View Full Version : Shadow Set Bonuses

01-21-2011, 09:28 PM
Are they going o be implemented?

01-21-2011, 09:55 PM
Who knows?

01-21-2011, 10:00 PM
very unlikely, since they have stats similar to other gear with the set bonuses, shadow caves gear most likely will not. this is also why they claim it to be the best gear in the game however its not entirely true, some set bonuses improve the gear enough to make it better than shadow gear

01-21-2011, 10:04 PM
They should. And it's elite gear so of course it would be better than non elite sets.

01-21-2011, 10:09 PM
individual pieces are best however it doesnt work with other pieces to make a set.

01-21-2011, 10:32 PM
I thought a dev said something about it? Or was it another lie, lol. Well if they aren't going to then I might as well sell my sets. Not worth using unless they're alot better than the originals because it's so ugly.

01-21-2011, 10:40 PM
I thought a dev said something about it? Or was it another lie, lol. Well if they aren't going to then I might as well sell my sets. Not worth using unless they're alot better than the originals because it's so ugly.

they were referring to the new sets like new void bow set new keepers staff set and gurgox hammer set.

01-21-2011, 11:06 PM
they were referring to the new sets like new void bow set new keepers staff set and gurgox hammer set.

Omg seriously? Thought they meant shadow sets. I could have sworn I read something about it!

01-21-2011, 11:11 PM
If they are, gonna be expecting level expansion to be awhile. I don't think they're gonna put out these sets only to be useless a week or 2 later with new gear. Imagine the economy again. Lol

01-21-2011, 11:18 PM
If they are, gonna be expecting level expansion to be awhile. I don't think they're gonna put out these sets only to be useless a week or 2 later with new gear. Imagine the economy again. Lol

It's been almost two weeks since elite was released so maybe it's still too early for an expansion? Perhaps they will release it in a month or two.

They're coming. Cinco hasn't given any clue as to when though.

Awesome I'll have to hold on to them for awhile more then.

01-21-2011, 11:23 PM
Yeah seems that way now. At first when they released the elites with 100% drop rates, it seemed like it was making way for a new expansion by allowing people to get gear instead of farming for it or saving time.

I sense very high prices for these sets soon. Not to mention how hard it is to get them now.

01-21-2011, 11:33 PM
Yep I thought it was because of that as well. Would be hilarious if they did release sets a week or two before expansion though. First prices skyrocket then drop to 20k each.

Meh since expansion isn't coming anytime soon I don't really have anything to do now. Farming everyday is getting boring... Maybe it's time to try out twinking ;)

01-21-2011, 11:39 PM
i love how this game has usurped the term "twink" which was originally coined to denote a young gay male to describe a lowbie. VERY interesting, would love to see where THAT started. btw... how do you know you get a bonus from a set? i wanted to collect certain items named "ezeria" and when i put them on, not only did they not say that i got anything special but they actually didn't even match in color. so i sold everything to a vendor, which i seem to do with almost everything sans maybe one of every 5 pinks i get since they sell for 1k ish anyway and why pay 300 gold to list something in auction and make 700 IF it sells when i can get 200 gold immediately from vendoring it?

gotta love the economics of consignments.

01-21-2011, 11:46 PM
The term twink has been around since well before PL ;)

As for sets, there are only 12 in the game, 4 for each class (1 level 35 and 3 level 50), and there are no green sets ;)

01-21-2011, 11:48 PM
i know that but i've known gay males at twinks since highschool and that was almost 20 years ago, well before mmorpgs

01-21-2011, 11:56 PM
i love how this game has usurped the term "twink" which was originally coined to denote a young gay male to describe a lowbie. VERY interesting, would love to see where THAT started. btw... how do you know you get a bonus from a set? i wanted to collect certain items named "ezeria" and when i put them on, not only did they not say that i got anything special but they actually didn't even match in color. so i sold everything to a vendor, which i seem to do with almost everything sans maybe one of every 5 pinks i get since they sell for 1k ish anyway and why pay 300 gold to list something in auction and make 700 IF it sells when i can get 200 gold immediately from vendoring it?

gotta love the economics of consignments.

I'll let someone else answer your first question as I know nothing about twinking and where it came from.

As to your second question, you can't just put together a bunch of pinks with the same name and expect to receive a bonus. There are lvl 50 sets and lvl 35 sets, look them up in Yanis' thread on trade market to see the parts you need.

Finally, if you get a rare pink that sells for a few hundred thousand, do you think you will put it up for sale in the cs for a small fee (the amount varies for the price you put the item up for, 100g minimum) or sell it to a vendor for a few hundred gold? Of course not. You only put up expensive pinks in the cs, and keep/liquidate the rest.

01-21-2011, 11:59 PM
i know that but i've known gay males at twinks since highschool and that was almost 20 years ago, well before mmorpgs

If you knew that you wouldn't have said this game usurped the term, as it was an established MMO term before this game existed ;)