View Full Version : Stats

01-25-2011, 03:38 PM

I've been a tank in various games over the years and am just starting out in PL (my little bear is only 22). I've always been of the school that not getting hit > getting hit for less, and of course hit should be a biggy for threat since the last thing you want is a missed taunt or phat threat crit. As such it would seem logical that DEX should have at least a small allocation pumped into it if the dodge and hit gained outweigh the health gain. Which brings me to my question:

I'm interested if anyone has ground the current numbers for how much dodge/hit/regen/dmg/etc are gained for bears from str/dex/int at lvl 50?

I know there are stats in Kodax's Warrior guide, however they seem to be out of date.
The most up to date guides seem to now indicate STR trumps all for tanking nowadays but don't actually give the numbers.


01-25-2011, 03:42 PM
I'm not sure if anyone ha compiled this data yet for bears, but you can actually check yourself. Just go to update stats and move the points around an see how they affect your stats, you can just cancel at the end and don't have to use a respec to test the attribute effects out. Anyway, Str is your best friend and IMO the major thing to build for tanking. Only build some Dex if you want to make a damage oriented bear (though really make a Mage or archer if you want damage ;) ). Int is nearly worthless, and will give a pitifully small amount of mana regen and a little mana.
Edit: I should also mention the one thing you can't see while playing around with the attributes on your avatar screen is the effects on your skills. Str increases the damage of all your damage skills through stat driven skills (separate from base damage increases), and both Str and Int increase the strength of the restore skill.

01-25-2011, 03:47 PM
Thanks for the quick response! Does that mean theres no stats/level curve then? ie. the value of 5 STR at lvl 1 is the same as at lvl 50?

01-25-2011, 03:51 PM
Yes attribute effects on stats are not affected by level. Essentially you can forget levels exist and look at it like a pure pool of attribute points since the only effect of levels is to give you more attribute points and determine whether you meet level requirements for gear.

01-25-2011, 03:54 PM
Yes attribute effects on stats are not affected by level. Essentially you can forget levels exist and look at it like a pure pool of attribute points since the only effect of levels is to give you more attribute points and determine whether you meet level requirements for gear.

They also give skill points and unlock skills at certain levels.

01-25-2011, 03:57 PM
They also give skill points and unlock skills at certain levels.

Lol good point I was only thinking of stat effects ;)

01-25-2011, 04:42 PM
Just did a bit of playing on the stats page and knocked out some rough numbers:

1% Hit
10 INT

1% Crit
34 STR
31 DEX
50 INT

1% Dodge
40 STR
80 DEX

1 Health

1 H/s
50 STR
100 DEX

1 Mana

1 M/s

35 STR

1 Armor
19 STR
41 DEX

Where I've put unknown I didnt have enough points at lvl 22 to validate the trend.

01-26-2011, 07:39 AM
After a bit of thinking this morning and further playing, I've worked out the break points for 'cheap stats', ie where you get your first point of extra hit/crit/dps/armor from DEX and it seems like you could get a decent boost from dropping a very minimal amount of points into DEX and using the rest for STR

1% extra hit: 3DEX
1 extra H/s: 6 DEX
1 extra DPS: 6 DEX
1 extra Armor: 6 DEX
1% extra crit: 9DEX

From this point of view you could gain the following from dropping 7 stat points into DEX:

2% hit
1% crit
1 H/s
1 Armor

For a loss of roughly 3 health, 1%crit (based on my math of where the boundaries fall). This looks like a reasonable net threat and mitigation gain for the 3 points of health.

Is there any lvl 50 who could confirm the trade off on their stats screen perchance?

01-26-2011, 08:00 AM
Do not consider H/s or armor when looking at Dex. Even if it can raise those, Str raises them faster so you would be better off with those points in Str for those stats. In other words, moving points from Str to Dex will only ever cause a decline in health regen an armor, never a gain. The effects of different attributes on stats is cumulative if they both affect the same stat, so raising Str will change the H/s threshold for Dex for example.

01-26-2011, 08:21 AM
hm... so it does, hadn't tested combining the stats on the page, was just doing raw numbers. Thats an interesting mechanic to bypass easy stat increases :P

Tree Dude
01-26-2011, 09:10 AM
Pure STR is the way to go for a tank. The only thing you get from DEX is hit and DPS and that is not nearly as important as health, dodge, and armor. Birds and mages are much better damange dealers, so let then take care of DPS while you hold the aggro.