View Full Version : Heads Up! The Current Leaderboard Season Comes to A Close Soon!

08-21-2014, 02:59 PM
Just as a heads up, the current leader board season will come to an end with the release of the Planar Arena update. We do not have an official date for this release yet, pending bug fixes and Apple approval, but we will keep you all posted as the season end draws nearer. Best of luck in the final fight for those top positions!

08-21-2014, 03:00 PM

08-21-2014, 03:05 PM
Uhh so fast

Wysłane z mojego Nexus 7 2013 przy użyciu Tapatalka

08-21-2014, 03:07 PM

08-21-2014, 03:10 PM
Does end of season mean.... surely not you just said the other day...but then what.... so confused.... expansion!?

08-21-2014, 03:11 PM
Sigh... would be awesome if seasons started with clean pvp slates so that EVERYONE can have a chance at banners c= twinks make it no fun esp when u see em with 50k kills and 1k deaths huhu :banana:

08-21-2014, 03:11 PM
So..after planar arena is released, will it be season 8?

08-21-2014, 03:20 PM
Are you going to implement seasonal leaderboards one day? At this point 99% of players don't have any shot at getting a banner, even playing full time, and people who quit 2 seasons ago are still getting them. Doesn't make any sense at all.

08-21-2014, 05:12 PM
Good point Serancha. It is definitely worth taking a look into. I'll mention it to the devs.

Also, for those speculating, this does not mean there is a new expansion. We just acknowledge that the new changes to the arena will change overall timing and what it takes to get to the top, so to be fair we are resetting the LB's for the arena release.

08-21-2014, 05:19 PM
Any changes/ updates to skills system with new lb reset?

08-21-2014, 05:22 PM
Wil the reset be to all.
Eg. CTF kills and Tdm Kills and CTF Captures.

08-21-2014, 06:13 PM
as a timed runner I heavily disagree with this decision. I would suggest just resetting arena and keep season 6 going until new cap like all seasons before. I currently have 19 pure and 20 enhanced times and have no problem with having it reset. the current arena is still scaled to level 36 also.

the bigger issue is the other timed maps. with this announcement we do have some time to perfect the current set times on all maps, except we cant because its impossible to keep a whole party in a run for longer than 30 seconds unless u get real lucky... believe me I have tried, numerous times. with this decision lb banners will be given to people that honestly dont deserve it. this sounds real harsh but it is the truth.

sts if you stay strong to this decision, all I ask is that you fix the current dc issue with ample time for times to be set properly.

again I think the best decision would be just to reset the current arena times and not end the season.

08-21-2014, 07:33 PM
No offense but this is really dumb.

As serancha said, people that quit seasons ago are still getting banners, and with all this lag it's really hard to complete maps.

Also I don't understand the logic of not increasing level cap to 46 for the next season. Does STS realize that people on timed run lb will run them again exactly the same and get another banner for season 7? It's not fair for the rest of us..

One last thing, I don't understand how this is a new season without a new level cap or campaign. What has changed??

08-21-2014, 07:34 PM
Wil the reset be to all.
Eg. CTF kills and Tdm Kills and CTF Captures.

I think she just meant LB times for arena. But that's something that is going to happen already. With a new season = all timed lbs are generally reset anyways.

08-21-2014, 08:04 PM
We cant even run elites now. You cant release a new season when we dont even have a shot to run. PLEASE look at this, respond, and take it into consideration. Its extremely hard to get consistent runs when at least 1 person dcs every run. Give at least 2 weeks after fixing the DC thing before this happens. If not, then this is very ridiculous.

08-21-2014, 08:09 PM
We cant even run elites now. You cant release a new season when we dont even have a shot to run. PLEASE look at this, respond, and take it into consideration. Its extremely hard to get consistent runs when at least 1 person dcs every run. Give at least 2 weeks after fixing the DC thing before this happens. If not, then this is very ridiculous.

Is there really a problem with DCing? We were able to run records just fine and so were other Karma members. My ping has been fine all day as well. .-.

08-21-2014, 08:12 PM
Go to the thread in tech issues section. Tons of people are having this problem. We tried to do wt4 on our l15s. Total of 10 runs attempted, over 15 total dcs. Within the first 30 seconds of each run. Windmoore harbor? 20+ runs, 1, I repeat, 1 solid clean run without dcs(the run that broke the rec). Maybe you guys arent DCing as much, but we are, and its not fair for times to be undo-able because we DC.

