View Full Version : A few questions from a new fellow rogue

09-19-2014, 10:47 AM
Hello fellow rogues and legends!

I started playing just at the end of the Ursoth event and lost a lot of time leveling a rogue and mage to 41 and a warrior to 22 (really did not like the warrior class)
Now that i know that I like the rogue class most I decided to do some farming and maybe get better gear. In this regard I have a few questions. Any help/advice will be very appreciated! And sorry for making this too long. I hope you would be so nice to take your time to read through it! :-)

What do you think about my current build!

Active skills:
aimed shot 5/5
Nox bolt 4/5 (no 15% damage upgrade, because apparently it is bugged)
Shadow piercer 3/5 (no rush, no rising death) I know people say that i should only put one or two points in it, but i like the heal form the 3 hits.
shadow veil 4/5 (no combusting decay)

crit, int, dex and str 5/5
armour 4/5

exp recurve of potency
ancient druid help of potency
ancient druid doublet of potency
elondrian grove ring of celerity (I wonder why is the archon ring so much more expensive, when the compare stats in the CS doesn't show much of a difference)
twined pendant of potency /lepre

Pets in rotation:
little bear

Any suggestions how to make it better are welcome. However I currently only have about 150 k gold ( I know, I know), which from what I gather is not enough for any improvements. Nevertheless any input on what to aim for in the future are very welcome. I would appreciate it if you could put a priority on it, e.g. this new pet, or this item, etc.

Further to the skills/gear/pets I would like to ask you how to farm best. Form what i have read m best options are to buy platinum (prefer not to do this, because i watched a couple of videos of people popping locked crates and they do not seem to get anything good at all), farm locked crates, or to farm elite and hope for a jackpot (I know that 200-500 k is not that much but relative to my means it is a lot :-P). I prefer doing the last honestly, but I have a big problem there. I have changed several guilds by now and in none of those people want to farm elites. My current one has about 1 k members (the biggest one so far) but still no success. I soloed the wilds today despite my bad gear, but it took me 45 minutes, four deaths, 1 ankh and 1000 health potions (lol). Then i tried to do all the kraken maps for the achievements and the pet, but the aids bloodhammer spawns in the last map take me out too fast. Lol this was quite frustrating because apparently even if you use an ankh the boss resets if you are solo :-/

In this regard could you please advise me how to find a ok guild? I mean where to look for recruiters, etc. I know that i am probably not good enough for the top guilds. Really dunno, whether people have requirements for this. Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help!

IGN: Azekriusabac (I wonder how the game comes up with those lol)

P.S. Please excuse my mediocre English. It is my second foreign language and I do not use it every day unfortunately.

09-19-2014, 11:30 AM
u have too much intel & not enough str... So u have too much mana & not enough hp's...

equilibrate intel & str (brutality instead of potency)... Replace your pendant of potency by tarlok heart of brutality for example...

& take a pet with 10% dmg minimum like dova, shadowlurk, uries or kettle.


09-19-2014, 12:26 PM
I'm assuming from your build that this is a pure elite toon.

Based on that, I am going to have to agree with the masses and say, unlock Pierce, no additional upgrades. Take those two points and put them into speed, or, if you are willing to sacrifice the armor, go 5/5 speed, and put the remaining points into armor.

As far as additional pets (don't worry, I won't be recommending Gyrm, Dovabear or and of the Mythic/Arcane pets, because you cannot afford them yet), I really like Loki. I'm not sure why everyone looks down on the pup, but 15% DMG at endgame is significant, 15 STR gives you +150 HP, and his AA gives a small heal and +20 DEX. Loki's AA is also the shortest one in the game, so 50% of your run, you are going with +15 STR, +20 DEX, +15% DMG, solid mana regen and some heals. Best of all, he is super-cheap at about 8.5k in auction.

In regards to farming, especially if you cannot run elites regularly, I would buy a luck kit, and run normal Nordr maps for eggs. Luck + Lep usually yields at least one or two eggs before the elixir runs out. Kelvin eggs (from Oltgar) are actually holding steady in price at 27k. Mercury eggs are about 30k as well, so you can make a little bit on eggs. If elites are on the menu, Kettle eggs (from Brackenridge Forest) usually go for about 20-22k, and you can complete this map solo in under 2:30. Elite Lost Mages Mine is another good place for egg farming with Snaggletooth and Wrathjaw going for 15k and 20k resepectively. LMM is an easy map to solo and shouldn't take more than 3-4 minutes per run.

