View Full Version : I don't want Victoy Lap, Shadow Caves, and the rest of AO3 to die.[My solution]

01-26-2011, 02:43 PM
As we all have read/heard: there is going to be new dungeons, a new level cap, and new equipment to boot.

This is a GREAT thing for the game, but there are most certainly some negatives that I personally don't want to see happen.

I ask everyone, and myself this question:

What will become of Victory Lap, the Shadow Caves, and every other AO3 map (Aside from Crush The Keeper!)?

Considering the inevitable, that the level 50 equipment won't be worth anywhere near 20% of what it is now, would you want to spend hours farming Victory Lap for a drop, for maybe 20k if you get that 5% drop?

Considering the inevitable, that level 50 equipment won't be worth anywhere near 20% of what it is now, would you spend hours in the Shadow Caves for a drop for maybe 20-30k if you get that 2%~ drop?

I know I wouldn't, and the rest of the player-base I think would agree with me. There is really no decent experience/hour in Vicory Lap, Keeper annihilates it by far. I'd hate to see it TOTALLY abandoned.

I know this has been suggested before, due to prices collapsing before the Shadow Caves update, but this is the PERFECT time for it.

I think we need to higher the inventory liquidation sales of certain AO3, and Shadow Caves drops.

By certain items I mean set items, and the newer elite equipment.

My suggestion on prices:
Mega Blaster: 75,000-125,000
Void Helmets: 25,000
Void Bodies: 175,000
Sunblessed Bow/Scimitar: 40,000
Rift Helmets: 50,000
Rift Bodies: 175,000-200,000
Rift Shields: 30,000
Cosmo Helmets: 15,000-25,000
Cosmo Bodies: 125,000-150,000
Laser Wand/Gurg Eyes: 95,000-110,000

Let me know how you guys feel about this.

01-26-2011, 02:46 PM
How is this different from any previous campaign? AO1 came out and the swamps didn't die, AO2 came out and AO1 didn't die. It's just not the cap anymore, but it'll be no different from every other campaign that was once the cap and is no longer...

01-26-2011, 02:49 PM
Ao1 did die, lol.

The swamps did die.

The only reason Ao2 is alive is because of the experience in Plasma Pyramid.

01-26-2011, 02:49 PM
People will continue to play it. The number of active games will drop, and a LOT straight after the cap increase. But people will come back. With another 5 levels under the belt and better equipment people will be able to solo and 2 man the maps so it will get run again. Also remember AO town will be released witha bunch of quests that will required doing the maps again.

01-26-2011, 02:52 PM
Also, you honestly cannot compare AO1, AO2, or the Swamps to Victory Lap, and the Shadow Caves.

I understand they will be easier to do with a smaller group, or even solo with a higher cap (ALL of Victory Lap is EASILY soloable by a level 50 now.)

But what would the point be, if there is no money involved? The experience won't be worth the time.

I'm looking at maybe one game in Victory Lap a day, and maybe one Shadow Caves run a week, IF that.

Who would want to waste money on potions, and Elixers to kill the Shadow Mage on the third stage if the drop is 2%, and its worth scrap metal? lo

01-26-2011, 03:04 PM
I think the real problem is that when everyone flocks to the new content, it will be ~impossible to find enough cohorts for a new player to get through the cyber quest. So what are they going to do for gear for the new campaign? Stuck with void/cosmos/rift?

01-26-2011, 03:13 PM

here we go

01-26-2011, 03:19 PM

here we go

Yup... The new content is going to be too powerful and destroy the economy.

01-26-2011, 03:20 PM
Set the prices all you want, someone will just sell for less. Welcome to the free market :)

01-26-2011, 03:22 PM
Set the prices all you want, someone will just sell for less. Welcome to the free market :)

He means that they should liquidate for these enormous sums ;)

01-26-2011, 03:40 PM
He means that they should liquidate for these enormous sums ;)

Wow ... OK, sure, why not.

01-26-2011, 03:53 PM
Well, maybe the numbers could be lowered, it was just a ballpark figure.

If you sold for less than liquidation price, you might need an evaluation. :p

Anyway, I'm not saying the economy is going to be gutted totally, but you can't deny that the current level 50 items will plumet to bare minimum, and won't be worth farming o.o

All I'm saying is I want to see Victory Lap/Shadow Caves alive when the cap is raised, new equipment is released, and new dungeons.