Also, my ping is green, under 100, then I randomly go 120k ping and DC, its not about ping, its straight up being kicked off server.

I Cant even run wt4 solo for pve kills without getting kicked out every few runs.

08-21-2014, 08:12 PM
The only thing that should be reset is arena, there shouldnt be a new season without a new level cap anyways. It is pointless.

08-21-2014, 08:42 PM
Yes there is a lag problem. I can barely run Km3,WT4 or Arena, either I lag out or the other people lag out. I've played on my pc, tablet, and phone with no difference over wifi, Ethernet or 4G connection. Oddly enough Pvp is very smooth....

08-21-2014, 11:15 PM
I don't get the point of new LB season , as ninja already mentioned , same gears, same lvl = same lb. Plus mythic gears and new pet were just released. LOL what's the rush? .. And yes there is a lag problem, I take 1-2 weeks break a month and I logged in to see what everyone is talking about .. Sitting in GH is perfectly
Fine.. Go in pve... My screen freezing and lagging, ping seems to be okay. Come on. You guys have never done this, even when gladiator came so why now

08-22-2014, 12:34 AM
I hate to be contrary but it has been season 6 for the last 5 months. There are only 5 maps that are new since last season, so the argument that people need time to work out the fastest way to run the maps is kind of bogus. The lb should have been purged when they put in the new client and eliminated pet spam, but there is no help for that now.

But then resetting the lb's means nothing unless they implement seasonal leaderboards. Since it is only 4-ring teams for speed, and all the same old names and free flaggers for the rest, lb's are pretty much sealed up. People like myself who love running timed but have no ring are virtually eliminated from even that much fun now, so the whole "new lb season" gimmick is kind of pointless unless they are implementing a new format that will give more players opportunities.

"Coming soon" could be anything from 3 weeks to 3 months from now. Likely the server stability will be resolved long before the season change happens.

08-22-2014, 12:36 AM
But then resetting the lb's means nothing unless they implement seasonal leaderboards. Since it is only 4-ring teams for speed, and all the same old names and free flaggers for the rest, lb's are pretty much sealed up. People like myself who love running timed but have no ring are virtually eliminated from even that much fun now, so the whole "new lb season" gimmick is kind of pointless unless they are implementing a new format that will give more players opportunities.

You don't need ring for tomb recs...

08-22-2014, 12:40 AM
Just as a heads up, the current leader board season will come to an end with the release of the Planar Arena update. We do not have an official date for this release yet, pending bug fixes AND APPLE APPROVAL , but we will keep you all posted as the season end draws nearer. Best of luck in the final fight for those top positions!

The apple approval takes always so long -_-

Dex Scene
08-22-2014, 05:59 AM
"Apple approval"... i hate this part.

08-22-2014, 07:04 AM
Players in the top position, active or not, took a lot of time and effort to get there. I don't see the sense kicking them out for being inactive. They set the bar to which players must do to get to the LB. Its not their fault that they were able to get perfect AP and millions of PVE kills. (Eg overall)

08-22-2014, 07:40 AM
Many of those names also exploited bugs in the system that were later fixed to get those obscene records, especially the PVE kill counts.

So it that really fair to the rest of us who stand no chance of getting some 1m kills because we cant stand around in Camp Boulder while our pet kills endless spawning wolves while AFK?

08-22-2014, 11:02 AM
Hi all. To my knowledge, the DC issues have been resolved since yesterdays update so that should help in giving you plenty of time to get your very best times before the season ends.

As for the complaints about the players on the overall leader boards, this is an ongoing discussion and we will certainly keep it in mind. We don't want to undermine the achievements of those who fought hard to get to the top of overall, but we do see the value in seasonal LBs as well. We will keep you up to date on any changes we intend to make to this system, but for this upcoming season (Season 7) we will keep things the same.

I know it's a bit of a change in the formula to reset LBs without being tied to a new expansion, but with the fact that the current season has been active for a few months now, and considering that the new changes to the arena may significantly impact run times, we considered this an opportune moment to start the next season.

Thanks for the feedback!

08-22-2014, 01:32 PM
Funny how the people who have recs in every time run lb want an extinsion of the current season.

The greedyness of some people amazes me sometimes.

08-22-2014, 01:43 PM
Funny how the people who have recs in every time run lb want an extinsion of the current season.

The greedyness of some people amazes me sometimes.