If you can get to endgame elites, Jagged Trail and Caves are really the best places. Jagged Trail drops Magma Totems, and Caves drops Shadowlurk eggs and Magmatic Claymores.

Once you have saved up about 1.5-1.7m, invest in a mythic helm and armor - it will give you the best damage and crit values, so for endgame Rogues, it's almost a must have. The elondorian ring is a good one, same stats as an Archon without the 2.5% DMG bonus. Try to pick up a Wilds amulet when you can.

Finally, since you are soloing, refer to my Skull Cove guide on how to handle BloodHammer by yourself...

09-19-2014, 01:01 PM
Malison. I don't care what class you are or how long you've been playing, that purple dwagon still gives top-of-the-line stats.

Kettle is another fave that is often overlooked. 15 of each stat, 10% damage and a speed bonus. Plus he's gorgeous, so you can't go wrong there.

I don't understand why the first response is recommending brutality. Potency is far better. As long as you're full dex with passive 5 str, 5 int, 5 agility, you should be fine. Just don't use pets like talon who give you no health benefits at all. And there's no such thing as too much mana on a rogue, as long as you don't sacrifice hp (must be well over 3k at level 41) and dmg for it.

09-19-2014, 05:25 PM
Thank you very much for the responses so far. They are much appreciated and honestly I did not even dare to get such thorough answers.

@Arkh I dunno about the brutality gear. It seems to give you to little hp for a too big of a mana loss. Mana seems to be a big problem on rogue. I end up potting mana all the time. Two mobs on normal tindirin drain your mana down to 20%.

@Goodsyntax. Thanks for the tips about where to get the eggs. Been farming only flap jack for now. Maps takes less than two minutes and you mostly get two eggs and two locked in 30 mins on lix and lepre. As for the guide, sorry if it is somewhere in the sticky posts, but would you mind posting a link to it? Thank you n advance. Really want the pet. Not that I gonna us it, but you know, sense if achievement is important! :-)

@Serancha Thanks a lot about all the tips! Malison is one of my faves. Dunno about Loki and kettel. Is % damage really better than crit%. I am sure you have pretty good, but is really losing 7%+ crit worth it the 10%+ damage, especially considering that one does stand in the veil about 50% of the time and apparently damage % does not stack? I do have loki and kettel. Just do not use them much. BTW I do have above 3 k hp if not using a pet, which gives only dex.

My most important questions remains unanswered though. Any suggestions on how to get into a guild, which is fairly active and people would like to do elites. In all the ones I have been in people seem to give up after one death. Any suggestions on that matter would be highly appreciated.

Thanks a lot in advance for any further help!

09-19-2014, 06:55 PM
@Goodsyntax Sorry about the request for a link. I found the sticky. Great guide! I really wish, that I had found it earlier. The forums of another two games made me develop the habit to automatically ignore sticky threads. :-)

09-19-2014, 07:06 PM

For a build I'd recommend taking almost all of your upgrades out of nox. Noxious is bugged ATM and if you decide to PvP once in a while, nox does better not upgraded, than upgraded. I recommend your build being like this:

5/5 STR, DEX, INT, CRIT, Aimed Shot.
2/5 Nox (Fragmentation upgrade)
3/5 Piercer (I get the health upgrade personally, but it's your choice. It's not needed to be frank. I also get the extra target upgrade, because I tend to run a lot of casual KM3, plus I like looking at my rouges head flop :P.
I get either trap or veil here, which ever you prefer, both 4/5 - explosion.
You shouldn't do it, but I do it anyway. 5/5 Razor, You should only really get the extra time upgrade on razor because it's bugged.
I put the remaining points into passive DMG as I never touch PvP anymore, if you struggle with surviving, put them into armor.

As for pets, I 100% agree with Serancha. Malison all the friggin' way! It's a great pet, does a fair amount of DMG and boosts your stats like crazy! Kettle, Loki, Horton, Nexus.. Any pet that gives you a bit over 10 dex and some defenses are great for a rouge. I honestly wouldn't recommend Ribbit, as it mostly adds to STR. It's more of a warrior support pet, as it provides AoE crit chance.
I think your rotation should switch to:
Little Bear

All the elite/normal maps GoodSyntax mentioned were good. I would solo elite SS (Southern Seas) for a chance of Pirate chest and pinks. I would also solo Windmore Harbor, as it drops a pink weapon around 15k plus a chance for Pirate Chest (Always kill both bosses). I prefer to do these maps with a mage, as mobs starts to hurt your bum in Kraken. It's possible to solo tho, just do smaller pulls, and try use crawly. The CC helps you loads in Kraken.

