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05-13-2010, 06:21 PM
So you know that moment?
That moment when you're in the heat of the battle?
Everything is all over the place, hp bars are up and down faster than <insert bad 'your mom' joke here>, the croc's are showing no mercy, people are dying, children are crying - and at that very moment, a big ol' nasty boss monster decides it would be a good idea to join the party.

Yea that moment.


Here we can see a party member getting pwned by an off-screen boss.

It's at that moment when cooperation between the whole party is key to it's survival.
Unfortunately you cannot sit and type out a strategy during such a battle.

So I'd like to suggest a general rule that we all start to follow.
When a boss engages anyone in the group, the whole group focuses fire on said boss. Regardless of what else may be attacking any other member.
This should save a few lives and improve teamwork and round speed.

Thanks for reading, please submit your ideas on general 'unspoken rules' we could follow to be more friendly to our fellow player.


05-13-2010, 06:25 PM
I hope every one reads this, this is not a hard game with alot of strategy, i though people would atleast get that part... Great post thank you!

05-13-2010, 06:35 PM
Sorry this is off topic but how did you get your attack thing to do auto good post though thanks :)

05-13-2010, 06:39 PM
Yeah. You would think that everyone would understand to attack the biggest thing there that has it's own name, but no... they go after the smaller mobs while they get pummeled to the ground. At least some of them spam AOE's and damage the boss a little.

@Cascade-tap your attack button once. Sometimes it quits auto-attacking if the monster moves and you have to move. It also shuts off when you move so try and stay still when fighting. Either that or spam the attack button and run around :p

05-13-2010, 06:40 PM
Thanks! :)

05-13-2010, 06:42 PM
Thanks fir the feedback. Any other ideas?

As for auto attack, I never use it. The screenshot just caught it by chance. I find it too unreliable and causes my game to lag for some reason.

05-13-2010, 06:44 PM
Sounds pretty good what you put up there I don't have any ideas I don't know about others though.

05-13-2010, 06:49 PM
Don't browse the item store while the tank is getting hammered.

Always have you screen oriented so that you can see the healer.

If you are creating a game, and you intend to complete the level, entitle it 'levelling up' or something. It's getting hard to find a grinding group with all the frogmar farm sessions running.

05-13-2010, 07:00 PM
how can you make it so you can see the people fighting and the item screen?

05-13-2010, 07:39 PM
how can you make it so you can see the people fighting and the item screen?

You don't.

Don't wait to get res'd when you're already near the entrance while everyone else gets pummeled

05-13-2010, 07:56 PM
Don't browse the item store while the tank is getting hammered.

Always have you screen oriented so that you can see the healer.

If you are creating a game, and you intend to complete the level, entitle it 'levelling up' or something. It's getting hard to find a grinding group with all the frogmar farm sessions running.

this one expecially true.... (above)

Also when u join a game in a party of 6 and u see 4 people standing at the spawn spot, that means its a FARMING PARTY and someone is pulling... dont be an idiot and run off to fight and end up not able to win and run back with a mob while at the same time the one pulling comes back with 3 bosses... kinda defeats of the farming exercise dont u think??

05-13-2010, 11:14 PM
Thanks fir the feedback. Any other ideas?

As for auto attack, I never use it. The screenshot just caught it by chance. I find it too unreliable and causes my game to lag for some reason.

@Cascade-tap your attack button once. Sometimes it quits auto-attacking if the monster moves and you have to move. It also shuts off when you move so try and stay still when fighting. Either that or spam the attack button and run around :p

This is why there needs to be a separate button for auto attack. That is for the iPhone/iPod touch version at least. Or maybe there should be an option in the options section to enable and disable (aka display and hide) the auto attack button.

05-13-2010, 11:24 PM
Also, you need to put in the thread intro about frogmar killing people in one hit and the ping being 200 to (probably the max anyone has gotten doing this is 250000, maybe less though)

05-13-2010, 11:27 PM
i tink when ur prepared for the mob or the bosses, u can try auto atk and concentrate on the cycles of your skills. but if everythings actually in a mess, just mash the POTS button regardless u r atking or not and then try to switch it to atk and back to pots. well at least tats my own guideline for staying alive.

anyway i think the title of the thread seems wrong. should be something like, 'standard battle procedures' or something. heh.

imo i tink the auto atking is fine just tat it needs to be tweaked and fixed. right now the talons and the melee seems to be suffering abit getting more stops from autos than compared to bows.

05-14-2010, 05:16 AM
You don't.

Don't wait to get res'd when you're already near the entrance while everyone else gets pummeled


I called the thread what it is so that it's not only about battles.
For example, don't spam town with stupid ads - etc

05-14-2010, 11:21 AM
Don't browse the item store while the tank is getting hammered.
QFT! Generally, it's pretty unwise to spend any time in your character screens (especially the inventory & store screen) while your party is fighting. The Crocs won't wait while you try on your new armour....

05-14-2010, 11:50 AM

I called the thread what it is so that it's not only about battles.
For example, don't spam town with stupid ads - etc

Like this? :p


05-14-2010, 11:56 AM
Yes my friend, like that.


05-14-2010, 11:59 AM
Omg I already thought this was the rule of thumb. Thanks for bring ppl up to the right mmo manoriams. :) no joke tho. I hope evey1 reads this and does their best to focus fire. :)

05-14-2010, 12:00 PM
When a boss engages anyone in the group, the whole group focuses fire on said boss. Regardless of what else may be attacking any other member.
This should save a few lives and improve teamwork and round speed.
Aye, indeed. I must shamefully admit that I've been part of the problem. Sadly, I have spent too much time on auto-attack pinging away at some silly Croc while a boss is killing everyone. I blame the Auto-Attack feature. It's so convenient. I just want to use it. But sometimes ... there's no other word for this ... the Auto-Attack will be stupid. It will lock onto some trash mob and ignore the boss who's eating my teammates' faces.

