View Full Version : Some suggestions stuck in the back of my head

01-21-2011, 07:54 PM
Well I really am not the one to talk, I have barely played the game for a day or so, but these are the few things I've gathered from playing the game.

The first is an obvious one, and have probably been suggested hundreds of times, but extend the leveling cap to about 60-70 or so. It can be a gradual addition like in WoW to get the players psyched, but it is a somewhat needed feature for a popular MMO like this. Like what else other than PVPing can you do when you've reached the level cap? Create a new character and rinse/repeat? Where's the fun in that!

The second suggestion is to improve character customization and general aestethics. Sure, it's a mobile game, so unnecessary things like these are limited for smoother performance, but it /should/ be customizable to some degree so not everyone looks the same (even if you buy facepaint or whatever, alot of other people will still look exactly like you). Like "Gender", as in you look feminine or masculine depending on what you choose. And "Race", as in you don't necessarily have to be a bird upon choosing the Archer.

Other than that, I love the game! It's nicely constructed and I enjoy every moment of it. There is only one thing I haven't figured out yet after 5 hours of consecutive gameplay, and that is how to jump to a certain level of a dungeon (facepalm on my part haha)

01-21-2011, 09:38 PM
Welcome to the game. Yeah I got to lvl 10 before I realized there were several instances of levels and towns. Go to the map screen, bottom left are buttons to join or create a new game. If you need to figure out what levels you have access to and what there names are, go to create new game and you can see that info. Then you can go to join game and find one to join. You can sort by level, etc. Also, some levels won't open until you complete the level before or buy the expansion. You can even check "town" at the top to find more populated instances of towns if you want. Have fun.

01-21-2011, 10:00 PM
Raising the level cap really won't help keep people busy. They'll hit the cap within a day and then be bored again. The game needs endgame content that will keep people busy. VL provided that for awhile.

01-21-2011, 10:26 PM
how about adding quests specifically tailored at stat enhancement?

say instead of running the shadow caves endlessly, you can start a quest chain leading to a boss fight which when completed COULD have the chance to drop a new skill point or have it definitely drop skill points for all party members but have that quest chain only drop the points on the first completion.

i have a billion and one ideas for this game and would love to get them out there and implemented for all of us to enjoy. three cheers for the devs and their inherent knack of being able to listen to us, the gamers.

01-21-2011, 10:28 PM
ok one more. how about an instance that has an insanely awesome reward, but in order to get it you have to survive increasingly difficult waves of mobs which come after you?

01-21-2011, 10:36 PM
The level cap rises with each new campaign. Whenever the next one comes we should go to 55. They have said they have it olanne out to at least 100.