View Full Version : Vanities going up!

09-18-2014, 03:17 AM
Hey guys, in light of the fact that the new Vanities cost 30 plat I was thinking... Why are vanities going up in price? People from back in the day will remember when they cost 15 platinum, you know? The vanities that now cost 10million gold once cost 15 platinum ^_^ However ever since was it Nordr or Shuyal? The standard ones cost 25 platinum each and 50 platinum for those "special" ones.

So I was wondering, are all the Platinum Vanities going to slowly increase in price? All of the new ones become 30 plat here and then soon 35 plat etc? What are your thoughts and opinions?

Thanks :)

P.S. I want them to stay the cost they're at or if possible go back down to 15 plat! 30 plat is double the amount we used to pay and TBH I think Steel Commando vanity is a little bit cooler than all the other ones in market.

09-18-2014, 04:01 AM
Hmmm in theory the higher it cost the rarer it is, the faster it will increase in value in future.
But +5 plat wasn't added to acheive this goal cause its too small to have a impact on the market but its enough to increase revenue for sts.

Lol just like irl everything is gettin more expensive :O

09-18-2014, 04:46 AM
Hmmm in theory the higher it cost the rarer it is, the faster it will increase in value in future.
But +5 plat wasn't added to acheive this goal cause its too small to have a impact on the market but its enough to increase revenue for sts.

Lol just like irl everything is gettin more expensive :O

Hahaah, that last part was true. But over time vanities have doubled in cost and even more so more than tripled. The vanities of origin cost less and still remain the most expensive gold wise.

09-18-2014, 05:53 AM
Hahaah, that last part was true. But over time vanities have doubled in cost and even more so more than tripled. The vanities of origin cost less and still remain the most expensive gold wise.
In origin less people played and among those even less would/could invest money in the game.
Personally i think thrice before spending on young games until i am secure the game gonna last and would be followed up by its developers.
Then plat spam on large scale[..]
The old vanities are rare and well made the new ones are many and majority eye punchers.

09-18-2014, 07:15 AM
The ones you are referring to (Arlor, Steel Commando) were discontinued before vanities were made tradable.

Not a lot of people hoarded sets during AL's first winter especially since the game did not have the player base it has today. Steel Commando was discontinued during Kraken expansion, and like before no one hoarded but the price is expensive now due to it's desired look (personally, I like the Black Steel Commando more).

As of now, the best way to make more expensive vanities is to have some drop from elite. PL experimented with this with Fang dropping Dragon sets worth millions and now with new vanity gear dropping from the current maps.

09-19-2014, 03:58 AM
Yes if we had some vanities that dropped from elite but were about twice as rare as shadowlurk (but dropped from all elite lvls of a zone) it would make for a hot item for a while to come. There could also be super rare vanity drop from elusive bosses and Krunch 2 and bael 2. This would make more players want to reach end game to achieve them and would keep players busy while waiting on new content. +1 to this idea from me!

09-19-2014, 04:05 AM
I do believe at this point if vanities were 15 plat they would flood the market and end up like leprechaun vanities. Unless they were truly limited time items similar to the 3 week event items. Right now elixirs are providing more revenue for STS than any vanity could because they are used and taken out of the game and have to be re-bought.

09-19-2014, 07:20 AM
I hope new Halloween vanitys r 100 plat again or 150 or whatever they was, makes it worth hoarding.