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01-24-2011, 12:12 AM
well i am not into complaining but since i just registered and last weekend i got kind of pissed of by some LVL 50 player i would like to make a comment about so that if its you the one reading then learn to control yourself.
i was in "the lost expedition town" i have a lvl 31 mage and i went into the icy grate, the one behind Ryom... it was empty when i got in, then this group of 4 LVL 50 guys came in bulling me telling me to leave and telling me that i am a leech and week and low lvl and some other stuff.. i told them that i am no leech .. i am lvl 31 and i am in the right place.. they are 50 and they should be in higer lvl grounds..

01-24-2011, 12:14 AM
Ya... that was us. And in that case you were leeching. You were getting a free ride to a boss that you couldn't even dream of soloing by yourself. Btw this is apollo. And we weren't being rude at first. We kindly asked you to leave, but you were being very stubborn.

01-24-2011, 12:18 AM
If he was there first...why should he leave...?

01-24-2011, 12:27 AM
If he was there first...why should he leave...?

Actually we were there first. So we asked him to leave, especially since a friend on our list couldn't join due to him

01-24-2011, 12:27 AM
The grate really isn't a low level thing... few people that level can beat fridge.

BTW... did you guys meet my 2nd pally? Same as forum name.. I was doing the same thing as that guy, and 4 50's came in, might've been you guys. Completely forget their names. They didn't ask me to leave :D

01-24-2011, 12:27 AM
hmmm, in this case were us lvl 50's are farming lower lvl levels i usually boot were it is warranted but if no boot i play normally but just dont rev lower lvls. i think thats fare. if you cant stay alive and hang then you get no drop.

Edit: Where*

01-24-2011, 12:32 AM
I usually just afk and do homework until they leave. I don't want them to get the drop when I do all the work yet I'm not going to tell them to leave. Just because they can't kill the boss, doesn't mean they can't XP there or explore.

01-24-2011, 12:50 AM
I was half way through clearing the level(knowing I can't solo Fridge) with my ~30 and a level 29 new guy when the farming group came in and made a run for the boss. That was fine with me, and we started riding the killing wave in with them.

Then, I suppose they wanted to make room for more of their buddies, and they said something along the lines of "level 29-30 leave or get booted". I've been around the block a few times, so I thought it was a hilarious demand, I asked them to boot me, please. Obviously, they can't, it wasn't their room to begin with. But the level 29 was a new guy, and he left before getting the joke, I guess he thought he was doing something wrong, offending other players somehow, and was bordering on getting booted. I still feel bad for him.

I was then offered 2000 gold to leave. Had they opened with that, I probably would have just left and started another room, regardless of the insultingly low bribe. At least it was offering something, and maybe that's a lot of money to some new people, maybe even to the level 29 I was with. But they opened with a threat to boot from a room they dropped in on.

I refused, so they started with the name calling. And what is the 14 year old/forever-alone battle cry? You guessed it, "noob". I mentioned that I had around 5 mil banked(putting me probably in the lower middle class of player wealth), meaning to point out how insultingly low the 2k gold offer was and demonstrate that I likely was not a "noob". That was my bad, I had already assessed their maturity level, I was foolish to expect them to get it. And they didn't, instead they thought it was an...um...appendage measuring competition and proceeded to tell me so and so has 60 million, blah blah blah. Point missed, that was probably more my fault than theirs.

Anyway, I can shrug it off, these guys are regulars in the forums, I see them all the time in game. I won't trade or play with them, whatever, I'm not losing any sleep over it, they won't either. But that level 29 guy, how does he feel? The next day, I see one of their party is selling green ice in the forums, so I guess they are happy. They got their loot.

Asshats, every one.

What troubles me is, I think I can see their point of view. They are rushing through rooms as fast as they can, trying to maintain a full party of 50s that know how to play, maximizing their shot at good loot. I also see and experience players of low level, or mages that don't heal the group, birds that stand off to the side, sometimes using that yellow bottle of luck, waiting for Fridge or whatever boss to die, hoping they can score high value loot for nothing. People leach, it happens all the time. ALL THE TIME.

Rushing from room to room, maybe you aren't always aware of who was there first. The offer of 2000 credits to leave, if they led with that, or maybe just asked something along the lines of "We are farming Fridge, can you leave to let the rest of our party in?", I'm happy to get out of the way.

But they led with "leave or get booted". They were the leachers, looking to quickly get to Fridge, exploiting the fact the we were there first and carved a path part of the way there. They tried to con players they thought didn't know better. So eff 'em, I say. They are no better than the leaches taking up their team spots, standing around doing nothing, taking their loot.

01-24-2011, 12:55 AM
well i am not into complaining but since i just registered and last weekend i got kind of pissed of by some LVL 50 player i would like to make a comment about so that if its you the one reading then learn to control yourself.
i was in "the lost expedition town" i have a lvl 31 mage and i went into the icy grate, the one behind Ryom... it was empty when i got in, then this group of 4 LVL 50 guys came in bulling me telling me to leave and telling me that i am a leech and week and low lvl and some other stuff.. i told them that i am no leech .. i am lvl 31 and i am in the right place.. they are 50 and they should be in higer lvl grounds..

That is unbelievably rude of them and really pesses me off that players do that. You were in the right place, and there is no reason 50's should pull that crap.

Ya... that was us. And in that case you were leeching. You were getting a free ride to a boss that you couldn't even dream of soloing by yourself. Btw this is apollo. And we weren't being rude at first. We kindly asked you to leave, but you were being very stubborn.

Dream of soloing by himself, NO. Dream of beating him with a group of 30's, yes. I should know, I have done it. So he enters a public grate he is the correct level for, and instead of finding a group of 30's he can team with, he finds a bunch of level 50 bullies that are either so under skilled they fear the 30 is going to get their team wiped or so unfamiliar with the game that they think the 30 is going to 'steal' their drop. So in the time it took you to go from 'not rude at first' to rude, did you ego get the boost it needed???

01-24-2011, 12:58 AM
well i am not into complaining but since i just registered and last weekend i got kind of pissed of by some LVL 50 player i would like to make a comment about so that if its you the one reading then learn to control yourself.
i was in "the lost expedition town" i have a lvl 31 mage and i went into the icy grate, the one behind Ryom... it was empty when i got in, then this group of 4 LVL 50 guys came in bulling me telling me to leave and telling me that i am a leech and week and low lvl and some other stuff.. i told them that i am no leech .. i am lvl 31 and i am in the right place.. they are 50 and they should be in higer lvl grounds..

I was half way through clearing the level(knowing I can't solo Fridge) with my ~30 and a level 29 new guy when the farming group came in and made a run for the boss. That was fine with me, and we started riding the killing wave in with them.

Then, I suppose they wanted to make room for more of their buddies, and they said something along the lines of "level 29-30 leave or get booted". I've been around the block a few times, so I thought it was a hilarious demand, I asked them to boot me, please. Obviously, they can't, it wasn't their room to begin with. But the level 29 was a new guy, and he left before getting the joke, I guess he thought he was doing something wrong, offending other players somehow, and was bordering on getting booted. I still feel bad for him.

I was then offered 2000 gold to leave. Had they opened with that, I probably would have just left and started another room, regardless of the insultingly low bribe. At least it was offering something, and maybe that's a lot of money to some new people, maybe even to the level 29 I was with. But they opened with a threat to boot from a room they dropped in on.

I refused, so they started with the name calling. And what is the 14 year old/forever-alone battle cry? You guessed it, "noob". I mentioned that I had around 5 mil banked(putting me probably in the lower middle class of player wealth), meaning to point out how insultingly low the 2k gold offer was and demonstrate that I likely was not a "noob". That was my bad, I had already assessed their maturity level, I was foolish to expect them to get it. And they didn't, instead they thought it was an...um...appendage measuring competition and proceeded to tell me so and so has 60 million, blah blah blah. Point missed, that was probably more my fault than theirs.

Anyway, I can shrug it off, these guys are regulars in the forums, I see them all the time in game. I won't trade or play with them, whatever, I'm not losing any sleep over it, they won't either. But that level 29 guy, how does he feel? The next day, I see one of their party is selling green ice in the forums, so I guess they are happy. They got their loot.

Asshats, every one.

What troubles me is, I think I can see their point of view. They are rushing through rooms as fast as they can, trying to maintain a full party of 50s that know how to play, maximizing their shot at good loot. I also see and experience players of low level, or mages that don't heal the group, birds that stand off to the side, sometimes using that yellow bottle of luck, waiting for Fridge or whatever boss to die, hoping they can score high value loot for nothing. People leach, it happens all the time. ALL THE TIME.

Rushing from room to room, maybe you aren't always aware of who was there first. The offer of 2000 credits to leave, if they led with that, or maybe just asked something along the lines of "We are farming Fridge, can you leave to let the rest of our party in?", I'm happy to get out of the way.

But they led with "leave or get booted". They were the leachers, looking to quickly get to Fridge, exploiting the fact the we were there first and carved a path part of the way there. They tried to con players they thought didn't know better. So eff 'em, I say. They are no better than the leaches taking up their team spots, standing around doing nothing, taking their loot.


01-24-2011, 12:58 AM
If they harass you or call you names, report them. I'd list their names and email support@spacetimestudios.com with a short summary of what happened. They'll check the logs and then take action if appropriate. That's what I did when I was farming there a month ago and was harassed to leave. If it's the same people who keep getting reported for not learning to behave and be respectful, they might get banned permanently.

01-24-2011, 01:00 AM
That is unbelievably rude of them and really pesses me off that players do that. You were in the right place, and there is no reason 50's should pull that crap.

Dream of soloing by himself, NO. Dream of beating him with a group of 30's, yes. I should know, I have done it. So he enters a public grate he is the correct level for, and instead of finding a group of 30's he can team with, he finds a bunch of level 50 bullies that are either so under skilled they fear the 30 is going to get their team wiped or so unfamiliar with the game that they think the 30 is going to 'steal' their drop. So in the time it took you to go from 'not rude at first' to rude, did you ego get the boost it needed???

