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View Full Version : Arcane Legends 1.2 (Planar Arena) Client | Official Feedback Thread

09-16-2014, 02:02 AM
Hello there! Thank you all for logging in and trying out the new client since it went live yesterday afternoon. We've seen a LOT of your feedback and suggestions on the forums today, and want to take it all into consideration going forward.

If you have feedback on the new update, including the Planar Arena and ankhs, or have notice any bugs or glitches, please post them here. If you have already posted a thread with your suggestions, no need to repeat, just post a link to where I can find your thread.

As you all know, updates to a live game can sometimes be an iterative process. Even with excessive testing, including our most recent public play test, there can still be tweaking necessary to get it just right. I'll be collecting all of your feedback and suggestions to discuss with the devs in the studio tomorrow so that we can make sure to make this even better for you. We want to keep the focus on fun!

Thanks again!


09-16-2014, 02:09 AM
From what I hear a reduction of the strength of bosses :)


09-16-2014, 02:42 AM

09-16-2014, 02:45 AM
1. the buffs for singe is very unfair to nekro.. :/
2. planar arena is extremely hard, full pt arcane ring users ( with combo elix) cant even kill a single boss without dying 20x or more, how about the legendary users?
3. new vanity is meh
4. bulwark's changes is for pve tanks only ...poor tanks have to live with maul or glaive forevah

09-16-2014, 04:17 AM
The pools from ferrix makes the Wall/blades glitch, opening and closing randomly,
Also, the arena is quite impossible for non arcane people...
But great work on vanitys and gear and all the other stuff :)

09-16-2014, 04:51 AM
Scrolling page is now very slow & annoying

For example :

1) Scrolling up or down inventory list

2) Scrolling right or left your achievments list, especially archenemies column

09-16-2014, 04:57 AM
Just after the test server was announced, people started complaining in the forum that the Planar Arena needs to be harder. Now they complain that it is too hard. When singe came out, people whined that singe needs a nerf and then they asked for buff. Then Nekro singe egg formula was complained about, after which that recipe was replaced by an even harder Fossil recipe.

People should accept sts' 'first' decisions and announcements, unless they are over the top, which is rarely the case. When devs decide on something they do it after testing and we need to accept them because they know what they are doing, but some peeps complain and get unnecessary changes made. Yes the Planar Arena is insanely hard at the moment but werent we (forum community) the ones who asked for it?

That being said, the Planar Arena now does need a bit of tweaking and the bosses should be nerfed and made hard enough to be enjoyable.

09-16-2014, 04:58 AM
kinda impossible for a normal mythic user party@_@ i hope you guys nerf the difficulty @_@

09-16-2014, 05:13 AM
Just after the test server was announced, people started complaining in the forum that the Planar Arena needs to be harder. Now they complain that it is too hard. When singe came out, people whined that singe needs a nerf and then they asked for buff. Then Nekro singe egg formula was complained about, after which that recipe was replaced by an even harder Fossil recipe.

People should accept sts' 'first' decisions and announcements, unless they are over the top, which is rarely the case. When devs decide on something they do it after testing and we need to accept them because they know what they are doing, but some peeps complain and get unnecessary changes made. Yes the Planar Arena is insanely hard at the moment but werent we (forum community) the ones who asked for it?

That being said, the Planar Arena does need a bit of tweaking and the bosses should be made hard enough to be enjoyable but not too hard.

yes some people asked for the arena to be more harder but as u said, it is "insanely" hard. makes it impossible for the legendary users(well not just legendary but also mythic and arcane users) to farm at the arena without dying a lot every few secs. it is imbalanced.

and about the singe, it should be nerfed but imo, it shouldnt be more OP than nekro's buff.

09-16-2014, 06:21 AM


09-16-2014, 06:23 AM
insanely slow loading
- both phone and pc, iphone is worse
not only going in arena but anywhere else

09-16-2014, 06:25 AM
The purple violet colour of the floor gets mixed with the purple colour of the smoke and is very difficult to distinguish.
Pls change it
Also same bosses of normal arena shouldn't one shot now.
Their properties should remain similar or slightly increased.
But presently it is unplayable.

