View Full Version : New Guild Hall and Tavern

08-30-2014, 11:39 AM
I think its the time that we must get new Guild Hall and New Look of Tavern..
Its time that Arcane Legends got sense of fashion, interior and some tools or add few funny NPC would be great.
Also the capacity of the Guild Hall must be increased.

May be we are not in Guild Hall all the time, but it looks great that in this season we have maybe new futuristic style, classic style, or creepy Guild Hall.
Tavern too small with the place like table and chair, looks so crowded only by people who just finished bard daily, do they stay longer at Tavern? Make more space in Tavern and new looks will be amazing too.
Its boring, isn't it? Have you guys ever imagined if later we'll be have nice conversation in Tavern and stay longer in cool Guild Hall.

We are not in Guild Hall only for taking photos, or buying pot a.s.a.p leave Guild Hall.
We will have meet many guildmates in Guild Hall and having little joke and nice conversation because Guild Hall looks not so old and got some cool interior.

Any comment and opinion are acceptable, and please, be polite and constructive!

Sorry my bad english, thanks Arp! ^^

1. Message Board / Notice Board
2. PvP Sparing Room
3. Guild Quest
4. New Furniture (Chess, Cards)

08-30-2014, 11:52 AM
maybe guildhall should be changed to guild castle its litterally just a straight hall, would be nice if we had a few stairs leading down to some guild pvp practice room maybe, or have a room with discount elixers,or have a message board where master/officers can leave messages

08-30-2014, 12:01 PM
maybe guildhall should be changed to guild castle its litterally just a straight hall, would be nice if we had a few stairs leading down to some guild pvp practice room maybe, or have a room with discount elixers,or have a message board where master/officers can leave messages

What I bold is what I really like, it seems we can make our Guild Announcement by leaving note on the message board.
Cool, isn't it? Thanks for the comment ;)

08-30-2014, 05:19 PM
First of all your english is just fine, had to mention.

Yes please new guild halls the existing 3 have been the same for almost 2 years now, if its not too much trouble please give us new looks for guild halls

Maybe even customizing them ourselves

08-30-2014, 06:33 PM
maybe guildhall should be changed to guild castle its litterally just a straight hall, would be nice if we had a few stairs leading down to some guild pvp practice room maybe, or have a room with discount elixers,or have a message board where master/officers can leave messages
Yep this would be great idea.
Prepare to die guildies. hehe

08-31-2014, 07:00 AM
Keep it up guys!
If any picture or design about New Guild Hall or Tavern, can upload here too :)

08-31-2014, 07:12 AM
I already Made a Suggestion thread about Notice Board :)


08-31-2014, 01:57 PM
Nice idea!
Most of the time I spend in guild hall is when I'm lagging. So there should be exciting stuff that can be done during lag. Maybe some Rummy or Poker games? Maybe chess? lol

08-31-2014, 10:59 PM
Nice idea!
Most of the time I spend in guild hall is when I'm lagging. So there should be exciting stuff that can be done during lag. Maybe some Rummy or Poker games? Maybe chess? lol

Chess Board actually could help as furniture :p

08-31-2014, 11:12 PM
1. Notice Board: Would be awesome.

2. Officer War Room: For meetings between GM and fellow officers without the occasional guildie popping in to buy potions.

3. Sparring Room: Great for training/perfecting the guildies' strategies

That is what I would love to see implemented.

08-31-2014, 11:17 PM
1. Notice Board: Would be awesome.

2. Officer War Room: For meetings between GM and fellow officers without the occasional guildie popping in to buy potions.

3. Sparring Room: Great for training/perfecting the guildies' strategies

That is what I would love to see implemented.

You mean like PvP training for guildies only right?

IGN Ozzy
08-31-2014, 11:31 PM
I like the PvP training room idea. It would be cool if you could train to your hearts content without affecting your PvP records. This way you can better improve yourself.

Sent by the Prince of Darkness

08-31-2014, 11:45 PM
1. Notice Board: Would be awesome.

2. Officer War Room: For meetings between GM and fellow officers without the occasional guildie popping in to buy potions.

3. Sparring Room: Great for training/perfecting the guildies' strategies

That is what I would love to see implemented.
I hope sts reads this as im sure every guild wants one.
Pve reasons: so that groups can farm together effectively instead of trying to randomly pick out a party from people on the street and guildies.
pvp reasons: Able to train new players learn strategies and guildes can actually coordinate guild wars instead of th usual: oh here is karma guildies come block them and kill them.

09-01-2014, 12:48 AM
1) Great idea!

2) I think there should be a Guild Quest system, officers+ can begin a quest where everyone can then accept it do it for what ever the reward may be.
For example,
Killing quest:
Title: Dragons Doom ( A title can be selected )
Desc. Story line incorp. etc.
Goal: Kill 15 Drakes
Reward: The person who started the quest will have to personally add a reward. The reward can be anything from potions to gold! But remembering that if it is something like gold the officer+ must add enough into the surplus to cater for the whole guild otherwise the quest will be unavailable to be completed.

Sounds a bit complex but you get the idea! I actually bet people will quote me on this, list ways to improve it and I will just be sitting here thinking, " You know, that's what I meant ^_^ "

09-01-2014, 09:17 AM
I think its the time that we must get new Guild Hall and New Look of Tavern..
Its time that Arcane Legends got sense of fashion, interior and some tools or add few funny NPC would be great.
Also the capacity of the Guild Hall must be increased.

