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01-24-2011, 09:54 PM
Firstly, don't come in here and flame me and tell me to ignore them...I like discussions not arguments. Anyway I'm just curious, why are there so many beggars in this game? More so than others....I haven't played most of the recent MMORPGs, but I've played EQ and WOW, and I never saw this much begging. I think it is actually much easier in this game to build up your gold than in others. Don't you think?

So what is it about PL that causes so many people to beg and plead for gold? Is it an age thing? People are even begging for real money now, lol...Why would anyone expect random people in a video game to give them real money?

01-24-2011, 09:57 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, aren't EQ and WoW p2p?

My hunch is that cause it's free. So generally all kinds of people can play.

01-24-2011, 09:59 PM
It surprises me, too, especially the low lvl ones. Why download a game just to stand in town begging for gold/items? If you play the game, you get everything you need. It's also a lot more fun than standing around begging.

01-24-2011, 09:59 PM
I say because the average age is 15... hence they have yet been able to get a job and make their own money and work for what they have on their backs. Buuuut.... that could be just me. Im not flaming... its the truth.

01-24-2011, 10:14 PM
I beg to differ, I have 2 50s and another one in training. I'm only 14. I have never begged. It has nothing to do with age.

01-24-2011, 10:17 PM
yea I met someone in town who ask me to give him my itune password so that he can change his background. and alot ask for gold. i sometimes will give them a few of my purples. Then I see them selling purples. hahaha funny

01-24-2011, 10:29 PM
New players to the game will do all the quests and what not because everything is fun and new. Ive always suspected that the beggars are alts because that dont have friends to help them pass wealth or whatnot. Or they know that veterans do give out freebie purples and garbage pinks.

01-24-2011, 10:30 PM
I beg to differ, I have 2 50s and another one in training. I'm only 14. I have never begged. It has nothing to do with age.

Hey dont mean anything personal by it. There are mature teens and immature teens, and I think a lot of this behavior comes from the immature ones, you know? Its just harder to imagine the people who spend hours begging in town are adults. I played these kind of games at your age too and never begged or acted like a fool, so I'm not generalizing.

01-24-2011, 11:11 PM
In WoW when your leveling you make a crap load of money and gear off quests. Then boss kills we know there is 30ish items on the loot table. If you kill something 30times. You will probably see your piece for free that you cant upgrade out of auction.

In this game try and kill a boss 30times while leveling and get your drop for your level. You will out level the zone before you even see one great drop. Time to hit cs.

Its not like beggin dont work here. I see people always saying they gave this and that.
If you feed a beg. That beg will learn to try again. Someone will feed him.

01-24-2011, 11:17 PM
People are even begging for real money now, lol...Why would anyone expect random people in a video game to give them real money?

There is a few reasons someone would give money.

01-24-2011, 11:17 PM

if someone asks for money. u say GET LOST IM TOO RICH TO GIV YA SOME
if someone wants a pink. i will give u a barbie doll whats ya phone number????
if someone asks for platnium.UNTRADABLE NOOB
asks for an itunes gift card code.giv them the wrongcode!

01-24-2011, 11:18 PM
Well I for one, never begged for anything in my life. If I wanted some I'd earn it. Begging shows in my book that you are in the mercy of someone. I would put myself exposed like that to anybody unless if it was for someone I truly loved or cared about.

01-24-2011, 11:22 PM
Well I for one, never begged for anything in my life. If I wanted some I'd earn it. Begging shows in my book that you are in the mercy of someone. I would put myself exposed like that to anybody unless if it was for someone I truly loved or cared about.

since you truly love and care for me parth.... id like free gold, elite pinks, and an itunes card number... oh you dob, ssn, address could come in handy too :-0

01-24-2011, 11:23 PM

01-25-2011, 12:01 AM
Yea I guess they probbaly are the immature ones...

I'm 14, I run my own web design business, and I'm currently in college... I don't think it has to do with age.

There's just as much chance of there being an immature 45 year old (joking) :)

I don't beg, but I bet all of us have at some point asked a friend for a little gold or something, even just borrowing and paying back...

