View Full Version : The Tranquil - not so much

09-17-2014, 04:27 PM
The description on this AP says you must defeat all bosses before they enrage, while the obelisque is still intact. Having run with several maxed teams of top players in the game, I can say for certain that it is not currently possible to do this, especially on certain bosses, like Mother. That's awesome. Means we have an ap we can work to get, and by doing something other than free flagging like mice in a maze.

I was excited to see an ap that would take time and effort to attain, and was both disappointed and surprised to see so many people getting it so fast. When I had only killed one boss right as he enraged, and the stone was banished at the same time, half our party had their AP's ding.

I had killed no other obelisque bosses before or even close to their enrage limit. Most had half health when they went berserk. The remaining party members in that team got their ap's granted after killing Bloodhammer with Vortex over the next 15 minutes or so.

So now this lovely AP that should have taken weeks, if not months to complete as better gear came out, is now already granted to those who most need something to challenge them. No challenge involved and no earning necessary. Just go and run arena a bunch and get a free ap. Bogus.

09-17-2014, 05:33 PM
Much like the requirement of killing Inan enraged for the mythics upgrade quest; you can plain kill him and the quest is completed either way.

09-17-2014, 06:34 PM
Yes, but you also don't need to kill all enrageable bosses, just all bosses period, from what I can gather. It's a huge disappointment. We wait 10 months for an ap to earn and get this.

Instead of running existing maps using /killall before release, perhaps the devs would have been better off making sure the one measly new ap actually worked as it should.

09-18-2014, 06:54 AM
Yeah its totally bugged. I don't even know what the point of this is, are you supposed to kill the boss before enrage? That's lol we never even got to half so even if they did change it, would have to throw some more time on the clock? As is you are correct you just have to kill them and the enrage and obelisk is a joke.

09-18-2014, 09:49 AM
It doesn't even say enraged once the clock goes to 1, and since the bosses all one-hit half the time anyways, I haven't noticed that they are any harder at all after countdown.

09-18-2014, 10:17 AM
I don't think you have to kill them before they enrage....you just have to kill every boss with the Obelisk.

Kind of sad that I got this AP within a couple of hours of the Arena release.

Wouldn't it be nice to introduce of myriad of really, really tough APs? And, by tough, I don't mean 10k flags, because that's impossibruuuuuuu -.-

09-18-2014, 11:28 AM
You can avoid the obelisk countdown anyway but yes, it would be fun if the AP actually required even that much work.

09-18-2014, 12:31 PM
I don't think you have to kill them before they enrage....you just have to kill every boss with the Obelisk.

Kind of sad that I got this AP within a couple of hours of the Arena release.

Wouldn't it be nice to introduce of myriad of really, really tough APs? And, by tough, I don't mean 10k flags, because that's impossibruuuuuuu -.-

correct, we got the ap and didn t kill all bosses before they got enraged, we just didn t touch the obelisk and revived. the trick is to have always at least one party member alive to not reset the boss.
best try it with two tanks in a party!

Edit: now i got it...