View Full Version : PvP Ideas

05-13-2010, 01:37 PM
DEV's this is for you!

With PVP Content just around the corner, I am very concerned with how the mechanics of PvP will play out. I know that in MMORPG PVP style games like Fury (Which is the best PVP format I have ever played, but shut down) and Guild Wars somewhere on the Main Display there is a quick set button, that will allow the user to immediately change Armor (Head,Chest,Main Hand, Off-hand). So there would be a tab where you could set your Quick Set #1 an #2 and then in-game you would have control to change to either set you want, instantaneously. This would be an effort to make PvP more skill based and less armor/weapon based. This would only allow the players who know how to play PvP and understand what weapons/armor do to excel by changing armor/weapons depending on the situation.

Please give feedback.

05-13-2010, 01:44 PM
DEV's this is for you!

With PVP Content just around the corner, I am very concerned with how the mechanics of PvP will play out. I know that in MMORPG PVP style games like Fury (Which is the best PVP format I have ever played, but shut down) and Guild Wars somewhere on the Main Display there is a quick set button, that will allow the user to immediately change Armor (Head,Chest,Main Hand, Off-hand). So there would be a tab where you could set your Quick Set #1 an #2 and then in-game you would have control to change to either set you want, instantaneously. This would be an effort to make PvP more skill based and less armor/weapon based. This would only allow the players who know how to play PvP and understand what weapons/armor do to excel by changing armor/weapons depending on the situation.

Please give feedback.

You haven't played Ultima Online, and in which I feel bad for you. That is the best PvP game ever created.

I might be interpreting this wrong, but wouldn't this make it more item based? I mean You could have two different set ups, like Mana regen armor and then defensive armor quick sets. Fight a warrior, take the hits, kill him, switch back to mana regen suit to gain mana. Rinse and repeat.

05-13-2010, 02:17 PM
It would require the user to be more knowledgeable of his items, and know how to use them practically. Chemistry Lesson More Variables = More Uncertainty in Results, Less Variables = Easier to obtain Repeatable Results.

So, what does that mean in Pocket Legends jargon, More setups available = more scenarios that requires the user to think fast and adjust to what is happening, and requires the user to be knowledgeable for the other professions so that one can notice the changes in armor and knows how to adjust.

Less Variables = 1 Build will reign supreme, and once you master the skill, it will be about who can smash buttons faster, and who gets to the power ups the most.

05-13-2010, 02:20 PM
It would require the user to be more knowledgeable of his items, and know how to use them practically. Chemistry Lesson More Variables = More Uncertainty in Results, Less Variables = Easier to obtain Repeatable Results.

So, what does that mean in Pocket Legends jargon, More setups available = more scenarios that requires the user to think fast and adjust to what is happening, and requires the user to be knowledgeable for the other professions so that one can notice the changes in armor and knows how to adjust.

Less Variables = 1 Build will reign supreme, and once you master the skill, it will be about who can smash buttons faster, and who gets to the power ups the most.

I understand, however the problem is you will need the items to have different setups. This means the casual gamer would still be outweighed by the hardcore one.

05-13-2010, 02:33 PM
Yea, the fact that the casual gamer has no chance is inevitable! No matter what system you use this is going to happen.

05-13-2010, 02:57 PM
Yea, the fact that the casual gamer has no chance is inevitable! No matter what system you use this is going to happen.

Even the hardcore gamers could be at a disadvantage. I love to PvP but hate to farm, and could care less about my gear, so in my case I'm at a disadvantages because A) I dislike farming and B) I won't have all that good armor. I'm not bashing your idea, I just absolutely hate item based PvP. I know that it is impossible to stay away from, just prefer a system were items aren't the key focus.

05-13-2010, 03:00 PM
Yea, the fact that the casual gamer has no chance is inevitable! No matter what system you use this is going to happen.

But why adopt a system that makes it even less likely that the casual gamer can compete?

05-13-2010, 03:09 PM
@ Demarrer so you loved Guild Wars system where you could start out max level?

