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View Full Version : SnS Damage Pools Banish

09-18-2014, 11:29 AM
Hello Developers,

It seems that the Shady and Surge buff also accidentally granted purple damage pools a 100% chance to banish mobs. Really, this is a bit ridiculous to anyone and everyone that does not have an SnS - especially when concerning timed runs. Please, I implore you to nerf this before the damage is done and it is too difficult to figure out which records to wipe on the leaderboard.

Thank you,


09-18-2014, 11:40 AM
ooo OP shady ..plz sts buff it more ,let sns can banish all mobs n enemy in the map ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ

09-18-2014, 11:41 AM
Stop showing off your SnS Zeus.

09-18-2014, 11:42 AM

Oh wait it's just SnS

09-18-2014, 11:44 AM
Stop showing off your SnS Zeus.


In pvp please also:
Nerf the damage back to how it was. Now its a clash winner.
Stuns+mage clock+hit sns aa======== GG

09-18-2014, 11:49 AM

In pvp please also:
Nerf the damage back to how it was. Now its a clash winner.
Stuns+mage clock+hit sns aa======== GG

I think the damage is fine...there's a tiny chance the pools will stack + clock will line up + person will be stunned in that spot. That really is just all theoretical. Let's not go too far. :)

09-18-2014, 11:51 AM
Thanks for bringing this up, I'd also like to know if this was intentional or not. It was not mentioned *anywhere* in the change log though which is very suspicious for such a game-changing buff.

09-18-2014, 11:54 AM
Thanks for bringing this up, I'd also like to know if this was intentional or not. It was not mentioned *anywhere* in the change log though which is very suspicious for such a game-changing buff.

Yep, this is why I considered it unintentional.

09-18-2014, 11:58 AM
I think the damage is fine...there's a tiny chance the pools will stack + clock will line up + person will be stunned in that spot. That really is just all theoretical. Let's not go too far. :)

Lol theory...okay mate.
Clock or stun is actually enough. Clock>stun cause it doesn't have immunity or buff that prevent it effects.
Mage take care of clock and initial stun and the two wars with mauls dispensate the rest of the stuns.

09-18-2014, 12:00 PM
Lol theory...okay mate.
Clock or stun is actually enough. Clock>stun cause it doesn't have immunity or buff that prevent it effects.
Mage take care of clock and initial stun and the two wars with mauls dispensate the rest of the stuns.

It is theory - the odds of that happening is damn low and in most cases, it's the player's fault for putting themselves in that vulnerable of a position.

09-18-2014, 12:11 PM
You are trying to say... the odds of gettin slowed by a clock is damn low?
You trying to say the odds of gettin stunned in a clash is damn low?

You seriously don't want want your pet nerfed.

L M A O.

09-18-2014, 12:12 PM
You are trying to say... the odds of gettin slowed by a clock is damn low?
You trying to say the odds of gettin stunned in a clash is damn low?

You seriously don't want this pet nerfed lol.

The odds of getting stunned and then clocked, and then have the pools land on top of you and then overlap to do serious damage is damn low.

P.S: If you noticed, I created the thread about getting it nerfed in the first place. There are areas where it should be nerfed and there are areas where it shouldn't be nerfed.

09-18-2014, 12:16 PM
The odds of getting stunned and then clocked, and then have the pools land on top of you and then overlap to do serious damage is damn low.

P.S: If you noticed, I created the thread about getting it nerfed in the first place. There are areas where it should be nerfed and there are areas where it shouldn't be nerfed.

Don't feed the troll bro

09-18-2014, 12:40 PM
Who is trolling? I am serious as f.

If they left a automatic banish in pve it would be outrageous. You are not the first that brought this to the attention of the mods it was announced few hours after sns was buffed.

Now we all know pvp>>pve and its more important to have a killa pet in pvp than in pve. I am not trolling unfortunately for my kdr i have clashed that pet after it was buffed. You last 5 secs in a normal pool, 2-3 in a double overlap, nothing in a triple overlap. The dot guarantees a secure hit when you get in it.

Now i also had the fortune(?) to clash against a team where their mage was using clock so i saw the devastating effect it had on my team, and it overwhelming power.
If i had a pet like sns the hell i would say "Nerf! It completely unbalance pvp" after seeing what it can do now.

Pve? Seriously who cares. Apart from the fact guaranteed banish is a bug, something out of game balance and mechanics, something that shouldnt even be discussed if to be removed. It was never meant to be there in the first place.

This my last post here, now y'all can rub your backs how much you want.

09-18-2014, 12:49 PM
Avoid purple pools, problem solved.

Your entire appeal is based on IF purple pools stack. IF the pools overlap & most of the time, they only overlap partially - you really have to walk on the purple areas? Furthermore, you need to stay in a pool for more than a half second? I can tell immediately if I'm in a pool and back out. It's common sense!

