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View Full Version : Make elite maps joinable after start but disable timer!

09-21-2014, 09:47 PM
Original party should be able to rejoin elite maps if dced or for any other reason. I don't believe there is any way people could exploit this. Just like when you complete a elite map in record time all players are tagged on leaderboard... well take that and make it so the original party members can rejoin the level and just make the timer disabled. So you may not beat records but you get to complete the the level for loot and AP's and nobody suffers from waste of time, elixir and sanity.

This is a serious issue and it would help lower geared players beat elites for AP's because they could leave to grab elixir from klaas & shazbot right before bosses to increase their odds. +1 this idea and lets see if we can make elite runs a lot less tedious.

I thank you for reading and I would appreciate everyones input.

09-21-2014, 10:16 PM
Joinable but unable to participate on LB because timed will closed, that's okay.
Yes, its pretty hard to players for reach their AP goals only by disconnected from a game again.. and again.
While he/she online again, party elite can't rejoin the map. So what we can do is waiting & remap again.

Agreed that lower geared player still good when they using elixir such as damage & reduction.
Would be awesome :)

Let's wait another input.

09-21-2014, 10:32 PM
Sounds good. +1

09-21-2014, 10:36 PM
Just imagine somebody got dced and all you had to do is wait for them to come back. The game is pretty unstable for most of us are dcing on a daily basis and don't really try to do much elite runs because of this. Lets not forget to implement this for Planar arena as well!

09-21-2014, 11:55 PM
I think it's a great idea. If someone should happen to dc or run out of elixir like spime wrote or needs to get pots, etc.. then they should be allowed back in..with the original party. Most times (depending on the party), I'll be lucky enough to get through 1 boss in arena.. if someone dc, for instance, we'd have to start all over again. Which is a pain in the booty lol. At least let the original party join back and stop timer for lb runs..

09-22-2014, 12:02 AM
STS is already doing this. Funny you would suggest this in their exact words.

09-22-2014, 12:31 AM
Where does STS say this? I mean elite and arena not just one or the other... its all timed lvls but I do hope a fix is in the works.

09-22-2014, 12:48 AM
I did some searching.. Here is what Samhayne said.

"having an option to do non-timed runs (and not have the issues with re-joining) is on the roadmap for the future. It requires a modification to the game client, so it's not something we can just patch out."

I hope this deals with all timed runs and rather just stops timer after party member rejoins the map so we could still try to better our own personal times, we still know we will never make on LB but, if we DC and come back we lose ability to see what our finish time is. Similar to when somebody joins a level late there just isn't a timer at all (ex. Southern seas elite). it would be a refreshing addition to our experience. Thx for understanding the issue.

09-22-2014, 07:08 AM
Greaaaaat idea!! ++1! I dcd a lot (mostly just when im on bosses -.-) and it wud be really nice if i cud rejoin so at least my pots and ankhs dont go to waste

09-22-2014, 07:40 AM
This was suppose to happen and was discussed many months ago. I actually forgot about this. Good idea to bring it up again as I'm quite certain it is on the back burner.

09-22-2014, 08:11 AM
You cant then timed record run then

Ive 2 suggestions:

Maybe you need to "say" the server of you going to do trying a record. Then you cant join after time begin.
And if you "say" no
You will start map without timer and you can join.

You go to a guy in kraag and he let you see:
Elite map(timed run)
Elite map(not timed)

If you press the timed run button
You do timed run nobody can join at timer start.

If you press the not timed.
Everyone in your party can join.
You cant then trying records

That are my suggstions

09-22-2014, 11:04 AM
I agree with the timed runs or not which is what Sam had said, but if you do try for timed runs original party member should be able to come back and timer be stopped. That's saving grace for everybody cuz all members still could get loot either way. If not timed runs is selected and if somebody gets dced and don't return you could invite whoever you want to the party. Also if it isnt timed runs there should still be a non-stop timer so people can better personal records. That timer is a constant reminder that it is elite level so people up there game.