@ Hraefn Here is the thing! No matter what system you use, or how hard you think about it, there is no way you can make it possible for the casual gamer to excel over the hard core player. If there is a system like that, the game will drive away all hard core players. However, there is normally not even near the amount of hardcore players as there are casual players. So they will opt for the hard core players to excel and make the game harder, because if you get in a game with one of them, its not like everyone is going ot be like that, just a few games where you get guilds that will set a team up and they will play for like 4h or something. You can go to a different game. You see what I mean?

05-13-2010, 03:21 PM
Hardcore players shouldn't need two sets of gear to excel over casual players. They just need skill and a superior understanding of the mechanics of the game. There's no reason to tip the scale heavily in favor of players/guilds who can farm 8 -12 hours a day.

Any "hardcore" gamer who quits because they can't farm an advantage over the casual gamer isn't hardcore.

05-13-2010, 03:32 PM
Its not the farming that makes them have an advantage, hopefully this gear will come from Raiding Zones, or Legendary Zones what ever you wanna call it. That is not farming, and honestly they should be rewarded for farming or raiding or whatever you wanna call it. Should they not?

The thing is, if there are not more variables (i.e. gear, weapons) there is no way for hardcore to separate themselves from casual. The mechanics of the game so far are not developed enough yet for just mechanics alone to be a distinguishing factor.

05-13-2010, 03:43 PM
Xanthia, I hate skill trees and set skills all together. Ultima Online had like 50 different skills that you could use to mix and match to make your own UNIQUE template. This is what I like in a PvP game. A weakly built template with the best armor would lose to a skilled well developed template with crappy armor. I know this really isn't possible for a phone game, but that is the PvP I would like.

05-13-2010, 03:49 PM
What are these Raiding/Legendary Zones? If the gear from these zones can be acquired without spending 8 hours a day farming, great. Otherwise, they should change the name of the game to Pocket Farmers.

The rewards for farming shouldn't be a huge advantage in PvP. For example, the devs have said that in early PvP testing, Cinco almost always wins. I would imagine that is because he's the better player, not because he has better gear -- or two sets of it that he can switch between in the middle of a fight (a concept that, frankly, I find ridiculous). Variables in skill use and group makeup should be enough to reward hardcore players while the mechanics evolve.

05-14-2010, 11:11 PM
Even the hardcore gamers could be at a disadvantage. I love to PvP but hate to farm, and could care less about my gear, so in my case I'm at a disadvantages because A) I dislike farming and B) I won't have all that good armor. I'm not bashing your idea, I just absolutely hate item based PvP. I know that it is impossible to stay away from, just prefer a system were items aren't the key focus.

I havent really thought this through on how it would affect the rest of the game yet, but what if there was a "Point" system? What I mean by this is, Team X does really well, and wins a PvP match, while Team Y did not do so well, and lost pretty badly. Everybody on Team X gets 5 points for winning, and everyone on Team Y gets maybe 2 points, so they feel that it wasnt just a complete waste of time. Players compile lots of points over time, and when they have enough, they can buy a special item from the store with their PvP Points. Theese items wouldnt be super amazing, giving PvE purpose other than to level, but still farm, but the PvP only items would be a good enough incentive to play PvP. Therefore, someone who does not particularly like to farm can still get decent loadouts. And yes, i realize this will put the casual gamer even farther behind if theyre not good at PvP, which is one way I havent completely thought this out.
Please do comment and give feedback.

EDIT: Wow... Failpost. I just realized this is near exactly what Flamin said on his thread just overcomplicated XD. I feel so stupid... Anyways, I still think this is a fairly good idea, even if it needs tweaks.

05-15-2010, 12:55 AM
Dema, I have a feeling the difference between pink geared players and decently equipped players is going to be like GM gear vs Vanq/Invuln gear. I could be wrong, but I think it'll be in that ball park. That a good analogy for you?

Switching gear in the middle of a fight negates all preparation before hand, in terms of itemization. Although I think it would be pretty awesome to do, it can [and would] cause an imbalance not only between classes and specs --- but also geared and non-geared even more, as stated earlier. Would be pretty awesome to switch mid fight tho, not gonna deny that it would be pretty sweet to roll people like that.

05-15-2010, 01:12 AM
Yea it would. The situations would be unreal what kind of stuff you could do, it would just take very careful planning and communication.