Fluff, who said I was the one being rude... Most people that know me in game generally know that I'm not rude like that, however we did have someone from a previous run wanting to join which is why we asked for the said person to leave... The only time I mind leeching is when you do NOTHING which is what most of the players that join the games do, or if it is truly full and we ask them to leave yet they won't. I know from experience that being rude doesn't get you anywhere... Fluff, I think of you as a friend and all but don't attempt to belittle me when you were not in the situation, and don't realize the full reality of the situation.

01-24-2011, 01:00 AM

I doubt group boot will work on a map that isn't technically hosted.

01-24-2011, 01:00 AM
If they harass you or call you names, report them. I'd list their names and email support@spacetimestudios.com with a short summary of what happened. They'll check the logs and then take action if appropriate. That's what I did when I was farming there a month ago and was harassed to leave. If it's the same people who keep getting reported for not learning to behave and be respectful, they might get banned permanently.

Not really unless it's offensive. If they didn't call him hurtful names, then it wasn't really a bannable offense. No, "noob" is not a hurtful name, since most of the people in the game right now are noobs, whether they agree or not. Unless they personal attacked him I don't see a ban happenin'

01-24-2011, 01:02 AM
Not really unless it's offensive. If they didn't call him hurtful names, then it wasn't really a bannable offense. No, "noob" is not a hurtful name, since most of the people in the game right now are noobs, whether they agree or not. Unless they personal attacked him I don't see a ban happenin'

You're probably right. In my case they were cursing in other languages. Personally, unless they ask nicely, don't leave.

01-24-2011, 01:05 AM
You're probably right. In my case they were cursing in other languages. Personally, unless they ask nicely, don't leave.

Cussing in other languages is really a controversial matter. I know someone that cussed at me in a different language, and in English, and called me awful names. They're still in game and playing. I don't trust that report button one bit, and wish I respoerted them via Support, but what's done is sone. I think if they're offensive, it should be at the least a warning, if not, a 24 hour ban. Sorry if that didn't make sense or was just useless rambling lol. I'm dead tired.

01-24-2011, 01:08 AM
Fluff, who said I was the one being rude... Most people that know me in game generally know that I'm not rude like that, however we did have someone from a previous run wanting to join which is why we asked for the said person to leave... The only time I mind leeching is when you do NOTHING which is what most of the players that join the games do, or if it is truly full and we ask them to leave yet they won't. I know from experience that being rude doesn't get you anywhere... Fluff, I think of you as a friend and all but don't attempt to belittle me when you were not in the situation, and don't realize the full reality of the situation.

I know your not rude, and that last part was really in poor taste of me. I twink PVE a lot and see a lot of this from the lower level side. Players in the right area getting bullied out of the area by level 50's and it really gets to me. The problem here is it is a public map, and correct level players should not be asked to leave. Best thing you can do is find a mostly empty town and enter that grate, since each town instance hosts its own 'hidden dungeon' if you are trying to get a full team in.

01-24-2011, 01:10 AM
I doubt group boot will work on a map that isn't technically hosted.

More of an example of what players would do if given the chance. If a host leaves, and say two players are left clearing a map, 3 50's can join, boot them out, invite their friends and finish the map.

01-24-2011, 01:11 AM
All you pmsin kids need to calm down.

01-24-2011, 01:11 AM
Cussing in other languages is really a controversial matter. I know someone that cussed at me in a different language, and in English, and called me awful names. They're still in game and playing. I don't trust that report button one bit, and wish I respoerted them via Support, but what's done is sone. I think if they're offensive, it should be at the least a warning, if not, a 24 hour ban. Sorry if that didn't make sense or was just useless rambling lol. I'm dead tired.

I don't know what happened so you'd have to ask them. They're among the pvp clique. I've willing to bet it's just a warning or a temporary ban for a first offense. It doesn't hurt to just report them. If it's deemed not to be inappropriate then oh well.

01-24-2011, 01:13 AM
Unless someone is outright stealing, or genuinely doing something malicious to hurt people somehow, maybe hacking accounts, I'd rather the devs avoid the ban hammer.

All you pmsin kids need to calm down.

Why, are you going to share some of that gold or green ice with the people you and your party does this to?

01-24-2011, 01:13 AM
I know your not rude, and that last part was really in poor taste of me. I twink PVE a lot and see a lot of this from the lower level side. Players in the right area getting bullied out of the area by level 50's and it really gets to me. The problem here is it is a public map, and correct level players should not be asked to leave. Best thing you can do is find a mostly empty town and enter that grate, since each town instance hosts its own 'hidden dungeon' if you are trying to get a full team in.

Ya... telling me I was egotistic was a bit hurtful... (That may have just sounded really egotistic LOL) But you are right about the other parts... I know each person get's an individual drop roll so there is no possible way that they can steal a drop. It does however bug me when a lvl 30 joins a group of 50s (as long as they help, I don't mind), and thinks, "Oo sweet, these guys look pro! Looks like I don't have to do much!" and basically leach off of us, I mean if you are an elf and at lvl 30, I would really appreciate spam heals.

01-24-2011, 01:24 AM
Ya... telling me I was egotistic was a bit hurtful... (That may have just sounded really egotistic LOL) But you are right about the other parts... I know each person get's an individual drop roll so there is no possible way that they can steal a drop. It does however bug me when a lvl 30 joins a group of 50s (as long as they help, I don't mind), and thinks, "Oo sweet, these guys look pro! Looks like I don't have to do much!" and basically leach off of us, I mean if you are an elf and at lvl 30, I would really appreciate spam heals.

What they need to do is take the 'hidden' maps off the join game screen. That is where the 'leeches' come from, they see a level 50 public game, know they can't get booted and join to tag along for the ride. If those were gone, you know a player who joined just entered the grate looking for a game of similar leveled players and happened to come across some 50's, and not just some deadbeat looking for free exp and drops.

01-24-2011, 01:26 AM
What they need to do is take the 'hidden' maps off the join game screen. That is where the 'leeches' come from, they see a level 50 public game, know they can't get booted and join to tag along for the ride. If those were gone, you know a player who joined just entered the grate looking for a game of similar leveled players and happened to come across some 50's, and not just some deadbeat looking for free exp and drops.

That's what I suggested for the shadow caves -- should not show in the "join game" screen -- but it seems to have been ignored.

01-24-2011, 05:05 AM
Fluff, who said I was the one being rude... Most people that know me in game generally know that I'm not rude like that, however we did have someone from a previous run wanting to join which is why we asked for the said person to leave... The only time I mind leeching is when you do NOTHING which is what most of the players that join the games do, or if it is truly full and we ask them to leave yet they won't. I know from experience that being rude doesn't get you anywhere... Fluff, I think of you as a friend and all but don't attempt to belittle me when you were not in the situation, and don't realize the full reality of the situation.

truth to be said i was not leeching, i was indeed looking for a group of some other 30s... actually it was the first time i went in that area so i figured i would just try and see what was ahead... i am in fact new to the game but i have lots of MMORPG experience and even if i have very high lvl players i would never treat people like that, especially when they are in their rightful area playing..
actually i didn't even looked for the join world thing expecting lvl 50s.. i literally walked to the great and climbed down... i was going to leave when asked just because i saw no point on staying and i figured that they were waiting for the other guy to join but after calling names i decided to stay just for the fun of it... after they killed the boss (even i did help since i am no leech) i left and didnt get back in just because i dont like to be a Moro*n...
so guys next time... take it easy on the ones playing in there... learn to be polite and if you think you are the best just because you are lvl 50... dude grow up in real life, then talk to me again...
ps: I am omewiz... just in case u see me again around...

01-24-2011, 09:53 AM
Ya... telling me I was egotistic was a bit hurtful... (That may have just sounded really egotistic LOL) But you are right about the other parts... I know each person get's an individual drop roll so there is no possible way that they can steal a drop. It does however bug me when a lvl 30 joins a group of 50s (as long as they help, I don't mind), and thinks, "Oo sweet, these guys look pro! Looks like I don't have to do much!" and basically leach off of us, I mean if you are an elf and at lvl 30, I would really appreciate spam heals.

Who was in the game first? If it was the 30, and you guys joined, then you can't really accuse him of this. We all know when someone is leeching, it's obvious, so to accuse someone of it at go in that location at that level is pretty weak.

It's not like he was a lvl 9 coming in 5th to the party. That's what gets me fired up and gets the instant leave.

01-24-2011, 10:01 AM
truth to be said i was not leeching, i was indeed looking for a group of some other 30s... actually it was the first time i went in that area so i figured i would just try and see what was ahead... i am in fact new to the game but i have lots of MMORPG experience and even if i have very high lvl players i would never treat people like that, especially when they are in their rightful area playing..
actually i didn't even looked for the join world thing expecting lvl 50s.. i literally walked to the great and climbed down... i was going to leave when asked just because i saw no point on staying and i figured that they were waiting for the other guy to join but after calling names i decided to stay just for the fun of it... after they killed the boss (even i did help since i am no leech) i left and didnt get back in just because i like to be a Moro*n...
so guys next time... take it easy on the ones playing in there... learn to be polite and if you think you are the best just because you are lvl 50... dude grow up in real life, then talk to me again...
dontps: I am omewiz... just in case u see me again around...

I don't think you are the guy yesterday then, it was a different player then maybe.

01-24-2011, 10:33 AM
The hidden ice cave is a level 30 map, and a public non-hosted instance. As far as I'm concerned it takes an arrogant level 50 to try to ask a 30 to leave that map. And the Fridge is a level 30 boss, a good team of 30s can take him down. I'm so sick of level 50s telling level 30s "oh frozen nightmares is way to hard for you", "no way, you can't take on the fridge". I'm sorry but that's just wrong, and either you never tried those things as a 30, or you just weren't good enough when you did.

01-24-2011, 11:06 AM
There is alot of this going on. I dont care where I go on my 32 alt. I get booted or called all kinds of names atleast 1time a night. I hate when I go threw a portal and find a 50 in zone. I normaly just drop out and give it 5-10minutes and try again.

I been there when a special group of players entered and asked me to leave when I was there first.
Im sure the one guy who is on this forum alot remebers. pulling a bunch of stuff then zoneing out after us low levels started to fight. us dieing and you porting back in to your friend(sitting at zone in). Then HAHAHA LOLOLOL bullcrap....
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..