09-16-2014, 07:48 AM

09-16-2014, 08:59 AM
Why my posts are being deleted??

09-16-2014, 10:02 AM
Just decided to log-in today (to see the new stuff) to AL...and my god..its bloody slow...a snail can go faster then this...is this the new update causing this? because right now i cant even play the game. meaning that puppy is just takin a stroll for 10+min on my mac.

then after that gets fixed..maybe i can comment on the new arena.

09-16-2014, 10:36 AM
Ok I know we all whined about the arena being to easy, in fact I don't mind the difficulty, but I feel sorry for normal players without arcane gear, this is just ridiculous for them Lol, its a challenge and alot more fun cause jheeze its difficult, but I think most players will give up even attempting this arena, because for under geared people its just not gona work out.

The server is to lag right now to play, but I hear this is being worked on , so will be good to see some improvements. Good job with pet buffs I think there great, I disagree that singe is any better than nekro so I have no problem with this, singe should be better then Sam snd nekro better then singe, in order of seasons, and I think this works out ok. Shady and surge got a great buff , could be a liittle unbalanced but I think the pets should be left alone right now, so we can all test out, before complaining. I do miss nekros damage, but hopefully this pet willl still be better then samael and singe. If not then that will need to be resolved.

I feel there needs to be more loot in arena, other then just planar armour that's not much better then magma kinder sucks, also chests are untradable which I dislike alot, leaves us limited with what we can farm.

Good job on removing native x, we are all very happy about that.

On a different subject, im kinder disappointed in the leader board banners, green again, that's the 3rd green banner in a row
Last season, elo event, and the season before all green, I have to say greens my favourite colour but im pretty sure its not everyone's.

Also thanks for putting back the times you incorrectly wiped from leader board , however you added old arena shuyal times, which are from the previous arena. Please remove theese times.

I think that's about all I have to say, im impressed with update , theres just a few problems that need to be addressed.

Onur Altun
09-16-2014, 10:54 AM
İ an not enter in the game because game have problem enter and slowly teleport other maps (i waiting 30min but still dont enter the game) fix all bug quick please

09-16-2014, 11:11 AM
Problem..., loading forever..,

09-16-2014, 11:12 AM
Why, why, why?,,

Onur Altun
09-16-2014, 11:12 AM

Onur Altun
09-16-2014, 11:13 AM
Waiting forever at the moments :(

Onur Altun
09-16-2014, 11:14 AM
İ thinking not full compatible to update need more fixes

09-16-2014, 11:24 AM
Hello there! Thank you all for logging in and trying out the new client since it went live yesterday afternoon. We've seen a LOT of your feedback and suggestions on the forums today, and want to take it all into consideration going forward.

If you have feedback on the new update, including the Planar Arena and ankhs, or have notice any bugs or glitches, please post them here. If you have already posted a thread with your suggestions, no need to repeat, just post a link to where I can find your thread.

As you all know, updates to a live game can sometimes be an iterative process. Even with excessive testing, including our most recent public play test, there can still be tweaking necessary to get it just right. I'll be collecting all of your feedback and suggestions to discuss with the devs in the studio tomorrow so that we can make sure to make this even better for you. We want to keep the focus on fun!

Thanks again!


I can't play the game and a bunch of people have the same problem with the newest update My phone(and along with my friends) is no longer compatible. What does that mean 100-200 nation wide no more people who buy plat with the same issue. Honestly I don't care for the arena I'm a twink and I'm 23 I quit end game because pvp is way to hard and expensive. I also don't play 41 because lvl 41 elites are to hard for legendary users. Fix this please.

Sent from my LG-P925 using Tapatalk 2

09-16-2014, 12:27 PM
Arena difficulty needs to be scaled down a little bit.....obviously it should be harder than last week,
but as it is now it is too diffucult.

I have also noticed while in arena that my mana sometimes would go from nearly 80% down to 0% in an instant. I believe it was while i was playing against stahl with proximity curse. Im not sure if this is/was intentional. I never noticed my mana dropping to 0% in an instant in the older arena.

