View Full Version : Hello

01-26-2011, 02:13 AM
I've been posting here for about two weeks (lurking since about November), so I should probably take the time to introduce myself.

I'm Michelle, and I go by Shelly or Ellie. I work at a library, I love gaming, and I'm a mom to a great kid who isn't quite old enough to play PL yet. I work nights, and I'm a night owl besides, so I'm usually playing all hours of the day.

I haven't played any MMOs before, unless you count 15 minutes of WoW and a few months of Evony (OMG, terrible game). I've played a ton of console RPGs like Final Fantasy, but never online. So this is mostly new to me.

So the thing is, I've been playing PL like a console RPG -- soloing everything, lol. Now after weeks of soloing, my mage is almost 50, and I haven't got much of a friends list and very little clue how to work with a group. I'm so cool and controlled when soloing, but I spaz when I'm with a group, and my mage ends up running all over the place. Oh yes, I spam heal and rev -- I have to, I'm usually the one getting everyone killed, lol. Hopefully I'll find a decent group of folks who will bear with me until I get better and who'll laugh at my antics instead of shunning me, hehe.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the updates (yay guilds! The only thing I liked in Evony!), and getting to know others who like to have fun in a pretend world.


01-26-2011, 02:16 AM
Welcome, feel free to add any of my characters. I have patience with newbies lol. I just mentored a newbie all the way to 50.

01-26-2011, 04:31 PM
Awesome, thanks, I might take you up on that. :)

01-26-2011, 04:41 PM
Welcome :) I'm so busy spazzing out that I won't notice you spazzing out. Feel free to add me in game. I mostly play Pandamoni.

I'm also a mom and a total insomniac so I'm on a lot to alleviate boredom--especially during sleepless hours :/

01-27-2011, 03:19 PM
Hehe, glad I'm not the only who spazzes sometimes. :D Sometimes when I tap my skills too fast I instead trigger my mage to blissfully run through a hall filled with hungry mobs while blasting off spells and I'll be shouting, stop! stop! while trying to turn her around. Of course by then she's aggro'd half the dungeon and she'll pull all the mobs behind her as she runs back to the group. This is when I die from noobness, heh.

(I'm getting better -- I'm working on more deliberate taps and she's running away from me a lot less.)

And night owl moms ftw! *grin* Some late night dungeon spazzing sounds like fun, heh.

01-27-2011, 05:24 PM
lol yeah I felt the same way with my first Character (Ursan) he's pretty good now but if you look at his deaths :( not much of a good thing lol , but if you want you can add my new character Muniz, he's an Avian Archer and he's new so he's a level 13, but if you ever need a tank in game you can add my tank Ursan Ocidabe I think his name is ? If anything add "Muniz" and I'll try and help you not die too often lol :cool:

01-28-2011, 08:30 PM
Welcome, feel free to add any of my characters. I have patience with newbies lol. I just mentored a newbie all the way to 50.

yo newbie to this game, but not mmos lol been playing mmos since i was two!

so im a fast learner :P

on topic add Adapts too

02-11-2011, 01:27 AM
Hey Adapts! You just PM'd me in game while I was standing in Balefort, but I was actually afk, not ignoring you. And now you're signed out. This game REALLY needs an afk mode. LOL.

02-11-2011, 09:29 AM
Hi Dizzy, feel free to add me in game and we could play sometime. I'd be happy to give you some tips on playing with a group as a mage, as I feel pretty competent when it comes to those kinds of things.

02-12-2011, 01:04 AM
Welcome you! me too

03-28-2011, 07:49 AM
I have a question....I am new to the game and new to RPG's...I am level 15 (enchantress) and wondering is there a way to access other magic spells while in battle? My display just shows 4 and there are times I would like to use a different spell ....Am I missing something simple? I hope this makes sense!

03-28-2011, 07:51 AM
I have a question....I am new to the game and new to RPG's...I am level 15 (enchantress) and wondering is there a way to access other magic spells while in battle? My display just shows 4 and there are times I would like to use a different spell ....Am I missing something simple? I hope this makes sense!

Press the book on the top right corner :) opens and closes spell tabs

03-28-2011, 09:16 AM
Welcome to the community to all the new players!!!

03-28-2011, 10:13 AM
Hey Dizzy, I hid for a while too before posting, there was lots to read in here and digest first. There's plenty of really useful guides scattered around so I collated them into a nice list. See my signature. Would fully recommend you take a look. Ive solo'd alot also so I can fully understand where your coming from.

Every group of people plays differently and far too many people don't play as smart as they could, so even if your skills are good, it can be difficult fitting into a group who isn't playing well as a team. Would suggest you hook up with any of the great folks on here but also if they aren't available observe a little and try to understand the other classes, as it'll give you a good understanding of what a group should be doing.

Feel free to add me also...

Good Luck

03-28-2011, 01:44 PM
Cajun, you can access all your skills in battle. In your skills Menu, tap on Map Skills, to map your skills to a 3x3 grid. In battle, tap the book icon, which will open your 3x3 mapped skills grid. Most people like to organize their skills in the way they use them, so offensives together, buff together, etc.

Dizzy, that's an amazingly cute post. You might consider turning off Tap to Move -- in your Options Menu. In your character screen, Tap MENU, then tap Options.

Different people do play differently and some of us get into a grind. But I doing just like you. I used to tap and end up moving and had to watch myself to make sure I didn't go weird places. It took me a bit to move from tap to Move to using just the joystick (which sometimes still annoys me). Actually you bring back some fun and funny memories of mage groups and the ditzy mages that're always around. I remember a few very motherly pallies that liked to collect mages. and we'd have a blasting good time.

I have no problems working with an errant mage as long the mage is trying and is the appropriate level. You certainly sound like you are. I have not been playing very much but if you see my L54 bear (Bynd) on, you can certainly join. Hopefully I'll be playing later this week, assuming I can clear a bunch of work.

You might consider starting a lower level character to work with on grouping. Basically, if you know where you are going, you Tap Join Game in your world map. Friends often transfer from one character to another and it's a good way to meet people. Just a thought, so you can work on working in a group.