View Full Version : Please Fix Arena Loot

09-21-2014, 06:57 AM
This weekend has been the absolute lowest numbers in my friend list online. No one in my guild wants to run arena. You guys have got to fix the loot in arena or it will continue to operate as a dead zone. There is zero decent loot off the first three bosses, and the arena crates are terrible. The two items inside are junk blues, and if you get lucky enough for a pink then it's generally shade or architect. Weren't you supposed to remove those? They are worth less than ethyl. It's junk to liquidate.

You need to fix the loot and it needs to be done quickly. Adding in two items to the arena chests was not helpful. The zone is too hard to not reward the players every once in a while. And let's face it, you make that fossil so rare no one will ever get it. If you run arena you lose gold because of the cost of potions and ankh/plat rev cost/elixirs.


1. Make planar gladiator gear better. What happened to the staggered gear releases? The event gear was decent, this should be the next step and slightly better and up there with mythics. Yet the sets are beneath magma? Why would anyone buy it? Guess what they aren't.

2. Slightly increase fossil drop. If we knew anyone, even one or two people who got fossil then we would be motivated to farm this arena. You make it so incredibly rare it is out of our reach. Btw, this is digression, the vials still aren't dropping correctly.

3. Add one more item to the arena chests. Planar gladiator gear is a bust, so add something else in there. Can we get egg or vanity? I know that is asking a lot to create something to add, but maybe something coming up just release a little earlier than you have planned.

4. Nothing drops off first three bosses. Make that planar gladiator gear drop rarely here too.

5. Seriously remove the shade and architect. What are you thinking? I remember you said this would be removed when we saw it in test server, yet it remained. Give us a break it's like a slap in the face to run hard in arena and get excited for a pink and it's shade/architect. Just remove it.

Thank you for reading this. I've told you arena is fun, but the players need motivation to run here.

09-21-2014, 07:21 AM
This weekend has been the absolute lowest numbers in my friend list online. No one in my guild wants to run arena. You guys have got to fix the loot in arena or it will continue to operate as a dead zone. There is zero decent loot off the first three bosses, and the arena crates are terrible. The two items inside are junk blues, and if you get lucky enough for a pink then it's generally shade or architect. Weren't you supposed to remove those? They are worth less than ethyl. It's junk to liquidate.

You need to fix the loot and it needs to be done quickly. Adding in two items to the arena chests was not helpful. The zone is too hard to not reward the players every once in a while. And let's face it, you make that fossil so rare no one will ever get it. If you run arena you lose gold because of the cost of potions and ankh/plat rev cost/elixirs.


1. Make planar gladiator gear better. What happened to the staggered gear releases? The event gear was decent, this should be the next step and slightly better and up there with mythics. Yet the sets are beneath magma? Why would anyone buy it? Guess what they aren't.

2. Slightly increase fossil drop. If we knew anyone, even one or two people who got fossil then we would be motivated to farm this arena. You make it so incredibly rare it is out of our reach. Btw, this is digression, the vials still aren't dropping correctly.

3. Add one more item to the arena chests. Planar gladiator gear is a bust, so add something else in there. Can we get egg or vanity? I know that is asking a lot to create something to add, but maybe something coming up just release a little earlier than you have planned.

4. Nothing drops off first three bosses. Make that planar gladiator gear drop rarely here too.

5. Seriously remove the shade and architect. What are you thinking? I remember you said this would be removed when we saw it in test server, yet it remained. Give us a break it's like a slap in the face to run hard in arena and get excited for a pink and it's shade/architect. Just remove it.

Thank you for reading this. I've told you arena is fun, but the players need motivation to run here.

Definitely 1+

I have regular tanking gear and the arena is very hard. I have to constantly spam pots (more than any Elite tindrin maps) to complete it. After spending 300 pots and maybe 5 ankhs it's ridiculous to get an epic gear that only worths to fill up inventory. If I want 10 gold from liquidating something I can just go, kill a brackenridge mob, get an epic and liquidate it. Fossil is impossible to drop. Nobody got one yet. I think it's faster to farm locks and get the gold for the fossil. This fossil drop it's just a motivation for people because it will never drop. Afortunately it seems people understood arena just doesn't worths the disturbs and are not trying to farm it. I fell bad for people who paid 100 mil for fossil and when fossil drop in arena was announced, people was thinking in the old arena that requires 4 min to complete and maybe 50 pots and price dropped to 40 mil. Now nekro is cheaper than only the fossil few weeks ago. If they don't change it then arena will be more deserted than everything. About architect gear... 500gold in auction.. I better farm a lock lol. I liked more the old arena, at least golden elite puzzlebox drop was useful. Only good thing in new version are ankhs and lag fix. Lol, didn't expected some junk like this arena. :disillusionment: candy is rite.

09-21-2014, 07:54 AM
Another idea. You guys love chests and crafting chests. How about we go back to the event concept. Take three arena chests to crafting into a grande arena chest. Make these tradable and have better odds for fossil. Drop the essence thing though, we hated that.

