View Full Version : samael vs singe

09-16-2014, 12:31 PM
which one fits a twink mage 13-15 . pls do explain a bit why u choose it .

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09-16-2014, 02:16 PM
IMO singe. Why? First of all panic rate is not very affective as endgame. It wont help u very much. Also singe have sick stats and now even more 250hp. Just pick singe and dont worry. Also I really recommend u to create and try mage at 13lv, before u open singe...

09-16-2014, 02:37 PM
Samael is more a vs pet for mage for twink, Samael is most effective at end game and is way more stronger there whereas singe gives max dmg and hp for twink and now has a increase in stun rate which is pretty good.

Singe is best for mage at a twink level.

09-16-2014, 02:47 PM
You can twink from mage? :/ and you want to hatch an arcane pet?

09-16-2014, 02:54 PM
Yes :D
I prefer twink over end game any day.

09-16-2014, 08:41 PM
ok thanks alot guys for a brief explanation. its like a blade on ny throat thinking about which to use. well i since i didnt have the chance if buying singe before the update. it will make me more harder to get one XD BEFORE the update i was short 3m to get one. now im short around 10-15m wtf ahhaha

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09-16-2014, 11:35 PM
its better to use buff pets on slow type pvp rather than stun pets, IMO.

09-17-2014, 12:12 AM
its better to use buff pets on slow type pvp rather than stun pets, IMO.

what do u mean on slow type pvp? im really noobish about pets so it would really be grate if u could explain a little more :)

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09-17-2014, 12:42 AM
what do u mean on slow type pvp? im really noobish about pets so it would really be grate if u could explain a little more :)

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13-15 is a slow type pvp, you cant 1 hit players at that lvl brackets. Anyways, if im so rich, i would get both pets, it is used in different ways. But in your case, you are a mage, pick singe, it buffs high HP than sam and better stats which is more needed on a low lvl smurf. 250 HP is more than enough, its OP already.

09-17-2014, 12:51 AM
First of all panic rate is not very affective as endgame.

FYI, a Lv.1 Samael's panic rate from arcane ability is the SAME as a Lv. 41 Samael's panic rate from arcane ability.

Keep in mind that bonus HP from Singe shouldn't be your deciding factor. In the long run, Samael's passive healing (+100 HP) will overrule Singe's base HP stat.

09-17-2014, 01:15 AM
*Sighs* Twinking....defeating the purpose of AL.

Anyway, go for Singe..

09-17-2014, 01:40 AM
for lvl 26+ sam owns bcoz of that sick terrify @_@

for me as a lvl 33 mauler, sam is best i can get.. as am a locker.

maul proc, charged ss, samael aa, samael passive... i can actually lock people at a place and kill them before they can use a single skill xD

and remember terrify>stun, as terrify stacks. Its very cool in clash aswell

also samael rate to hit is nearly double of any other pet ( we tested it) and it has some poison dot aswell... + samael can heal u like 150-200hp per sec also 50-90 mana per sec.. to be honest samael is a bit overpowered as an old pet...

09-17-2014, 08:36 AM
*Sighs* Twinking....defeating the purpose of AL.

lol wut

09-17-2014, 10:19 AM
I will go samael anyday! but that +250 hp and 75% stun/ignite rate + 100+ AA damage is worth looking at!

09-17-2014, 12:05 PM
Wouldn't singe be better at that level? I know as a level 11 tank little bear is the best pet(or should I say was). Little bear vs Sam wins hand down. Singe is a super little bear. He is definitely the best warrior pet for the 10-11 bracket. Would assume the same for 13-14. I'm just not sure if he is better than Sam for a mage.

09-17-2014, 12:18 PM
FYI, a Lv.1 Samael's panic rate from arcane ability is the SAME as a Lv. 41 Samael's panic rate from arcane ability.

Keep in mind that bonus HP from Singe shouldn't be your deciding factor. In the long run, Samael's passive healing (+100 HP) will overrule Singe's base HP stat.

Well ofc, but I mean that in 15lv u can't insta shot players, that means that clashes is much slower and longer, I don't think that u will kill somebody in these 2 sam panic seconds with mage

09-17-2014, 10:37 PM
thanks for the infos guys i do appreciate evry thoughts that u have. but the gold that i was saving for this pets was scammed ;)

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