View Full Version : New Kinda Not really

Tweeter D Bird
08-30-2014, 06:00 PM
Hai PL peeps. After a long 2year break I've came back due to being bored and my newfound love of PL. I've come to realize my old guild who I loved is inactive... So I've been wounding of any new guilds for my newly lv77 bird could join. I am looking for quality over quantity. And new friends to make in game get at me ign Tweeterbird(:

09-03-2014, 11:42 PM
Welcome to Forums!

if you don't know how something on this forum works, feel free to read this guide: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?173370-New-To-Forums-Not-Sure-How-To-Do-Something-Read-This-Guide!
(currently a work in progress)

09-04-2014, 01:42 AM
Hai PL peeps. After a long 2year break I've came back due to being bored and my newfound love of PL. I've come to realize my old guild who I loved is inactive... So I've been wounding of any new guilds for my newly lv77 bird could join. I am looking for quality over quantity. And new friends to make in game get at me ign Tweeterbird(:

Welcome back,

For guilds that are active and fun I reccomend

- Hands for help
- The legendary founders
- Elite help

For pvp guilds and maybe a bit if farming I reccomend

- Ignition
- Prevail
- Hoax

09-05-2014, 09:58 PM
Welcome back,

For guilds that are active and fun I reccomend

- Hands for help
- The legendary founders
- Elite help

For pvp guilds and maybe a bit if farming I reccomend

- Ignition
- Prevail
- Hoax

If ya picking Elite Help, I'm there to help ya. To be a recruiter, just be there when the master, Drginge, is online. And to be a officer, you need to be nonimated by officers three times. Like many guilds, please do NOT ask for a nonimation. Being helpful, active, and kind will get officers considering ya nonimating. Try to help out others when an officer isnt online.

Hands for Help is like a...advanced version. I never been in there, but ya have to be at least lvl 50 to join. But I bet the guild is a little more organized.

09-10-2014, 05:07 AM
Welcome back,

For guilds that are active and fun I reccomend

- Hands for help
- The legendary founders
- Elite help

For pvp guilds and maybe a bit if farming I reccomend

- Ignition
- Prevail
- Hoax

If ya picking Elite Help, I'm there to help ya. To be a recruiter, just be there when the master, Drginge, is online. And to be a officer, you need to be nonimated by officers three times. Like many guilds, please do NOT ask for a nonimation. Being helpful, active, and kind will get officers considering ya nonimating. Try to help out others when an officer isnt online.

Hands for Help is like a...advanced version. I never been in there, but ya have to be at least lvl 50 to join. But I bet the guild is a little more organized.

Its more organized but when i joined for a week there was way to many trolls everyday.

Tweeter D Bird
10-06-2014, 07:36 PM
Well thanks all coming back I've not done much caped and got me a crafted 3pc ring(: but other than that realized that I shouldn't have sold most my stuff before leaving :( so long ESB. Anyways trying to PvP.. Still suck monkey sticks but farming with new people has been fun and seeing some familiar face. Been trying to help our low level community so that we could have a larger end game community and better economy over all. I have joined hands for help as my old guild eclipse has not seemed to come back sadly, but I've made many new friends but sense the end of PL. Until then I hope to have some more fun with everyone left.

10-07-2014, 05:26 AM
Elite help is no more

10-07-2014, 06:27 AM
Who's your main if u were in Eclipse I must know u :)

Tweeter D Bird
10-07-2014, 01:04 PM
Oldie was draizabacen since did a name change as it was time for a new start lol

10-07-2014, 03:12 PM
Oh sure I remember driasomething :D tweeterbird is easy better to memorize for sure!

Tweeter D Bird
10-07-2014, 05:33 PM
Well its nice to meet again need anything just pm me. I'd be happy to help out a oldie

10-08-2014, 03:39 PM
Hey Tweeter D Bird!! How are you? I think it is Amazing that you focus on helping the lower level community.. I got an old bear I retired on back in 2011.. but ive been playing off and on since then on my Rhino, and I am also in your guild!! I would love to see you around and catch some play time with you!

10-13-2014, 10:25 AM
Hallo!! I kinda met you :) so.. If you want to join PvP also tell me!! :D Just have to get swift set atm to survive and get a PvP build :) If need help dont doubt to Pm me you are in my FL.

10-14-2014, 10:27 AM
Welcome back buddy! Always fun to see some older players for us new! Hope to see you ingame (http://www.espenbrathen.no/snufs-nesa-mi-klør/)!