Unfortunately, one of the best Townes in this game is a trah towne now... :( the conversations that go on there... you could basicly report just about everyone...

01-25-2011, 12:06 AM
14yo here, never begged. Sure, I complain about many things, and A LOT, believe me. But begging? Nah... came from a place where people be for $25 things, and at least 80 beggars on the forums each day. In game... even worse. I eventually learned to ignore them.

01-25-2011, 12:38 AM
Unfortunately, one of the best Townes in this game is a trah towne now... :( the conversations that go on there... you could basicly report just about everyone...

Yeah this a big topic on its own. I started sometime last fall and don't remember seeing as much trash as I do now. I guess the community has just grown that much bigger, and more bad apples move in.

01-25-2011, 12:39 AM
Well I for one, never begged for anything in my life. If I wanted some I'd earn it. Begging shows in my book that you are in the mercy of someone. I would put myself exposed like that to anybody unless if it was for someone I truly loved or cared about.

Thats BS! im sure youve begged for a doughnut or a piece of candy before... ;D

01-25-2011, 12:43 AM
Well, this game greatest strength is also its greatest weakness... it's accessibility. Anyone can get it.

01-25-2011, 12:49 AM
Thats BS! im sure youve begged for a doughnut or a piece of candy before... ;D

Nope never... If someone wanted to give me something, they would have. That's my mindset.

01-25-2011, 12:56 AM
I blame the parents! Wtf is a teen doing with a smartphone?


01-25-2011, 01:08 AM
lmao my 9year old and 6year old have there own..... Why not? There great for car rides. There locked so they can call 5 people.
There better then any thing. You will understand if you have kids. lmao
+ they need to learn how to use them.
They each have there own ipad and lap top also... lol but I make my money from fixin these toys. Its only right they have them.

brats there gona be brats .. all well ... I had nothing when I was little. They will have everything I can do.

01-25-2011, 06:46 AM

01-25-2011, 07:42 AM
at moment is really better going naked to balefort.. so hopefully noone pms me...
iam often in town to check cs, but its almost impossible... pms from ppl everywhere...

sorry guys when iam not always responding u, but i wanna enjoy the game, cant writing pms all the time.. :-/

01-25-2011, 07:51 AM
Yeah I agree with most posts, boils down mainly to maturity. I just had a "friend" deleted since he was acting so childlike and immature. He didn't beg either, just a sore loser type of guy.

01-25-2011, 08:09 AM
and never say a newbish friend how much gold u have... they will contine to ask u if they can have some 100k.... they may think it was easy to stick togehter the gold, but i often played hours for! so i surley dont give away anything to someone wich is to lazy to farm for! that are ppl wich stays in town hoping for a miracle to get gold...
i just say them: come with me, u can farm with me like i get the money... they begin to play some round then they leave... i think thats the wrong game then for them...
and i give often away swamp items to noobs when i c they are playing well but have only crap items... they are lucky with all u give them.
i think its easy to figure out wich are the looser and the real playing guys..

01-25-2011, 09:12 AM
Signed on today, first thing I get to my surprise wasn't a spammed invite, but a demand that was literally "I want Guns or Money"...seriously, if you think you have a chance at getting either, at least say please and thank you.

Even the beggars are rude.

01-25-2011, 09:15 AM
Signed on today, first thing I get to my surprise wasn't a spammed invite, but a demand that was literally "I want Guns or Money"...seriously, if you think you have a chance at getting either, at least say please and thank you.

Even the beggars are rude.

I agree with the begging. Everytime I end up wishing they had a "smack other players" button. It's overly irritating. lol

01-25-2011, 09:22 AM
i'm sure some people create an additional toon and get to level 15-20 in an hour or so then just sit in balefort or wherever spamming gimme cash, someone please, PLZ???? i'm broke and blah blah blah. there's more people than you think that have actually given out cash to shut these people up and all they're probably doing is taking it, putting it in their stash with the rest of the billion gold they farmed with their mains or bummed off of other players

01-25-2011, 09:27 AM
I think the quickest way to stop this would be if no one ever gave anything anything to a stranger who asks for anything. Not even greens, or potions, or 100g, nothing. They must be getting something now, and that's what makes them keep begging.