Let's get real, none of you will want to spend 1+ hour in the cave wasting potions, elixers over a possible 15k 2% drop, lol.

01-26-2011, 04:15 PM
I'm gearing up to head to the caves and cyber quest within the next couple of days. My reason for doing so will be the same reason I did the swamps, Dark Forest, A01 & A02 -- as my level got higher, I needed tougher maps to beat and gear to beat them with. I farmed the swamps for days looking for Voodoo gear while all the 50's were in the new Shadow Caves. There are still a lot of worthwhile drops in the swamps for lower levels, and they still go for a price in the CS that makes them worth farming. Sure they won't get what the new sets will fetch, and as the cap rises, the prices will probably go down across the board. But when you're a level 19, 100k for gear is a lot.

I guess my point is, as long as there are people who need to level, maps will get used and farmed. From what I've heard right now Shadow Caves is problematic with a high gold sink and low drops and is a grind to boot, but I'm sure it will be rebalanced at some point. The answer to the problem isn't making the gear buy-out more, but in making the experience worthwhile. For a map to be worthwhile to me, it has to either be challenging, be good for leveling, or have just enough gold to drop to cover the cost of farming (with the hope of some rare pink dropping). It sounds like with a little tweaking, Shadow Caves will be OK.

We'll if I still think all this once I get there, heh. ;)

01-26-2011, 05:09 PM
Set the prices all you want, someone will just sell for less. Welcome to the free market :)

Lmfao, ain't that the truth?

01-26-2011, 09:04 PM
Lmfao, ain't that the truth?

Um he's speaking about liquidation price. If you can liquidate a rift helm for 300k plat why list it on the CS for less? End result is you loose the item and get less gold to boot.

01-26-2011, 09:09 PM
Guys, we also have NO CLUE what the crafting will be like. Maybe it will give value to all items, and there will be a reason to farm all maps again. Who knows. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

01-26-2011, 09:16 PM
U are assuming there won't be any new players. Seems to me like the game has actually been a work in progress. But now with quests, end game content starting, plus some extra capital, I'd expect an ad campaign on tv or something would bring in a lot of new players. Would be cool to see a PL commercial on tv...

01-26-2011, 09:24 PM
yea no offense refired- but this idea kinda sucks. heres the pl economy stage:
1; new content- prices soar
2; prices level out
3; new content- people panic and prices drop
4; people need the gear for the new campaign- prices rise a little
5: used for twinking prices are high- but never quite reach their old prices

01-27-2011, 05:54 AM
EDIT: Lesrider already said it all. nvm.

STS threw us quite a lot of bones to chew on, while being lvl50.
I mean how much time did we spent farming AO3 for one precise drop ?
How long/fun was those cyber quests ?
I started the game with ao2 but was it that hard to get a decent isis/thoth set of equipment at lvl45 ?

Now, would STS "wipe out all that content" knowing that there're very little chance new players will grind AO3 like we did ? (meaning that unless they increase ao3 drop rates, very few new players will bother looting their rift set, since they'll -supposedly- get some better ones while leveling to 55... ?

that would be a bold move if you ask me and even if you don't.

Well... maybe they will, and then, you'll be right, how many fresh lvl45s in two weeks
- will create games in AO3 like we did to farm for an item when they can buy it cheap in the cs
- bother with the totems, captives, shadows when they can farm mummies in order to reach 50 and then head to the next map everyone is talking about?

I posted this already on the on the 1.7 thread but i was wondering if we would have to "craft" our lvl55 gear from void/rift/cosmos...
Make'em soulbound in the process and... there you go, new players will have to farm those AO3 maps like crazy, or buy'em in the cs..

or... maybe there's no new lvl 51 to 54 items... only hard to get lvl55 pinks...

ahh... two weeks to go...

01-27-2011, 06:04 AM
1) been suggested....nice try though....
2) I have been around since cap was lvl 25. They never did anything about the other campaigns, when a new one was coming out, what makes this one so special? Swamps and ao1 didn't die, people still play them don't they? They don't as frequently because ao3 is the highest level campaign ATM. Change is hard but suck it up and move on....

01-27-2011, 06:05 AM
Except those of us who already spent countless hours farming ao3 don't really want to do it all over again for our lvl 55 gear.
Who knows, though -- still haven't been told what the crafting will be like.