May be we are not in Guild Hall all the time, but it looks great that in this season we have maybe new futuristic style, classic style, or creepy Guild Hall.
Tavern too small with the place like table and chair, looks so crowded only by people who just finished bard daily, do they stay longer at Tavern? Make more space in Tavern and new looks will be amazing too.
Its boring, isn't it? Have you guys ever imagined if later we'll be have nice conversation in Tavern and stay longer in cool Guild Hall.

We are not in Guild Hall only for taking photos, or buying pot a.s.a.p leave Guild Hall.
We will have meet many guildmates in Guild Hall and having little joke and nice conversation because Guild Hall looks not so old and got some cool interior.

Any comment and opinion are acceptable, and please, be polite and constructive!

Sorry my bad english, thanks Arp! ^^

1. Notice Board: Would be awesome.

2. Officer War Room: For meetings between GM and fellow officers without the occasional guildie popping in to buy potions.

3. Sparring Room: Great for training/perfecting the guildies' strategies

That is what I would love to see implemented.


09-01-2014, 09:23 AM
maybe guildhall should be changed to guild castle its litterally just a straight hall, would be nice if we had a few stairs leading down to some guild pvp practice room maybe, or have a room with discount elixers,or have a message board where master/officers can leave messages
Message board and training room are great ideas. +1

09-01-2014, 11:13 AM
Added as great advise guys, keep it up!
Let the ideas keep coming, STS soon will check it out..

And do not forget the Tavern guys, it seems doesn't changes at all from time to time :D

Thanks for all reply and comments ;)

09-01-2014, 12:30 PM
Added as great advise guys, keep it up!
Let the ideas keep coming, STS soon will check it out..

And do not forget the Tavern guys, it seems doesn't changes at all from time to time :D

Thanks for all reply and comments ;)

I always liked the idea of a lottery NPC in taverns

People buy tickets and the jackpot rises. The player is given a ticket with a code on it. After x amount of time, the lottery is decided and the winner must return to the NPC with his winning code to collect his winnings.

Like all real jackpots, you can choose to receive the full amount over time or you can choose to take a percentage of it immediately. I think most players rather not wait, so taxes will be implemented. (Gold Sink hehe)

P.S Maybe there can always be a lottery only for guilds? :)

09-01-2014, 12:40 PM
I always liked the idea of a lottery NPC in taverns

People buy tickets and the jackpot rises. The player is given a ticket with a code on it. After x amount of time, the lottery is decided and the winner must return to the NPC with his winning code to collect his winnings.

Like all real jackpots, you can choose to receive the full amount over time or you can choose to take a percentage of it immediately. I think most players rather not wait, so taxes will be implemented. (Gold Sink hehe)

P.S Maybe there can always be a lottery only for guilds? :)

Lottery Machine? :D
If in Tavern much better because it seems general to everybody and guildless.

CAK Vader
09-01-2014, 12:54 PM
Good idea..now if only sts would give me my red Arlor back :rolleyes:

09-01-2014, 12:55 PM
Like someone else said Message Board and Training Room sound awesome! Maybe a trophy room and STS can make Guild APs! Challenges to build up the bonds with your fellow guild teammates!

09-01-2014, 01:03 PM
Like someone else said Message Board and Training Room sound awesome! Maybe a trophy room and STS can make Guild APs! Challenges to build up the bonds with your fellow guild teammates!

If you wouldn't mind, please explain more detail about what and why Trophy Room needed for a guild?
It would helpful or just put the Trophy near the windows shining by the light?

09-01-2014, 01:31 PM
+1 :)

09-01-2014, 05:11 PM
+ 1 million!

09-02-2014, 06:06 AM
Im thinking of some items for guild halls that can be bought with plats and tradable so it can be sold in auction. This way we could make our own guild hall designs.

09-02-2014, 10:35 AM
Im thinking of some items for guild halls that can be bought with plats and tradable so it can be sold in auction. This way we could make our own guild hall designs.

Only STS allowed to design the Guild Hall.
Maybe it because too many guilds in entire AL, imagine if each Guild Hall have different designs, would it makes you lag while enter ur own Guild Hall by loading the graphics and furniture?

09-07-2014, 01:01 AM
Keep it up guys!
Let's STS see we serious that we want A New Guild Hall and Tavern Look ;)

10-03-2014, 01:12 PM
Event exclusive guild halls ftw (check the thread I made for details)
Training room ftw
Officer + GM only room ftw
:banana: ftw

10-04-2014, 02:20 AM
More guild interaction! Such as guild quests, Guild parties and guild towns! Of course you would need Platinum for the half of it but in the end it's all fun ;)

10-04-2014, 02:29 AM
More guild interaction! Such as guild quests, Guild parties and guild towns! Of course you would need Platinum for the half of it but in the end it's all fun ;)

Good idea! There could be a guild town for allied guilds!

10-04-2014, 08:21 PM
maybe guildhall should be changed to guild castle its litterally just a straight hall, would be nice if we had a few stairs leading down to some guild pvp practice room maybe, or have a room with discount elixers,or have a message board where master/officers can leave messages

awesome comment aris, I see all that int did not go to waste :3

10-04-2014, 08:23 PM
Event exclusive guild halls ftw (check the thread I made for details)
Training room ftw
Officer + GM only room ftw
:banana: ftw
omg yesssssss, that would be amazing MORE ROOMS AND SPACE IN GH + 5v5 Guild only pvp room( ALL BOUGHT WITH PLATS) Please sts, i wouldnt stop playing for at least a month if these came....

10-06-2014, 01:56 AM
Keep it up guys!
If any picture or design about New Guild Hall or Tavern, can upload here too :)

I agree with this part, if we paying REAL LIFE money I think we are entitled to being able to decorate it to some extent.

at least allow us to choose color variations and or flags and where to put the leader board things of that nature.

nice thread.