I've fought against SnS as well. It isn't that bad if you just stand on the green pools. Better yet, you also have the option to fall back to a portion of the map that does not have these pools. If you're going head on, of course you'll feel the pools - that's what they're there for! Before, HoT could override them. Now, they actually mean something if you make the mistake to trod on one.

Also, as Remiem said, it's a leaderboard event pet so it was meant to be OP. There are still a few out there...buy one if it really bothers you that much. However, that will not solve your problem because you will STILL need to learn how to fight against it.

It's simple...avoid purple pools and do not be overly aggressive.

Copy & paste - I don't feel like typing everything all over again.

09-18-2014, 01:06 PM
Why aren't you accepting my friend request Zeus? :( xD

09-18-2014, 01:29 PM
Lol at 100percent banish chance, thats just insane, and stupid af.

09-18-2014, 01:35 PM
Hello Developers,

It seems that the Shady and Surge buff also accidentally granted purple damage pools a 100% chance to banish mobs. Really, this is a bit ridiculous to anyone and everyone that does not have an SnS - especially when concerning timed runs. Please, I implore you to nerf this before the damage is done and it is too difficult to figure out which records to wipe on the leaderboard.

Thank you,


It's totally uncool. It was fun running it testing for a night. But knowing people will just make teams with 4 S&S and exclude every other player, removing the only chance most people have at a leaderboard spot, is unacceptable. I worked all year to earn enough for a half a ring just to have a chance at timed boards, only to have that chance removed within 4 days with this. I'm not the only one either.

Now only 35 people get a chance at speed runs? What are the rest of us to do? It's not like there's any ap to work for or loot to farm. For many this is the only thing holding us. If you limit that to the 35 S&S owners, most of the remaining players will go elsewhere and find a game they have a competitive chance in.

09-18-2014, 01:38 PM
It's totally uncool. It was fun running it testing for a night. But knowing people will just make teams with 4 S&S and exclude every other player, removing the only chance most people have at a leaderboard spot, is unacceptable. I worked all year to earn enough for a half a ring just to have a chance at timed boards, only to have that chance removed within 4 days with this. I'm not the only one either.

Now only 35 people get a chance at speed runs? What are the rest of us to do? It's not like there's any ap to work for or loot to farm. For many this is the only thing holding us. If you limit that to the 35 S&S owners, most of the remaining players will go elsewhere and find a game they have a competitive chance in.

Exactly - it's not a dominant pet in PvP which is why I'm so insistent on it remaining the way that it is. I still prefer my Samael over SnS in day to day combat. However, with the way SnS is working in PvE - there's no way for anyone to compete.

09-18-2014, 01:41 PM
I have pointed this out in a thread a few days ago. Now time run/Pvp is just about with or without sns

09-18-2014, 01:45 PM
It's totally uncool. It was fun running it testing for a night. But knowing people will just make teams with 4 S&S and exclude every other player, removing the only chance most people have at a leaderboard spot, is unacceptable. I worked all year to earn enough for a half a ring just to have a chance at timed boards, only to have that chance removed within 4 days with this.

Now only 35 people get a chance at speed runs? What are the rest of us to do? It's not like there's any ap to work for or loot to farm. For many this is the only thing holding us. If you limit that to the 35 S&S owners, most of the remaini g players will go elsewhere.

I definitely agree. Sure SnS is an 'exclusive pet' and should be allowed to be slightly OP (like it was), but now it's just too much. The pools are quite OP in pvp, and regardless of the "avoid them" argument, it's nearly impossible when stunned, clocked, panicked, or axed. I seem to die within a few seconds of the dot and I'm talking about when I'm on my tank who has 6800 health. I don't know the exact damage, but I know the second I stand on the purple circle, I see 3 digit red damages hitting me more than once per second.

The gap between Samael and SnS has extended way too far, and I cannot imagine how a player new to end game who doesn't have an arcane pet would even stand a remote chance against an SnS team.

The only caveat I can think of is that we shouldn't be playing "free-for-all" CTF matches. If we played CTF as designed, then we would be constantly moving and SnS wouldn't be such a pvp problem.

Also, pertaining to timed runs i definitely agree that, for example, in a tindirin elite run a 4 SnS team can literally do nothing and wreck the records of a much more skilled team who is running with, say, 4 Samaels. There must be a balance, and a mistake that ACCIDENTALLY allows SnS to banish in addition to it's already OP skills is ridiculous...

As a person new to timed runs, I can say that I'm somewhat discouraged by this, and hope it's fixed soon.

09-18-2014, 01:45 PM
I have pointed this out in a thread a few days ago. Now time run/Pvp is just about with or without sns

PvP is not - Samael is still the dominant pet in mainly every scenario excluding clashes. However, for PvE, I agree.

09-18-2014, 01:56 PM
And as if they werent already OP in ctf...

Is this all a bug? Maybe sts blew up the algorithms and made it OP.

Ask any DEV to play a clash with it in ctf and I promise you they'll agree that it is OP.

