View Full Version : Stuns/Panics

LibertyBells (Jasper)
09-04-2014, 09:00 AM
Ive noticed with warriors, and sometimes rouges, that once hit with a stun, he/she's invulnerable to another stun for a number of seconds, (im told 7). But does the samebgo for a pets AA? I went up againts 5 players, all using Samuel. I guess they all must have been using another sort of communication because the pet stunned/panic ability was non-stop. I watched as my group got beat, numerous times do to this method. Someone shine some light on this for me.

09-04-2014, 11:05 AM
Pet stun and skill stun is different. There is stun immunity with pet stun too. And what samael does is panic, not stun. Panic and stun is totally different. Panic does not have any immunity. Which means, if your enemies use sams with coordination, you can get panicked to death. :(

09-04-2014, 11:07 AM
Stun immunity : yes 7 seconds
Panic immunity: none
5 Samael's coordinated AA : Old strategy on PVP
Counter? Juggernaut, Razor Shield, Misty, or have your own team do the coordinated Samael's AA.

09-04-2014, 11:08 AM
Any stun triggers 7.5sec stun immunity (eg. charged weapon stun, fireball stun, singe AA stun, etc.) - the panic/terrify though (both the exact same thing, just different name) don't have this immunity. So yes, what you described is very possible.

A panic/terrify immunity has been discussed, suggested and approved several times but to no avail. Not enough people care about it for things to change, I suppose.

09-06-2014, 12:33 PM
misty can get rid of stuns wow.

09-06-2014, 08:14 PM
Any stun triggers 7.5sec stun immunity (eg. charged weapon stun, fireball stun, singe AA stun, etc.) - the panic/terrify though (both the exact same thing, just different name) don't have this immunity. So yes, what you described is very possible.

A panic/terrify immunity has been discussed, suggested and approved several times but to no avail. Not enough people care about it for things to change, I suppose.

The issue is that too many people have spent 20m^ for samael. Getting it nerfed would piss off a huge amount of plat buyers.