View Full Version : Few questions from a rogue beginner and a newb in general

09-08-2014, 11:26 PM
Hey guys! I recently started playing rogue, and realized that rogue can be ranged with bow or melee with daggers. I was wondering how does skill selection look like for ranged vs melee? Which one is easier to play in PVE? How do i play ranged rogue? And can someone tell me what is a twink and how do i get one?

09-09-2014, 12:40 AM
Daggers are most often used for the high DPS in non-elite PvE.

Bow is used for PvP and elite to burn down mobs fast. As bows have the highest Single Target Damage.

A twink is a low lvl PvP player, usually created because the endgame top gear is too expensive. Just don't dummy farm ;).


09-09-2014, 03:24 AM
Daggers are most often used for the high DPS in non-elite PvE.

Bow is used for PvP and elite to burn down mobs fast. As bows have the highest Single Target Damage.

A twink is a low lvl PvP player, usually created because the endgame top gear is too expensive. Just don't dummt farm ;).




09-09-2014, 10:53 AM
Hey guys! I recently started playing rogue, and realized that rogue can be ranged with bow or melee with daggers. I was wondering how does skill selection look like for ranged vs melee? Which one is easier to play in PVE? How do i play ranged rogue? And can someone tell me what is a twink and how do i get one?

Hey there,

I'll answer your questions in numerical order so it's easier for you to read and understand should you want to reference the post later on.

1. I was wondering how does skill selection look like for ranged vs melee?
- Skill selection, if you are ranged or melee is the complete same. There are some things to keep in mind though. Some skills, like shadow piercer, have a global cooldown (1sec in the case of Shadow Piercer). Thus, this means that after using it, if you were to say use daggers auto attack while waiting on your skills to get off their cooldown, you would not be able to for 1 second after using shadow piercer. Thus, this makes shadow piercer a harder skill to use with daggers unless you have already got very high damage. However, your skill setup will be the same. The only difference is the speed of the attack button/DPS when using ranged vs melee. Bow is less DPS, more damage while daggers are less damage, more DPS. However, both are excellent choices.

2. Which one is easier to play in PvE?
- I would recommend bow, especially if you are new to redzones and have not learned a boss's one hit KO techniques & how to avoid them. Once you get more skilled, you will be able to use daggers as effectively on the same boss. Currently, the best weapon this season is a bow. Last season, it was a dagger. Therefore, my point is, it would do you well to know how to use both.

3. How do I play ranged rogue?
- Refer to question 1! They're pretty much the same concept except there will be less use of auto attack if you are using a build like: shadow piercer, nox, aimed shot, veil.

4. Can someone tell me what is a twink and how do I get one?
- A twink is a low level character that has purposely decided not to level and stay at that level range usually for the purposes of PvP. You can get one by leveling a character and gearing him out for the level range that you desire!

I hope I helped!

Best of luck,


09-10-2014, 08:26 AM