01-27-2011, 06:07 AM
No ones making you farm all new gear at level 55. You can chill in ao3 gear until final cap if you'd like....

01-27-2011, 06:07 AM
You cant control the prices.
And.. Dude.. Kopesh and ABs were worth sht and now crap.. Deal with it.

01-27-2011, 06:15 AM
what would be the liquidation price of a void wing then?
first month price was 700k, long time 400k... and now is 1,5k...

if sts had made a quest like: kill 1000x Tpax. A wraith and OL Rift would be max. 10k? its impossible to define a liquidation price... but i think it should be definetly more than 200g for pinks.

BTW: swamps still alive, many ppl wants the old set parts!

01-27-2011, 12:10 PM
I've seen other suggestions to raise the pink and purple liquidation prices in general and think that would be fantastic. But I think more in the 500-1500g range is fine.

It will be interesting to see what crafting does. I for one am hanging onto my sets for a couple reasons -- 1, sentimental, and 2, who knows, we may be looking for items to craft into these sets and those will be the 55 gear. Maybe?

I still want a rift set, only one I'm missing. Just waiting for the prices to really drop...

01-27-2011, 01:03 PM
Raising the liquidation prices means that in the short term it will be ~trivial for everyone in game to get enough money to buy the top sets. Do you really think this would improve the game?

01-27-2011, 04:02 PM
Raising the liquidation prices means that in the short term it will be ~trivial for everyone in game to get enough money to buy the top sets. Do you really think this would improve the game?

Pending on the outcome of crafting, it wouldn't be the top set anymore. (I'm saying that in hopes that there will be new sets, which there likely will be)

I mean, making top-notch equipment hard to obtain is what keeps players entertained, though.

I remember when I first started, I was so motivated to get my Rift set. (It was like 1.8M at the time), I bought a Jacob Helm with my first drop, and kept farming until my fingers bled. I eventually got sick of it and started merchanting, which kept me very busy because I was working towards a goal.

Now, I can't keep myself entertained for long, lol.

I'll do a few swamp runs and be like "Eh, whats the point, I can buy these and not notice any money gone."

Or I'll power level people around town, and be like "I'm getting nothing out of this but using my potions I might someday need" xD

Hard to reach goals are essential in a MMORPG to keep players motivated to play. (When I first hit level 50, full Rift was a hard to reach goal in my mind).

Anyway I totally digressed there.

My point is, so what if the prices rise on the CS? In all likelihood (pending on crafting), not many people are going to buy a Rift set at a higher price than liquidation price to use for 5 levels.

Nobody really knows the new content, so I may have jumped the gun slightly on this, but if it is what I am thinking (3 new sets, superior to the older ones), then this most certainly does apply. (Once again, it's pending on craftings ability to improve equipment[if it can even do that.])

My point in all of this, is if:

Crafting does not augment older sets to become stronger than the newer sets (Which in my opinion, couldn't you craft the newer sets to be even stronger than the crafted older sets? lol)

There are new class sets. (Dex, Int, Str sets)

Then ultimately, Victory Lap and the Shadow Caves become a thing of the past. Would you want to spend 1.5+ hours, pots, and elixers on a drop in Victory Lap/Shadow Caves that would ultimately be worth less than the potions and elixers? (If you do hit the jackpot and get the 5%, or 2% drops). If any of you answered yes, you're a total liar. You know for a fact that if the new content is as expected (new sets, crafting doesn't make the older equipment stronger than the newer ones) that you will not set foot in Victory Lap, or the Shadow Caves.

This has nothing to do with the prices, really, I just don't want to see Victory Lap TOTALLY abandoned, as well as the Shadow Caves.

I thought the Shadow Caves were fun, long, somewhat challenging, and requires a team of knowledgeable, decent players.

01-31-2011, 09:17 PM
Rereading this again, it sounds to me like you want the “government” to provide you price protection for all that gear you hoarded. I don't think so. If you lose money on hoarding it, that's your fault.

01-31-2011, 09:19 PM
Im glad prices lower i can buy stuff for my....COLLECTION

01-31-2011, 09:44 PM
I read last time, a dev said they had about 10,000 new characters created that day. Let's take that as an average of daily sign-ups. I'm pretty there will be people who will buy older lower level towns(equipment, etc). I don't see why AO3 is the only one you're so concerned about. It'll just be another standard that people behind the veterans can step on. You'll sell these items to newer people. And it'll just be like you would sell a lvl 35 item.