Im sorry, but some of you think you own this game. I don't care how much you spent or how long you have played. You my friend are in a low level zone. lock it . if you cant lock it- go farm something else if your gona be a donkey.
.................................................. .................................................. ...................

Just report these people. Im sure PL would want to keep the 5-10-20people vs one person.

Its still a cash cow in the end. I dont think they would let one person rune it for a bunch of people.
((LOOK- at 50 you spent your money. The guy at a lower level more then likely still has alot to spend money on))

01-24-2011, 11:11 AM
As far as I'm concerned it takes an arrogant level 50 to try to ask a 30 to leave that map.

So, over half of the level 50s? Especially the newer ones?

01-24-2011, 11:16 AM
I don't think you can generalize new or older 50s. There's DBs in every group. partied with plenty of asshat 50s who had great gear and $ and plenty that were Mynas Gens with 0 missions completed.

01-24-2011, 11:30 AM
Omerojs you sound like someone I'd like to play/group with. Feel free to add me.

I never boot lower levels even when other group members ask me too. I did it once and felt so bad afterwards, it wasn't worth it..

I have never grouped with a leech. On the contrary it's my experience when lower levels join my groups they go out of their way to be part of the group and do their fair share of killing/spamming heals. And they are so grateful not to be booted which I find sad. Most of my friends list were level 20's, 30's and 40's and are now fun 50's.

If you happen to end up in Vaelma's group in a elite dungeon or regular campaign, you are welcome to stay and get some xp. :)

01-24-2011, 11:40 AM
I don't think you can generalize new or older 50s. There's DBs in every group. partied with plenty of asshat 50s who had great gear and $ and plenty that were Mynas Gens with 0 missions completed.

You do realize about 85% if mynas gen died out because ao3 was too damn hard for them right?

01-24-2011, 11:43 AM
There's still plenty around, trying to farm what/whoever, and just get out of their way if you're going to slow them down 1 iota.

01-24-2011, 11:46 AM
Eh, there are still power leveled noobs and level 50s that leached, but very very few mynas gem if any. There are a lot of noobs, but true mynas gen are lvl 10 by knowledge, cant use their skills right, have hardly any gold, wear awful gear in most instances, and don't know anything about the game, Nor how to play it.

01-24-2011, 11:48 AM
Good point. Further reasoning that the PLing for item payment running rampant on the boards makes me sick. It really helps no one but the PLer in the short term. Seeing one can get 0-50 in about a week, the short term should be the focus of this game right now.

01-24-2011, 11:50 AM
People don't realize that it's not much different at 50, and it's not going anywhere, the only thing that changes if you level slower is that gear gets cheaper....

01-24-2011, 11:50 AM
That's why I start my own levels with my level 50 instead of using the grate. That way I do not show up on lower levels and can boot them if they join and I do not want to see them.

Seems like the polite thing to do.

01-24-2011, 11:53 AM
That's why I start my own levels with my level 50 instead of using the grate. That way I do not show up on lower levels and can boot them if they join and I do not want to see them.

Seems like the polite thing to do.

Huh? You can hos your own Grate games? Since when?

01-24-2011, 11:54 AM
Huh? You can hos your own Grate games? Since when?

No you can not....

01-24-2011, 12:08 PM
I've been doing that map a fair bit in the last few days also. I generally play with one or two lvl 50s and have no problem with lower levels being there. Last night I had one ask if it was ok to stay and I said of course, please spam heal and rev as necessary. Sure enough the player rev'd me in the boss fight. As long as my friend and I are able to work together we can generally get the job done -- sure it doesn't go as fast, but it can be more fun and challenging. Hopefully the lower level guys can help and maybe learn.

On occasion players don't realize that you need to leave the cave to get it to reset. That's the only time I start asking people to leave, and I try to explain that when I do. I guess they want to explore the other side tunnels or something, or just go afk or whatever. In some sense it seems to me that the complexity of forming teams for this is part of what keeps the value of the green ice high.

I think 50s can be rude across the game and it really is a shame. Remember there are real people, some of them little kids (my 10 year old is having a blast, and no, I don't powerlevel her -- that would miss the entire point of playing). Imagine saying the hurtful words to someone's face -- would you do that? If not, don't act that way online.

01-24-2011, 12:35 PM
Ranged (Apollo), I have to disagree with you this time. I know you would never be rude. But about the rest of it...

This is a level 30 map. Level 50 players in lower level public maps should, in my opinion, consider themselves guests of those who are the same level as the drops. I asked JustG this question after I was treated in a similar manner to the OP. I asked him, are the really tough bosses like Vyxnaar and the Fridge intended for level 50 players or for players of the same level as the drops, and he said "both". He said I should expect that level-capped players will be everywhere and (since it was new at the time) that I should expect them to be in the newest maps just for something different to do. But, he said, the maps were designed to be do-able by a team of players who are the same level as the drops. And he agreed with me in general that good sportsmanship was what we really need here.

Having received the same treatment (by Elly and her friends) in the Vyxnaar map, I can only say that it feels incredibly insulting to have some guys who can EASILY destroy the most difficult boss I chose to fight call me a "leech" because I had the guts to go in there with a toon of the appropriate level. The gut reaction, the defensive response (which isn't really tru, but this is what it feels like!) is to throw it back at them saying, those of us who farm with appropriate level characters have earned our treasures more surely than anyone who "farms" by overpowering in such excess.

I have long felt that there should be a level MAX to these spaces to keep the level 50 players out. They are as capable of creating level-approriate PvE twinks as the rest of us, and earning their drops with real risk. But the answer to my suggestion is always that this is somehow taking something away from the level 50s, to force them to make new characters if they want to go back into dungeons half their level.

01-24-2011, 12:54 PM
Leeching is a funny perception. E.g., I was accused of leeching in a game the other day while playing a level 50 mage, by a level 50 bear. Funny thing is, with 5 people in the group, I got nearly half the kills. Leeching? I don't think so. More likely the bear is just an egotistical nutball.

01-24-2011, 12:56 PM
Kills aren't the best stat to look at with leeching...if timed right you can take numerous kills with 1 AoE spell and make it look like you were fighting the whole time.

I think if you're not constantly doing something, you're leeching. It's not as if there is so much going on in this game that you have to stop to make sure you're set up right or something.

01-24-2011, 01:36 PM
I've been doing that map a fair bit in the last few days also. I generally play with one or two lvl 50s and have no problem with lower levels being there. Last night I had one ask if it was ok to stay and I said of course, please spam heal and rev as necessary. Sure enough the player rev'd me in the boss fight. As long as my friend and I are able to work together we can generally get the job done -- sure it doesn't go as fast, but it can be more fun and challenging. Hopefully the lower level guys can help and maybe learn.

On occasion players don't realize that you need to leave the cave to get it to reset. That's the only time I start asking people to leave, and I try to explain that when I do. I guess they want to explore the other side tunnels or something, or just go afk or whatever. In some sense it seems to me that the complexity of forming teams for this is part of what keeps the value of the green ice high.

I think 50s can be rude across the game and it really is a shame. Remember there are real people, some of them little kids (my 10 year old is having a blast, and no, I don't powerlevel her -- that would miss the entire point of playing). Imagine saying the hurtful words to someone's face -- would you do that? If not, don't act that way online.

Bravo! I couldn't have posted any better and agree entirely. I was having more fun with the level 30 "noobs" yesterday than with the farming fifties who were very sarcastic and making inside jokes--always kind of rude, etc. I found another level fifty mage who was really nice and we just ran with a few 30's and a high 20 and had a good time. They revived when needed and really contributed.

There were a few times I got annoyed when someone wouldn't leave a level and I'd ask them to leave so the level could restart and then I finally just would go in and kill the remaining 9 or so so the level would restart.

I remember being kind of perplexed when I was a 48 and got booted a few times for not being a 50 and if I had been a lot younger I probably would have gotten hurt feelings over it and maybe even stopped playing the game altogether.

I think we do need to remember that this is a community. If you don't like socializing you don't have to but you also don't have to be downright rude.

I'd also like to mention that last night I met a few really nice players playing their thirties. I don't know anything about twinking. In fact, the word twink has an entirely different meaning in the world I'm familiar with *snickers*, so this player I was talking to was talking to me about his twink build, etc. Helped me understand a bit more. Was really nice.

There has been a definite feeling of elitism that I am finding tiresome and I have noticed it getting worse. Maybe it's because people are bored because there are no new maps and so everyone's just busy farming but I like the point that we need to remember these are PEOPLE, often kids, on the other side of the screen. Playground bullying is just kind of gross, IMO.

I just want to clarify that not all of the fifties were doing this but there definitely were a large number doing it.

01-24-2011, 01:45 PM
Leeching is a funny perception. E.g., I was accused of leeching in a game the other day while playing a level 50 mage, by a level 50 bear. Funny thing is, with 5 people in the group, I got nearly half the kills. Leeching? I don't think so. More likely the bear is just an egotistical nutball.

Haha, he said nutball. You, sir, made my day.

01-24-2011, 01:48 PM
Having level caps on zones that are basically pointless except for the drops the boss has is bad idea. Prices will just sky rocket and nobody will get the items unless they're rich.

01-24-2011, 02:03 PM
I think if you're not constantly doing something, you're leeching.

I don't like this definition. One IM from a friend on your phone can bump you AFK, and this is a game designed to be played on phones, so there must be room in our expectations for this.

Leeching means entering a map that is to high level for you (level of the drop - player level, if the result is greater than 5 it is too high a level). Even if you can heal and revive and are an asset to the party in that one regard, it is still leeching is your level is greater than 5 below the level of the drops. Such a player receives drops and XP that they did not earn.

Another type of leech goes intentionally AFK in a respawning map and lets others kill the respawning bosses. I have seen these leeches get awesome items through no effort of their own.

And I really don't like it when leeches claim to be power levelling. You can power level anywhere that there are red threats (3 levels above your own), but if you take a level 20 into Alien Oasis and run behind a group that is clearing 100 mobs in 5 minutes (400 xp with elixir), that is leeching.

The case was made once to me that everyone who plays in a group leeches to some extent, technically, but I still say there must be an intention to shortcut the levelling system.

