View Full Version : dev plz read ,class and other suggestions

01-20-2011, 07:30 PM
Well i have some suggestions

1st A pure healer class,I think it will help with parties in all lvl dungeons. It will also solve the problem with the problem is enchantress going to or not. It will also give more room for stronger healing abillities and buffs.(exec a Priest from wow)

2nd random town/world event could be fun like an event drop a rare/unigue item. exaple for town event a zombie army attacks a town and all the player in it need to protect it. example for world event that affect all towns, like a demon lord and his army of demon start attacking and the demonlord/boss attacks a random town.

3rd a warlock/demonmaster class
Can be a damage over time plus pet damage . think it be cool because im a big warlock fan from WoW and think be cool to have a castor that does curse and is able to some a demonic pet
will theres my suggestion

01-20-2011, 07:34 PM
I love it love it love it

01-20-2011, 07:35 PM
The problem I see with 1 is that there currently is no place for it unless you take away from the enchantress class. Currently enchantress heal is low cost, high power health replenishment and clears all negative effects instantly with a short cool down. Any Mage who doesn't heal is doing everyone a disservice, it's simple to keep healing and still do everything else an enchantress is capable of. So where would a healer fit in when one enchantress skill does everything you would think a healer would do? A second, single target, longer range heal skill and maybe a rez with full health but there really wouldn't be much for them to do. Edit: Plus it would be really hard to balance them into PvP without any offensive capabilities, at least until real team PvP takes off (maye with in game guilds...).

01-20-2011, 07:46 PM
Instead of a full time healer- I would like to see a Druid class, the Druid animal would be a Ram. The Druid would have skills that placed totems where they were standing to bonas the party when inside the totems range. Instead of weapons they would carry trinkets to buff their totems. For combat- the Druid would shapeshift into other animals- a bull for tanking (uses horns tO fight), a porkypine for dps (shoots spikes) and another animal for aoe. They wouldnt be able to tank/dps/aoe as well as a bear/bird/elf, but would be a vital member due to their performance boosting totems. This char would be very helpful if STS come out with campaigns where bosses and mobs take real stratagy.

01-20-2011, 07:46 PM
I just thought of it because gets really when enchantress don't heal at all.
And echantress can focus on offensive and healer focus on support healing,buffing and debuffing

01-20-2011, 07:54 PM
6 New Hero Classes

Once a character reaches the Max Level as a Ursan, Avian, or Elf you then are required to choose a Hero Class and each Base Class will have 2 Hero Classes associated with it. When you reach max level you are then prompted to decided which path you will venture. You will start again at level 1, however you will have all the spells up to the max level of your base class. But, you will gain the equivalent of that many spells in your Hero class that will go on to specialize your character even more. Once you transformed into your hero class, you would unlock all of the zones on Heroic level which would be twice as hard. Players who had not unlocked Heroic Mode on their character could not play in the Heroic Zones, however a Hero would be able to go and play the normal zones. Once you became a Hero Class you would not longer be able to use potions. They would be transfered to your next highest level character that is still able to use potions, if none meet requirements then you would be funded gold for the equilivent of potions you have.

The classes will go as follows Avian will be able to become the Hero Class of Ranger or Assassin. Rangers will be bow specialists, these classes will be masters of death from above. They will learn the art of traps and master the precision of arrownautics

The Assassin class will be the specialists of daggers, shiv's, and talons! These backstabbing rogues will be one with the shadow. They will master the art of sneak and perfect the critical strike. These will be your true weapon specialists, mastering the precisions of dagger movements and balancing potent poisons.

The Ursan Base class will have a choice to transform to either a Guardian or a Berzerker.

The Guardian is the epitome of a meat shield. These proud ursans use thick armor and daring shields to deflect even the strongest of blows from the mightiest foes. This will be the true tank in a group and will be needed if a group is to venture to far into the wild.

Berzerker is the opposite of the Guardian, they are the enraged ursans. These damage dealers are specialists in taking damage and dealing more damage. These are not the best option for a tank, however they can take a lot of hits and will be standing at the end of the round. This is the only class beside the Assassin that is capable of dual weilding.

The Elf base class will transform into either a Templar or Wizard.

The Templar is the God Healer, these chosen few take Healing to another level, they have mastered all forms of healing and specialize in preventing death from their allies instead of dealing it to their foes. Using Holy spells these physician's call on their powers to aid the weak. This Hero Class has also mastered the art of Curing.

The Wizard is the Master of Spell Damage, no other class can match the insane damage afflicted by these magic moguls. They control at will the properties of the elements (Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water) and wield them as a assassin would their sword.

01-20-2011, 08:04 PM
update suggestion