View Full Version : Singe Vs Glacian

09-15-2014, 11:00 PM
I was just wondering if the new update made singe stronger and if the singe is too op over glacian.
When 2 rogues(lvl 41, same build,same set), one with singe and one with glacian vs each other, will the rogue with glacian have a good chance of winning?
Or will the updated(+250health bonus) singe users have a better chance?

09-16-2014, 09:12 AM
I was just wondering if the new update made singe stronger and if the singe is too op over glacian.
When 2 rogues(lvl 41, same build,same set), one with singe and one with glacian vs each other, will the rogue with glacian have a good chance of winning?
Or will the updated(+250health bonus) singe users have a better chance?

I guess glacian gonna lose... But also consider the price difference. YOu get 2 glacians for 1 singe and singe price might raise now even more.

+160 armor (4% dmg reduction)
+ 42 DEX
+12 INT
+12 STR
+12% dmg

+ 75% stun, 12 DEX, 12 INT, 12 STR on AA
+ more damage output
+ longer damageoutput (5 seconds now, before it was 3 seconds)
+ passive 20% hit/armor reduction for 4 seconds

09-16-2014, 09:13 AM
I guess glacian gonna lose... But also consider the price difference. YOu get 2 glacians for 1 singe and singe price might raise now even more.

+160 armor (4% dmg reduction)
+ 42 DEX
+12 INT
+12 STR
+12% dmg

+ 75% stun, 12 DEX, 12 INT, 12 STR on AA
+ more damage output
+ longer damageoutput (5 seconds now, before it was 3 seconds)
+ passive 20% hit/armor reduction for 4 seconds
Thank u for the new info :)

09-17-2014, 11:19 PM
Would sts improve glacian or hj?