#Edit1: I don't think you should buy your mythic armor and helm until you can afford both at the same time. Without upgrading, they're useless. Also, aim to buy them clean, as gems doesn't follow your through the upgrade!

You can pull Bloodhammer in Cove far enough away from the mob spawn so we won't reset, yet mobs won't follow.

I, as an Immaculate member, love my guild, always someone free and up for elite runs. Whether it be AP run or farm. I'd recommend some of the reputated Elite guilds, such as:
Elite Runners (These guys, I see them all the time, I run with them often too. Always active!)
Farmers Inc (Not too sure if these fellas are still around, I see some, but I'm not 100% sure)
Chivalrous Union (Super friendly guild, awesome GM ;))


09-20-2014, 07:43 PM
Hey Noisy,

Another very thorough response!
Now I have some more questions. On the topic of movement speed: does it stack? Of I have 5% from the passive and say another 7% from a pet like McRaw will I have a total of 12% or will it work like the damage stacking, making it rather 7%? If it does stack is it capped at some amount?

From your comment about the mythic helm I gather that even the upgraded armour is not worth using (only the helm). Am I right?

I really probably would have been close getting to those, but I spent too much gold on my mage and warrior. Getting them pets like shadowlurk and prance, a mali each and good gear.... Lol


09-21-2014, 05:22 AM
Hey Noisy,

Another very thorough response!
Now I have some more questions. On the topic of movement speed: does it stack? Of I have 5% from the passive and say another 7% from a pet like McRaw will I have a total of 12% or will it work like the damage stacking, making it rather 7%? If it does stack is it capped at some amount?

Yes! It sure does stack in that sense, but if you get over 25% it caps.

From your comment about the mythic helm I gather that even the upgraded armour is not worth using (only the helm). Am I right?

Together upgraded mythic armor AND helm are the best set. You can't only upgrade one item. The questline won't allow that :). They're worth it if you can get both!

I really probably would have been close getting to those, but I spent too much gold on my mage and warrior. Getting them pets like shadowlurk and prance, a mali each and good gear.... Lol


Haha, well baby steps!

09-21-2014, 01:31 PM


just wanted to say that I gave the elite skull cove map a second try after reading your guide. Boss was no problem this time. I always assumed that the mobs he summons were endless. Knowing that they are not made things quite easy actually. Got the monkey pet now :-)))))))))))))

09-23-2014, 09:14 PM


just wanted to say that I gave the elite skull cove map a second try after reading your guide. Boss was no problem this time. I always assumed that the mobs he summons were endless. Knowing that they are not made things quite easy actually. Got the monkey pet now :-)))))))))))))
Congrats! This is the whole reason why I do these guides.

Half of the issue in elites is the intimidation factor, but once you know the details, the pulls, the strategies, etc., soloing elites isn't as insane as some people think it is.

Plus, it's always fun to tell your friends that you did Skull Cove and that no one was online, so you just went ahead and did it by yourself. You should post a solo screenie in you guild thread just to let them all know how bad a** you are [emoji6]

09-28-2014, 07:36 AM
Congrats! This is the whole reason why I do these guides.

Half of the issue in elites is the intimidation factor, but once you know the details, the pulls, the strategies, etc., soloing elites isn't as insane as some people think it is.

Plus, it's always fun to tell your friends that you did Skull Cove and that no one was online, so you just went ahead and did it by yourself. You should post a solo screenie in you guild thread just to let them all know how bad a** you are [emoji6]

Hello again. True a lot of it is the intimidation factor. Meanwhile i have found a good guild, which helped (finally) find parties for elite maps. First thing was elite inan for the bat pet Valkin (lol). Anyway after doing about 25 runs in elite "the wilds" I have a couple additional questions. Our runs, depending on party members take between 25-32 minutes. We mostly have legendary gear only and we do not die between 1 and 3 times per run. Is this ok? Or are we supposed to be faster/die less?
Also in none of those runs, none of us, got a elite gold dragoscale chest or any legendary gear for that matter. All boss kills were done with lepre on and about 50% with lepre and luck elixir, some even with combo+luck+lepre. Yet all we got is green and rarely purple items! Is this normal?!? or is this map bugged or something? I mean on average I can make more gold from running normal maps, if it is supposed to be like this. I though loot were better on elite maps, but it seems worse.