Proximity curse seems to kill you a little too fast, My tank with over 7000hp dies from full health before i can even use 1 potion, needs to be scaled down a bit also as that seems too extreme.

These are my observations so far i will do more arena runs when the server gets back to be a little more normal

Overall i am very pleased with the new content and pet/ weapon buffs

I am sure you devs will adjust the arena accordingly and also straighten out the long load times dc issues that have been arising.

Arcane Maniac
09-16-2014, 12:36 PM
1. reduce mushrooms damage
2. reduce bosses hitting strength
3. reduce their health
4. reduce the amount of mushrooms,with them its impossible to aim on boss

Dex Scene
09-16-2014, 01:23 PM
When you are portaling to a town, it takes long time on loading.

Arena is way too small. So if one face rutger and his 3 clones in poison clouds he has no way to keep safe distance or avoide poison pools. I understand arena cant be make slight bigger so maybe lower the damage those poison clouds do?

Not just poison clouds, stahl can kill a Rogue/mage in one shot. Proximity curse kills an ally in one sec.
Lower those damage.
Aahh i forgot the bosses. Nerf their damages and hp.

Bring new mythic ring.

Introducing Ankhs and removing native x was great move. Appreciate em.

New vanity is umm okay ish. Anyway appreciate for bringing new vanities and stuffs.

09-16-2014, 01:51 PM

Its happening again, currently

We hope the dog will disappear before weekend, yes?

09-16-2014, 01:54 PM
The loot is terrible in those arena crates. Weren't you supposed to fix this from TS? I got a cruddy architect armor one time (This was going to be removed?) and the rest have been purples. Also, I have not seen a single person get any of the gladiator gear. You want us to use plat and play your new content, then make it worth it for us to do so.

CS is also broken. Three days is now 2 days and 21 hours to list items, and often when I go to check sales I see that I have items in there but can't see them in listed or sold.

With that said, I love the new arena. Tweak those poison pools a little bit, you pretty much are wiping the groups. Change the timing and make them disappear faster so we can find a safe spot. Also the mushrooms can use a little scale back. DO NOT scale back too much. Please please please leave it challenging. Oh and those gates will lock your pet out if you don't come in the room far enough.

Thanks StS for giving us something really fun to play. Sorry the stability issues came up, but hey you can't predict everything that is going to go wrong.

09-16-2014, 02:46 PM
Three ideas:

1.Two difficulty levels:

Casual mode: Drops "Master Chest" on completion (toned down a tiny bit from what it is now.)
Gauntlet mode: Drops "Chest of Perseverance" (LOL :P) ... drops a crate with purples removed from loot table. Perhaps higher chance at Arcane. (difficultly stays at super high level)
Drop rates altered to compensate.


2. Quest to kill 25 or 50 singular arena bosses inside planar arena which gives you one master chest on completion (where singular boss kills are counted regardless of completion)? Like nordr quests. Gives a reason to play even if your party might struggle with completing the whole dungeon but you will receive master chests at a far slower rate.


3. Achievement: Kill xxx amount of bosses inside arena. Grants a title. Not creative enough to think of the title.

09-16-2014, 02:57 PM
Ty sts for update but is useless,i was disconect twice in a row.

Naveen Chulani
09-16-2014, 03:01 PM
Damage and hp of bosses in planar arena is too difficult for mythic and arcane user itself. Getting one hitted by stahl from 4k hp on my rogue is not fun to watch :(. Set it back slightly so as mages and rogues have a chance to survive against the bosses normal attacks. Other than that, great update sts! I like the new vanity.

09-16-2014, 03:54 PM
Oh there is an official feedback thread, sry about the double post.

So I just cut the crap about the hardness and just say that the Ferrix Gates are broken.

09-16-2014, 05:19 PM
I am unable to play the arena to provide any feedback. The minute I enter, my ping spikes, goes to 120K and disconnects me from the server. I have tried repeatedly.

iPad mini
iOS 7.1.2

Oh yes, and please put back /partyinvite 0 - this new thing is annoying as all heck.