Anyway, it doesn't matter. This thread will not change anything. It won't even make anyone think. They've already made up their minds.

I think there should be a pejorative term to use toward so-called "farmers" who show up with characters twice the level of the drops. I know, I do it, too, but it should not be considered honorable by any means, and those who do it should not claim any special privileges of rank. Since it is so easy, how about "skating" or "woosing out"?

01-24-2011, 02:20 PM
you guys should F off!

01-24-2011, 02:22 PM
you guys should F off!

THIS IS A KID GAME!! DON't BE DROPPING F-BOMBS LIKE ITS THE F OF JULY (see what I did there?;)) DONT BE A FERRORIST (see what I did there?;)) DONT BE HATIN ONE EVERYONE! (see what I did there? Cuz I didn't:p)

Cheesy play on words ftw!

01-24-2011, 02:24 PM
THIS IS A KID GAME!! DON't BE DROPPING F-BOMBS LIKE ITS THE F OF JULY (see what I did there?;)) DONT BE A FERRORIST (see what I did there?;)) DONT BE HATIN ONE EVERYONE! (see what I did there? Cuz I didn't:p)

Cheesy play on words ftw!

See what I did there? Would ya look at that?


01-24-2011, 02:24 PM
oh im sorrryyy

i was testing

01-24-2011, 02:28 PM
Huh? You can hos your own Grate games? Since when?

Nah you cannot. My bad.

01-24-2011, 05:55 PM
I dont see why u think you need to make a big deal out of this. Some people are just naturally rude- it happened and is over with

01-24-2011, 06:01 PM
I think if you are playing, you are not leeching.

I've had the same experience, Snakes, and with people who I would have generally considered to be ok. I have a level 34 mage who generally has a very good time w/ the fridge (can be taken down by level 30s group) and nightmares (is pretty fast with a good level 30s group).

But I've rev'ed and killed and still been called a leech. Even rev'd and healed and got booted after clearing a nightmare level once we got to boss. Most people are nice, but there ARE people who are otherwise. Instead of being mad, I think I mostly laugh and then I'm thankful to discover how these people really are so I can remove them from all my friends lists, assuming these people somehow have mistakenly made it on there. Thank goodness only 2 of these types of people have surfaced so far. LOL.

I have also done as Ayrilana suggested, which is wait around while leeching low levels realize the level 50 isn't moving. Generally, if someone is level appropriate and helping, I'm good. However, if the lowbie isn't helping and cannot help and is hiding around the corner, that's when I'll sit around or leave if they do not leave. I mean, the level 2 isn't going to be able to do much to the fridge or any of the yetis or help me and actually wasn't even interested in generally being in the same room as me, so sorry, level 2, but I'm stopping till you leave, I help you die, or I leave.

Make no mistake though. There are just as many level 50s who do not know how to play. I run from those also :P

01-24-2011, 06:05 PM
Make no mistake though. There are just as many level 50s who do not know how to play. I run from those also :P


01-24-2011, 08:59 PM
Omerojs you sound like someone I'd like to play/group with. Feel free to add me.

I never boot lower levels even when other group members ask me too. I did it once and felt so bad afterwards, it wasn't worth it..

I have never grouped with a leech. On the contrary it's my experience when lower levels join my groups they go out of their way to be part of the group and do their fair share of killing/spamming heals. And they are so grateful not to be booted which I find sad. Most of my friends list were level 20's, 30's and 40's and are now fun 50's.

If you happen to end up in Vaelma's group in a elite dungeon or regular campaign, you are welcome to stay and get some xp. :)

Well Vaelma, i would definitely love to play sometime with you, I am not sure how to add you or who are u in the game but anyway... actually i am an Engineer from Colombia living in Taiwan.. lol... so my play time is my night time which is normally everyone's else day time.. i still play during my day sometimes on the weekends.. the problem is that when i play there are not many people playing at the same time so i dont get much help..

well this thread turned out to be kind of controversial, by no means i am crying over it but i do like to see that there is a lot of people in my situation thinking in a similar way.. actually i have no idea what is the green stuff you guys talk about that you can farm in the fridge lvl, i have no idea how to get it or what is it for... i guess ill have to play more to find out lol... recently i have been trying to make a bear, he is on lvl 16 now and growing slowly..
normally when i play with the Mage i try to play lvls where i have to sharpen my skills to survive with or without help, i will even go to higher lvls to improve my skills on killing and running for your life lol.. id love to have another player with me to help a bit lol.. actually i am dragging my younger brother into the game but he is always busy with work stuff, i used to play MU online with him before i came to Taiwan 6 years ago but here its in Chinese and i cannot read it lol.. when i am with the bear i love when a higher lvl mage joins and heals while i kill so when i use the mage i sometimes like to join low lvls just to help others with the healing !!

question, what would be consider an "Elite dungeon"?

01-24-2011, 09:05 PM
Frozen Nightmares (which kind of includes the hidden ice cave), and the AO3 shadow caves are the elite dungeons.

01-24-2011, 09:09 PM
Frozen Nightmares (which kind of includes the hidden ice cave), and the AO3 shadow caves are the elite dungeons.

I don't think the ice cave is elite at all until you get to the boss room. Then the Ice Trolls and the fridge are the only elite ones I think.

01-24-2011, 09:42 PM
I really need help! I love this game and a few days ago some kid said he wanted to buy my laser wand of cosmos for 10k and I said no because it's worth more so he called me gay and reported me( don't know how many times!). Now it says that I am banned forever! Someone please help me and telle what to do. O hope to be playing this game again soon!*
P.S. If you don't want to post me on this thread then email me at*auris.j1996@yahoo.com

Quit spammin, just e-mail the devs at support@spacetimestudios.com

01-24-2011, 09:45 PM
I don't know who to email!!!!!!

E-mail the friggin link I put there. That is the address

01-24-2011, 09:47 PM
I really need help! I love this game and a few days ago some kid said he wanted to buy my laser wand of cosmos for 10k and I said no because it's worth more so he called me gay and reported me( don't know how many times!). Now it says that I am banned forever! Someone please help me and telle what to do. O hope to be playing this game again soon!*
P.S. If you don't want to post me on this thread then email me at*auris.j1996@yahoo.com
I don't want to spam. Just freaking out!!!

Did you pass kindergarden?

01-24-2011, 09:48 PM
Dude they just put account verified!!!
And btw I tries posting this on other page and accodentaly pasted jere again!

Quit posting!

01-24-2011, 09:49 PM
How do o contact deva that talk to me????

By e-mailing the devs at support@spacetimestudios.com!!!

01-24-2011, 09:56 PM
lol this is fun... how do u do it again?

01-24-2011, 10:00 PM
lol this is fun... how do u do it again?


01-24-2011, 10:02 PM

lol lady and auris.... how about..........

if your sexy and you know it clap your hands


01-24-2011, 10:07 PM
If you insist on spamming up the forums, please at least make your own thread in bugs like most people do. It'll be locked or deleted anyway since the only way to deal with this stuff is to email support, but stop spamming this thread.

01-24-2011, 10:07 PM
lol lady and auris.... how about..........

if your sexy and you know it clap your hands


pfft why are YOU clapping?

01-24-2011, 10:37 PM
pfft why are YOU clapping?

For putting up with the special person earlier:


01-24-2011, 10:39 PM
For putting up with the special person earlier:


Oooooooo a CUPCAKE!! It's so PRETTY!!! I'm so happy :)

01-24-2011, 10:42 PM
Oooooooo a CUPCAKE!! It's so PRETTY!!! I'm so happy :)

Lol a picture of a cupcake makes you happy? You don't need to eat the cupcake?

01-24-2011, 10:47 PM
pfft why are YOU clapping?

haha... why am i clapping?! have you seen the sexy beast that i am? http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y2/Hekpoc/mememe.jpg

im the guy in the plad shirt giving you the WTF look

01-24-2011, 11:02 PM
haha... why am i clapping?! have you seen the sexy beast that i am? http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y2/Hekpoc/mememe.jpg

im the guy in the plad shirt giving you the WTF look

Pfft I'm way hotter. Check ME out


01-24-2011, 11:03 PM
Seriously guys, stop acting like you're 5. This spam is rude an disrespectful.

01-24-2011, 11:04 PM
Seriously guys, stop acting like you're 5. This spam is rude an disrespectful.

Party pooper :(

01-24-2011, 11:05 PM
I challenge this community to keep a thread on-topic for 10 pages straight!

01-24-2011, 11:06 PM
Seriously guys, stop acting like you're 5. This spam is rude an disrespectful.


01-24-2011, 11:06 PM
I challenge this community to keep a thread on-topic for 10 pages straight!

Too late...

01-24-2011, 11:07 PM
I challenge this community to keep a thread on-topic for 10 pages straight!

Did anyone know that they make bacon flavored spray cheese?

01-24-2011, 11:07 PM
I challenge this community to keep a thread on-topic for 10 pages straight!

Ya that's probably not happening, Except the guilds section AEO guild I believe, and the sue the person above you thread as well as the ban the person above you thread. Probably all the forum games for that matter. I probably just made a lot of grammar errors just then, but right now I have been rather stress lately. Just incase if you noticed my posts have been getting less punctual, grammatically correct, and legible.

01-24-2011, 11:07 PM
Too late...

I know this ship has sailed, but could try on another thread!

01-24-2011, 11:09 PM
Did anyone know that they make bacon flavored spray cheese?

Bacon milkshake

01-24-2011, 11:18 PM
this is hillarious... what were we talking about?

01-25-2011, 12:36 AM
All this could be avoided if they made their own map and lock the dam door. Whether they asked nicely or not. Maybe they sbould put all the bosses on one map in an area. Parents spoil their children by giving them a smartphone. I have played many mmo's that today are ghost towns cause the players cant control themselves so new players dont stay or even join.

01-25-2011, 12:40 AM
All this could be avoided if they made their own map and lock the dam door. Whether they asked nicely or not. Maybe they sbould put all the bosses on one map in an area. Parents spoil their children by giving them a smartphone. I have played many mmo's that today are ghost towns cause the players cant control themselves so new players dont stay or even join.

