View Full Version : A Suggestion For PvP Balance

09-10-2014, 10:10 AM
I continously hear the complaint about rouges being overpowered, or the mages being overpowered. Heck, the tanks are also considered overpowered. What I want to do is put the things in perspective. If all the classes are overpowered, isn't it a whole other thing that plays the role as Big Brother? Because there are only 3 classes. 3 classes to balance out, it can't be that hard, can it?

What makes the rouge overpowered?
The one shooting, perhaps? The high damage and survivablity with the correct pets? Is it the fact that they have too much health or armor in comparison to the mage?
As a rouge myself, I admit, I do complain about the other classes. I'm asking you mages and warriors what you think that makes the rouge OP?

What makes the mage so overpowered?
Is it the stunlocking? Is it the fact that lightning can crit up to 3k? Is it the arcane shield?

What makes the warrior so overpowered?
Is it the fact that he can survive forever? Is it that he has unlimited mana? Perhaps, it's because a warrior can stunlock into killing?

The Real Problem?

Stats? Now, you're probably wondering what the hell I'm on about? Well, let me tell you:
Since the cap was L31 (S4) the game has continously become more unbalanced. The damage has been raising in hundreds. Suddenly the rouge's crit reach 40%, the damage can potentially go above 700! And the health? Just around 4k, maybe a few hundreds higher, not to talk about the armor! 1,6+ armor?
The mages can reach 700+ dmg, and they're still stuck with around 1,3k armor and 4k, give or take, HP.
Whereas tanks reach 630+ dmg, and as a tank it's needed for their HP and armor to raise, so they have around 2k armor and 7k+ HP.
These stats were all taken by 3 random friends with Arcane Ring
The real problem is that, season after season STS has gone and raised the damage of each class, which is completely understandable, right? But they have forgotten to raise the armor and HP together with it. I wouldn't mind if a clash lasted maybe 30 seconds longer? I wouldn't mind giving the mages and rouges a little armor and HP boost. As a mage with shield on CD, you're pretty forked. As a rouge, it's about the reaction time. Rouge vs rouge does no longer define your skills in any way. If you're a mage, you just hope and pray for your stun pet's AA works, so you can hold the rouge in a lock. If not, the rouges will crit you right through your shield. It's outrageous that mages must depend on luck to succesfully kill a rouge. Does the pet stun or does it not? The rouge will crit you right through your shield if not. Heal is no longer a usefull enough skill in a rouge vs mage scenario, as mages relies on nuking.

The Gear

Just the ring difference now can be explained here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?173507-Mythic-Ring
STS seems to love their mythic armor and helm, so I say: "Fair enough!" But the let us upgrade them to L41, maybe with increased HP and armor? It will make everyone happy. But for the profit STS needs, I suggest you, STS, release a new helm and armor. It will increased crate opening and thereby increase platium purchases. And it won't hurt anyone to put quite a large amount into armor and HP on the new gear, and have clashes last longer :).
As I stand here looking at the L41 mythic elon bow, I notice it will bump my damage by 100. 100?! Isn't that a huge difference in mythic and legendary? I'd think an arcane bow, maybe would give 100+ DMG, but a mythic item?
There isn't as many Legendary geared players that play PvP anymore, as it's not fun for them to leave spawn, to get instantly murdered by a geared up rouge, or even a mage. The cycle is supposed to be: Mage -> Rouge -> Warrior -> Mage
Soon, it will only be the richer part of AL seen in PvP. The leaderboards are already corrupt, but I won't touch that topic now. I personlly think, STS needs to realize that CTF as it really is now; A PvP arena. (Specifically a place for guilds to compete agasint each other for fun). Maybe the equality will also lower the amount of BM (Bad mouthing) in PvP, as it will take more skill and less unbalanced stats and gear to kill another class.

The Actual Suggestion

1) Release a new set of armors and helms with a HP and armor buff to ALL classes. Do not lower the DMG or change anything about the classes, simply apply more HP and armor. Surviving is actually also becoming hard in elite, as mobs are strong and take a long time to kill. (Too long if you ask me. Some people can't be in game for 20 minutes, or whatever it takes for a pug legendary party to run any tindrin maps. At least guilds can help most of the time! :))

2) Let us upgrade our current mythic sets. No more gems, no more crazy arcane items needed for crafting. Just a simply questline with none of that fragment poop, but an actual challenging set of quests.

Feel free to correct anything if I missed something, or any other suggestion on balancing the stats and gear out :).


Dex Scene
09-11-2014, 03:49 AM
Nice points.
I feel for Hp and armor boost aswel. 1 shot kill/ whoever hit first is annyoing.

09-11-2014, 03:52 AM
I'm not even sure how to get onto mage vs tank. Because the mage can potentially stunlock the tank to death, but if the tank survives, the mage is pretty dead. That is all I'll say about that..