09-16-2014, 11:31 PM
I would like to see better loot.

09-16-2014, 11:59 PM
Oh and those gates will lock your pet out if you don't come in the room far enough.

This happened with the previous arena too. Just resummon your pet.

09-17-2014, 01:38 AM
extreme lag, high ping and disconnects

09-17-2014, 05:43 AM
Very lag, high ping and keep disconnected! Cant even play properly!

Ipad mini
iOS 7.1.2

09-17-2014, 08:15 AM
I Love the new client but many bugs
If you open CS or Auction and search any item, Always says Searching... and Sometimes the Loading Screen is so late...
and the ping here @ the Philippines is increasing and increasing then
And then Kraken Mines Level Lock Hunting now is not rare its so very rare. Before AL 1.2 if I buy Luck Elix + myLepre, I got minimum of 2 lockeds and maximum of 10 lockeds... Now? Minumum of 0 Lock and Maximum of 1 Lockeds. Im asking if this is a bug?
One thing is: /partyinvite 0 and /guildonline is not working? :(

09-17-2014, 08:19 AM
My ping always high, i cant play everything . Plzz sts fix the server
samsung note 8.0 os kitkat 4.4.2

09-17-2014, 09:40 AM

09-17-2014, 10:01 AM
What is wrong? Well first second death probably is. I died so many times in arena, probably more than DiCaprio's oscars.

And when i join to the arena, fps drops to 5.

Fix it please.


09-17-2014, 10:47 AM
Consider only resetting boss health when the gates open. Nothing takes the wind out of the sails like grinding a boss down to a sliver then getting one shot out of no where, use an Ankh and find out he is back to full health.

09-17-2014, 10:56 AM
Increase the gladiator drops in those arena chests.

A guldie of mine opened 70 arena chests and didn't get a single gladiator inside of them. She spent over 1M on ahkh. That's a huge loss. We like to play hard content, but it does also need to be balanced with ability to farm and earn gold.

09-17-2014, 11:17 AM

09-17-2014, 12:26 PM
Increase the gladiator drops in those arena chests.

A guldie of mine opened 70 arena chests and didn't get a single gladiator inside of them. She spent over 1M on ahkh. That's a huge loss. We like to play hard content, but it does also need to be balanced with ability to farm and earn gold.

Agree the loot is not equal to the pot n ankh usage

09-17-2014, 01:13 PM
Here is a short list of boss abilities that are able to one-shot (3390 hp and 1504 armor rogue, solo mode) and are unavoidable. I'm sure that this list is even bigger when running in 4 member party. These should be nerfed in the first order:
- Mother's ranged attack (i discovered that she has one)
- Stahl's normal attack (lol?)
- Glob's rush
- Rutger's poison DoT (actually, it doesn't insta-kill, but it damages so hard that you will die even when you spam pots)
A short list of attacks that insta-kill and hard to avoid. These should be nerfed in second order:
- Vortex crystal explosion
- Pumpkin explosion (only in party mode, in solo mode it damages me for something like 60-70% of my total hp)
- Captain Bloodhammer's long-charging bomb attack (very wide range, deadly when combined with effects like vortex crystal)
- Frostir's windup attacks (actually, they are easy to avoid, btu this slow area makes it impossible)
I didn't encounter Lord Mardrom, is he included in boss list?

09-17-2014, 02:06 PM
Ok I almost completely agree with Jade and Candylicks comments here more than any of the others:
Singe is now SO much more what he was supposed to be from the beginning. I have sam and singe and now singe is more inline and perhaps even surpassed sam finally. Props for devs SAM IS MUCH BETTER!

Overall the increased difficulty to arena Boss's is GOOD! It's supposed to be hard not easy but the big problem with this besides it being hard... IF YOU KILL HARD BOSSES the LOOT SHOULD REFLECT THIS! Between myself and one of my guildies we opened over 100 of the new elite arena chests and neither of us got a single piece of the new armor! The noble and architect stuff is worthless... I'd rather just get gold if this is going to be case. Running the arena on this hard level could be fine be we need loot that makes spending this much plat reviving and this much skill involved to loot the new chests NEEDS TO PAY US SOMETHING BACK! Otherwise it's going to cost more than it's worth to even run arena which I know wasn't what devs were going for. Ok now that that is out of the way...