Ok let me list the scenarios for you. Just pointing it out there for you... I'm legally under the U.S. Constitution still considered a kid. So I believe I apply under that generalization you stated in your post "Parents spoil their children by giving them a smartphone"

Scenario One: Public Map that can't be locked

Scenario Two: Friends are busy right now... So said person makes an unlocked game, and hopes to find a good team. (Getting rid of the bad players in the process)

Scenario Three: The host simply does not like a locked game, and hold the right to freely choose who he/she wants in his/her party

Please don't generalize people... Case Closed.

01-25-2011, 02:06 AM
I challenge this community to keep a thread on-topic for 10 pages straight!

Haha...good one Les!

01-25-2011, 02:26 AM
Well Vaelma, i would definitely love to play sometime with you, I am not sure how to add you or who are u in the game but anyway... actually i am an Engineer from Colombia living in Taiwan.. lol... so my play time is my night time which is normally everyone's else day time.. i still play during my day sometimes on the weekends.. the problem is that when i play there are not many people playing at the same time so i dont get much help..

well this thread turned out to be kind of controversial, by no means i am crying over it but i do like to see that there is a lot of people in my situation thinking in a similar way.. actually i have no idea what is the green stuff you guys talk about that you can farm in the fridge lvl, i have no idea how to get it or what is it for... i guess ill have to play more to find out lol... recently i have been trying to make a bear, he is on lvl 16 now and growing slowly..
normally when i play with the Mage i try to play lvls where i have to sharpen my skills to survive with or without help, i will even go to higher lvls to improve my skills on killing and running for your life lol.. id love to have another player with me to help a bit lol.. actually i am dragging my younger brother into the game but he is always busy with work stuff, i used to play MU online with him before i came to Taiwan 6 years ago but here its in Chinese and i cannot read it lol.. when i am with the bear i love when a higher lvl mage joins and heals while i kill so when i use the mage i sometimes like to join low lvls just to help others with the healing !!

question, what would be consider an "Elite dungeon"?

Omerojs, go to friends tab and "Add name" (Vaelma is my character) and she is pally. I will add you also, when we add a name, it becomes a friend request and you have to accept or reject.

I am on at different times as I split my time between Hawaii and Texas (4 hour time differenc Central Time. I only play at night. I don't know the time difference in Taiwanland lol.

Someone answered your Elite Dungeon question....hope it clarified for you.

See you ingame! :) :) :)

01-25-2011, 03:10 AM
You do realize about 85% if mynas gen died out because ao3 was too damn hard for them right?

Now that you mentioned it..WOW :0

01-25-2011, 04:59 AM
Thx Vaelma, see you in game !!

01-25-2011, 05:05 AM
Omerjos i maybe can help ya in game tomorrow.
Not all lv50s are rude and are bitches... Well some trollers and farmers.. negative comment makers(me..) are tho. lol.

01-25-2011, 05:08 AM
I am an American living in the Philippines so my play is usually while most others are sleeping.

01-25-2011, 05:33 AM
Hey bladesword, is that your in game name? mine is omewiz... not sure if its typed in capital letters ..

01-25-2011, 07:26 AM
I really need help! I love this game and a few days ago some kid said he wanted to buy my laser wand of cosmos for 10k and I said no because it's worth more so he called me gay and reported me( don't know how many times!). Now it says that I am banned forever! Someone please help me and telle what to do. O hope to be playing this game again soon!*
P.S. If you don't want to post me on this thread then email me at*auris.j1996@yahoo.com

Omg this is like the 18th time you posted this! No wonder you were banned! Now you're on the right track to getting forum-banned as well.

01-25-2011, 09:00 AM
Was in the hidden ice cave earlier, and the green ice sword dropped. The guy who got it had obviously had no idea of the value, and someone asked him for it for free. I'm sorry, but that's just plain dirty for someone who knows the value to straight up ask for something of that value. And before you ask if he could've used it or not, the asker was a mage.

01-25-2011, 09:20 AM
here's my two cents... if the dungeon is your map.... let them insult you and then at the boss, when they finally make it there still flinging insults... boot them. nothing in my mind could make them more p'd off than bashing a low level character all the way to the boss and then getting kicked out of the map with a message like "you deserved it"

02-08-2011, 10:15 PM
Well i am lvl 46 now... so i dont get that issue anymore with lvl 50 telling me that i am weak!!! but anyway it didnt really bother me, i just felt like the comunity had to realize there was a problem and maybe now its better!!!

actually last time i was playing in AO2 and there was a player lvl 23 sticking around, not doing anything at all besides walking near the fighting areas... i simply sent him a message saying that due to extremely good help i had to boot him because i feel i cannot do anything or kill anyone if he continues to help like that

02-08-2011, 10:41 PM
I once had someone join one of my plasma pyramid games when i was lvl 43. This player was a 50. Cyber void birdie with a blaster, you guys already know... Anyways, he caught up to me, mind you i was alone, and made my nuking a little faster. I thought "cool, this awesome-looking lvl 50 helping me out." I was there for XP, nothing more. I did know that pinks were worth more than anything else, so i would usually hang onto them until i set time aside to sell them. Well we get to one of the alien bosses-I forget which one-and we both slaughter him in about 45 seconds. Well guess what happened? I got a pink, he got a green or something. Guess what happens next? Yeah, he asks "can i have that please?" And I said "Sorry bruh, I got the drop, I sell my pinks." then he starts getting all butt-hurt about it and insults me, referring to my sexual orientation and my mother irl. I simply booted him with the reason "Is that anyway to convince someone to give you their drops?"

i fist-bumped myself afterwards :D

02-08-2011, 10:52 PM
I once had someone join one of my plasma pyramid games when i was lvl 43. This player was a 50. Cyber void birdie with a blaster, you guys already know... Anyways, he caught up to me, mind you i was alone, and made my nuking a little faster. I thought "cool, this awesome-looking lvl 50 helping me out." I was there for XP, nothing more. I did know that pinks were worth more than anything else, so i would usually hang onto them until i set time aside to sell them. Well we get to one of the alien bosses-I forget which one-and we both slaughter him in about 45 seconds. Well guess what happened? I got a pink, he got a green or something. Guess what happens next? Yeah, he asks "can i have that please?" And I said "Sorry bruh, I got the drop, I sell my pinks." then he starts getting all butt-hurt about it and insults me, referring to my sexual orientation and my mother irl. I simply booted him with the reason "Is that anyway to convince someone to give you their drops?"

i fist-bumped myself afterwards :D

That totally deserves a fist bump.

Similar story except its a pro with a noob.

I made a alt and had 3 people power leveling me in plasma, I forgot to lock it so some random lvl 46 myna's gen with 200 kill and 700 deaths come wandering in. He starts screaming "NOOOOOB! BOOT THE NOOOB!!! BOOT HIM BOOT HIM BOOT HIM NOOOOOB!" I was level 16, I also had 2,600 kills and zero deaths, so I booted him with reason "from the lvl 15 with better stats then you" I felt accomplished.

02-09-2011, 07:08 AM
I've been kinda having problems with this game myself. Im level 48 int mage. I feel like I know the game even though I've only been playing since early january. I had no problems getting in groups full of people in ao2 and leveled pretty quick and learned how to play. Im usually the mage doing alot of work healing and damagewise.

So now I can only get exp in ao3 areas but for some reason there's this drastic lack of 48-49 players. Every single trials group I join is full of 50s that look at me like a leper. I can tag along in maybe one of 5 attempts to join a game. Other times im immediately booted. My question is why make a public game then if a 48 is too low a level?

Its really offputting if that's the majority end game community for this game. I understand I can make my own games but nobody ever joins a 48 in crush the keeper. I havent made any actual friends in the game so maybe its my fault. I don't feel like the touch screen medium really lends itself to communication all that well.

To new players I think most 50s in game are aloof and focused on their own cliques. I don't understand why there's this big noob/leet mentality with this game. Its not really that involved of a rpg. Im starting to just assume that a large portion of players are teenagers.

Yes im rambling.

02-09-2011, 07:15 AM
whoa whoa whoa! first of all, i strongly recommend making friends on this game! cuz then when u need help *cough* Alien Oasis *cough* nobody will be there to help you. Secondly yo i like to host the crusher games! and i welcome players to join but to at least help out now if ur just power leveling you either gotta tell as soon as you join or you will be booted and im talking to those under 30, lmfao idk if im making sense i had 1 hour of sleep and just went for a job interview! ugh coffee time!

02-09-2011, 07:32 AM
So, if you enter a zone through the portal, is that the same as hosting a game? Do you automatically become host if you are the first to enter?

The thing is, there's an option to host your own game in any map and you can set a password to stop unwanted players joining. If you're farming in a lower level area, you really ought to use these functions as otherwise players, who are levelling in the correct zone will unknowingly join your party.

It's not difficult, just takes several players coming to terms with the fact that they don't own the game.

02-09-2011, 07:36 AM
interesting will be when lvl 55 begins to boot lower ones (50-54)...

02-09-2011, 08:00 AM
interesting will be when lvl 55 begins to boot lower ones (50-54)...

Lol especially considering how completely doable the new maps are for lvl 50s.

02-09-2011, 10:10 AM
interesting will be when lvl 55 begins to boot lower ones (50-54)...

I really hope that wouldn't happen. I'd hate to have to rush to 55....

02-09-2011, 10:23 AM
Max, we'll crawl there together :)
Still lvl 50 here.

02-09-2011, 10:32 AM
Max, we'll crawl there together :)
Still lvl 50 here.

Haha, I went a little nuts playing last night and got half way to 52...I thought I was excited to XP my main again and I was wrong.

56 is starting to look a pipe dream at this point!

02-09-2011, 10:36 AM
Haha, I went a little nuts playing last night and got half way to 52...I thought I was excited to XP my main again and I was wrong.

56 is starting to look a pipe dream at this point!

I agree. I was so fugging excited to try and solo my way to 50 finally in BS. I died. Over. And Over. And Over. And whenever someone was nice enough not to boot me, they would just watch me solo and laugh at me and leave. It's sort of funny though, because i am a noob.