If you want to help someone, go out and help someone who isn't asking for it. The problem is the people who ask for stuff in this game are those who least deserve to get it, while those who truly deserve help are silent about it.

My usual response to: "Can I have some gold?" is "No, but I can ignore you for free." Then I go ahead and do it.

01-25-2011, 09:29 AM
I think the quickest way to stop this would be if no one ever gave anything anything to a stranger who asks for anything. Not even greens, or potions, or 100g, nothing. They must be getting something now, and that's what makes them keep begging.

If you want to help someone, go out and help someone who isn't asking for it. The problem is the people who ask for stuff in this game are those who least deserve to get it, while those who truly deserve help are silent about it.

My usual response to: "Can I have some gold?" is "No, but I can ignore you for free." Then I go ahead and do it.

Just give them 1 gold. :D

01-25-2011, 09:31 AM
Just give them 1 gold. :D

nah, next minute they pm u again......

01-25-2011, 09:33 AM
My usual response to: "Can I have some gold?" is "No, but I can ignore you for free." Then I go ahead and do it.

to much work when there a more... just dont answer... when u answer something they pm u again..

01-25-2011, 09:48 AM
I try to be helpful in this game, when people have a question about stats or quests, etc. I dont mind answering or giving advice. The other day some guy messaged saying, "can I ask you a question?". So I'm like ok sure. And he immediately pastes his begging message that he must have auto-saved to his chat. He said "i dont really have a question but can you give me some gold". Usually I don't even acknowledge these people but he tried to trick me into talking to him. I was like "no..I don't give handouts, It's easy to make gold in this game." So he keeps bugging me "plz...plz..if it's so easy then why don't you give me some". Ugh! Maybe I should start going to balefort naked like someone commented earlier.

01-25-2011, 10:52 AM
I try to be helpful in this game, when people have a question about stats or quests, etc. I dont mind answering or giving advice. The other day some guy messaged saying, "can I ask you a question?". So I'm like ok sure. And he immediately pastes his begging message that he must have auto-saved to his chat. He said "i dont really have a question but can you give me some gold". Usually I don't even acknowledge these people but he tried to trick me into talking to him. I was like "no..I don't give handouts, It's easy to make gold in this game." So he keeps bugging me "plz...plz..if it's so easy then why don't you give me some". Ugh! Maybe I should start going to balefort naked like someone commented earlier.

Omg that reminds me of when I was in the cs, busy both using the shop and having a conversation with a friend. Then this keeps popping up:

"I have a question"
"I have a question"
"I have a question"
"I have a question"
"I have a question"
"I have a question"

And so on. Never occurred to this guy to do either:
1- Ask the question instead of asking to ask the question.
2- Ask out loud so anyone can answer.
3- Ask someone else, since I obviously wasn't going to respond.

And before anyone jumps down my throat about being mean to noobs -- I'll usually answer a question if someone asks and I can answer. But this guy was just being annoying and eventually ended up on my ignore list. I don't doubt for a second that if I responded, the question would have been "can I have some gold?"

01-25-2011, 11:01 AM
Sigh... Threads like this are pretty useless :|. But, if this is about age... im 13.

01-25-2011, 11:12 AM
Did you bother to read anything? I didn't ask everyone what their age was. As long as people act mature I don't care what age they are. I just think begging is annoying and i would assume it's mostly younger people who do it because it comes across childish, like someone begging their parents for money. But like i said before, there's mature and immature teens and I'm not making generalizations about people, because I was playing EQ and stuff at that age.

01-25-2011, 12:36 PM
It surprises me, too, especially the low lvl ones. Why download a game just to stand in town begging for gold/items? If you play the game, you get everything you need. It's also a lot more fun than standing around begging.

Well said, my thoughts exactly! Leveling up your character and experiencing all that PL has to offer is what the game's about. In the time you spend begging you could make the gold yourself and actually have some fun playing the game.