It's a smooth transition the developers thought over. I'm sure they don't just sit in the office and say "oh, let's just add new stuff and let things progress on it's own." I'm sure they took into consideration what can happen with new content. So just LET IT BE. The prices being lowered is inevitable. I don't see balefort gear costing 150k in CS. I understand you feel bad for all the work you put into lvl 50 items. But I feel you shouldn't change the course the devs have planned.

They took revision into Shadow Caves twice. The majority still isn't satisfied. The only one I have seen satisfied is you, refried. I most certainly was not happy that I was trying to enjoy the game with friends and the next day, it takes all my gold and potions to get through. Not to mention ring up my deaths by a couple dozen. This is a mobile RPG, not a full decked out-on-my-*** for hours game. It's meant to be a little shortcoming and I'm sure many players were enjoying it. I'm sorry you and your friends have such high standards for the game, but let the rest of the world have their fun. Please, stop being so selfish.

I wish people would question all the hard planning the devs do. It's like they work so hard and still get yelled at for it.

01-31-2011, 09:50 PM
u guys dont get it do you? when the new campaign is out nobody is gonna think about ao3 and the rift cosmo and void items will drop BIG TIME! we will all focus on crafting items that are lvl 55 and the dev even said u would only be able to craft certain items so yah.

01-31-2011, 09:55 PM
u guys dont get it do you? when the new campaign is out nobody is gonna think about ao3 and the rift cosmo and void items will drop BIG TIME! we will all focus on crafting items that are lvl 55 and the dev even said u would only be able to craft certain items so yah.

Again, we're not the only ones who exist in the game. They get TONS of new players everyday. And not everyone is level 50 yet. And to get to level 50, they will eventually need to go through all the other levels. You guys keep talking like there's only a couple hundred people who play this game. damn.

01-31-2011, 10:22 PM
The original poster is permanently banned you know...

01-31-2011, 11:28 PM
WHOA! i didnt notice that! refriedchicken is BANNED????? WHATT???? he had like 15 mill didnt he? well, i guess this is how devs increase gold value :P

02-02-2011, 11:32 AM
EDIT: Lesrider already said it all. nvm.

STS threw us quite a lot of bones to chew on, while being lvl50.
I mean how much time did we spent farming AO3 for one precise drop ?
How long/fun was those cyber quests ?
I started the game with ao2 but was it that hard to get a decent isis/thoth set of equipment at lvl45 ?

Now, would STS "wipe out all that content" knowing that there're very little chance new players will grind AO3 like we did ? (meaning that unless they increase ao3 drop rates, very few new players will bother looting their rift set, since they'll -supposedly- get some better ones while leveling to 55... ?

that would be a bold move if you ask me and even if you don't.

Well... maybe they will, and then, you'll be right, how many fresh lvl45s in two weeks
- will create games in AO3 like we did to farm for an item when they can buy it cheap in the cs
- bother with the totems, captives, shadows when they can farm mummies in order to reach 50 and then head to the next map everyone is talking about?

I posted this already on the on the 1.7 thread but i was wondering if we would have to "craft" our lvl55 gear from void/rift/cosmos...
Make'em soulbound in the process and... there you go, new players will have to farm those AO3 maps like crazy, or buy'em in the cs..

or... maybe there's no new lvl 51 to 54 items... only hard to get lvl55 pinks...

ahh... two weeks to go...

I'm so on board with your comment and Les' about crafting. With it in mind, the possibilities are ENDLESS!! Only time will tell when 1.7 arrives. My 50 (work horse) Mage, 37 Archer, 21 Twink Mage and 20 Bear are all staged to benefit from what's to come and hand down. Can't wait.

02-03-2011, 08:51 PM
Heh New players dont even know anything except to farm and they demand more than elite game players?
They speak of the level cap and they didnt even experience a single level cap rise.
I mean wtf.

02-03-2011, 08:54 PM
I want price to lower for I can complete collection I want it to die!

02-04-2011, 12:50 PM
It still Wouldn't make sense to me.
I'm sure they have a plan, and we'll know soon enough.

I wish in a near future we won't be a bunch of oldies who actually went in victory lap, 'ahaha nobody does this now, why would we go there ? Hey oldie, do you want a sewers set ? Im loaded. 2M, cheap, buy'

Meh... They'll find a way.