02-09-2011, 11:40 AM
Um, there's a strategy to die less. You won't die ZERO, because of bombs and grates and mobs that gang up, but you can sure minimize it. Or you can stay in AO3 until you are more comfortable. Sounds like you might need to beef yourself up some. Ever consider just wearing your STR eq but using ranged weapon + spells, so you are not tank in any way? And Ao3 IS supposed to be hard for 40s or was hard for 40s. There are certain parts of Ao3 you can do to xp. Learn those.

Not sure whether there's any part of BS you can solo as a 40s. Mobs are hard even for 50s mage/bird. Tank maybe but even 50s tanks can die if ganged up on at the wrong time.

02-09-2011, 11:53 AM
I've been kinda having problems with this game myself. Im level 48 int mage. I feel like I know the game even though I've only been playing since early january. I had no problems getting in groups full of people in ao2 and leveled pretty quick and learned how to play. Im usually the mage doing alot of work healing and damagewise.

So now I can only get exp in ao3 areas but for some reason there's this drastic lack of 48-49 players. Every single trials group I join is full of 50s that look at me like a leper. I can tag along in maybe one of 5 attempts to join a game. Other times im immediately booted. My question is why make a public game then if a 48 is too low a level?

I never boot 40s in AO3 -- that's the appropriate level for you. Unfortunately there are a lot of nasty players on PL, but fortunately there are even more great ones. The best is when you find some players also in their 40s doing various crush/pyramid runs. Friend them and remake and adventure together. This is really where you can start to make friends you'll play with as you get to 50 and (now) beyond. I think I made one or two real friends earlier than that, but more in the 40s really.

You're right, 50s that don't want 40s around should make private games. It's so easy and a mystery why they don't just do that. If it's any consolation, the rudeness continues right on up, as I encounter people popping into and out of groups all the time in the sewers. Cei la vie I guess, just reach out a little and make some friends and try to play with them when you can.

02-09-2011, 12:03 PM
People are probably popping in and out of the sewers to turn in quests. I'm guilty of that, if I'm not with an actual group of friends or a team that actually communicates. If it's just a bunch of quiet people, I go and come as I please. There's always people popping in to take your place.

02-09-2011, 12:06 PM
I actually just made a macro to tell you all that I'm horrible at typing on my phone. I'm really not rude; just inept with my device. :p

Edit: Also, standing order: Level 40's are just as good as Level 50's in my book. They hit hard and are always welcome in my CTK groups. :)

02-09-2011, 12:13 PM
I wouldn't boot 40s in keeper runs, I haven't been hosting my own though. I really hate booting people and that's one reason i usually join games instead of hosting. I did boot sub 50s in victory lap, but that was to be expected. People would leave if they saw players who weren't 50. But Victory lap runs may be a thing of the past now, with the new content.

When I was 49 I got booted from keeper runs often. This was back when the mobs there were harder, and you needed a full group and a bear to get through. I still have people on my ignore list from then, anytime i got booted without a proper explanation or a rude one..I'd add them to ignore. It's all you can do.

With the new option for setting recommended min lvl requirement, I may start hosting some keeper games, and I wouldn't boot 45+ (the recommended levels). 45-53 would all have the same goal there now. I would expect that 45-49 would not get booted there as often as they used to.

People are probably popping in and out of the sewers to turn in quests. I'm guilty of that, if I'm not with an actual group of friends or a team that actually communicates. If it's just a bunch of quiet people, I go and come as I please. There's always people popping in to take your place.

I do that when I need to get to those mini levels. I look for games that are almost clear. If the group is full, i will go help kill the boss first. But if it's not full, or I don't think we would be capable of killing the boss..then i just go and look for the portal.

02-09-2011, 12:53 PM
I actually just made a macro to tell you all that I'm horrible at typing on my phone. I'm really not rude; just inept with my device. :p

Edit: Also, standing order: Level 40's are just as good as Level 50's in my book. They hit hard and are always welcome in my CTK groups. :)

LOL, thats probably the funniest thing said in this thread.

If you think about it, who are the rude players irl? There are two alternatives;
1) They're actually really successful elitists who have everything in life. They require perfection in life as well as in PL. They've rationalized gaming down to numbers and figures and despise anybody who doesn't strive to be the best.

2) They're just people who have low self esteem or some unresolved issues irl. Kids who think they can get some kind of revenge by cursing and calling other people names. Some players just like trolling and they don't really understand that it's "just" a game. No need to get personal or offensive. These, rude players either have bad experiences in life or none at all. Getting in/out of puberty doesn't count as life experience.

Who are the people getting called names?
They're regular people; like you, me, your friend and his mom/dad/sister. They're not less gifted or underdeveloped. They might just be a bit off this particular day. Maybe they're new when it comes to MMO's or even new to mobile gaming. Think about who the person you're cursing at, is irl. He/she could be a doctor, an engineer, a bank man, a law student, a high school kid or some brat in elementary school. The stupid bear isn't just a toon, there's a person behind all that virtual fur.

02-09-2011, 01:10 PM
LOL, thats probably the funniest thing said in this thread.

If you think about it, who are the rude players irl? There are two alternatives;
1) They're actually really successful elitists who have everything in life. They require perfection in life as well as in PL. They've rationalized gaming down to numbers and figures and despise anybody who doesn't strive to be the best.

2) They're just people who have low self esteem or some unresolved issues irl. Kids who think they can get some kind of revenge by cursing and calling other people names. Some players just like trolling and they don't really understand that it's "just" a game. No need to get personal or offensive. These, rude players either have bad experiences in life or none at all. Getting in/out of puberty doesn't count as life experience.

Who are the people getting called names?
They're regular people; like you, me, your friend and his mom/dad/sister. They're not less gifted or underdeveloped. They might just be a bit off this particular day. Maybe they're new when it comes to MMO's or even new to mobile gaming. Think about who the person you're cursing at, is irl. He/she could be a doctor, an engineer, a bank man, a law student, a high school kid or some brat in elementary school. The stupid bear isn't just a toon, there's a person behind all that virtual fur.

I think the way some rude people think is actually hilarious. A couple nights ago, some guy asked if I was a girl. I said yeah, and he was like "Oh haha I'll bet you're really fat and ugly"... now, I don't really check myself out much, but people have told me otherwise :/ Just because I'm a GIRL who plays an MMO doesn't mean I have to fit a certain description.

02-09-2011, 01:14 PM
^^ Ouch. When I say it's "just a game" their like "BLA LA BLAH YADA CURSE BLAH CURSE BLAH YADA" Then, i'm like "geek" and then i kill them. PRoblem solved.

02-09-2011, 01:15 PM
I think the way some rude people think is actually hilarious. A couple nights ago, some guy asked if I was a girl. I said yeah, and he was like "Oh haha I'll bet you're really fat and ugly"... now, I don't really check myself out much, but people have told me otherwise :/ Just because I'm a GIRL who plays an MMO doesn't mean I have to fit a certain description.

that much is true. lady is indeed pretty hot. (dont kill me haikus)

02-09-2011, 01:19 PM
I think the way some rude people think is actually hilarious. A couple nights ago, some guy asked if I was a girl. I said yeah, and he was like "Oh haha I'll bet you're really fat and ugly"... now, I don't really check myself out much, but people have told me otherwise :/ Just because I'm a GIRL who plays an MMO doesn't mean I have to fit a certain description.

LOL! Actually, most of the pictures I've seen posted of the girls who play are cute girls! And even if you were fat and ugly why in the world would someone laugh at you about it? What a trip.

02-09-2011, 01:24 PM
LOL! Actually, most of the pictures I've seen posted of the girls who play are cute girls! And even if you were fat and ugly why in the world would someone laugh at you about it? What a trip.

Lmao. After he said that I was like... "Ok, so it's safe to assume that you're ten years old and very fat?"

02-09-2011, 01:26 PM

02-09-2011, 01:49 PM
Lmao. After he said that I was like... "Ok, so it's safe to assume that you're ten years old and very fat?"

Actually he probably was.. People like that are very immature, likely some kid. Most men would be respectful towards women.

02-09-2011, 01:51 PM
I am sorry to say that usually those accused of being kids are in fact pathetic middle aged men who never could approach a women in RL because of some inferiority complex and a bunch of Freudian messed up stuff. :D

02-09-2011, 01:56 PM
Well, if it was a kid..he'd better learn to be respectful or he's gonna end up like that lol

02-09-2011, 01:57 PM
It's probly a nerd that is 20 years old.

02-09-2011, 02:00 PM
any lvl 48-49s that need help leveling. Add My main, Wolfprodigy. I just got to 50, and I feel your pain....

02-09-2011, 02:06 PM

that's very true....

02-09-2011, 02:15 PM
LOL, thats probably the funniest thing said in this thread.

If you think about it, who are the rude players irl? There are two alternatives;
1) They're actually really successful elitists who have everything in life. They require perfection in life as well as in PL. They've rationalized gaming down to numbers and figures and despise anybody who doesn't strive to be the best.

2) They're just people who have low self esteem or some unresolved issues irl. Kids who think they can get some kind of revenge by cursing and calling other people names. Some players just like trolling and they don't really understand that it's "just" a game. No need to get personal or offensive. These, rude players either have bad experiences in life or none at all. Getting in/out of puberty doesn't count as life experience.

Who are the people getting called names?
They're regular people; like you, me, your friend and his mom/dad/sister. They're not less gifted or underdeveloped. They might just be a bit off this particular day. Maybe they're new when it comes to MMO's or even new to mobile gaming. Think about who the person you're cursing at, is irl. He/she could be a doctor, an engineer, a bank man, a law student, a high school kid or some brat in elementary school. The stupid bear isn't just a toon, there's a person behind all that virtual fur.

What I find interesting with your theory is this:
from #1) I'm kind of an elistist without the "everything" in life. I strive for perfection but don't despise people who don't follow my ways. I'm very technical and logical about everything I do, but I like to share my ideas with people who figure me the "smart" type (hence why I made my workshop).

from #2) It is caused from low self-esteem and unresolved issues from the past. My life really only picked up once I loosened up in my junior year in high school, but before then, I was every name in the book: nerd, geek, loser, show-off, dork.... I'm still a show-off according to my gf but for good reasons :D

ANYWAYS that's my relation to that, I guess two wrong made me right, huh? :o

02-09-2011, 03:03 PM
I'm a mid-lvl 49 bear who has downed a power-leveler elixer or two, but I mostly have gone through the levels the hard way. I've had a blast doing so, too! I come from a place of very little experience with this kind of game - no WoW, just a little Baldur's Gate and a lot of Link/Zelda.