The purple poison pools may be a little over the top for some players (even good ones) to handle. Also whatever the boss effect is that makes you slow down even when on speed lix and almost run in place and not even be able to run and avoid the bosses or other stuff (poison pools, mushrooms, spiders) needs to be gotten rid of altogether. I think I understand the what the idea was here but its not working... it's just dumb running in place not being able to move. If it's going to be this hard and there's only a few right ways to run to keep from dying... you need to be able to run.

Other than that I think peoples initial reaction (even mine) was a little premature to nerf everything right away but like I said above if it's going to be hard we need good loot payoff. I think we need as players to look at the Arena as whole new area... not a reproduction of the old arena even though there are similarities. Already after a couple days running arena we are discovering there are new strategies to running this and they are NEW. Also a tank helps here in the beginning much like one did in Tinderin when it was new. Full party is much much better than trying to solo or even in pair.

Also special props go to null_void because even though I couldn't see... knowing the pride he taking is his work as a programmer I'm sure that he was up for most of the first night Arena went live and I for one really appreciate his dedication to figuring out why some things didn't work exactly the way we thought they would. Also Sam and Remiem thanks for putting up with all of incessant crying esp. when the complaining isn't even with any supportive information that helps in any way. :^}

Keep up the good work... AL's development in partnership with players is why I still keep playing the game and it's appreciated by many others I know.

09-17-2014, 04:47 PM
My completed arena runs are with a 3 arcane ring party, sns etc. Only one completed pug run so far with 3 rogue. The other runs ended up with quit.

Limit the number of spiders and mushrooms please.

And this thing is kinda annoying:


09-17-2014, 04:54 PM
place is too small for vortex!!

09-17-2014, 06:44 PM
I just hope that not supporting solo mode anymore is a glitch....
I desperately need /partyi 000 back... (btw what is the difference among 0, 1 or 000? I haven't seen any).

I also tested planar arena.
Solo Rogue (1,4k+ armor 3k+ health).
Mother killed me after a minute...
My damage was like 2-3% - Elite Rendtail has weaker armor than that...
Maybe I will test again at lvl46/51...

09-17-2014, 07:25 PM
Ok I almost completely agree with Jade and Candylicks comments here more than any of the others:
Singe is now SO much more what he was supposed to be from the beginning. I have sam and singe and now singe is more inline and perhaps even surpassed sam finally. Props for devs SAM IS MUCH BETTER!

Overall the increased difficulty to arena Boss's is GOOD! It's supposed to be hard not easy but the big problem with this besides it being hard... IF YOU KILL HARD BOSSES the LOOT SHOULD REFLECT THIS! Between myself and one of my guildies we opened over 100 of the new elite arena chests and neither of us got a single piece of the new armor! The noble and architect stuff is worthless... I'd rather just get gold if this is going to be case. Running the arena on this hard level could be fine be we need loot that makes spending this much plat reviving and this much skill involved to loot the new chests NEEDS TO PAY US SOMETHING BACK! Otherwise it's going to cost more than it's worth to even run arena which I know wasn't what devs were going for. Ok now that that is out of the way...

The purple poison pools may be a little over the top for some players (even good ones) to handle. Also whatever the boss effect is that makes you slow down even when on speed lix and almost run in place and not even be able to run and avoid the bosses or other stuff (poison pools, mushrooms, spiders) needs to be gotten rid of altogether. I think I understand the what the idea was here but its not working... it's just dumb running in place not being able to move. If it's going to be this hard and there's only a few right ways to run to keep from dying... you need to be able to run.

Other than that I think peoples initial reaction (even mine) was a little premature to nerf everything right away but like I said above if it's going to be hard we need good loot payoff. I think we need as players to look at the Arena as whole new area... not a reproduction of the old arena even though there are similarities. Already after a couple days running arena we are discovering there are new strategies to running this and they are NEW. Also a tank helps here in the beginning much like one did in Tinderin when it was new. Full party is much much better than trying to solo or even in pair.