(Actually, it does that pretty often....)

Of course, the fix is to manually target that bad boss. Give him (or her) a tap with your thumb and start focusing your firepower on the correct spot. Don't just trust the Auto-Attack. Trusting Auto-Attack lets a machine do your thinking. Machines are stupid. Think for yourself and target the boss.

The life you save might be your own. :)

05-18-2010, 12:09 PM
* When a player joins a pick-up game, don't immediately send him/her a friend request. For crying out loud, people, at least try and play with someone for a few minutes before deciding you want to be pals.

05-18-2010, 04:57 PM
The biggest reason parties wipe is because of players we follow a boss when the boss is moonwalking away. I've seen warriors chase bosses across the entire map. They agro every mob on the way, the party tries to help, and everyone dies.

If you want to avoid a wipe, don't Chase after a boss. Wait till a beckon is available, or run the other way and make the boss follow you. If a team mate charges after a boss without any thought, let him go, and let him die.

05-19-2010, 12:20 AM
No begging. ESPECIALLY if you are a low level and have clearly not put in the time to level up and acquire mad moneys. In my day I had to work for what I got, so yous got to too. Some people are generous and randomly give free stuff, but don't beg for it, and do not, under any circumstances, spam begging requests.

05-19-2010, 12:37 AM
that sounds like a good idea

05-20-2010, 11:17 AM
BTW this is easy
your tank (or closest thing to)should be the center of attention

He should be leading the group, and protecting them, If your not a DEF build, chances are you still have the highest survival rate, and hopefully skills.
When this happens, Enchanctress STAY CLOSE, you be be right behind him, healing him and buffing/debuffing. Your going to live alot longer with a big meaty hunka bear at your side, provided you keep him happy.

Archers you should be close, pulling and sniping the mobs from the direction the group is headed. Priority 1 is your enchantress, DO NOT MESS WITH HER, she is your everything, She makes mobs weaker, makes you stronger, heals you, and even gives you life. Pick off anything attacking her immediately.

Now Warriors, you again you should be leading and keeping people safe, but we know how they are, think they can do everything, and go off alone. Best advice I can give is show them your leadership skills, that your here for business. When they realize they dont have to spam potions they will cooperate more. If this fails, you must sacrifice, pick out the most valueable teammate and stick with them, preferably the archer. You can take the damage, but for how long before the masses take you down, you need the fast killing damage to ensure your safety when things get bad.

05-20-2010, 11:38 AM
Hmm. I would argue that the healer would be better as your center of attention.

Its up to the tank to keep things off me - but theres really not much I can do for him as an archer - its the healers job to keep him alive.

Whereas its my job to help keep the healer alive, who keeps the tank alive, who keeps me alive, who keeps the healer alive, who....

Y'know? :P

05-20-2010, 02:36 PM
The healer cant decide when a warriors skills are up
Healer leading a group is a mess, and beside all class have a heal skill, and pots
you put the shield before the staff, when agro occurers the DEF players gets the attention first.
In any given game, Warriors/melee are front row, Mage and range in the back.
As a Tank build bear, someone takes aggro before me its screws everything up (boss wise, concerning beckon ->crippling slash, which misses out of range), screw up the tanks hold, all turns to choas.
Enchantress nukes kinda suck now, enchantress makes a better support class IMO, which is fine with me, becuase thats how I always played my elf.
Even my Fire spell was used to clear danger off my team, not for damage unless a kill shot

05-20-2010, 03:28 PM
I didn't say the healer should lead. :)

05-20-2010, 06:22 PM
Mages = heal. Warriors = take aggro. Archers = attack.

It's not that hard. XD But seriously, I've seen so many people who just don't get it. Granted, it's more prevalent in the lower levels, but still. Mages that don't heal don't deserve to be mages, imo. ;)

05-20-2010, 06:25 PM
Mages = heal. Warriors = take aggro. Archers = attack.

That statement is as flawed as your signature....

Bears who are dexterity based don't tank, and Enchantresses that are str based can heal, but are not near as good as straight up healers...
Not to mention all three classes can attack and do decent DPS, not just archers...

05-20-2010, 06:32 PM
Hmm. I would argue that the healer would be better as your center of attention.

I think what Tobikuma is saying is that if the groups is functioning like a herd of cats, stay with an archer because they have the DPS a warrior needs.

The tank should be leading the group (i.e. general direction of travel) and so everyone should be paying attention to the tank. The tank, on the other hand, should be paying attention to everyone else--especially the healer.

05-21-2010, 09:58 AM
I think the key point is that you should be aware of the other players in your team. Work together. Don't charge off in some random direction, draw a whole heap o' aggro, and get everyone killed.

Tanks should tank. Use crowd-control skills to keep the mobs away from the squishier members of the team. (Stomp + Beckon + SMS!) Work hard to make the mobs hate you. Be the first to engage! On the other hand, play smart enough to keep yourself alive as long as you can. A dead tank doesn't help your team nearly as much as a live tank.

Also, focussed fire isn't just for bosses! Imagine a party of four players being swarmed by five crocs. If each player attacks a different croc, they'll suffer all of the damage that five crocs can dish out for a longer period of time. But what if those same four players focus their attacks on one croc at a time? Aha! Now the first croc will drop in a matter of seconds, and the party will be suffering 20% less damage. Repeat as needed.

Use good tactics. It's not hard, but it is helpful!