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View Full Version : As I suggest for the eighth time....

01-24-2011, 02:59 PM
Plz make it so the health bar flashes when health is at about 10-20%, I sometimes get distracted and don't make not of my health bar and die. I suggested this months ago along with others and everyone liked the idea from the looks of it, but still no implement. Thanks:)

01-24-2011, 03:05 PM
Yes, PLEASE! Ive been thinking about this too, since I get so easily distracted, lol

01-24-2011, 03:06 PM
Make the whole screen turn a shade of red, too!

01-24-2011, 03:34 PM
They do have an indicator now. Check your ping, it usually sky rockets when you are low on health guaranteeing a lag death. Just one of the many undocumented UI enhancements ;)

01-24-2011, 04:46 PM
I dont rly see why we have to beg months for SIMPLE features that would take less then an hour to make.. Which would make our Gaming experience so much better. Not trying to be mean to devs here im just rly wondering about it since they are like the most baisc ones, flash screen, a simple icon on screen when auctions are done, password protection for games, more then 3 quests.. I dont have a lot of programming experience but i believe that i could even do most of these fixes myself in very little time. Like i said no offense here...

01-24-2011, 09:42 PM
I dont rly see why we have to beg months for SIMPLE features that would take less then an hour to make.. Which would make our Gaming experience so much better. Not trying to be mean to devs here im just rly wondering about it since they are like the most baisc ones, flash screen, a simple icon on screen when auctions are done, password protection for games, more then 3 quests.. I dont have a lot of programming experience but i believe that i could even do most of these fixes myself in very little time. Like i said no offense here...

tru ALL dat

01-24-2011, 10:08 PM
Yea- it's a good idea MD. Write a petition.

01-24-2011, 10:12 PM
i agree with les's idea. making the screen a shade of red, like it flashes when you're getting hit if you're in your inventory menu area and get attacked. the coding is already in place for the red overlay, just need what looks like 6 lines of coding to implement it into use for the main gameplay display.

if/then ": = win"

01-24-2011, 10:25 PM
I dont rly see why we have to beg months for SIMPLE features that would take less then an hour to make.. Which would make our Gaming experience so much better. Not trying to be mean to devs here im just rly wondering about it since they are like the most baisc ones, flash screen, a simple icon on screen when auctions are done, password protection for games, more then 3 quests.. I dont have a lot of programming experience but i believe that i could even do most of these fixes myself in very little time. Like i said no offense here...

I do have a lot of programming experience and it's never that simple. Every feature ever imagined has consequences you never anticipate. You push out something simple and find that it makes some other feature break.

Then you have sheer administrative overhead. Source control, project management, scheduling, IT, training, equipment, etc.

Plus, browse these forums and jot down every simple request. Put them in a list and then add in things like new maps, items, bosses and other fresh content.

Then add in the fact that the developers may not agree that a particular feature is an improvement. Perhaps they have reasons why they don't do something. They likely have a user experience expert who reviews these things and makes the calls on what goes in and what doesn't. Some things may be techinically

I used to have a client that said he'd bill his clients a thousand bucks every time they used the word 'just' in a request. 'Can you just make the logo red?' Cha-ching. Point being, people making requests always think it's something small and shouldn't cost anything or take any time. People doing the work know otherwise.

Sorry, don't mean to be harsh, it just hits home I guess.