Also special props go to null_void because even though I couldn't see... knowing the pride he taking is his work as a programmer I'm sure that he was up for most of the first night Arena went live and I for one really appreciate his dedication to figuring out why some things didn't work exactly the way we thought they would. Also Sam and Remiem thanks for putting up with all of incessant crying esp. when the complaining isn't even with any supportive information that helps in any way. :^}

Keep up the good work... AL's development in partnership with players is why I still keep playing the game and it's appreciated by many others I know.

I agree with everything you said!

I especially want to give some props to Null_Void. As a fellow programmer, I recognize dedication and commitment to your work, and I was online at 3AM when Null was working, so don't think that your effort has gone unnoticed!

09-17-2014, 09:02 PM
I appreciate that the arena was supposed to be difficult and I'm really not asking for it to be "easy" just playable for the majority.

I've thought through my gear and my spec for this arena I didn't just go in blind hoping boss would fall over with one aimed shot. I have tried all sorts of combinations. With the setup I finally settled on I can solo some bosses successfully because they don't one shot me almost instantly like they do if I get aggro in a group environment.

Its all very well to say that you can overcome these bosses with tactics... this is true but you already need to be at the very TOP in terms of gear. I'm sure that those of you with all top gear, with teamwork are finding tactics and successfully farming arena.

My problem is that arena is currently feasible for a very small percentage of players in this game. EVEN respawning. For the entire rest of the population... the arena is too hard to be fun and will only ever be discouraging.

What I would like to log onto the game and do: Say hi in guild chat, get a party together of guildies with mixed gear, go in arena, have some fun (isn't that where we are supposed to be keeping the focus?) Know that if we work together through several tactics, pet and gear changes, we will be able to complete it.

What I Can currently do: Log on... join party of guildies. First boss up... attempt and die. Refine tactic. Attempt and die. Refine tactic more. Change pet. Attempt and die. Repeat in correlation with the patience of the people in the party. Realise its never happening. Remap, repeat, everyone gives up.

Number of people who want to party for arena gets lower every time I'm on as they realise that its really not something where the obstacles are passable with "just" practise and tactical thinking.

Please cater to the rest of us we want to have fun too and not just during events.

09-17-2014, 10:15 PM
How can anyone really afford to run with this outcome?

09-17-2014, 10:19 PM
The arena pinks.

Come on sts. We can't keep playing for this crap.

09-17-2014, 10:45 PM
Hey you got pinks! I got a pocket full of purple!

09-17-2014, 10:48 PM
Hey you got pinks! I got a pocket full of purple!
Ya u saw mine me too but those pink/purple aren't much better...

09-17-2014, 11:06 PM
The arena pinks.

Come on sts. We can't keep playing for this crap.
Dat blood gem doe ^_^
Anyways, the arena gear is nowhere near good enough to be farmed in a place that most pts will have to revive at least 10+ times, there are NO players who can afford to farm the arena if there's no profit whatsoever in it. It's fine that it's hard, it SHOULD be hard to complete the arena, but the drops we get for our labor in this arena shouldn't amount to blues/cruddy pinks. I suggest that you 1. Put 3 drops in arena chests, 2. Buff the pink gear that comes from arena, 3. Put an egg or two as rare drops (legendary eggs atleast).

09-17-2014, 11:13 PM
Ok, let's say arena is completable if you use a bunch of Ankhs. Anyway, I join guys above and say that loot sucks...

09-17-2014, 11:19 PM
After a review ,
As u see remi there are too many problems for players...
As an old player , as a player who knows much of all (no lies, no exagges)
Many players have experienced the following:
Very tough with a whole arcane party with fully ARCANED pet and arcane geared (even I have experienced this)
U will die at least like 15-30 times in an instant (has been proved)
There has been a few problems with my stat problem I was checking my stats on auc, suddenly my DMG changed to 622 while I exited the auc , in a few minutes my DMG expanded to 789 with same gears full perfect int myth armor helm , perfect int myth. Ring perfect lunar
Also , lag connection problem persists I do lag less , but when I go arena my whole game starts to lag so bad my friends are really upset the gates go up and down when ferrix makes the pool
Can I know why??
I'm really scared at the moment also....