09-11-2014, 04:06 AM
Your hp and armor is low, use mythic ring and wild potency amulet

09-11-2014, 08:37 AM

"Except Instant cause he's OP..."

Your hp and armor is low, use mythic ring and wild potency amulet

Hali, I don't PvP anymore, but I see the problem and I'm trying to adress it. I've formerly tried to borrow fully gear and been unkillable as a rouge. (Unless ganged).
I made this thread to help the PvP scene, not help my own PvP cause. I've given up on that already :).

09-17-2014, 03:43 PM
I feel like this suggestion just kinda faded away, but I'd like to bump it up again. It's kind of a thing.

09-17-2014, 04:37 PM
Kind of a big deal.

Lol mages suck now, we always replace them with a rogue unless the opponent has 2-3 mages for some reason.

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09-17-2014, 04:48 PM
The main problem is that we havent had a new armor or helm in ages. Our dmg has been increasing nonstop where as mage and rogue armor and hp have been the same since 31. Here lies the problem.

09-17-2014, 07:05 PM
I continously hear the complaint about rouges being overpowered, or the mages being overpowered. Heck, the tanks are also considered overpowered. What I want to do is put the things in perspective. If all the classes are overpowered, isn't it a whole other thing that plays the role as Big Brother? Because there are only 3 classes. 3 classes to balance out, it can't be that hard, can it?

What makes the rouge overpowered?
The one shooting, perhaps? The high damage and survivablity with the correct pets? Is it the fact that they have too much health or armor in comparison to the mage?
As a rouge myself, I admit, I do complain about the other classes. I'm asking you mages and warriors what you think that makes the rouge OP?

What makes the mage so overpowered?
Is it the stunlocking? Is it the fact that lightning can crit up to 3k? Is it the arcane shield?

What makes the warrior so overpowered?
Is it the fact that he can survive forever? Is it that he has unlimited mana? Perhaps, it's because a warrior can stunlock into killing?

The Real Problem?

Stats? Now, you're probably wondering what the hell I'm on about? Well, let me tell you:
Since the cap was L31 (S4) the game has continously become more unbalanced. The damage has been raising in hundreds. Suddenly the rouge's crit reach 40%, the damage can potentially go above 700! And the health? Just around 4k, maybe a few hundreds higher, not to talk about the armor! 1,6+ armor?
The mages can reach 700+ dmg, and they're still stuck with around 1,3k armor and 4k, give or take, HP.
Whereas tanks reach 630+ dmg, and as a tank it's needed for their HP and armor to raise, so they have around 2k armor and 7k+ HP.
These stats were all taken by 3 random friends with Arcane Ring
The real problem is that, season after season STS has gone and raised the damage of each class, which is completely understandable, right? But they have forgotten to raise the armor and HP together with it. I wouldn't mind if a clash lasted maybe 30 seconds longer? I wouldn't mind giving the mages and rouges a little armor and HP boost. As a mage with shield on CD, you're pretty forked. As a rouge, it's about the reaction time. Rouge vs rouge does no longer define your skills in any way. If you're a mage, you just hope and pray for your stun pet's AA works, so you can hold the rouge in a lock. If not, the rouges will crit you right through your shield. It's outrageous that mages must depend on luck to succesfully kill a rouge. Does the pet stun or does it not? The rouge will crit you right through your shield if not. Heal is no longer a usefull enough skill in a rouge vs mage scenario, as mages relies on nuking.

Now, I'll tell yall, I play rouge. My current gear is not fully supergemmed, but I use a L36 mythic set (Upgraded mythic set), a fang of fenrir, an archon ring of potency (DEX) and an expedition recurve of potency. My pet is Hammerjaw.
My stats look like this:
HP: 3,2k
DMG: 537,1
Crit: 28%
Mana: 1,3k
Armor: 1,3k

I am no longer able to beat a tank with the same mythics as me, but with Grimm and the Magma Claymore of Assault. Even if my DMG is high, my HP is low and my armor is low. It's possible for tanks to stunlock (With the following combo: Axe, SS, Pet AA) + juggernaut, into killing. There's no timing in PvP anymore, it's either you nuke the tank before second heal, or you're pretty forked. Beause unless you have samael or any mana regeneration pet, you will run out of mana.

I'm not even sure how to get onto mage vs tank. Because the mage can potentially stunlock the tank to death, but if the tank survives, the mage is pretty dead. That is all I'll say about that..