Also, this is really sad to me for some reason, but a level 50 that I'd played with was asking for 7k in the castle one night. He was in full wraith with sb bow. I couldn't understand that at all -- make one or two crush runs already. I was actually embarrassed for him.

01-25-2011, 01:01 PM
Well said, my thoughts exactly! Leveling up your character and experiencing all that PL has to offer is what the game's about. In the time you spend begging you could make the gold yourself and actually have some fun playing the game.

Also, this is really sad to me for some reason, but a level 50 that I'd played with was asking for 7k in the castle one night. He was in full wraith with sb bow. I couldn't understand that at all -- make one or two crush runs already. I was actually embarrassed for him.

That's an idea. We need to get all the lvl50s posting here to do a synchronized begging to everyone else day. See how they like it :D

01-25-2011, 01:07 PM
Let me know when and where! Naked begging rules!

01-25-2011, 01:09 PM
I'm in also...for a change!
Oh, but don't think that only low lvl do that. The other day, a lvl50 asked my lvl37 bear to give him money...not for a service or anything, just like that :/

01-25-2011, 01:10 PM
Lol sounds fun! I'd be up for that :)

01-25-2011, 01:53 PM
Ha hilarious. Strip off all your gear and beg the beggars..."can u give me gold plz...can you give me gold plz"

01-25-2011, 02:33 PM
Lol I stood in FH and was spamming "free st00f pl0x!" and "i r noob" for fun

01-25-2011, 02:36 PM
Lies! No one's playing right now.

01-25-2011, 02:36 PM
The world of being begged for gold. Welcome to my world

01-25-2011, 02:39 PM
Can I have some gold, lone?

01-25-2011, 02:40 PM
Lol funny thing is as soon as I started spamming, people started asking ME for stuff. I was like "Can't you see I'm trying to beg here?"

Beggars can't be choosers btw lol. I'll give someone a good little item that I know they can use and they're just like "but I don't like that one"

01-25-2011, 02:40 PM
Ha hilarious. Strip off all your gear and beg the beggars..."can u give me gold plz...can you give me gold plz"

It would be even funnier if everyone was all geared up in the most expensive stuff. Full elite sets and toad tiaras and Vyxnarr helms and green ice... hehe

01-25-2011, 02:41 PM
I stood around in Balefort for quite a while trying to give away purples and pinks, and got 0 takers. Apparently people are only interested in the very top gear. Oh well.

Possibly this suggests that the top gear is too easy to get, so people aren't willing to settle for anything less.

01-25-2011, 02:52 PM

I pay people that major in english. Secratary
Need a job?
lol lmao english is 2nd language also...

01-25-2011, 03:49 PM
While we're on this topic, can someone explain the scam behind “add me as friend for gold”? There must be one, but the only thing that comes to mind is that friending them gives them access to your games.

01-25-2011, 04:05 PM
I pay people that major in english. Secratary
Need a job?
lol lmao english is 2nd language also...

Actually, I do :)

01-25-2011, 04:24 PM
I pay people that major in english. Secratary
Need a job?
lol lmao english is 2nd language also...

Enlish is my second language... I seem to do fine.

01-25-2011, 04:29 PM
Actually, I do :)

Im looking for someone for the Cleveland, Ohio area.

01-26-2011, 09:13 AM




i dont mind giving but not to people ask

Not even i they look like puss in boots here lol

01-26-2011, 11:50 AM
Nope, never give to beggars. It just teaches them more helplessness. I have a quick chat "Go kill stuff" and another for them to go drop their own free stuff. I also think there're players who manage their gold/potions like they manage their skills: They have no clue. So either this is the wrong game for them or they need to learn.

Nope, don't get too much pm spamming, and yep, I do not respond to begging pm's or to trading from people I've never heard of. I used to be curious but never saw anything good. Plus they assume I need something overpriced. I want a "pop my own" sign :P

08-10-2011, 09:47 AM
I hate beggars, there should be a report button for beggars

08-10-2011, 09:52 AM
I hate beggars, there should be a report button for beggars

it's called the ignore button, and bumping an old thread ain't that awesome either...