This is another viable reason for us to farm and gives us a way to earn gold.

09-21-2014, 08:01 AM
Agree with Candy. U guys made such a big deal about the arena with the test server and now this? All that waiting and expectation for what?
A lot of non plat buyers were hoping this arena would give them the chance to finally loot something good and make some money and guess what?
No good loots....just a money sink , since it is so hard to finish without ankhs.

Pleas give us something worth farming here. And dont go put ethyl or some worthless egg inside the chest.

The difficult level right now would be perfect if we had something to look for...

09-21-2014, 09:12 AM
Long story short: Arena is awesome, but we can't/wont run because we will NEVER make any sort of profit by running it. My suggestions are- Add a pet; Something like Blaze (17+ Speed, 8+ Dmg, 22+ Main Stat) But make him only available through Crafting arena chests to form his egg. Sort of like a Shiloh part 2 lol. Vanity- Incorporate a vanity into the arena- Maybe incorporate 2 vanities (recolors are fine) 1 for a quest/ap associated with the arena the other from "crafted chests"-
Crafted Chests- This would increase runs by leaps and bounds; As long as you get rid of Noble/Architecht gear from these chests.

09-21-2014, 09:41 AM
Once again I go back to my if you could just assign one designer and an artist to upgrading pinks especially in new arena (and make better than magma) plus I like rals Idea of a vanity it would greatly help arena. How can the new armor be worse stat wise than magma? Also no one has heard of anyone looting a fossil in arena...

09-21-2014, 10:57 AM
Remember how well some things like chest crafting and vanities worked during goblin event... Also the improved slightly amulets and new gems... Perhaps something like those added to arena?

09-21-2014, 11:14 AM
I'm just not sure if the ppl that make this game even play it or if they do, they r lacking an understanding of whats going to make this worth playing. Seems the fun factor has slid nearly off the scale. A game should be fun for one, and secondly rewarding to those willing to work. Tbh the only thing keeping me around r the friends I've made ig. Playing these days feels more like work them play...

09-21-2014, 11:25 AM
Candy, that was a very accurate explanation of what I believe we are all experiencing.
I agree with your solutions, and I really support the idea of crafting a chest that we can trade!

09-21-2014, 12:10 PM
At the very least planar armor should have come in 4 colors like demonlord, magma, etc. Then at least collectors like me would buy all the sets for looks.

With only one color I just bought the cheapest one I could find in auction and didnt care what type it was. Even if the stats were always this bad having different color schemes would have made them more likely to sell in auction.

Oh well. There's always the tombs and Halloween event to look forward to lol.

09-21-2014, 12:31 PM
Dear STS, please put something worth farming for in those damn chests or atleast allow us to recoup some gold spent. I am part of an awesome elite PVE farming guild and to be honest couldn't wait for the arena to arrive, but we can't/won't farm for shade/architect gear WTH!

And now for something controversial.....

They said there will be no architect gear in chest and there is!
They say fossil has a chance to be in chest, I say there is no fossil in chest! KTHNKSBAI

09-21-2014, 12:35 PM
I'm one of the most hardcore farmers you can find in this game who has played religiously everyday for a year and I still haven't finished one full round of arena since launch, and a couple of nights I didn't even log on.

If that doesn't say something about the current state of the new content then I don't know what does.

The biggest issue is the difficulty, cost of running, and the return investment - which is so bad that no one wants to do it. We should not have to go completely broke in-game just trying to enjoy new content that's supposed to be permanent, much less for drops that are worse than event gear.

I mean, is the arena for the midas' and the plat spenders or for everyone? Cause last I checked Ankhs were 75k for 25 revives and one round in arena for a sorc is at least 10-15 deaths best case scenario even with mythics and arcanes. Therefore, I have no idea how anyone can do it without spending a fortune on revs and elixirs in either gold or plat, and quite frankly, I just don't got it like that.

So for the free player, playing the arena isn't free or fun. If anything I have the same feelings about this as i did about the Goblin event which was a catastrophe, so yea...

Overall, the excitement I once had for this has been completely extinguished even after your 'balanced' out the arena.

Congrats, way to drive out your end game player base~

09-21-2014, 01:28 PM
Dear Arena, I shall address you with the words of Luther Vandross....

What's there to say there's not much to talk about,
and whatever happened to all the loot you vowed.

Yes it's true, and there's nothing new,
give me the reason to wanna farm you again.

Why should I love you again,
do you know,
tell me how to forgive and forget,
give me the reason to loot you now.

STS, it's been a mighty longtime,
and the fun that, used to be,
ended the day you craved more plat,
never knew I'd, ever be,
standing alone and outside.

I was secure, and glad arena, there was you to farm,
what in the world is all this ankh,
but it's getting clear,
that I have to rob a bank,
to even play you.

Give me the reason to wanna farm you back,
and why should I loot you again,
do you know, how to forgive and forget.

Give me the reason to loot you now.

