View Full Version : item in auction that i've bought

08-31-2014, 05:56 PM
i've bought legendary weapon lvl 31 in auction (storm sword of potency) and the price is 33k my gold before i buy it was 50+k and the system/alerts did show that i've succesfully bought the item and my gold went down to 19k+ but the weapon did not appear on my inventory so sad i've hard and grind all day to have that gold.. what should i do?

hope you can put the item in my inventory or take actions on this problem thankyou very much i really love arcane legends hope you respond on this incovenience

08-31-2014, 11:24 PM
1. Check carefully what will you buy
2. Re-check the item by refresh the list on auction with scroll up or down
3. Ask STS support to check it out if you got any problem, they will take care of your case in work days.

09-01-2014, 01:52 AM
i did send a case to the team but until no reply yet hope they can resolve the issue right away..

09-01-2014, 02:18 AM
^ Patience is the key.

09-01-2014, 02:32 AM
I remember when these swords were 5k each...

09-03-2014, 11:22 AM
I remember when these swords were 5k each...

1k each*