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View Full Version : The funny people of Bale Fort

09-05-2014, 04:05 PM
I dont mind helping a random player with some gold every now and then, but its gotten to the point where some players are asking for outrageous amounts of free gold, or even the most expensive items.
I have been asked for millions in the past, and as usual, its by a player I've never met before.

Not sure how much karma I've gotten back since I began helping others tho, I'm sure something will come my way eventually.

CAK Vader
09-05-2014, 08:39 PM
I dont mind helping a random player with some gold every now and then, but its gotten to the point where some players are asking for outrageous amounts of free gold, or even the most expensive items.
I have been asked for millions in the past, and as usual, its by a player I've never met before.

Not sure how much karma I've gotten back since I began helping others tho, I'm sure something will come my way eventually.
Awwww :'3

09-05-2014, 11:36 PM
Yeah I think we all get those messages begging for large amounts of gold. I usually go into forest haven every now and then and give the new players 10k to help them start out.

09-05-2014, 11:47 PM
Just annoying when they try to open trade window and pm "gold plz"

09-06-2014, 03:45 PM
A beggar begged to me and I was feeling nice and I put in some money in trade and confirmed. He said "more plz".


Are u kidding me, just take my money...

I just left the trade right there.

09-06-2014, 04:22 PM
A beggar begged to me and I was feeling nice and I put in some money in trade and confirmed. He said "more plz".


Are u kidding me, just take my money...

I just left the trade right there.

Yeah if I were them I'd take whatever I could get rather than being greedy and getting nothing instead.

09-06-2014, 04:48 PM
Ah so begging does work ._.
What's sad is when people pm me to double their gold. I ignore them of course, but feel bad that they will probably be most vulnerable to getting scammed by others.

09-08-2014, 06:11 AM
feel so guilty now :,(

09-10-2014, 11:00 AM
Was asked for 200k on my old bear-_-.

09-10-2014, 11:47 AM
Arcane Legends is the same way. I've had players upfront call me terrible names when i refused to give them gold. But if they ask for a really small amount of gold, i give it to them. One time, a player was asking for 1k in the public chat and he promised to return it. I gave him the 1k and told him to keep it. 5 minutes later, he messaged me saying he wanted to trade. So i opened trade and he put down 2k. I was so pleased to find a good hearted player, i thanked him, but i told him to keep it. He insisted that i take it. I told him to change it to 500 gold, and i thanked him again. After we traded, i gifted him a pricy legendary set and then i walked away.

Whenever i play a new game, i try to do so without any financial help. I want to play the same way all the richest people started... poor.

09-10-2014, 04:14 PM
Arcane Legends is the same way. I've had players upfront call me terrible names when i refused to give them gold. But if they ask for a really small amount of gold, i give it to them. One time, a player was asking for 1k in the public chat and he promised to return it. I gave him the 1k and told him to keep it. 5 minutes later, he messaged me saying he wanted to trade. So i opened trade and he put down 2k. I was so pleased to find a good hearted player, i thanked him, but i told him to keep it. He insisted that i take it. I told him to change it to 500 gold, and i thanked him again. After we traded, i gifted him a pricy legendary set and then i walked away.

Whenever i play a new game, i try to do so without any financial help. I want to play the same way all the richest people started... poor.
Arcane legends is even stealing our threads now

09-12-2014, 01:23 PM
It was a thoughtful post^^