Having all the times isnt about "Greed" its about achievement. Times are not property, they are achievements. People might hate on me for consuming most of the lb, but those people just want things HANDED TO THEM.

08-22-2014, 01:56 PM
Having all the times isnt about "Greed" its about achievement. Times are not property, they are achievements. People might hate on me for consuming most of the lb, but those people just want things HANDED TO THEM.

I suck playing PvE. Anyways , how things can be handed to someone if he doesn't break a sweat for it?

08-22-2014, 02:01 PM
I have a question for devs/mods.

We are going to have a mythic counterpart of Nekro ?

08-22-2014, 02:12 PM
Aren't the changes to the arena confined to the planar, how does it influence all the other timed runs and achievements to the extent it's causing a new season...?

08-22-2014, 02:34 PM
Where do i go to report bug, remi? :suspicion:

08-22-2014, 02:57 PM
Where do i go to report bug, remi? :suspicion:
You can report general bug here:

If encountered the lag bug you can report it here:

08-22-2014, 04:16 PM
Honestly, I have been saying this all the time, all lb should be reset each season. It's for the best player of the season.
It should be for those who farmed most in Pve, pvp kills, FLAGS FOR THE SEASON, and ran best time run for the season.
You don't have to reset each players hard working, but you should reset lb to count it again imo.
This way everyone who is actually playing has a chance to get banner.

08-22-2014, 05:06 PM
Having all the times isnt about "Greed" its about achievement. Times are not property, they are achievements. People might hate on me for consuming most of the lb, but those people just want things HANDED TO THEM.

Says the one asking for an extension so he can get the rest of the records. I'm not a hater, but this is kind of silly.

08-22-2014, 05:25 PM
Soo new cap?

08-22-2014, 05:31 PM
Having all the times isnt about "Greed" its about achievement. Times are not property, they are achievements. People might hate on me for consuming most of the lb, but those people just want things HANDED TO THEM.

So it's your own fault for not keeping on top of records, right?

Procrastination at it's finest.

08-22-2014, 05:42 PM
Soo new cap?


08-22-2014, 05:46 PM
So it's your own fault for not keeping on top of records, right?

Procrastination at it's finest.

Ill give it to ya Parth, nice word there. Lol

Ign: Manipulativ

08-22-2014, 05:54 PM
I don't get what's wrong in trying to own every spot in a timed run...it should be a competition not a buffet where players decide, chosing among their friends and guildies, who can go on LB and who no or a player getting angry with another cause he is trying to break his time.

Since this new season was announced out of the blue it is legitimate there should be and i am guessing it currently going on a final rush to get the seats....
That is how it should be in a LB that works.

08-22-2014, 09:10 PM
First of all, I am ok with new season coming soon. I didnt say the people who were on lb didnt deserve to be there. I was saying its not fair for me and my guys to be unable to run because of DCs. Those of you complaining know you will need to resort to arena for your banners if I have a chance to run the maps I want to, and THAT's why you are upset, and THAT is greedy.

Second, Im not part of the 'let me get on lb for a banner' club. I run timed because I think it is FUN. I have helped more people get 'plz 1 rec for banner' than you can count on 2 hands, 3 hands, 4 hands...and those SAME people, magically dont wanna help me, or become jerks to me, right after they get their banners. So dont call me selfish or greedy because I will list 20 people in this thread who I have helped, along with season and map.

Counterhit ph
08-22-2014, 09:35 PM

This is my Suggestion please read this Remiem :)

08-23-2014, 01:49 AM
Says the one asking for an extension so he can get the rest of the records. I'm not a hater, but this is kind of silly.The extension for a stable server works both ways. The player could have more of their records knocked off while attempting to get a new one. Everyone would be able to use the extension.

Now...scaled maps...those may have an issue with fairness, what with the Mother's Day coronets. Unless new pets and combinations have been able to help wipe out all those times (I don't really look at the leaderboards much, so I don't know if any old Mother's Day records are still up).