09-17-2014, 11:26 PM
Dat blood gem doe ^_^
Anyways, the arena gear is nowhere near good enough to be farmed in a place that most pts will have to revive at least 10+ times, there are NO players who can afford to farm the arena if there's no profit whatsoever in it. It's fine that it's hard, it SHOULD be hard to complete the arena, but the drops we get for our labor in this arena shouldn't amount to blues/cruddy pinks. I suggest that you 1. Put 3 drops in arena chests, 2. Buff the pink gear that comes from arena, 3. Put an egg or two as rare drops (legendary eggs atleast).
Lol I've always had 2 blues and one red!

09-18-2014, 09:38 AM
My completed arena runs are with a 3 arcane ring party, sns etc. Only one completed pug run so far with 3 rogue. The other runs ended up with quit.

Limit the number of spiders and mushrooms please.

And this thing is kinda annoying:


I successfully quit an arena run because of this, and cannot re-enter.. sad :(

09-18-2014, 10:07 AM
I successfully quit an arena run because of this, and cannot re-enter.. sad :(

What is this you are pointing out? An arrow to the attack button? I'm not questioning there's a problem I just don't understand what your are showing us???

09-18-2014, 10:20 AM
What is this you are pointing out? An arrow to the attack button? I'm not questioning there's a problem I just don't understand what your are showing us???

Yea as you can see i cannot use regular attack there. And i successfully quit because boss died and i keep spamming that button and i hit the 'bring me home'

09-18-2014, 12:36 PM
Hi Devs, just wondering if you're going to reset arena times from
the OLD arena. My "personal record" in arena is still showing as my time from the old one.

09-18-2014, 04:06 PM
The updates are great! Prox curse is still hitting really hard though. I died instantly in one and every attempt I made to revive was instant death bc the person with prox curse was still standing there. I just gave up and did the free options and waited until they were done.

09-18-2014, 06:39 PM
Neat! :)

Just a couple of notes:
-It wasn't the cannonball frequency/potency on Bloodhammer, it IS the extremely powerful semi-close range quick punch.
-Gladiator gear is only dropping through the Master Chests, not from bosses (who needs L41 Noble/Shade gear??).
-Vortex crystal explosions still one-shot (4k HP, 1.5k arm).

Question: Can we have the mushrooms being untargetable? Since their spawn rate increases through the fight, at the last 20% of the boss's HP most of the hits land on mushrooms, no matter how precisely you aim.

Also, now that we are almost done with regulating the difficulty we need to improve the loot's worth. 25 ankhs are now costing approximately 80k which equals about 3.2k gold PER REVIVE. In a normal arena run, an experienced player will die three times or more, which is 10k+ gold per run!

How exactly are the scarce 2k Shade mails and Noble helmets paying back for this? Not to mention the nonexistent odds for Gladiator gear that comes *only* through the Master Chests and *only* if you're lucky enough to not roll useless Architect gear in its place. And even Gladiator gear itself is not worth for anything but collection or looks - statistically it's slightly inferior to the cheap Ancient Druid gear from Ursoth's Assault that you can still get for maximum 50k per set from the auction!

No one is going to keep running arena chasing the 0.05% fossil chance which is no longer a direct drop. Gladiator gear needs a buff and it needs it fast (eg. increase the armor given and keep the 150 HP/MP gain from Druid sets). Give us something that's worth farming for!

09-18-2014, 08:26 PM
New elite gear stagger? As it is Magma helms and armor are worthless. Getting a parchment is probably worth more than a magma.

Honestly, a new helm and armor in elite and a new bow/gun/sword & board in arena would be a very nice complementary piece. Finally a new amulet or ring in the arena chests (and chance of fossil) would make it all worth running again!