Regards and thanks in advance for any further advice.

09-28-2014, 09:11 AM
Hello again. True a lot of it is the intimidation factor. Meanwhile i have found a good guild, which helped (finally) find parties for elite maps. First thing was elite inan for the bat pet Valkin (lol). Anyway after doing about 25 runs in elite "the wilds" I have a couple additional questions. Our runs, depending on party members take between 25-32 minutes. We mostly have legendary gear only and we do not die between 1 and 3 times per run. Is this ok? Or are we supposed to be faster/die less?
Also in none of those runs, none of us, got a elite gold dragoscale chest or any legendary gear for that matter. All boss kills were done with lepre on and about 50% with lepre and luck elixir, some even with combo+luck+lepre. Yet all we got is green and rarely purple items! Is this normal?!? or is this map bugged or something? I mean on average I can make more gold from running normal maps, if it is supposed to be like this. I though loot were better on elite maps, but it seems worse.

Regards and thanks in advance for any further advice.

It also depends on how much you talk durning a run. My runs are usually a good 10-17min with a good party. 20+ with a less experience party. Yes, sadly they scaled the elite mobs to match the best gear (-ring), so it's quite hard. A good mage usually does the trick for mobs. Leps and lixes usually should give something sometime. I honestly don't know, the drop rates/prices of drops are so low, it almost isn't worth farming.

09-28-2014, 09:16 AM
I can tell you that loot has been awful lately. Dozens of runs with nothing to show for it, except a lol@locked.

Unfortunately, that's just how the loot goes sometimes. There have been a week or more with no decent loot. Then, back to back to back runs of pinks. Luck favors those that try the hardest.

As far as time, it's a little on the longish side. But, if it is an easy run and you are using the right pulls, I wouldn't worry too much about that. You time will improve with experience. The best runs are when you are with friends and can call one another Noobs for dying :-)

Have fun, that's the most important thing!

09-29-2014, 10:39 AM
Hello again :-),

Thanks again for the swift replies!

@ Noisy: I do not find it that hard honestly, especially the first tindirin map, where piratically everything falls prey to a mage's stuns. A party does the trick. The hard part is finding the mages with the proper skills. It is amazing how many mages don't use clock and cold, which are so very helpful in elite maps. I once even played with one, whose only offensive spell ( curse aside) was lightning :) Some of the elite tinditin maps are truly hard though.


I surely do have fun. Being able to play the hardest content of a game has always been fun for me :-). I just wish I could get a reward from time to time. You know this perceived sense of achievement ;-).
As far as those bursts of good luck are concerned, I have played my fair share of games and somehow good drops always do come in batches.
Never called anybody a noob. Once I explain something 3 times and people still do it wwrong I just leave the game.

BTW did another 17 runs. Still nothing. Gonna report back when I get sth of value.


09-29-2014, 07:24 PM
Hello again :-),

Thanks again for the swift replies!

@ Noisy: I do not find it that hard honestly, especially the first tindirin map, where piratically everything falls prey to a mage's stuns. A party does the trick. The hard part is finding the mages with the proper skills. It is amazing how many mages don't use clock and cold, which are so very helpful in elite maps. I once even played with one, whose only offensive spell ( curse aside) was lightning :) Some of the elite tinditin maps are truly hard though.


I surely do have fun. Being able to play the hardest content of a game has always been fun for me :-). I just wish I could get a reward from time to time. You know this perceived sense of achievement ;-).
As far as those bursts of good luck are concerned, I have played my fair share of games and somehow good drops always do come in batches.
Never called anybody a noob. Once I explain something 3 times and people still do it wwrong I just leave the game.

BTW did another 17 runs. Still nothing. Gonna report back when I get sth of value.


I agree, the loot lately has been exceptionally bad!

But, it isn't like the loot is worth anything these days. Right now, I run for fun and the challenge. Unfortunately, if something doesn't change soon, I just might take a little break from the game, because elites with no profits (and let's not even talk about the arena) wears me out and puts me into the poor house.

Going through almost a pot cap a day with nothing valuable to show (and sell) will eventually tap out my stash, and when that happens, I will simply stop running.