Tabeer Amin
08-23-2014, 01:56 AM
Out of topic but please make pets in alphabetical order in list (which we don't own), or in epic, legendary, mythic, arcane order....
Nd plz it's time to make mythic or arcane weekend. ..(from normal locks)
It's been a long time..
Locks are 6k in ah..which is pathetic -_-

08-23-2014, 03:40 AM
[QUOTE=Tabeer Amin;1793771)
Nd plz it's time to make mythic or arcane weekend. ..(from normal locks)
It's been a long time..
Locks are 6k in ah..which is pathetic -_-[/QUOTE] Sts doesn't tell you what the locks prices should be :)

Dex Scene
08-23-2014, 02:11 PM
I think All time Lb should stay the way it is now and a new part should come which will be seasonal LB.
Lots of games have seasonal/weekly LBs.
If we have seasonal lb, people doing best this season will be on respective seasonal record category.
Rewards should be given on seasonal LB basis.
I don't mean to offend anyone of you legends here. I won't be able to be in neither seasonal nor all time LB and i wont even try, but just giving my opinion as people will be encouraged to do good every season and will be rewarded on the performance on every season. All time records will be there for fame!

08-23-2014, 04:54 PM

K thx :p

08-24-2014, 12:23 AM
Hi all. To my knowledge, the DC issues have been resolved since yesterdays update so that should help in giving you plenty of time to get your very best times before the season ends.

As for the complaints about the players on the overall leader boards, this is an ongoing discussion and we will certainly keep it in mind. We don't want to undermine the achievements of those who fought hard to get to the top of overall, but we do see the value in seasonal LBs as well. We will keep you up to date on any changes we intend to make to this system, but for this upcoming season (Season 7) we will keep things the same.

I know it's a bit of a change in the formula to reset LBs without being tied to a new expansion, but with the fact that the current season has been active for a few months now, and considering that the new changes to the arena may significantly impact run times, we considered this an opportune moment to start the next season.

Thanks for the feedback!

You guys do a lot of things right with your games but as I've argued before in battle command your leader board ranking ideas are a joke. I hate to sound harsh in saying that but its hardly fair that players who amassed the majority of their leader board stats in previous seasons due to easier game play, gear availability (or lack there of to overall majority) , bugs, and any other exploitable differential should be able to continue to collect on that stat. Unless I'm mistaken aren't our worldwide sports events based on the best line up of the sports current season ? All I'm saying is that leader board competition should be for the current year with the current rules only. In U.S. football you don't see players holding record stats for touchdowns on a field that was half as big as current dimensions so why would you hang on to stats from a lesser game ? Best in season should mean best in season previous stats should only apply if every player new and old has a chance to participate at the same level. It's a very controversial topic but why not just have a previous leader board hall of fame and reset all stats every season from now on ? This would be fair to all the past leader board winners and the up coming players who are active.

08-24-2014, 02:35 AM
I just have another question that has not been brought up with all the talk of timed runs and what not:

What is going to happen to all the old arena AP?

Are they going to still stand, or are the AP points for the old arena achievements going to be wiped and replaced with new achievements? I did not do the test server, but it seems to me that they may have to get rid of these old APs and their achievement points as new people may no longer be able to complete them in the same way in the new arena. This may be the real reason to reset the leaderboards as this will be a real game changer for the leaderboards. Just asking, because some people (imclding myself) have put in a serious amount of time and plat to get these APs for the old arena and would be pretty upset if the AP points for these old achievements got wiped...

Counterhit ph
08-24-2014, 03:20 AM
This is my Suggestion please read this Remiem :)

And this thread by Gensin :)

08-24-2014, 07:19 AM
I don't care about lb, but 5 months are enough time to break records. Instead wasting my time to complain and respond I would play and try to break the records I miss.

08-24-2014, 07:46 AM
Good point Serancha. It is definitely worth taking a look into. I'll mention it to the devs.

Also, for those speculating, this does not mean there is a new expansion. We just acknowledge that the new changes to the arena will change overall timing and what it takes to get to the top, so to be fair we are resetting the LB's for the arena release.

Can you make all area or maps balance to all class.... like right now i can see most time run and elite map warrior is not needed.
Its kinda sad its more rouge dominating all time run maps.

If you can raise the difficulty in all maps so that they will need a tank to run it lol.

08-24-2014, 07:47 AM
When can we expect the Planar update?

08-24-2014, 12:25 PM
I disagree with this and to push it on twinks is absored the top leaders for ctf are endgamers to erase all there hard work would probally make people quit game they worked hard for there spots and spent almost 2 years working on that anyone can get on lbs for timed runs its honestly not that hard if anything there should be two diffrent leader boards for pvp maybe like a ctf leader board for a single season but i dont think players that have been working hard to keep there leader spots should just have them taken away somehow keep the current leaderboard and also make a new one for a single season so noone gets screwed oit of there hard work

08-24-2014, 12:29 PM
Something like a alltime leaderboard and a current one for the current season

08-24-2014, 02:20 PM
Zzz can't wait for the new planar arena...

