View Full Version : just an idea.

09-03-2014, 06:33 AM
Make every week at least once a week for unique bosses respawn at specific map and specific time with good loot.

09-03-2014, 07:19 AM
The existence of Bael II & Krunch II already make it achievement also special and rare to found :)
Loot expensive items too.

Just my opinion hihihi

09-03-2014, 08:07 AM
That's the thing with rare bosses that drop "good loot"

By popular understanding, "good loot" would mean it would need to be:

1. Gear that is competitive/better than current gear
2. Looks really cool/vanities
3. Pet eggs

Problem with number one is that people will rage that the current gear should be the best. If the rare boss gear was better, the current Tindirin gear would devalue and become more unprofitable. Now, on the contrary, if the gear wasn't good for stats, then why would people farm it?

It's always nice to have a really rare vanity drop from a boss, so that's the upside. No can complain about rare vanities (as long as they have no stats) since they are optional. Gear can also be designed purely for showing-off

Number 3 seems feasible, since there can always be unique stats or skills a pet can have. (Higher proc rate, increase duration of skill effects, etc)

But imo, I would prefer vanities to drop form those bosses.

09-03-2014, 11:17 PM
This is a good idea, making pets is a good choice since it'll be less of an issue than the armor dilemma .

09-04-2014, 05:17 AM
Pets and vanitys ..that sounds interesting, but like ebez said its not clever to bring better loot to that kind of rare bosses
A good idea for gear would be :heraldics,captains axe ... In my eyes

09-04-2014, 06:06 AM
Pets and vanitys ..that sounds interesting, but like ebez said its not clever to bring better loot to that kind of rare bosses
A good idea for gear would be :heraldics,captains axe ... In my eyes

*terrible idea for loot
Discontinued Items are discontinued, but if sts Wanna recolor them, why not. Thats everything they do nowadays anyway.