The Gear

Just the ring difference now can be explained here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?173507-Mythic-Ring
STS seems to love their mythic armor and helm, so I say: "Fair enough!" But the let us upgrade them to L41, maybe with increased HP and armor? It will make everyone happy. But for the profit STS needs, I suggest you, STS, release a new helm and armor. It will increased crate opening and thereby increase platium purchases. And it won't hurt anyone to put quite a large amount into armor and HP on the new gear, and have clashes last longer :).
As I stand here looking at the L41 mythic elon bow, I notice it will bump my damage by 100. 100?! Isn't that a huge difference in mythic and legendary? I'd think an arcane bow, maybe would give 100+ DMG, but a mythic item?
There isn't as many Legendary geared players that play PvP anymore, as it's not fun for them to leave spawn, to get instantly murdered by a geared up rouge, or even a mage. The cycle is supposed to be: Mage -> Rouge -> Warrior -> Mage
Soon, it will only be the richer part of AL seen in PvP. The leaderboards are already corrupt, but I won't touch that topic now. I personlly think, STS needs to realize that CTF as it really is now; A PvP arena. (Specifically a place for guilds to compete agasint each other for fun). Maybe the equality will also lower the amount of BM (Bad mouthing) in PvP, as it will take more skill and less unbalanced stats and gear to kill another class.

The Actual Suggestion

1) Release a new set of armors and helms with a HP and armor buff to ALL classes. Do not lower the DMG or change anything about the classes, simply apply more HP and armor. Surviving is actually also becoming hard in elite, as mobs are strong and take a long time to kill. (Too long if you ask me. Some people can't be in game for 20 minutes, or whatever it takes for a pug legendary party to run any tindrin maps. At least guilds can help most of the time! :))

2) Let us upgrade our current mythic sets. No more gems, no more crazy arcane items needed for crafting. Just a simply questline with none of that fragment poop, but an actual challenging set of quests.

Feel free to correct anything if I missed something, or any other suggestion on balancing the stats and gear out :).

I have bolded the parts I wish to counter.

Firstly, even arcane ring rouges do not have 700 damage. This is definitely a lix buff and so does not apply to PvP. The damage is closer to 600 and possibly lower in CTF.
As a rouge with similar gear (instead of archon is use mythic ring and instead of fang i use wild amulet), I can confidently say that I do not rely on breaking through a mages shield. I stun them and waste time till their shield is down and then drop them with a quick combo.

Also, tanks without samael or SnS (unless they have the newly buffed bulwark) are generally easily beaten by rouges. Personally, I think that jack is a good alternative to samael if mana is an issue. Another way to beat them is use valkin and save up on mana till you have 50-60% without using any mana (except for packs) and then when their jugg is down let loose 2-3 quick combos. I've had fights with tanks that have gone into 5 to 6 heals so I know it is possible to beat them even after second heal.
Other than this, I totally agree with you. Clashes are becoming to short and the damage is to hp and armour ratio is unbalanced and does need fixing but life shards do fix this in some ways.

Sorry for the long post and for all the grammar Nazi's out there please forgive me. :)

09-18-2014, 12:32 AM
I have bolded the parts I wish to counter.

Firstly, even arcane ring rouges do not have 700 damage. This is definitely a lix buff and so does not apply to PvP. The damage is closer to 600 and possibly lower in CTF.
As a rouge with similar gear (instead of archon is use mythic ring and instead of fang i use wild amulet), I can confidently say that I do not rely on breaking through a mages shield. I stun them and waste time till their shield is down and then drop them with a quick combo.

Also, tanks without samael or SnS (unless they have the newly buffed bulwark) are generally easily beaten by rouges. Personally, I think that jack is a good alternative to samael if mana is an issue. Another way to beat them is use valkin and save up on mana till you have 50-60% without using any mana (except for packs) and then when their jugg is down let loose 2-3 quick combos. I've had fights with tanks that have gone into 5 to 6 heals so I know it is possible to beat them even after second heal.
Other than this, I totally agree with you. Clashes are becoming to short and the damage is to hp and armour ratio is unbalanced and does need fixing but life shards do fix this in some ways.

Sorry for the long post and for all the grammar Nazi's out there please forgive me. :)

Again.. My problem is not my own stats as I don't PvP. If I did, I wouldn't use archon. Full DMG rouges are 700 dmg with ring, I'm sure.

09-18-2014, 12:33 AM
The main problem is that we havent had a new armor or helm in ages. Our dmg has been increasing nonstop where as mage and rogue armor and hp have been the same since 31. Here lies the problem.

That's what I said ._.

09-18-2014, 12:34 AM
Kind of a big deal.

Lol mages suck now, we always replace them with a rogue unless the opponent has 2-3 mages for some reason.

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Wow, that's harsh.

09-18-2014, 01:58 PM
Wow, that's harsh.

Lol, no it's a real slang phrase a lot of people I know use, it just confuses people that don't know what it means. xD

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09-18-2014, 02:19 PM
Lol, no it's a real slang phrase a lot of people I know use, it just confuses people that don't know what it means. xD

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Which one is a slang phrase? ._.

09-19-2014, 05:10 AM
Which one is a slang phrase? ._.

You know what just...never mind.

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