08-24-2014, 07:59 PM
I disagree with this and to push it on twinks is absored the top leaders for ctf are endgamers to erase all there hard work would probally make people quit game they worked hard for there spots and spent almost 2 years working on that anyone can get on lbs for timed runs its honestly not that hard if anything there should be two diffrent leader boards for pvp maybe like a ctf leader board for a single season but i dont think players that have been working hard to keep there leader spots should just have them taken away somehow keep the current leaderboard and also make a new one for a single season so noone gets screwed oit of there hard work
Preach it.

08-24-2014, 09:17 PM
First of all, I am ok with new season coming soon. I didnt say the people who were on lb didnt deserve to be there. I was saying its not fair for me and my guys to be unable to run because of DCs. Those of you complaining know you will need to resort to arena for your banners if I have a chance to run the maps I want to, and THAT's why you are upset, and THAT is greedy.

Second, Im not part of the 'let me get on lb for a banner' club. I run timed because I think it is FUN. I have helped more people get 'plz 1 rec for banner' than you can count on 2 hands, 3 hands, 4 hands...and those SAME people, magically dont wanna help me, or become jerks to me, right after they get their banners. So dont call me selfish or greedy because I will list 20 people in this thread who I have helped, along with season and map.

Dude, you cannot blame STG for your lack of planning. There was plenty of time to run before and I've been able to run records without getting disconnected. The last I checked, the DC issues were fixed and you were running maps.

Remember Me
08-24-2014, 09:35 PM
First of all, I am ok with new season coming soon. I didnt say the people who were on lb didnt deserve to be there. I was saying its not fair for me and my guys to be unable to run because of DCs. Those of you complaining know you will need to resort to arena for your banners if I have a chance to run the maps I want to, and THAT's why you are upset, and THAT is greedy.

Second, Im not part of the 'let me get on lb for a banner' club. I run timed because I think it is FUN. I have helped more people get 'plz 1 rec for banner' than you can count on 2 hands, 3 hands, 4 hands...and those SAME people, magically dont wanna help me, or become jerks to me, right after they get their banners. So dont call me selfish or greedy because I will list 20 people in this thread who I have helped, along with season and map.

Sir I need banner pls .

Aze pls

08-25-2014, 08:34 AM
First of all, I am ok with new season coming soon.

Dude, you cannot blame STG for your lack of planning. There was plenty of time to run before and I've been able to run records without getting disconnected. The last I checked, the DC issues were fixed and you were running maps.

....? Did you quote the wrong message? Im fine now that the DCs stopped. Like I said, the only reason you guys want season to stop, is so I dont have the chance at your records. Dont worry. The season will end and you will get a banner. Gratz. Now quit whining about it.

08-25-2014, 05:30 PM

08-25-2014, 05:45 PM

08-26-2014, 02:55 PM
If there's a new season can we still get a new 41 Mastery banner :D one for the old season and one for the last

08-26-2014, 02:56 PM

08-26-2014, 03:02 PM
....? Did you quote the wrong message? Im fine now that the DCs stopped. Like I said, the only reason you guys want season to stop, is so I dont have the chance at your records. Dont worry. The season will end and you will get a banner. Gratz. Now quit whining about it.

*cough* huge ego *cough*

08-26-2014, 06:38 PM
66th! =D Yay. xD.

Planar Arena, Wohooo! ^^

-Destroyerlee, Officialmage, Onlymissdiana

08-27-2014, 05:10 AM

08-27-2014, 10:04 AM

Yeah it would be nice if we had at least a couple of days notice when this is happening.

08-27-2014, 11:58 AM
Yep, please give us a date as u guys always do

08-27-2014, 05:07 PM
Should think first about correcting bugs and the issue of lag, and then later think of something new.

08-27-2014, 06:52 PM
....? Did you quote the wrong message? Im fine now that the DCs stopped. Like I said, the only reason you guys want season to stop, is so I dont have the chance at your records. Dont worry. The season will end and you will get a banner. Gratz. Now quit whining about it.

And you're not whining!?!?!

08-28-2014, 03:14 AM
When is this coming?

