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View Full Version : To devs, Suggestion for caves/shadow drop issue

01-20-2011, 05:32 PM
So I gotta say, when I first updated and played the caves with the insane pink drop rate, my first thought was "wow the devs must be about to abandone the game and are rewarding all the players with one last set". I say this because had that drop rate been intentional, it would have negated any gear I had worked so hard to get prior and basicly kill the economy. Ok obvious, we all thought this regarding the economy...

Anyhow, I understand the fix had to be reducing the drop rate. But from my experience pre and post fix, i believe the "whiners" are correct. The loot is way to rare. it would be fine if the caves were just anther level, but having to clear VL to only maybe get the gate to pop just to get in the area combined with a good chance of zero pinks dropping is a little overboard. it would be fine if that's how the caves was originally released, but it was too easy for many of us to get this loot. Now the lower level players get punished with the rarirty.

The only fair thing to do is create quests for shadow gear similar to the cyber gear. This way everyone has a chance to get the gear without farmers profiting. Quest should be equal to the cyber quest in dificulty but should take into account the time it takes just to get the gate to spawn.

The current pinks dropping should be replaced by a new set. Can be same or slightly better set but different colors to make it easy. A rare looking set is enough to excite anyone about getting the drops. And the uber elite shadow 50's will be more encouraged to play the caves, assisting those who are working on the shadow quests.

All you have to do is look at how few cave instances there are now to realize there is problem.

And you are welcome for the fix devs, glad to help. My name in game is bravemenrun. Feel free to give me an uber rare gear item for the help I have provided!! :)

PS the game kicks butt, especially considering it plays on a phone! Thanks!

01-20-2011, 05:35 PM
Lol you're not the first to suggest this, and you certainly don't deserve a prize for it.

01-20-2011, 05:37 PM
i agree with the beginning of this essay. The drop rate and nerf on the new items is way too overboard. Not only do you have the trouble of trying to kill the bosses for possibly nothing to drop, people wont bother getting into VL's anymore. I opened up my friends list to see 50% of my friends offline, the other 25% doing random crap or PvP. it would be a rare sight seeing a friend in a shadow caves now. THIS is a problem. anyways cant wait for the new content, GIVE US GUILDS!!!!! :)

01-20-2011, 05:44 PM
Yeah I've suggested pretty much this exact same thing before, and they didn't give me anything for it :)
I do wish they'd implement it though. Make the shadow stuff obtainable by quest, don't add a set bonus to it...create a new, better set with the bonus that nobody already has. The new set can be as rare a drop as they want it to be, that would be fair because nobody would have already gotten it at 100% drop rate.

The only people who would be upset are the people who hoarded multiple sets and are wanting the price to go up so they can sell them.

01-20-2011, 06:34 PM
Ah well. didn't see the idea suggested last I was reading up. I guess there were more threads on the topic then I looked at. still seems like a better idea then what we have now. And the uber reward is not a requirement but I would not complain...

01-20-2011, 06:37 PM
lol dude lots off people have complained, whined about this- well its ELITE!!! SUPOSSED TO BE RARE! it is a little harsh tho. and you soooo dont deserve a prize. lol

01-20-2011, 06:51 PM
The problem is - they're not rare. Maybe they're a rare drop now, but not rare in general because there are a lot of them on the cs, and many people have multiple sets that they've stashed away. There seem to be more of these than rift/void/cosmos and they're cheaper too. Many of use don't bother going to the shadow caves because we already have what we want, and there's no point in farming for "rare items" that are harder to obtain than the others and sell for less.

We aren't saying they should be 100% drop again. But they should be replaced with something better that gives people something to work towards. Make the old stuff obtainable thru a lengthy quest, and give new rare drops that people didn't already get 100% of the time. Again, I think the only people with a problem with that are the people who are wanting to make money off the drops that they got so easily.

01-20-2011, 06:52 PM
I still think my suggestions would help the caves out the most.

1.) Keep everything how it is
2.) Replace junk white items for 1k-5k gold drops on bosses.
3.) Add a tiny bit more common drops like sunblessed bows,scimitars ect.. to boss loot rolls to fund elite dungeoneering and satisfy peoples need for high valued drops.

01-20-2011, 07:11 PM
Good ideas...I'd actually want to go play in there again if there was a slightly increased chance for a sunblessed drop or a little more gold. I'm all for change usually in a game, but the patch fix was a bit extreme. Just an opinion, before any trolls fire up their trollboard and mouse.

I still think my suggestions would help the caves out the most.

1.) Keep everything how it is
2.) Replace junk white items for 1k-5k gold drops on bosses.
3.) Add a tiny bit more common drops like sunblessed bows,scimitars ect.. to boss loot rolls to fund elite dungeoneering and satisfy peoples need for high valued drops.

01-20-2011, 09:18 PM
Why the fixation on my prize? You can't has my prize!