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View Full Version : please remove the death count when I leave a pvp arena/map this is unnecessary:mad:

08-25-2014, 04:51 PM
is this a bug or no? I was just wondering if its a bug or not maybe you can help me?

please remove the automatic death count when I leave the pvp arena maps.


people get to use dummies all day and rack up a positive kdr for pvp but nooooo we cant escape a fight or we get penalized for it.

thank you for reading my thread :eagerness:

08-25-2014, 04:59 PM
OK first at all Calm Down!

And I Agree!, Why? Because it's very annoying when they gang you or want join to another room ( Maybe Guildies or a Dead Chracter don't wake up) and then a death is added to our PvP KDR.

Also Even Uf I have full mana and Heal and I'm not fighting I can't leave without get a Death!

Please Remove th Death Count!

08-25-2014, 05:03 PM
OK first at all Calm Down!

And I Agree!, Why? Because it's very annoying when they gang you or want join to another room ( Maybe Guildies or a Dead Chracter don't wake up) and then a death is added to our PvP KDR.

Also Even Uf I have full mana and Heal and I'm not fighting I can't leave without get a Death!

Please Remove th Death Count!

lol...I am calm bro no worries..lol

Big thanks for your response , I feel the same as you. Thanks for the reply:)

08-26-2014, 10:10 AM
Yeah i like to switch maps when i notice one game is empty but i cant, i must have got at least 200 deaths just from changing team or remapping since it has been implemented, it sucks, get rid of it.

Ign: Manipulativ

Counterhit ph
08-26-2014, 10:17 AM
You can only leave pvp arena without deaths if your hp and mana full and no skills are on cooldown.

08-26-2014, 10:19 AM
I always saw someone left the room while he attacked, in my level 18 PvP bracket.

So you want peoples like that free?

08-26-2014, 11:12 AM
Hey guys. I'm happy to talk to the devs about this. :) Thanks for your feedback.

08-26-2014, 11:34 AM
So if i vs someone in a pvp room and let's say i have 12% of hp and I'm almost close to lose the versus i should leave so i can't get the death in my pvp kdr. No ty. It's ok how it is now.

08-26-2014, 11:41 AM
We had this discussion in guild a while back. If memory serves:

In CTF you must be in rest stance before teleporting in order to leave without a death. As in, you have stopped moving / interacting, and your weapon is down.

In TDM you do not need to be in rest stance, but must have full hp.

The reason this was implemented was because people used to go into a room, ks a few times, then port out as soon as they were attacked, to preserve their precious k/d. It was ridiculous so STS made it so those cowards would not be preserving their record by screwing over their team. It should not be changed back.

08-26-2014, 08:44 PM
I remember when there was no death added, and many annoying people just join and trash talk and leave, then join back to just annoy people who wants to have clash.....
I do agree it's annoying but after this update I don't see many people do this tho.
Now you have shield to leave the game after spawn, or you can leave without getting a death when no effect is on with full Hp. Just annoying but just need some knack.

Pros and cons.

I would rather want to have 'kick' option to avoid gang which is from spot block.
I heard sts is worried this might be abused to kick random join people, but for me, what's wrong with that? It's a team game and I would like to play that with my team and guildies not random people.
Please consider this dev.

08-27-2014, 02:57 PM
We had this discussion in guild a while back. If memory serves:

In CTF you must be in rest stance before teleporting in order to leave without a death. As in, you have stopped moving / interacting, and your weapon is down. doesn't work for me , I have tried this numerous times to experiment trying to find out what truly helps to avoid a unnecessary death added to my kdr

In TDM you do not need to be in rest stance, but must have full hp.( doesn't work I tried it numerous times and it only increases my deaths per arena :suspicion:

The reason this was implemented was because people used to go into a room, ks a few times, then port out as soon as they were attacked, to preserve their precious k/d. It was ridiculous so STS made it so those cowards would not be preserving their record by screwing over their team. It should not be changed back.

maybe you missed the part when I mentioned being GANGED! ..did you happen to read that? not sure about you but I want to be able to leave without them getting credit for killing me due to an UNFAIR FIGHT

any comments? maybe you have a idea that could be implemented to avoid UNFAIR FIGHTS this I would like to hear back from you on that matter, not about preserving the precious kdr. its about FAIR FAIR FAIR FAIR fights :)

allow me to give you an example :p = I enter the room and I am lvl 6 and only one player on my team ( which is blue ) and this player on my team is lvl 6 also ..with me still?? .....on the other team ( RED ) you CANNOT see there lvls only names , so I assume that they are lvl 6's and proceed to fight and get killed like I am nothing only to find out they are lvl 7 and 8 the whole time and they wait for low lvls to join in the room so they can get free kills. then I am forced to leave cause they start to all gang up cause they get excited over more free kills. ( don't worry I bought the best gear available for my lvl costed me 4 mil or more and my pet is dova bear and little bear =lvl6 warrior ) I am able to stand my ground when I am up against my own lvl ( fair fight )

08-27-2014, 03:11 PM
So if i vs someone in a pvp room and let's say i have 12% of hp and I'm almost close to lose the versus i should leave so i can't get the death in my pvp kdr. No ty. It's ok how it is now.

