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View Full Version : What's this message about?

09-20-2014, 01:03 PM
Is anyone else seeing this?


Keeps randomly coming through the chatbox

09-20-2014, 01:07 PM
Its when u do /r and say nothing and exit out of chat

09-20-2014, 01:10 PM
For example you didn't type anything after /t
The command needs parameters (target, message) but there isn't any
So the variable is empty, not defined
This is kinda an error log for programmars...
Idk how to explain, it is code thing anyway...
I think this should be fixed since not every of us(like you) knows code
Don't let it bother you though

09-20-2014, 01:11 PM
Ah ok thx, its been bugging me lol