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View Full Version : <Guide> to AL forums

08-29-2014, 04:52 PM
So since forums is almost dead now, I'm pretty bored, so I decided to make a guide on forums. Note: This will probably continually updated. PLEASE give feedback and enjoy.
Let's start with the miscellaneous stuff.
Forum PMs
This can be used if you want to privately message a player. You can only send a pm every 3 minutes. You can check your inbox (forum inbox) for received pms. Just go to settings->then inbox. Looks something like this.102083102081
Note:You can't pm anyone if you just made a forum account that is waiting to be approved.
The chatbox is a great place to instant message people. It's not private, and it has rules. No profanity stuff like that. You can be banned from the chatbox.
The settings is where you can change profile pictures, edit your avatar, etc. Now I'm gonna break down some of these.
Changing your profile pic
Go to settings->then edit profile pic.

There you can choose any photo you want from your computer, or a website
Editing your avatar
Go to settings->then edit avatar.

Note:You cannot have a custom avatar.
Editing your signature
Go to settings->edit signature.

Note:You cannot have more than one smilie or photo.
Everything else is pretty self explanatory :).
How to upload a video in a forum post


There ya go
How to upload photos
Pretty much same thing, just click the photo icon :)
Warnings, infractions, and bans
These three things will happen if you break a rule in the Terms of Service.
Warnings will happen with less serious things. But infractions are more serious. Consequences? 1 reputation point. Some infractions can last forever. You will know when you get these things if you check your inbox, and you see a message from a moderator. Bans can result from stuff maybe you did in game, or things like repeated infractions. Some bans are a week to a couple months. Some are forever. So just follow the terms of service, and you will be fine. When you registered account, you basically said I will follow the terms of service. So you really can't argue unless you really think a mod screwed up on you.
Thanks and reputation
The green bars next to people's names show the reputation they have. Here's a hidden trick: If you are on computer, and you hover over someone's bar, it will show quotes. Mine is "obee's reputation is beyond repute". Anyway, if you agree with a post, or really liked it, you can hit the "thanks button". I have a pic.
The green thumb, gives a reputation bar (correct me if I'm wrong). You can press it if the post REALLY helped you, or if you think this user benefits the community.
If you see a post, you have the optic to blog it. Or you can just write a plain entry. You can write your feelings blah blah blah and people can comment on it and stuff. (I'm not a blogger so I don't know much.) Here's the link.
Tell me if I need to add anything.

08-29-2014, 04:57 PM
Minimum of 10 posts to pm isn't it?

08-29-2014, 05:30 PM
Can't read the colored text. Also some more spacing between each subjects would make it easier to read .

08-29-2014, 08:04 PM
crap my attachments aren't showing up

08-29-2014, 08:17 PM

08-30-2014, 11:58 AM
Nice guide!!!
If may I suggest. Add some red arrow how to put this, that or add sigs like that, like this.. Make space each images would be great too. ;)

08-30-2014, 01:28 PM
How do you open the spoiler tags? Don't know if it's just my phone or what but I can't do anything with them.

08-30-2014, 01:39 PM
How do you open the spoiler tags? Don't know if it's just my phone or what but I can't do anything with them.

Click on them

09-01-2014, 04:14 PM
Yeah must just be my phone then cause clicking on them does nothing.

09-01-2014, 04:22 PM
Yeah must just be my phone then cause clicking on them does nothing.

they don't open...

try using the website (on computer)

03-10-2015, 02:23 AM
So we can't post images from our android devices?