09-18-2014, 02:01 PM
That's why the mage with SnS beat my timed record with about 30 secs off -.-

09-18-2014, 02:02 PM
Right, and as if they werent already OP in ctf...

Is this all a bug? Maybe sts blew up the algorithms and made it OP

They weren't OP in CTF - you rarely saw it being used. It isn't all a bug, STG stated that they increased damage and healing.

09-18-2014, 02:02 PM
For me, all this argument sound the too much 'stun' in pvp is bigger problem than sns's aa.
No one complain about 5 Sam making heal fail (cuz everyone has it).

Of course, banish in pve should be removed.
I recommend to reset lb after the fix.
And kill/death glitch should be fixed too.

Zeus has sns and didn't try to exploit it on time run but brought it to forum.
I don't understand why people insult him for this.

09-18-2014, 02:05 PM
The lb needs resetting anyways since the arena times are from the old arena.

The other problem with this S&S huge damage and super-banish is that archon farming is obscenely easy for anyone with these pets, or with a friend with this pet. Kind of defeats the purpose of having rare and valuable items if people can just AA their way to wealth.

09-18-2014, 02:09 PM
The lb needs resetting anyways since the arena times are from the old arena.

The other problem with this S&S huge damage and super-banish is that archon farming is obscenely easy for anyone with these pets, or with a friend with this pet. Kind of defeats the purpose of having rare and valuable items if people can just AA their way to wealth.

That actually made me lol ^.

Anyway, the LB does not need to be completely reset. I'd say that Arena times for sure, but other times seems to be legit. Last night we took 10 crypt records from two players who both have SnS. Point being, the SnS AA - pve concern isn't relevant in every map, and therefore shouldn't mean that the whole board should be reset.

That's just my opinion doe!

09-18-2014, 02:15 PM
Thanks for the head's up. We are looking into it.

09-18-2014, 02:17 PM
That actually made me lol ^.

Anyway, the LB does not need to be completely reset. I'd say that Arena times for sure, but other times seems to be legit. Last night we took 10 crypt records from two players who both have SnS. Point being, the SnS AA - pve concern isn't relevant in every map, and therefore shouldn't mean that the whole board should be reset.

That's just my opinion doe!

Totally misread but I agree. On the more difficult maps, you will see a difference. On the lower maps, you will not.

Thank you so much! Temptation was getting to me, hehe!

09-18-2014, 02:18 PM
That actually made me lol ^.

Anyway, the LB does not need to be completely reset. I'd say that Arena times for sure, but other times seems to be legit. Last night we took 10 crypt records from two players who both have SnS. Point being, the SnS AA - pve concern isn't relevant in every map, and therefore shouldn't mean that the whole board should be reset.

That's just my opinion doe!

Ah but nobody has actually made an effort at recs so far Raw. We ran elites with 2 SS owners last night and most times were faster in one run than the banner holders achieved after working on the runs for weeks last season.

09-18-2014, 02:21 PM
Ah but nobody has actually made an effort at recs so far Raw. We ran elites with 2 SS owners last night and most times were faster in one run than the banner holders achieved after working on the runs for weeks last season.

Yes I know, Serancha. Point just being that SnS won't help in easier runs. But to your point, on the harder runs (which I haven't tried), I can see where the differences are. We all have valid points, and I'm glad Sam is looking into this!

Dex Scene
09-18-2014, 02:53 PM
Zeus has sns and didn't try to exploit it on time run but brought it to forum.
I don't understand why people insult him for this.


09-18-2014, 03:07 PM
Avoid purple pools, problem solved.

Your entire appeal is based on IF purple pools stack. IF the pools overlap & most of the time, they only overlap partially - you really have to walk on the purple areas? Furthermore, you need to stay in a pool for more than a half second? I can tell immediately if I'm in a pool and back out. It's common sense!

I've fought against SnS as well. It isn't that bad if you just stand on the green pools. Better yet, you also have the option to fall back to a portion of the map that does not have these pools. If you're going head on, of course you'll feel the pools - that's what they're there for! Before, HoT could override them. Now, they actually mean something if you make the mistake to trod on one.

Also, as Remiem said, it's a leaderboard event pet so it was meant to be OP. There are still a few out there...buy one if it really bothers you that much. However, that will not solve your problem because you will STILL need to learn how to fight against it.

It's simple...avoid purple pools and do not be overly aggressive.

Copy & paste - I don't feel like typing everything all over again.
Ofc you'll have no problem, your a fully maxed op arcane rogue...

09-18-2014, 03:24 PM
Ofc you'll have no problem, your a fully maxed op arcane rogue...

um didnt u read the thing about tanks with 6.8k hp dying in a few seconds if the purples stack? arcane ring doesnt actually matter in this thread. go take your arcane ring complaints to the "Lets be jealous" thread.

09-18-2014, 04:19 PM
This bug was fixed in the latest content update. Closing this thread. :) Thanks for the heads up, Zeus!