08-28-2014, 08:38 AM
Yeah it would be nice if we had at least a couple of days notice when this is happening.
I'm guessing very very soon so be ready... js! IE. you have days not weeks.

08-28-2014, 09:04 AM
it's silly to start a new season with no new expansion/cap.

08-28-2014, 09:19 AM
it's silly to start a new season with no new expansion/cap.

Due to arena changing I don't think it's easy to do it any other way... it's just how the game is designed that's why... I don't think they can change the arena without resetting the leaderboards... ie. I don't think just one can be reset... all or nothing.

08-29-2014, 09:33 PM
Can we see the new banner design ;).

08-30-2014, 01:18 PM
Any updates on this bros.?
Sts, plz give us a heads up if it is monday or next week... or not.

08-31-2014, 11:04 AM
remiem.; the new planar arena are expansion or new season only?? sorry for my question so kido.,

08-31-2014, 04:03 PM
Can we see the new banner design ;).


08-31-2014, 04:46 PM
remiem.; the new planar arena are expansion or new season only?? sorry for my question so kido.,
New season. No expansion for a while

09-01-2014, 05:15 AM
Please dont make banners purple :(((
No purple on banners.

09-01-2014, 07:18 AM
New season. No expansion for a while

tnx, for the Answer my question,.. any way, all lb player why not given new flag and new vanity for not tradable set, it's so hard go to lb right. make a good prize for us,,

09-01-2014, 04:17 PM
Black banner for overall warrior pls :)

09-01-2014, 10:27 PM
ok ok ok , a new lb? a crazy idea, ive playing for years...even u guys might also ...
ive only leftt the game once but some of my friends got me in the game,
i mean ive opened lockeds, saw lots of players leave cuz of injustice like scams etc etc etc...
and now a NEW LB?!!!
well not so great
but think of the other ppl , they need time, i mean like no rush right?
nekro came early like RIGHT AFTER EVENT when shady surge became useless
ive opened upto 700-800 lockeds(i can guarentee u )
but no arcane only myths
whats the prize when ur on lb is the question
seriously i mean old players have gotten nothin but trash, and the new / old players who left have gotten what they want
im not joking
everyone, including most of my friends who were old players also left the game cuz of rewards , how they were treated all that , ive been scammed alot when i was new,
totally i lost 20m or more
have u ever thought what happens when a player leave and gets back?
they get everything they want
think about it 99% of the ppl who play the game all they time
they only get trashed/ or they becmoe trash whats the hurry
im not freaking out / shouting at sts to give me my money and all that
everytime a person thinks/says twice why?
think of the future and the effect of ur current plan
nekro,shady surge ,arc ring , something arcane or mythic is the reward
BUT FOR WHAT? everyone wants it
either arcane or mythic
i mean gambling for crates i spent more than 100k plats
but whats my reward when sts got their money as reward?
whats the point of it
one of my friend and i ran for ker'shal
in the end he lost all of his money
he got banned
he quitted and came back
just for ???
think about it
he just came for me
he never cared for rewards
all of us are either running / dying for rewards
if u play 99% OF THE DAY IN AL
seriously have a look whats going

regarding pvE , PVP and classes

rogues are good enough and are like the main killers in both pvE as wels as PVp
warrriors are tough and survive long they are quite slow or fast but still worth playing as war wether u are bad or good
now comes the class termed as" bad class or THE WORST CLASS"
sorcs have got almost no armor and no hp
i have all three characters
only my mage is lvl 41
rogue is 27
war is 23
the main point is my sorcs has 203 kills and 621 deaths in total of tdm as well as ctf
ive got a normal armor 1022 which is common for any mage who is complete perfect mythic upgraded ,
and their dmg can be high as 423-580-600
ik how it feels about dc lags n all that
sts tries their best ,
when it comes to events im completely IDK
ive helped many ppl who are like 2-39 lvls
even im a low lvl guy like yall know my rogue n war are low
but have u ever felt that though ur a cap lvl in pvP u can die fast , as a mage
ever thought wy?
cuz the armor and hp are low
only ur mana is upto satisfactory
ive seen a mage wit 798 dmg but his hp ? omggg was my response
only 2976
his armor was 1020 means his upgraded myth though he wore red founders robe and mantle so i could defenitely find it out
as hes lvl 41 and 100+ armor is 84% percent a myth upgraded
why is it that sorcs arents good enough or for short "poor" or other words other ppl use

09-01-2014, 10:50 PM
Black banner for overall warrior pls :)

I love black.

