....means you have to kill him twice first :)

01-21-2011, 12:55 PM
Drop rates are simply statistical math. Example if unblessed bow of the void has a 1% chance of dropping from king mynas and u use a luck potion 25%, you have a 25% Chance to reroll if u get a purple or lower item. Giving u a second shot at a pink. The math doesn't consider one pink to be better than the other, so if you get pink fate armor in the drop and say you reroll a purple u keep fate armor. Im not sure what it would do if both your initial drop and your reroll was pink. Only the Devs know that. Maybe we can get them to clear this up... or, maybe not.

01-21-2011, 12:58 PM
i was using the once every 200 drops as an example not to be included in rest of statement
just an examle nothing more

01-22-2011, 10:30 PM
I personally think that luck potions r a waste coz everytime i use them on a mega boss they never work. Ive never farmed anything good with luck potions on, but when i dont put them on good items start to come (eg. Laser Wand, Screaming Skull Shield and Gurgox Eye)

01-24-2011, 04:04 PM
exactly for 3k u get a 35% chace to reroll thats not even a guarantee u will get a reroll then if u do the roll still has a chance of turning out bad so definitely a waste
btw where does all our money go we spend in game? like for pots, to list items in cs, and stuff like that?

01-24-2011, 04:25 PM
I personally think that luck potions r a waste coz everytime i use them on a mega boss they never work. Ive never farmed anything good with luck potions on, but when i dont put them on good items start to come (eg. Laser Wand, Screaming Skull Shield and Gurgox Eye)

Wearing a Gurgox Eye and Screaming Skull Shield at the same time can improve your drop rate.

01-25-2011, 04:21 PM
do u mean actually equipping both, having them both in your inventory, or one person wears eye and another the shield?

01-25-2011, 04:25 PM
If I am correct the elixir raises your chances of a "rare" drop. So for example if whatever ennemy you are fighting has

1%pink, 10%purp, 20%green and the remainder in trash you would increase the chances to (for example) 2%... 11%... 21%. The problem is that no one seems to know by how much the potion increases the chances. Keep in mind that your chances are still pretty slim. LOL

01-25-2011, 04:54 PM
If I am correct the elixir raises your chances of a "rare" drop. So for example if whatever ennemy you are fighting has

1%pink, 10%purp, 20%green and the remainder in trash you would increase the chances to (for example) 2%... 11%... 21%. The problem is that no one seems to know by how much the potion increases the chances. Keep in mind that your chances are still pretty slim. LOL

That's not how they work. Basically it's like this. Whenever a drop comes there is a 35% chance the elixer procs. It it does not, then you roll for a drop as usual. If it does proc, you roll twice from the same loot table, and you keep the more rare (based on the color scale) of the two drops.

01-25-2011, 05:30 PM
do u mean actually equipping both, having them both in your inventory, or one person wears eye and another the shield?

Depends on what you are farming.

01-25-2011, 05:32 PM
That's not how they work. Basically it's like this. Whenever a drop comes there is a 35% chance the elixer procs. It it does not, then you roll for a drop as usual. If it does proc, you roll twice from the same loot table, and you keep the more rare (based on the color scale) of the two drops.

Makes sense... So the potion is equivalent to get the best drop out of 2 "rolls"...

01-25-2011, 08:30 PM
Not worth it IMO. I've only ever gotten something good once from a luck potion, all my other rares from normal farming. I just don't trust it. Lol

01-27-2011, 08:00 PM
If you have more money than you know what to do with, use it. It's not expensive, but very rarely works, and when it does, it's usually an upgrade from one crappy item to a marginally less crappy item.

My situation is, I have a pile of cash that I have no real use for. So if I'm killing Fridge looking for a specific piece of loot, I think it's worth it. 2/3 of the time it doesn't even work, when it does do anything at all, it's more often the words "Feelin' lucky..." followed by nothing 2/3 of the time, but 1/3 of the time that it actually does something, 1/3 of those times it will actually upgrade my loot. If you were lucky enough to be landing a purple, it might turn pink for you. Just realize you are spending almost 20,000 gold to get that one reroll, and only if it's the right loot at that one right time, it will improve to something you want to keep.

I dropped probably 100k on them while farming toyman, I probably about evened out with extra pinks to sell versus money spent on luck pots. If you are doing it while chasing some specific piece of loot you can't buy and is a pain to farm, and money is no object, go ahead, it'll probably save you a bit of time and it's fun. But don't delude yourself into thinking it's profitable, because it likely won't be, you'll probably lose money on the deal, maybe lots of it, sucker. But it is an extra bit of fun...

08-31-2011, 10:19 PM
4x combo elixer = more pink. Enough said

08-31-2011, 11:09 PM
I'm just saying .... I have used a lot of 3x & 4x elixers in my day aswell as Big Luck and ironically enough never got a pink unless elixer and vanity free....lmao ...really WTF is that about??

But ask me if that keeps me from trying.....bwahahaha

08-31-2011, 11:33 PM
Ok... well every one seems to say total random. Im no computer wiz or do i know programing but ive always been told there no such thing it is programed somewhere. Also on star legends i have all three classes and all are lvl 26 imo my commando gets a good drop way more than the other two. i cant comment on pl as i only have one toon. I do know several players who describe the same situation of one toon having better luck. On the other hand i have heard of players going from 55-56 without a single pink from sewers. Maybe the whole drop rate is more complex than we think... maybe they help some and not others.

08-31-2011, 11:57 PM
For all my random needs I go here http://www.random.org/

09-01-2011, 12:31 AM
For all my random needs I go here http://www.random.org/

Well now.... That was random wasn't it :)