Friend me (Klaubocera) if you'd like, Halcyon, and I promise to try not to stomp before your spells are cast, lol. There's enough room in Pocket Legends for all of us.

02-09-2011, 08:41 PM
Actually last night i had 3 different experiences...
the first one i was doing the daily quests for crafting material in heaven forest and a lvl 9 bird that was really new to the game said that i was amazing (certainly a lvl 46 in forest heaven looks great lol) but i liked that he followed me and actually helped to fight even if i didnt need any help at all... then i finished the quest and said bye and left but when i checked the chat i saw that he said "please wait" so i text him and added him as friend and took him trough dark forest to help him reach lvl 13, after i told him that if he ever buys the extra dungeons he could look for me and i would help him lvl... i asked him how old he was and he said 14... then he asked me and i said 33.. he said... WOW... lol
the second and third one happened when i hosted a game in AO2 and i got a lvl 33 mage that joined, i was trying the new apep staff so i was i bit unbalanced on my armor.. i told him straight away "if you want to stay u need to heal" he answered "i will do so, thx for letting me stay" and we started with the run and he was right next to me healing all the way.. he actually revived me one time!!! when we were on the 2nd part a lvl 44 bear joined and i was kind of happy because that means the attention from the mobs wont be on me and i can use more powers.. but this lvl 44 bear didnt do anything, he was walking behind and not attacking unless he was in danger... i booted him with the message " dude thx for the help... NOT"

02-10-2011, 01:54 AM
What I find interesting with your theory is this:
from #1) I'm kind of an elistist without the "everything" in life. I strive for perfection but don't despise people who don't follow my ways. I'm very technical and logical about everything I do, but I like to share my ideas with people who figure me the "smart" type (hence why I made my workshop).

from #2) It is caused from low self-esteem and unresolved issues from the past. My life really only picked up once I loosened up in my junior year in high school, but before then, I was every name in the book: nerd, geek, loser, show-off, dork.... I'm still a show-off according to my gf but for good reasons :D

ANYWAYS that's my relation to that, I guess two wrong made me right, huh? :o

Well, my description was really just regarding rude people. Even if you're somewhere between those two (i.e. not really fitting in under any of the descriptions) that doesn't mean you're rude. I should've written that the rude ones aren't the people who have unresolved issues and try to deal with, or overcompensate, in a good way. The ones I meant were the bullies, not the bullied.

Regarding the elitist thinking, I'm sort of an elitist myself (just like almost all people in medschool, at least over here). But we are the kind of people who try not to despise anybody who doesn't strive for the highest achievements or for the flawless performance. Somewhere inside, we know that it's actually not healthy to demand perfection.

So no sir, my thread was not describing humble people like yourself.

02-10-2011, 02:33 PM
Actually we were there first. So we asked him to leave, especially since a friend on our list couldn't join due to him

1.)Remake it and invite your friend.
2.)If you were there first, you should have booting ability.

02-11-2011, 01:17 AM
I got to 50 just before the 1.7 hit and I was saving up to buy the full void set. I wanted to farm gold by making and remaking keeper. The easiest way for me to fill up the room was actually to get level 40+'s at the time to join. I make quite a lot of friends who were able to get to 50 and beyond now. I am still doing the keeper runs because I would like to get more gold and levels before going into the sewers. Still too intense for me. So if you want to level up and you are around add Zhaonageosa to your friend list, my first picks are usually level 40s..

Cheers.. remember its only a game and have fun

02-11-2011, 03:26 AM
Elitists do my nappa in ... just because your a few levels higher than someone else in a game that gives you no superiority over them! It's funny how people totally loose the manners they have in real life the minute they are behind a firewall!

02-11-2011, 04:55 AM
It's the same with everything in life. There's always idiots around but there are plenty more decent people around. I've met some top people on PL and am def not an expert, and more than happy to say I'm still learning to art of each class but there is def an elitist mentality with some people. I'm playing to have fun, I'm trying to learn the skills (tanking is an art) and am more than happy to PL with any level provided they are polite. If you think you can help me improve my game and/or fancy just having some fun (it is a game after all) then please add me in game.

Trying to level my bear to 50 atm, but am toying with the idea of making some alts for dual build. Am feeling a little disillusioned with top level part of game (rudeness being a part of it), was having much more fun at lower levels.

May see you in game.......

02-11-2011, 05:05 AM
It's the same with everything in life. There's always idiots around but there are plenty more decent people around. I've met some top people on PL and am def not an expert, and more than happy to say I'm still learning to art of each class but there is def an elitist mentality with some people. I'm playing to have fun, I'm trying to learn the skills (tanking is an art) and am more than happy to PL with any level provided they are polite. If you think you can help me improve my game and/or fancy just having some fun (it is a game after all) then please add me in game.

Trying to level my bear to 50 atm, but am toying with the idea of making some alts for dual build. Am feeling a little disillusioned with top level part of game (rudeness being a part of it), was having much more fun at lower levels.

May see you in game.......

Your right, I'm finding it harder to have fun with like minded people the closer I get to level 50.

I'm level 39 and it's really tough to get in to maps that are correct for my level.

If I try lower level maps I don't gain experience and if I enter any maps that are even just slightly too high I keep bumping into level 50 bullies.

I can honestly say that I'm not too bothered by them myself ... I have no respect for bullies in and out of the game, so I just shrug them off and move on. But it does bother me when I waste an hour looking to get into a tidy group and am met with nothing but "ZOMG KICK HIM HE AINT 50!!111!!one!!11!!"

02-11-2011, 06:39 AM
Your right, I'm finding it harder to have fun with like minded people the closer I get to level 50.

I'm level 39 and it's really tough to get in to maps that are correct for my level.

If I try lower level maps I don't gain experience and if I enter any maps that are even just slightly too high I keep bumping into level 50 bullies.

I can honestly say that I'm not too bothered by them myself ... I have no respect for bullies in and out of the game, so I just shrug them off and move on. But it does bother me when I waste an hour looking to get into a tidy group and am met with nothing but "ZOMG KICK HIM HE AINT 50!!111!!one!!11!!"

Add me. When I'm avaliable,I always do free runs.
Well idk bout rude peoples. I have to say this though.
Level22-35people can be the most jerky people there are.
Cause that's where most of the riches make their twinks and think money rules all.
Some can't even spell. And about this topic,
You should just boot him with a reason so he understands. If he still rages, he's short tempered.
I boot people only when me and my friend are talking about 18+ stuff LOL.

02-11-2011, 06:54 AM
Lol joke!!

02-11-2011, 10:15 AM
lmao lmao u guys are bickering think thts how u spell it anyways u coulda just lefa and waited for the time tht allowed u to rmk the map with out him in it and lol i do get mad a noobs alot! lol

07-12-2011, 02:42 PM
Why can't a high level group that wants to stay that way just lock the map? It's not that hard to create a password and send it to your friends. That way I don't get stuck in it by accident.

Most of the time I'm just looking for a group to play with, level a little and learn some tricks of the trade, but half the time I get booted when they don't even know my worth. I had 200 xp to go before level 50 and was booted for not being level 50. How does that help? Or the times I get the reason, "Sorry." It's 2 guys standing around talking. Why can't they just exchange phone numbers or lock the map?

A good way to gain your xp is try the new areas that might be just above your level. Then you know where you're going when you do the simple xp runs. If I get booted for being to low (in a map I was high enough to get into), then how am I supposed to get the xp to run there?

:( Sorry for the rant. I needed to get that out.

07-12-2011, 03:13 PM

07-12-2011, 03:16 PM
Why can't a high level group that wants to stay that way just lock the map? It's not that hard to create a password and send it to your friends. That way I don't get stuck in it by accident.

Most of the time I'm just looking for a group to play with, level a little and learn some tricks of the trade, but half the time I get booted when they don't even know my worth. I had 200 xp to go before level 50 and was booted for not being level 50. How does that help? Or the times I get the reason, "Sorry." It's 2 guys standing around talking. Why can't they just exchange phone numbers or lock the map?

A good way to gain your xp is try the new areas that might be just above your level. Then you know where you're going when you do the simple xp runs. If I get booted for being to low (in a map I was high enough to get into), then how am I supposed to get the xp to run there?

:( Sorry for the rant. I needed to get that out.

several month necro.....plz plz dont do that lmao.

07-12-2011, 03:23 PM
This reminds me of the time I joined a BC game (I was level 14).

My little conversation with the quiet (and extremely snobby) 50:

Me: Hi!
50: (no response)
Me: I have that exact same staff! (keeper staff)
50: And?
Me: Well idk...
50: Boot the 14!

I'm gonna be honest I wanna rub some sense into that doofus :p

07-12-2011, 03:49 PM
Dont bother posting complaints on forums omerojs. Its very clicky. Apollo is rude to lots of ppl. Just shrug it off and enjoy the game. Or they might turn the devs on you lol. Love bluuuue

07-12-2011, 03:51 PM
Apollo is rude to lots of ppl.

Uh huh...? XD

07-12-2011, 03:57 PM
My opinion is they should remove the boot option. If you have a group make a psswrd. If a lower lvl joins be a better player. Some guys make a room and sit for 15 mins booting till their friends finally join. Its not constructive at all. Just a waste of everyones time trying to join a game. Not that I have that problem anymore having high lvls, but I remember how frustrating it was. Don't we want to make pl more inviting for everyone?

07-12-2011, 03:58 PM
Dont bother posting complaints on forums omerojs. Its very clicky. Apollo is rude to lots of ppl. Just shrug it off and enjoy the game. Or they might turn the devs on you lol. Love bluuuue


I'm rude? The only time I remember even being vaguely rude is in PvP when people are just not listening.

In PVE, if I boot, I will type a solid well written reason. Normally I will ask, unless I have to boot multiple people. In that case, I will boot, but give a valid reason for each one.

In PvP, I usually give the players a chance to abide to the rules. (For Example: If it is a one on one fight between two players, nobody interferes, but one is permitted to watch).