In any given week, I do probably 150+ elite runs. Lately, I am lucky to get one EGD and a couple of locked (lol@locked in elites and its <4k value in auction) per week.

Every week, I am losing money, so my stash shrinks a bit every day. I have no interest in hanging out in town merching, so when my stash drops down to <1m, I will just stop logging in. Until that day comes, I just want to have fun with friends and guildies.

09-30-2014, 11:20 AM
Hello again :-),

Thanks again for the swift replies!

@ Noisy: I do not find it that hard honestly, especially the first tindirin map, where piratically everything falls prey to a mage's stuns. A party does the trick. The hard part is finding the mages with the proper skills. It is amazing how many mages don't use clock and cold, which are so very helpful in elite maps. I once even played with one, whose only offensive spell ( curse aside) was lightning :) Some of the elite tinditin maps are truly hard though.


I surely do have fun. Being able to play the hardest content of a game has always been fun for me :-). I just wish I could get a reward from time to time. You know this perceived sense of achievement ;-).
As far as those bursts of good luck are concerned, I have played my fair share of games and somehow good drops always do come in batches.
Never called anybody a noob. Once I explain something 3 times and people still do it wwrong I just leave the game.

BTW did another 17 runs. Still nothing. Gonna report back when I get sth of value.


True, it's some of the last maps that can take a while :P. Mages *Sigh* *Rolls eyes*

10-05-2014, 08:13 AM
Hello again,

no more questions! :-))) Just wanted give some info on my progress over the last week. If you are interested that is :-)
Did plenty more runs. Deaths on the wilds and caves have been limited to 1, but most times zero. My run times have improved considerably. My slowest run this weekend was 18 mins in the wilds and this with two warriors one of which went afk after the first mobs :-P. Record time in wilds is 11 m 52 secs. Funny thing is that the latter was achieved in a pug.

Now as far as the loot is concerned... Well it is abysmal at best. I still haven't had anything good drop in tindirin elite maps. Got 5-6 golden elite pirate chests from speed runs on the ship with guildmates and a couple of EGW form oltgar keep. At least, as of now, I have seen somebody from my party loot a shadowlurk egg and a couple of legendaries, so that I know those are not a myth :-P. What is up with elite inan? 5 kills so far and everytime no drops at all. I mean not even a green item or sth (was alive and actively shooting arrows :-P)

@Noisy: I joined your guild! I great one it is indeed. Lots of power players and most importantly all are so very friendly. Maybe we can run together sometimes just for the lols :-).


10-08-2014, 11:39 AM
Hello again,

no more questions! :-))) Just wanted give some info on my progress over the last week. If you are interested that is :-)
Did plenty more runs. Deaths on the wilds and caves have been limited to 1, but most times zero. My run times have improved considerably. My slowest run this weekend was 18 mins in the wilds and this with two warriors one of which went afk after the first mobs :-P. Record time in wilds is 11 m 52 secs. Funny thing is that the latter was achieved in a pug.

Now as far as the loot is concerned... Well it is abysmal at best. I still haven't had anything good drop in tindirin elite maps. Got 5-6 golden elite pirate chests from speed runs on the ship with guildmates and a couple of EGW form oltgar keep. At least, as of now, I have seen somebody from my party loot a shadowlurk egg and a couple of legendaries, so that I know those are not a myth :-P. What is up with elite inan? 5 kills so far and everytime no drops at all. I mean not even a green item or sth (was alive and actively shooting arrows :-P)

@Noisy: I joined your guild! I great one it is indeed. Lots of power players and most importantly all are so very friendly. Maybe we can run together sometimes just for the lols :-).


Woooot! Thats amazing! I'd love to run, what's your IGN? Haven't been on lately (Little busy). No idea about the Inan thing, if you think it's a bug you can report it in the Issues Section :P.

10-14-2014, 09:07 AM
Hello Noisy,

sorry about the very delayed reply. I went on a trip to Paris for 6 days :-))) My IGN: Azekriusabac. I have never seen you online though. I am on CET. Hope that the times zones wont make it impossible. Lol :-) See ya soon in game :-P


10-14-2014, 12:57 PM
Hello Noisy,

sorry about the very delayed reply. I went on a trip to Paris for 6 days :-))) My IGN: Azekriusabac. I have never seen you online though. I am on CET. Hope that the times zones wont make it impossible. Lol :-) See ya soon in game :-P


No problem, I hope you enjoyed it! :D I'll add you when I get on.