09-21-2014, 03:10 PM
Dear Arena, I shall address you with the words of Luther Vandross....

What's there to say there's not much to talk about,
and whatever happened to all the loot you vowed.

Yes it's true, and there's nothing new,
give me the reason to wanna farm you again.

Why should I love you again,
do you know,
tell me how to forgive and forget,
give me the reason to loot you now.

STS, it's been a mighty longtime,
and the fun that, used to be,
ended the day you craved more plat,
never knew I'd, ever be,
standing alone and outside.

I was secure, and glad arena, there was you to farm,
what in the world is all this ankh,
but it's getting clear,
that I have to rob a bank,
to even play you.

Give me the reason to wanna farm you back,
and why should I loot you again,
do you know, how to forgive and forget.

Give me the reason to loot you now.

And the Nobel to the best "screw with style the bad new content" goes to.............


09-22-2014, 01:02 PM
STS, please, please, please take the Noble and Architect gear out of the Arena Chests!

As if the loot isn't terrible enough with Shade/Noble/Architect dropping like rain from the bosses, and nothing but purples popping from the chests, you really have to tease us with worthless pinks in hard-earned crates???

I've opened close to 100, a few friends of mine opened over 200 and the drop rate of Planar items is abysmal (and LOL at the chances for Fossils)

09-23-2014, 02:35 AM
Back to Jurassic Age.. Is there anyone loot a fossil from there since Planar release?

09-23-2014, 04:12 AM
Ok, it really seems like to get anything done around here we need a time machine! The latest escapade to go back and kill a dinosaur for its bones >;3

09-23-2014, 07:57 AM
What if they added ankhs to the master chests?

09-23-2014, 09:09 AM
What if they added ankhs to the master chests?Good suggestion!

That would certainly help ease the pain of having to spend 75k every couple of rounds and farming so many deaths in the process.

You can choose to keep going at it or cut your losses and make the 75k back, so long as the drop rate was decent this could work, imo.

It'd probably help to have these ankh kits drop from the bosses themselves instead of the chest too, gotta make up for the noble and architects somehow.

09-23-2014, 10:58 AM
Agreed with all of the above.

Even the most masochistic player eventually will stop running arena. I stopped running arena after 25 chests and getting a shade crown and a noble helm for my effort - in the entire group of people I ran the 25 times with we did get a 2 of the new types of gear (that's out of 100 crates) but it really was mostly just a vanity, only the warrior armor seems to have any use.

If you look at the auction house you can see where the market is getting saturated. People need reasons to play the game and those players who have invested the most amount of time at the end of the level range have less reason to play than a person picking up the game for the first time (which is odd considering the new arena is meant for only end game players). It feels like low level pvping is up as another reflection of end gamers getting bored. I have friends in every guild, rival, neutral, ally - and we all feel the same way.

For people that love this game - just simply adding even a re-coloured vanity would be nice as a drop, something to work for. Add my support to this thread, Candylicks said it just about perfectly.

09-23-2014, 11:19 AM
What if they added ankhs to the master chests?

This is one of the best suggestions I've heard so far. Please make a new thread for it. It should not be a low chance either, it would increase the want to play Arena.

STS, please, please, please take the Noble and Architect gear out of the Arena Chests!

As if the loot isn't terrible enough with Shade/Noble/Architect dropping like rain from the bosses, and nothing but purples popping from the chests, you really have to tease us with worthless pinks in hard-earned crates???

I've opened close to 100, a few friends of mine opened over 200 and the drop rate of Planar items is abysmal (and LOL at the chances for Fossils)


09-23-2014, 11:25 AM

09-23-2014, 11:38 AM

09-23-2014, 05:15 PM

09-23-2014, 05:22 PM
This is Bess!!! Where are the elusive fossil? As rare as modern day dinosaur I say!
As likely as this!

Memnoch The Devil
09-24-2014, 05:39 AM
they could also add vials to arena since there is a chance to drop the fossil... and right now tindirin isnt really worth farming ... we just do it for fun... and are not alot of ppl on willing to play either... plus on the next expansion whos gonna run tindirin... but arena will be played for a longer time since some of the achievments there arent as easy to get or find as tindirin.

09-24-2014, 06:53 AM
I've been running arena, tindirin and shuyal. My most decent loot so far is a shadowlurk egg. It's enough to cover potions and the odd luck kit, but I've yet to see or hear anyone loot a vial. If they're not going to increase drop rates in elite maps, +1 to having them lootable in the arena too. I'm trying to learn to run arena pure for the time being, since I have yet to loot something of value from there. Only a type of warrior gear seems to be decent, so when finally you get a pink (Hallelujah!) from the master chest and it's for sorcs or rogues, it's essentially still a dud. People buy the cheapest ones for vanity purposes, not stats.

+1m to improving arena loot. Planar arena + tombs = new expansion. You'd think we'd have better gear options by this time. Our mythic sets are already 3 seasons old. We want to rock the new gladiator sets badly, so please make their stats rock too.