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View Full Version : A new twinker need help lol

01-23-2011, 04:35 PM
Hello everyone I have recently decided to try out PVPing with a Twink and well I'd like some help on some guides for different twinks.

I am leaning towards a Dextress, Pally or maybe a Dexbear.

If you guys can maybe give a equipment list and a skill build or maybe even some tips it'd be great. Oh and the level I'm going for is 15-30 haven't decided yet.

I'm still a nooby to pvping and all but sounds fun :D

01-23-2011, 04:59 PM
Quick run down on chars and levels;

Dextress' are slightly harder to use in pvp, they don't get enough mana/sec at level 20 and don't have enough armor for level 30-35.

Pallies are a good all around build for 1 vs 1, but don't have enough mana to sustain fighting a team. That being said, they are decent at 20 and 30, so you could play 20 and move on to 30 when you get bored without starting over.

Dexbears, I haven't seen a level 30 int/dex bear yet, and I'm not totally sure on level 30. If you feel like 20 twinking is your thing, dexbears are easy to use and kill with if you get the hang of how close you need to be for your slashes to hit.

About the different levels, 20 and 30 are the most common.

20 will have more games and people, but 30 won't have er.... ill say as many noobs. There will always be a noob who thinks they're gods gift to pvp, but are 5 levels higher then everybody else. You just have to live with em ;)

On builds, I don't want to post an extreme amount of words right now, but if you decide what you want, ill help you with it. A cost of a 20 twink equip is around 25-30k. Max for 30 is 40k.

01-23-2011, 05:10 PM
Just set-up my workshop! click the link in my sig :D

01-23-2011, 07:13 PM
Ha I did so :D