View Full Version : More skills.

01-26-2011, 02:30 AM
So today/yesterday we learned about a new level cap being 55 as a for sure thing. Here's one thing that may not be a bad idea and that I haven't seen discussed so much. Did a search on skills and read pretty much all the threads if I am repeating myself sorry.

Being as lvl 55 will have 54 skill points and a total of 60 places to use them will not leave much experimentation for builds. I.e. Mages Res will still be 1 everything else Maxed out and mana at 3. Why not have 4-8 more skills for each charecter. Yes it's hard to do I understand the work that it would require. (father has been at Microsoft for 17 years first as a developer and now a Vp in the games department)

Wouldn't that be nice and more interesting though to mess around with builds? Especially for pvp?

Yes, no, maybe?

Post away.

01-26-2011, 02:37 AM
You never know they might already be planning on doing that.

01-26-2011, 02:42 AM
Yes I never know... But if they aren't... Here's my suggestion. :-D

01-26-2011, 02:42 AM
You never know they might already be planning on doing that.

I was sort of thinking that myself...or at least increasing the max level of the existing skills. That would sort of justify some of the monkeying around with the equipment they've been doing.

01-26-2011, 02:46 AM
I was sort of thinking that myself...or at least increasing the max level of the existing skills. That would sort of justify some of the monkeying around with the equipment they've been doing.

I would like to see something new for a couple of reasons:
1. Would be cool
2. PvP would be less fun if we made let's say firestorm do 300-450 damage. Ya dig? (hot flash would be awesome though)