View Full Version : Possible keeper staff combo.

01-24-2011, 11:52 PM
So we know the ice storm/frost nova + fire blast = combo.

But lately I've been thinking that the keeper staff actually fires fireballs, so technically a frozen mob + keeper attack should combo.

I'm starting to think it does, though it doesn't show. I did a bit of testing earlier, and my frost Nova does about 1/4 hp damage to a mummy. My normal attack does about the same. But I noticed when i normal attack when it's frozen, it dies instantly. So thats my 1/4 hp attack turning into 3/4 hp attack.

It could be crit, but it always happens. Rage or no rage. So im starting to think its possible.


01-25-2011, 12:12 AM
It does, and it shows. But the fire damage only happens every once in a while, when you see the flames on them, and that is the only time it works.

Maybe it only shows when the flames on the person happen?

This time saw you on your mage... captive audience, right? Would've dropped by, but I was trying to get to lvl 50... 8 xp away.. planning to level up tomorrow with friends...bleah, I always get off topic.

01-25-2011, 12:21 AM
I see. I just never noticed the whole COMBO thing popping up, that's why. Never noticed only some attacks on fire too. Are only the fire attacks aoe?

And yes, I'm on my mage mostly :)

01-25-2011, 12:24 AM
Well, when you see the flames on him, and he was frozen previously, then it shows the combo. Idk if they're AOE, or anything else.. that's just what I've seen...

01-25-2011, 01:33 AM
The keeper staff has a burn proc. I think only when that goes off will it combo a frozen target. The reverse works too with ice weapons and firestorm. (other procs combo too like dark weapons and hellscream for terror)

01-25-2011, 01:57 AM
Oooo. I wasn't aware of this burn proc. Is it like the usual burn proc of damage over time? Or is the burn here just additional damage? Thanks for the help!

01-30-2011, 03:48 AM
I was intrigued by this so I tried this out as well and I was amazed at how powerful the keeper staff is following the use of frost nova. The whole group of enemies were killed pretty much instantly and you get some very satisfying sound and visual effects when this ability works. I haven't been able to check whether the burn proc continues over time though. This makes me wonder why on earth is the keeper staff so cheap to buy, given that it is probably (arguably) the best weapon in the game? The price has been falling for a long time; and it's not just solely because of the new level cap/dungeon that was recently announced.

01-30-2011, 01:47 PM
In case you didn't know, the burn proc does not deal damage over time - what a shame!

01-30-2011, 02:09 PM
In case you didn't know, the burn proc does not deal damage over time - what a shame!

Nope afaik real "damage" over time hasn't been implemented at all in the game. For instance, the bleed proc's DOT is really just a H/s debuff. Kinda the same idea but this means if you see additional actual damage being done by any proc it is a one time effect ;)