09-18-2014, 10:06 PM
Yeah the scale for new arena is a joke two bad azz rogues a mage and me couldnt even come close to beating anything over 6k hp and dead in one hit pffft get real and barely did crap dmg to the boss

09-19-2014, 03:18 PM
New elite gear stagger? As it is Magma helms and armor are worthless. Getting a parchment is probably worth more than a magma.

Honestly, a new helm and armor in elite and a new bow/gun/sword & board in arena would be a very nice complementary piece. Finally a new amulet or ring in the arena chests (and chance of fossil) would make it all worth running again!


StS putting two drops in arena chests does nothing but clog our inventory with junk. The drop rate of Planar is too low, the stats aren't any better than Magma, and the fossil is much like the shard in EGD .. a joke. We love the content, you did a beautiful job creating the Arena for us. It's amazing. But we can't go broke playing in there, so now let's fix this.

My suggestion is slightly different than Kali. Increase the stats slightly on Gladiator gear, they are worse than Magma. Increase the drop rate as well. And, add in one more thing from those arena chests. How about an egg? What about a rare vanity?

Then go back for elites and increase the stats on the magma weapons. So then we have a reason to play both areas. And legendary players will be able to farm some gear that they can use to play arena!

Thanks for listening, hope to see some changes soon. Arena is good time!!!!

09-19-2014, 04:30 PM
I think everyone should get an elite master chest at the end even if you die at the final boss.. not everyone can afford ankhs. You put in all the effort and because you are unable to revive using a payment method you can't get a chest?

That doesn't make sense to me.

I know people do leech, but they are a small minority compared to the people that work their buns off and in the end get the short end of the stick.

09-19-2014, 05:10 PM
Definitely! Taking away those 14g from whoever died at the final boss is just horrible!

09-19-2014, 05:15 PM
Definitely! Taking away those 14g from whoever died at the final boss is just horrible!

Well if they fix the drop rate of the gear in crates then it won't be horrible! So there :P What other chance do you have at anything good? At this point I need the 14g.

09-19-2014, 11:54 PM
Loot still sux. All night arena for ......

Shade,architect, and blues


09-21-2014, 12:25 PM
I agree the gladiator gear is rather worthless except for looks. And it only comes in one color so type doesn't even matter.

If the gladiator gear had come in 4 colors like demonlord, magma, bloodhammer, etc then at least all the types would sell. As of now the worst versions are all that may sell and only for looks since the stats aren't good on them.

Add the red version originally shown, plus blue and green versions (with the black one out now) and they will sell even with the bad stats.

Just from a collectors point of view anyway.

09-21-2014, 07:29 PM
I think everyone should get an elite master chest at the end even if you die at the final boss.. not everyone can afford ankhs. You put in all the effort and because you are unable to revive using a payment method you can't get a chest?

That doesn't make sense to me.

I know people do leech, but they are a small minority compared to the people that work their buns off and in the end get the short end of the stick.

I disagree with this 100%
Ill tell u a short story....yesterday i entered arena with pugs, 2 tanks and 2 rogues all 4 of us had a quick conversation on wether or not we all had anks.....
Yes this is a must have conversation if going to do arena since the boss resets if everyone dies at the same time.

All 4 of us said yes we do have anks, me and 2 others killed the first boss without ever dieing at all, the fourth,a rogue died and respawned at start and said oops wrong click.

So we started second boss, same person died and respawned at start, meanwhile the remaining 3 of us were dieing and reviving using anks/plat
after the second boss was dead we asked the fourth person to leave since they dont have anks and having a fourth person only makes the bosses harder.....especially when its only 3 of us fighting......

In the end 3 of us defeated all 4 bosses while the fourth person was laughing at us saying ya im a leech/mooch so what....im not leaving.
After the fourth boss was dead this rogue, polak something or other walks in to the arena expecting a crate....i said haha justice was served you get nothing.
leeches deserve nothing.

In all reality i wish there was a vote to kick option so if 3 of us agreed to kick the fourth from the zone we should be able to.

09-21-2014, 07:32 PM
Arena = Gold sink