If you can provide some screenshots of me being rude, I will be humbled and agree with you. Saying is one thing while backing it up with evidence is another.

07-12-2011, 04:00 PM

I'm rude? The only time I remember even being vaguely rude is in PvP when people are just not listening.

In PVE, if I boot, I will type a solid well written reason. Normally I will ask, unless I have to boot multiple people. In that case, I will boot, but give a valid reason for each one.

In PvP, I usually give the players a chance to abide to the rules. (For Example: If it is a one on one fight between two players, nobody interferes, but one is permitted to watch).

If you can provide some screenshots of me being rude, I will be humbled and agree with you. Saying is one thing while backing it up with evidence is another.

Don't worry :o everyone has their bad days :)

07-12-2011, 04:01 PM
My opinion is they should remove the boot option. If you have a group make a psswrd. If a lower lvl joins be a better player. Some guys make a room and sit for 15 mins booting till their friends finally join. Its not constructive at all. Just a waste of everyones time trying to join a game. Not that I have that problem anymore having high lvls, but I remember how frustrating it was. Don't we want to make pl more inviting for everyone?

People like efficient runs though, I remember being booted frequently as a level 51. If one does not want to face the problem of being booted, the answer is simple. Host your own game. In my runs, normally anybody under a level 50 or a 50-56 not wearing DECENT gear will be asked to leave or booted. Reason? They are hardly productive to the group and probably do not understand the game mechanics as well. I won't have the rest of my team suffer because some other player wasn't doing their job of playing through the campaigns properly. Sorry, that is just my opinion.

07-12-2011, 04:03 PM
1-why necro some dead topic?

2-you can't lock or host that game -- it's the hidden passage thing in LE if I remember this thread correctly.

07-12-2011, 04:04 PM
Dont bother posting complaints on forums omerojs. Its very clicky. Apollo is rude to lots of ppl. Just shrug it off and enjoy the game. Or they might turn the devs on you lol. Love bluuuue

First of all, this thread is more than half a year old.

Second, Apollo is practically NEVER rude to anyone. I've played with him a lot, and so did many of my friends. And although he likes to taunt firecrates, everybody I know thinks he's one of the most polite people in the game. So when you're saying that lots of people say he's rude, I'm seriously thinking who these people might be. Are you sure it's not your imagination running wild or something?
None of the people I know, on the forum or in the game, have ever told me he was rude. But don't take my word for it. He's a GOA now, you don't get to be one if you're rude all the time.
I don't mean to sound offensive or anything, but in the future you might want to think twice, before posting some nonsense that you believe to be true.

07-12-2011, 04:04 PM
Read your past posts

07-12-2011, 04:06 PM
I'm gonna be honest, it's true, Apollo (a.k.a Parth) is never rude at all!

Being polite is really easy :D

07-12-2011, 04:12 PM
Being polite is really easy :D

Funny coming from you:rolleyes:Kidding

07-12-2011, 04:15 PM
Funny coming from you:rolleyes:Kidding

GRR :mad:

07-12-2011, 04:17 PM
GRR :mad:

You didn't read the white.

07-12-2011, 04:20 PM
You didn't read the white.

Sorry I'm using my "stinky" (:mad:) iPad.

So it's hard to do the highlight doohicky :p

07-12-2011, 04:24 PM
Sorry I'm using my "stinky" (:mad:) iPad.

So it's hard to do the highlight doohicky :p
*tut android tut*

And I never said stinky... I don't think.

07-12-2011, 04:28 PM
otukura and roasty, you to just love arguing don't you ;]

07-12-2011, 04:33 PM
otukura and roasty, you to just love arguing don't you ;]

I woke up from my name with water on my face -- I'm in a grumpy mood.

07-12-2011, 04:35 PM
well i am not into complaining but since i just registered and last weekend i got kind of pissed of by some LVL 50 player i would like to make a comment about so that if its you the one reading then learn to control yourself.
i was in "the lost expedition town" i have a lvl 31 mage and i went into the icy grate, the one behind Ryom... it was empty when i got in, then this group of 4 LVL 50 guys came in bulling me telling me to leave and telling me that i am a leech and week and low lvl and some other stuff.. i told them that i am no leech .. i am lvl 31 and i am in the right place.. they are 50 and they should be in higer lvl grounds.. agree sounds like u found some tools

07-12-2011, 05:03 PM
1-why necro some dead topic?

2-you can't lock or host that game -- it's the hidden passage thing in LE if I remember this thread correctly.

Yes Otu...it is a hidden grate :o

07-12-2011, 05:06 PM
Yes Otu...it is a hidden grate :o

Gee, one word wrong for something I haven't read for 6 months.

Haters gonna hate

07-12-2011, 05:09 PM
Roasty is one of those ugly iPad users. :(

Oh you said ugly and not stinky. My bad! :rolleyes:

07-13-2011, 03:14 PM
Well they do steal drops. Even when Level 50s+ do all the work. The other day i was questing in alien oasis and this noob joins and i ask him to leave because i was questing and there were specific steps. Yet he says so. and Continues to mess up my quest so i decide to just kill the boss And finish the quest later, so i Litterally did 95% of the damage on the boss and he got a desert dagger of Osiris. I mean its not the best pink and u have way better, but i would like to be rewarded for doing work and i would not like to work for someone who is arrogant , just so he can get a drop, no matter what level.

07-13-2011, 05:11 PM
Well they do steal drops. Even when Level 50s+ do all the work. The other day i was questing in alien oasis and this noob joins and i ask him to leave because i was questing and there were specific steps. Yet he says so. and Continues to mess up my quest so i decide to just kill the boss And finish the quest later, so i Litterally did 95% of the damage on the boss and he got a desert dagger of Osiris. I mean its not the best pink and u have way better, but i would like to be rewarded for doing work and i would not like to work for someone who is arrogant , just so he can get a drop, no matter what level.

So why didn't you put up a password or boot him?

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk

07-13-2011, 05:25 PM
So why didn't you put up a password or boot him?

Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk

That's what I was thinking :rolleyes:

07-13-2011, 05:47 PM
LOL I remember this post! Now it's generating more flame than the Casey Anthony Trial.

07-13-2011, 07:29 PM
LOL I remember this post! Now it's generating more flame than the Casey Anthony Trial.I'm not sure about that

07-13-2011, 07:36 PM
ugh......if you guys wanna debate whether apollo is rude (which he is ;]) or wanna decide if lower levels belong in sewers, then make a new thread on it! lol you guys are posting on a rEALLY old thread lmao....Oh and roasty, you are mean! You said i should go to private school cuz i had the thought of making my friend play SL all night! :p

07-13-2011, 07:57 PM
I'm rude. :)

Talks to Random Person: Your fat, those rolls are visible through your X-Large shirt, stop eating the twinkies, Mickey D's, and Dunkin' Donuts. Treadmills need love!

(Just kidding! I have nothing against overweight people, don't rely on body image to make friends, it gets you no where.) :)

07-13-2011, 08:07 PM
This thread should be locked and deleted but it is kind of rude he was going into a grate that he probably had a quest or wanted to fight there and instead of empty or lower levels there are 50s you should have said level 50 farming before you just said leave.

07-13-2011, 08:44 PM
I read the first, and the last page of this thread...

One, I never force another person to leave, even if farming in a group. I don't think anyone should be made to leave. If farming with a group in a un-hostable level, no one should belittled if they say no the first time they are asked to leave. If a member of your farming group was too slow to join, let him join on the next run. Anyone who has run with me, knows I play fast. If I happen to have to sell off before rejoining a group, and it's full by the time I'm ready to rejoin, I just wait my turn

Two, in a host-able level, when I have a full group, I will always ask a person to leave. If they refuse, I will boot. As a host, I have that right. Creating a password every time I remake slows the session down.

We are all here for fun. I'll vouch for Apollo and say he's not typically rude. Although if his group was belittling the lower level, he should step in and say something.

As far as locking the thread, I wouldn't. Turn this into a "how to act" thread. Shoo... list it under player guide section. LOL

07-13-2011, 09:02 PM
Wow... we've doubled the length of a 6 month old thread.

07-13-2011, 10:18 PM
Wow... we've doubled the length of a 6 month old thread.

For the first time in history of mankind, I agree with you ;]

07-13-2011, 10:33 PM
For the first time in history of mankind, I agree with you ;]

I bet if you give me 3 days I can find 3 quotes where you agree with me.

07-14-2011, 04:43 AM
Thts messed up man im a lvl 51 and i always help ppl out and i am sick of everyone thts a high lvl thinking theyre better we all were low lvls at a time and wanted to be stronger stop thinking ur the best because ur lvl 56 u need to humble urself
And just a random story when i got to lvl 50 i went to the sewers a party where telling me to go to a lower lvl right when i strted im a mage and they were like 54-56 then they all died and asked for rev and i told them im srry im to low of a lvl to rev high lvls such as ur self and then they strted yelling it was very funny

07-22-2011, 07:57 PM
whoa whoa! fighting lol anyways my idea is that the lvl 31 should go to another icy grate lvl when the other one is full seriously if u want a free ride i clearly think u should ask permission or ask a lvl 50+ to help u? but a lvl 31 in a lvl 50 farming is clearly serprateition

07-22-2011, 08:31 PM
The way i see it they were there first they asked you to leave be the polite one a leave

07-22-2011, 11:11 PM
Sigh, necroing again?

07-22-2011, 11:28 PM
Sigh, necroing again?

Actually, those with elf avatars, the revive avatar, or a shovel are able to bring back dead threads. Incredible, isn't it?

07-22-2011, 11:52 PM
... Bottom line is, pocket legends is just a game. I have people talk nonsense to me too and it dot bother me. Anyone can act tough on the Internet. Just ignore.

And those lvl 50 guys could have just made their own game instead of telling someone to leave. After all, if you can go into a dungeon and play, it's public. That's just my opinion.

Ima lvl 50 player and I've never been rude to anyone. I don't even talk to nobody unless they talk to me first.

Like some say, if you run into this issue again just report it

07-25-2011, 09:19 AM
Man..this is like a movie, but in words...lol eating my popcorn