View Full Version : Best level to use power levellers elixir in Alien Oasis?

01-19-2011, 12:31 PM
I've been experimenting with the different levels and one thing has interested me - what do you think is the best level if you have 5 people about the same level that you are in to use Power Levellers Liquid in Alien Oasis? I am currently a level 37 mage (second character).

- Alien Oasis 1-5 (just enough enemies to get around within the alloted time and by the time you face the boss, you should be near the end of its effects)
- Alien Oasis 2 levels (not sure which ones though)
- Plasma Pyramid

Other Candidates for people in their higher 40s:
- Crush the Keeper
- Intergalatic Warfare
- This Ends Now

Captivate Audience is not good, because too many prisoners are released. Some of them are harder than T'paxx and the probability of death is very high.

Thanks in advance.

01-19-2011, 12:41 PM
crush the keeper is easily the best for higher lvl 40's. the level has the least amount of enemies with long range distance

01-19-2011, 12:43 PM
Plasma pyramid is easy, if you have a lvl 50 mage running with you, you can get all the mobs within 5 minutes. Then crush the keeper from 45-50.

01-19-2011, 12:43 PM
I know that Crush the Keeper is the best map for levelng in AO3. For AO2 I believe the best map is Plasma Pyramid.

01-19-2011, 12:49 PM
I would have to agree. ^ Actually saw my xp bar move last night in Crush the Keeper for the first time in a few days. I could be Level 50 by the weekend!

I ran Plasma Pyramid up until a little while ago for xp, and now I just run it for gold and amusement. It's still very good for those two things.

01-19-2011, 12:51 PM
about those prisoners being released...

many ppl are on quests that require them to be released. if you do it right you can release those things without them attacking.
you need a mage or bird to open them. everyone should clear the aisle and stay in the middle. let the mage or bird do a ranged attack on the prisoner to open it up. hit your auto and as you approach the "cell" turn back right before your shot fires off. this usually keeps them in place and they won't come after you. i've done this a lot (even on my own) and it works.

i've seen so many ppl not know what they are doing and run right in there and botch the game up. just a little helpful tip ;0)

p.s. also...if you do get too close and they come after you (and you don't feel like dealing with them) just run away towards the main entrance...they will follow you for a bit but then turn back and go to their cell. they'll stay there unless you get too close to them. so...stay in the center of the aisle.

01-19-2011, 01:37 PM
With a power levelers elixir, you can go from 49 to 50 in about an hour or so of constant Crush the Keeper runs. Clear through till after the shadow mobs, skip the sniper room and skip the lore keeper if you want.

01-19-2011, 02:21 PM
Even if a full group isn't very "fast" skipping lore isn't typically necessary.
I've been in a ton of groups with elixir users and someone says to skip lore only to have a bunch of time left even after clearing up to Keeper.
Lore is a quick kill as long as everyone pitches in ;)

For AO2, if Plasma gets boring, AO2.4 is actually pretty good as long as the d'jinns get dragged.
AO2.5 would be nice if you didn't have a bunch of dead time when retracing steps.

01-19-2011, 02:31 PM
OMG, z0d, this is the 1st time I've read this. That's how I do it -- release and not draw aggro -- but man, there's lots of clueless people out there. Lots of cluessless people.

The other day I was doing the release prisoners quests -- I'd done cybers twice w/ good teams so I was looking to do the same w/ the prisoner releases -- but LOL. I was jumping into PUGs for a bit and I kept telling people to clear mid and they kept running after the yellow aliens and letting prisoners out. LOL. After awhile, I was letting them die :P and went looking for a better team. It's unfortunate that looking for a better team worked out better than trying to tell the morons releasing prisoners to NOT do that.

Bullhorn: Clear aliens first. Stay in middle aisle between prisoner halls. You can use ALL skills from there and NOT break any prisoners out. Do I need to repeat that? And aliens will come out after you. Funny how that works :P

I mean really. I'm also surprised at how many mages run right up to the prisoner capsule to open it. They RUN UP TO THE PRISONER CAPSULES, I guess to get a better look inside? Hello? Use your long range spells, the 12m ones, like firestorm, then as the spell releases, step back. Do I need to repeat this? Because I have, in groups, and well, as usual, no one listened :P

I was also telling them prisoners reset towards respawn, but I still watched lots of them run the other way and into more aliens. LOL. Are there really brains behind these players? I understand there might be fewer aliens to clear running away from respawn but anyone notice some prisoners can chase you 1/2 way down the other aisle before resetting? Prisoners reset on both aisles in the middle of those bottom big rooms near respawn. Use reset as a strategy.

And just because you can mostly survive those prisoners doesn't mean release them! They really mess up targeting of aliens. I usually let the prisoner releasers deal with the prisoners until those prisoners reset. Because really...

And if you end up having to deal with TWO shadows at once, please kill the FAT one first! Please, please, please kill the one that can kill you. Or I guess the group can wipe and then you can deal with one shadow at time :P

I'm sure I said something about brains already, right? I laugh but I gotta think those players would WANT to play better... or maybe not.

01-19-2011, 02:37 PM
I would have to agree. ^ Actually saw my xp bar move last night in Crush the Keeper for the first time in a few days. I could be Level 50 by the weekend!

Isn't that exciting? I remember almost being there and thinking, "oooh, maybe today!" :)

01-19-2011, 02:40 PM
That's one thing I wish the devs would fix, Fryce...messed up targeting. i've had too many times where i wanted to target a new enemy but could not because it was already locked on another one. devs should remove target lock once you hit auto again. make it like a toggle.

...just my two pennies worth ;0)

01-19-2011, 07:26 PM
With Plasma if you have one person with double damage, who is above 45, you'll finish everything but the bosses by the time it's up, around 130-170 I think, forget.

01-20-2011, 01:19 AM
Well, you can retarget, yes, but auto target targets the most threatening and it's true, it's the prisoners. They're more dangerous than the aliens. The system doesn't know about reset. It's not an auto-target strategy :P

It'd be nice to tab or something to go to the next target, because it's hard to tap on an alien when prisoners are mixed in + you have to tap a lot because aliens die a lot faster than prisoners and auto-target keeps trying to target the most dangerous npc, in this case a prisoner.