View Full Version : Lv 25 26 or 27 PvP mage and why?

08-27-2014, 07:20 AM
Which of these lvs is better for a PvP mage and why? Also need build and gear ty(:

08-27-2014, 09:40 AM
It all depends, L25 usually has more games, L26 is what everyone used to be but now levels 25 and 27 are becoming more popular, L27 you get the extra 2 skill points.

Gear: int hallow set, pink fbow for more hit, pink or purple paw, evid bracer or crystalline wing if you can't afford evid. 2hit ring and 8 armor for paw setup, 2hit 10 dmg for fbow setup, also hit is very important so try your best to get that 100 or above, also blue face helps for 2 extra hit.

build (my fav): 6 bom 5 bov 6 light 3 fire 3 heal 1 ice 1 drain 1 ms (4 bom if 26 or 4 bom 5 light if 25).

08-27-2014, 12:17 PM
It all depends, L25 usually has more games, L26 is what everyone used to be but now levels 25 and 27 are becoming more popular, L27 you get the extra 2 skill points.

Gear: int hallow set, pink fbow for more hit, pink or purple paw, evid bracer or crystalline wing if you can't afford evid. 2hit ring and 8 armor for paw setup, 2hit 10 dmg for fbow setup, also hit is very important so try your best to get that 100 or above, also blue face helps for 2 extra hit.

build (my fav): 6 bom 5 bov 6 light 3 fire 3 heal 1 ice 1 drain 1 ms (4 bom if 26 or 4 bom 5 light if 25).
5heal 1 fire is wrong?

08-27-2014, 12:45 PM
You can get away with a lot of builds at 25-27. If I were you, I'd get some plat and just play around until you find something you enjoy. Make it fun, not normal.

08-27-2014, 07:53 PM
25 for more games, 26 to look like an oldie, 27 to beat up all the 25s and 26s.

08-28-2014, 12:32 AM
25 for more games, 26 to look like an oldie, 27 to beat up all the 25s and 26s.


08-28-2014, 12:34 AM
5heal 1 fire is wrong?

Well there aren't any "wrong builds" (unless its something stupid like 6 rev 6 ms 6 nightmare 6 weakness lol) it's whatever u do best with.

08-28-2014, 12:36 AM
You can get away with a lot of builds at 25-27. If I were you, I'd get some plat and just play around until you find something you enjoy. Make it fun, not normal.

Listen to this guy, he's a very good 26 Mage. I've known him since way pre-forg, his ign is lowhitter but I rarely see him on anymore :/.

08-28-2014, 11:27 PM
5 heal 1 fire is ineffective due to the players who use ms with 1 heal build. Stick with 1 heal and focus on nuke builds, that's your best buck.