View Full Version : locked crates

Indy van Raemdonck
08-30-2014, 12:26 PM
if players dont have plat sts should letting players to open a locked crate for free the first time


08-30-2014, 12:35 PM
Than people re crate accounts and will open locked's forever.

Indy van Raemdonck
08-30-2014, 03:58 PM
maybe they do but maybe they dont who knows


08-30-2014, 06:30 PM
eh i would agree if they had a monitoring system but truly it doesnt promote anything for sts nor does it help the players in any way except get 6k.
If this game didnt have so many things to fix (economy) cough then fine.
Overall though good job sts by allowing arcane loot able great job if you are reading this and get the wrong impression.

08-30-2014, 11:36 PM
People could open a crates without plat. Its crated called "VIP Unlocked Grand Crates of Watch" if I don't forgot.
It gived as far as I know if you buy the first platinum while still have 50% discount because first buying or winning a special contest.

As a non plat-player, you may try Elite Golden Chest such as Pirates, Warchest, Puzzlebox.. Try your luck there, these chest loot Arcane & Mythic.
Locked Chance: Normal (because plat reasons)
Elite Golden Chance: Very Low (don't need any plat to open it)