If you are a coward yes. are you a coward?? if you are vs one on one in a FAIR FIGHT why would you leave..simply accept your death.

if you are being ganged its the same scenario you leave you still die due to an UNFAIR FIGHT

BESIDE YOU CANNOT LEAVE WITHOUT DYING ANYWAYS IF YOUR HP IS DOWN TO 12% there is a small delay when you go to teleport to another map or town thus allowing a few extra hits before you actually depart .

maybe choose another percentage that is realistic if you were to escape ( maybe 30% ?)

I made this thread for those of you who see this being a negative and not really helping. there has to be some other way to avoid gangs , this is my only issue is when I get ganged and I need to leave in a hurry they don't get credit for the kill but you still rack up deaths for leaving during combat. so what is your input on this??

ways to avoid gang without getting penalized for leaving.

I cant count how many times I called for vs in any of the two arena maps and then during the fight I start to win and the others jump in and attack me so the other player doesn't lose. if I leave they get no credit for killing me but I rack up an extra death ( stupidest idea !!!!!!!!!!!! in my opinon ) if I stay they get credit for killing me

08-27-2014, 08:48 PM
I think you raise some good points, but it's really hard to support your posts at times because you get so rude with people that are just commenting in general. If you are going to put something out there on a forum prepare for people to add what they think to it. It doesn't make them wrong, just as you are not wrong in what you're saying. Being rude in responses back because you do not like what the person says or you feel it's irrelevant to the OP does not do anything positive. You can always reply courteously to people while sticking to your point and disagreeing.

I personally did not know about the deaths when leaving thing for a long, long time. I racked up o I would say around 500 ctf deaths because of it(left right after flagging, in the "old" days). I was really upset when I did finally find out. I would also like to see the penalty gone. The ganging is extremely bad and we should be able to leave when we need to instead of getting farmed, or take the death for leaving.

Unfortunately some people do leave as Titanium was saying just bc they think they are going to lose a 1v1. I am not sure that is as common as ganging but doesn't mean it will not become common if the penalty was lifted. I am not sure what the middle ground here is to have both issue not be a problem. There might not be any. So in the end the devs have to weigh the pros and cons of removing it.

As Sera said you can leave the maps in "relax" mode for me as a rogue that is my bow down by my side not pointed out in front of me. It does work. But, if you are getting spawned ganged you don't have the luxury of waiting for your toon to relax. So even using that method to leave does not always work in every situation.

08-28-2014, 08:58 AM
Umm... That is in most of the games, you need to wait 15 seconds. It is in most of Minecraft servers too.

I don't like it too, but it is how it is made.

08-28-2014, 09:28 AM
I think it's common to have gangings in pvps. This isn't a bad idea but people will mis-use it. I would suggest to have a 1v1 system :)

08-28-2014, 09:41 AM
If you are a coward yes. are you a coward?? if you are vs one on one in a FAIR FIGHT why would you leave..simply accept your death.

if you are being ganged its the same scenario you leave you still die due to an UNFAIR FIGHT

BESIDE YOU CANNOT LEAVE WITHOUT DYING ANYWAYS IF YOUR HP IS DOWN TO 12% there is a small delay when you go to teleport to another map or town thus allowing a few extra hits before you actually depart .

maybe choose another percentage that is realistic if you were to escape ( maybe 30% ?)

I made this thread for those of you who see this being a negative and not really helping. there has to be some other way to avoid gangs , this is my only issue is when I get ganged and I need to leave in a hurry they don't get credit for the kill but you still rack up deaths for leaving during combat. so what is your input on this??

ways to avoid gang without getting penalized for leaving.

I cant count how many times I called for vs in any of the two arena maps and then during the fight I start to win and the others jump in and attack me so the other player doesn't lose. if I leave they get no credit for killing me but I rack up an extra death ( stupidest idea !!!!!!!!!!!! in my opinon ) if I stay they get credit for killing me

For me pvp it's a matter of choice. I never looked to see how many deaths i farmed. I looked always on the kills that i made.

I'm not a coward. If you want to don't want to play in a CtF room TDM room because you are spotblocked and you can't kill your opponets . You can stay in the lobby and think if is a good decision to join the room or not. If you are going to join the room and interact with other players ( opponents ) vsing or clashing and you lost mana and your opponent died and you want to leave.... then you have the mana/heal pack granted in every room that you can take and leave if thats your choice. No death.

If you will die during the clash or vs you have that protecteur shield for enough seconds to leave the room quietly with NO DEATH.

So again. Why do you think your request is going to happen? Imo It shouldn't be changed .

08-28-2014, 02:40 PM
This thread is based on the perception that k/d actually means anything at all. Since the first dummy farmer took to Arlor, kdr has had no purpose other than to show the world who's a cheater.

08-31-2014, 08:19 AM
In my humble opinion this death when leaving the room is fine atm. Death will only trigger only if you are being hit before leaving. It's kind of annoying also if you are being ganged by some random people. Back in the time when I was still on pvp I usually get out in the room or not to enter in the room when the people inside it are not familiar to me. Cause most of the time also the people being ganged are the one's that doesn't have a known guild in pvp especially in twink guild. In the side of the sts devs, It's kind of hard also to monitor if someone have been ganged or someone is ganging in pvp. Cause they wouldn't monitor AL only if someone is ganged. I suggest that before you enter into the pvp room make sure that you know someone inside the room like your guildies or friends before entering.

08-31-2014, 08:52 AM
@Fiftyone. You know, always using caps is annoying and you always so rude to peoples even they are talking nicely to you.

08-31-2014, 09:18 AM
Keep it like its is