09-02-2014, 09:47 PM
Black <3 lol

09-02-2014, 10:10 PM
Wjy apple approval took so long -_-

09-07-2014, 10:53 AM
Waiting waiting waiting...
*hulk smash stupid apple.

09-07-2014, 01:14 PM
Please dont make banners purple :(((
No purple on banners.

Purples not so bad, lets just pray we don't get orange, I will instant delete lmao.

09-07-2014, 08:06 PM
Hurry up and end id like to keep my arena spots lol

09-08-2014, 10:09 AM
Floating banner :)

09-08-2014, 12:26 PM
Yep we all waiting for our lb spots to be rewarded atleast.. its taking a toll now since everyone is round about trying to steal a spot.

09-08-2014, 02:23 PM
Yep we all waiting for our lb spots to be rewarded atleast.. its taking a toll now since everyone is round about trying to steal a spot.

Nothing is guaranteed, and the best person at the end of the season wins. It does suck getting bumped off of a leaderboard, but that's all the more reason to keep trying!

Does anyone know when this expansion is?

09-08-2014, 09:02 PM
Nothing is guaranteed, and the best person at the end of the season wins. It does suck getting bumped off of a leaderboard, but that's all the more reason to keep trying!

Does anyone know when this expansion is?

Might be this week, but Apple still isn't agreeing with sts lol with the client

09-08-2014, 10:23 PM
Nothing is guaranteed, and the best person at the end of the season wins. It does suck getting bumped off of a leaderboard, but that's all the more reason to keep trying!

Does anyone know when this expansion is?

Hauntlet pure ftw

09-09-2014, 03:04 AM
Apple, Apple, Apple..... Have you had your 5+ a day? No? Well lucky you! Apples are GREAT for eating.

09-09-2014, 03:27 AM
Please make revamp next week, not this week. Ty.

09-09-2014, 03:45 AM
Just try to make player have fun...
U all busy to check ur bank from our money, lol...

09-10-2014, 11:59 AM
I fell sick waiting -.-' now i cant play lol
But the question again is "when?"

09-10-2014, 01:09 PM
Please make revamp next week, not this week. Ty.

Heehee. You just want more haunting

09-10-2014, 01:39 PM
At this point, STS might as well drop the Planar Tombs along with the arena. Yes, we need a change that badly!

I'm honestly tired of farming Caves and Jagged Trail over, and over, and over, and over.....one or two solos.....then back to Caves and Trail


09-10-2014, 03:19 PM
Make a 15 and come hauntleting with us Kali ;) It doesn't get boring until after 300 runs or so.

09-10-2014, 06:32 PM
Make a 15 and come hauntleting with us Kali ;) It doesn't get boring until after 300 runs or so.

lol - I've got 2 lv15's :-)

A tank and rogue, both for PvP and hauntlet farming

But I get tired of the PvP drama quickly, and I usually only farm 15-20 coins a day on each, so I always end up going back to endgame elites. I must admit that soloing Kraken with a lv15 has been challenging and fun. Wish I could run Nordr maps with them :-)

09-10-2014, 06:53 PM
At this point, STS might as well drop the Planar Tombs along with the arena. Yes, we need a change that badly!

I'm honestly tired of farming Caves and Jagged Trail over, and over, and over, and over.....one or two solos.....then back to Caves and Trail


See this is why I quit lol. The game is so boring, and all my old mates quit

09-10-2014, 10:53 PM
Happy to hear.

09-11-2014, 06:39 AM
Dont gives us a time, just cut it off. Why not?
Farming its boring, unless you do a solo timed runs.
PVP drama with karma at both sides ganging and spotblocking NOT COOL.
People getting bored atm, hard to get a 4 rings team at same timetable,
good gear its rare,
arcane pets are prohibited for mayority of pokets.
STS doing good to equal non plat users posibilities with the tradable elixirs, timed runs enhanced are only for plat users at this seasson unless you dont ever die.


09-12-2014, 07:45 AM
PVP drama with karma at both sides ganging and spotblocking NOT COOL.

Its funny that you reduce it to karma just because DM and OF COURSE MAGNUM isnt any better or even worse! So keep it "in general" without naming a single guild but i know its hard for you because even you have arcane ring and the tdm rogue glitch is still there you die a lot because you have zero skills when it comes to teamwork! You are one of those rogue rambos that run in a wall again and again.